Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Production December 2024

Production December 2024
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Where exactly do we know from that the man who had said the famous quote "not how the heavens go, but how to go to Heaven" was Cardinal Baronius? Do we even know it? · Holy Koolaid Made an Appeal To Some Anti-Trump — My Answer as Pro-Trump · Sharing · Also Sharing · ¿Y "los tantos mitos de la Biblia"? (ESP)
Genesis 18 and Ezechiel 16 Revisited · Were Germanic Peoples Forced to Convert to Christianity? · Finland Exists. So Do Homeless and Aborted Russians. · Narnian Technology · I was going to suggest a quiz, it already exists, I took it · Il y a des gens qui se font des soucis pour rien. (FR) · Nice Music, but Not Following · Deux jours, deux semaines (FR) · ¿Y el estoicismo? (ESP)
Some Evildoer Prays for the Wrong Things · ¿Y las alegaciones de Zeitgeist? (ESP)
1st 1/3 of a Trent Horn Policies Video · No, I Won't Be Muslim · Guess what turned up in my feed? · Censorship · Oui j'ai un lectorat (incompétent ?) (FR) · How Many Jews Are Alive Today? · At the Victory of Trump, Some Non-Christians Show Very Open Enmity for Christianity · ¿Y el Síndono? (ESP)
Réponse à l'enfantisme (FR) · No hubo dolores de parto en Navidad (ESP) · Ho scoperto questo avanti di chiamarmi, almeno regolarmente, fascista (ITAL)
Bonum Festum Sancti Nicolai (LAT) · God Doesn't Need. · Sharing and Commenting
A Vision on the Mark of the Beast, Sharing · Minor corrections on Biblical Chronology and on Carbon Dating · Would "Get" Get Around in a Sprachbund? · What about Crusades, Almsgiving, Christian States? · Joseph Freymann is Sloppy on the Galileo Case
Sí, Navidad debe se celebrar. (ESP) · Ce matin, on m'embêtait (FR) · Club 21 · What Is Abortion? · On Salvation and Damnation, and My Own Situation · Tiktaalik, Rifkin, Gilgamesh · Quelqu'un connaît l'occasion évoquée par Mgr Roux ? (FR) · Saying No to the Antichrist · Do Scientists "Inevitably" Discard Erroneous Theories?
Bonum Festum Immaculatae Conceptionis BVM (LAT) · Index L, FR, l'Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception 2024 (FR) · Index L, ENG, Assumption to Immaculate Conception 2024 · Baptismal Regeneration, Works, the Eucharist · Rome is Right (Even if Exiled), Alan Clifford is Wrong · Was the Ark Too Long for a Wooden Ship? Local Flood—Yes. Global Flood—No. · ¿Y los palestinos? (bis) (ESP) · How Do Fascist Régimes Fall?
Indépendants, il en faut davantage, je ne suis pas de trop (FR) · Merci bcp, Thaïs ! (FR)
One Comment, a Bit Prematurely Under a Long Video · Where Are the Four Corners on a Globe?
¡O Virgen de Guadalupe! (ESP) · Sharing on Our Lady of Guadalupe · But What About the West and East Lines? · I Took a Video Share Down · A Fair Warning to Slave Hunters · ¿Y los Masoretas? (ESP) · Sharing on Christmas · How Many in More or Less Mental Health Care are Crooks?
Bonum Festum Sanctae Luciae (LAT) · About a Certain Typ of Prayer · DYOR = Do Your Own Research (Some Guys are Afraid of Written Debate)
With a Little Help from MathQueen! · "On nous fait passer pour des folles" (FR) · "War-Torn Angola" · Giorgia Meloni sopra Africa (ITAL) · ¿Y el fin de tiempos? (ESP) · YEC, Tradition or Antiquarianism? · With Alan Clifford on the Video and On My Disappearing Comments
Sharing on Mary (with some comments) · Gavin Ashenden reflects on the reopening of Notre Dame, I Add Two Comments · Be-Ware of Kallistos, Sometimes Wrong
Il y a des gens qui harcèlent