Monday 18 March 2024

And such some of you were

Is Homosexuality an innate or conatural preference?

Some Greeks thought so:

4:13 habbard points 4:16 out some forms of sexual preference were 4:19 considered a distinguishing 4:20 characteristic of individuals herard 4:22 notes that many texts regard such 4:24 preferences as inborn qualities and thus 4:27 essential aspects of human identity 4:30 the earliest philosophical account of 4:32 male sexual passivity from the 4:34 presocratic philosopher Parmenides traces it 4:37 to a failure of male and female seed to 4:40 blend properly at a moment of conception 4:42 interestingly other medical writers 4:44 consider effeminacy in men and 4:46 masculinity in women to be genetically 4:49 determined Aristotle believed that the 4:51 desire to be uh now how can I say this 4:55 in a very um YouTube appropriate way 4:58 Aristotle believed that the desire to 5:01 have a male within oneself as another 5:04 male arose from a physiological 5:06 deformity I know either a congenital 5:09 defect or due to abuse as a child later 5:13 Aristological (?) texts considered all manner of 5:16 sexual preferences to be determined by 5:18 the position of heavenly bodies at one's 5:21 birth

I'm not sure if she* means Aristotelic or Astrological ...

As some would be aware of Romans 1, I could mention, St. Paul makes another diagnosis. God punished certain people (as groups, it would seem) by unnatural desires for idolatry.

Let's go to 1 Corinthians, shall we?

Chapter 6: 9 Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, 10 Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God. 11 And such some of you were; but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of our God.

In other words, St. Paul doesn't consider sodomy more of a personal characteristic than stealing is. The Christian view would be, if you identify someone (yourself or someone else) as "homosexual" rather than as (if that's the case) "having committed sodomy", it's like considering that someone like a cleptomaniac rather than a thief.**

It was about an hour later. Dr. Cyrus Pym had remained for an unprecedented time with his eyes closed and his thumb and finger in the air. It almost seemed as if he had been “struck so,” as the nurses say; and in the deathly silence Michael Moon felt forced to relieve the strain with some remark. For the last half-hour or so the eminent criminologist had been explaining that science took the same view of offences against property as it did of offences against life. “Most murder,” he had said, “is a variation of homicidal mania, and in the same way most theft is a version of kleptomania. I cannot entertain any doubt that my learned friends opposite adequately con-ceive how this must involve a scheme of punishment more tol’rant and humane than the cruel methods of ancient codes. They will doubtless exhibit consciousness of a chasm so eminently yawning, so thought-arresting, so—” It was here that he paused and indulged in the delicate gesture to which allusion has been made; and Michael could bear it no longer.

“Yes, yes,” he said impatiently, “we admit the chasm. The old cruel codes accuse a man of theft and send him to prison for ten years. The tolerant and humane ticket accuses him of nothing and sends him to prison for ever. We pass the chasm.”

Krafft-Ebing and Kinsey were obviously in the same field as certain people describing*** kleptomania:

In the nineteenth century, French psychiatrists began to observe kleptomaniacal behavior, but were constrained by their approach.[36] By 1890, a large body of case material on kleptomania had been developed. Hysteria, imbecility, cerebral defect, and menopause were advanced as theories to explain these seemingly nonsensical behaviors, and many linked kleptomania to immaturity, given the inclination of young children to take whatever they want. These French and German observations later became central to psychoanalytic explanations of kleptomania.[37]

So, Greek philosophy + modernity = both of them sth like doctrines of demons. Let's confer a voice of sanity from Paris. In a Syllabus formed document, bishop° Tempier of Paris the condemned proposition 166 (later reused in England as proposition 1 of chapter XX) which goes:

Quod peccatum contra naturam, utpote abusus in coitu, licet sit contra naturam speciei, non tamen est contra naturam indiuidui.

That the sin against nature, like abuse°° in the coitus, while it is against the nature of the species, at the same time is not against the nature of the individual.

So, condemned on Laetare Sunday of 1277, a total of 219 condemned sentences, but we are concerned with this one. We must conclude, it is as much against the nature of the individual as it is against the nature of the species he's a part of. There are no such things as people with a special quirk of nature "homosexuality" as there are people with a chromosome 21 more than usual. There are no such things as people with their nature tied to a fetish as there are people who are colourblind. There may well be people identified as such or identifying themselves as such. We need not share their error.

To St. Paul and bishop Tempier, sodomy is a bad habit, like wasting your fortune on gambling, and it is a thing you can cease to do, like wasting your fortune on gambling. And one of the things leading to this vice is idolatry, like for instance believing the stars made one homosexual.

Therefore, to hinder someone from seeking marriage because you, as a priest or doctor or policeman or relative or whatever consider him a homosexual fulfils another word of St. Paul, in 1 Timothy:

Chapter 4: 1 Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared, 3 Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth.

Here°°° is Bishop Tempier on astrology:

Quod effectus stellarum super liberum arbitrium sunt occulti.

No, we don't have any effects of the stars on freewill hidden in such a way that they are for experts to figure out. Pretending we do is a species of idolatry.

There are people who consider homosexual couples should have a right to register. There are people who consider homosexual persons should live in celibacy. But are there any people left who say, homosexuals have the same right to natural marriage, one man and one woman, as everyone else has? Charles Chaput, the good eagle#, since 2020 is no longer in charge of Philadelphia, and his successor has asked the LGBTQ community to forgive his attempts at "conversion therapy" which seems to have simply consisted in him allowing these people marriage. If Michael II were not pope, I'd consider him a far better candidate than Viganò, somewhat better than Athanasius Schneider.

When it comes to "diagnosing" homosexuality, I disqualify circumstantial evidence such as preoccupation with this issue.

  • I am a Swede, and as such aware of how Gardell and Levengood each has a child with a woman in a lesbian couple they knew (they are no longer "married");
  • I am a Swede, and as such aware that Swedish law forbids discrimination against homosexuals, well, by stating they have the right to hetero-sexual marriage, I am not discriminating against them;
  • I was on a dark forum for the discussions I had, and part of my apologetics was countering the charge "Christianity states that homosexual people have no right to sex" ... I answered "no body as a right to homosexual practises, homosexuals have exactly the same rights as everyone else to marriage and to fertile and faithful sex within marriage";
  • I have been targetted as a homosexual, and I am aware anyone who would want to deprive homosexuals of the right to marriage might strike me as collateral damage, I think this has been done for quite some time.

Plus, I have a debt of gratitude. A homophile helped my mother, when my father had left her when she was pregnant.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Alexander of Caesarea

Caesareae, in Palaestina, natalis beati Alexandri Episcopi, qui de Cappadocia, ex propria civitate, ubi erat Episcopus, sanctorum locorum desiderio Hierosolymam petiit; atque ibi, cum a Narcisso, ejusdem urbis Episcopo, jam sene, illa regeretur Ecclesia, ipsius gubernacula, divina edoctus revelatione, suscepit. Postmodum vero, in persecutione Decii, cum jam longaevae aetatis veneranda canitie praefulgeret, ductus est Caesaream, et clausus in carcere, ob confessionem Christi, martyrium complevit.

* Cinthia Dubois, here is her video, where this is from:

Did Netflix "Make" Alexander The Great Gay?
Lady of the Library | 13 March 2024

** MANALIVE By G. K. Chesterton, Part II : Chapter II
The Two Curates; or, the Burglary Charge

*** Kleptomania: History

Reference to Juqueller, Paul; Vinchon, Jean (1914). "Revue de Psychiatrie et de Psychologies Experimental". L'Historie de la Kleptomanie: 47–64.

° Paris shifted from "bishopric" to "archbishopric" in the time of Lewis XIV, between an uncle and a nephew of the Gondi family. This means that for instance nowadays the "bishop of Nanterre" is under the "archbishop of Paris" but this was not the case in the Middle Ages. Here is the document from Stephen II Tempier, who was just bishop:

Index in stephani tempier condempnationes

Capitula XIX - XXII, explicit

°° Abuse here = abuse of genitalia. Non-procreative uses of them.

°°° "That the effects of the stars on freewill are hidden.
13 of Capitulum IX or overall 161


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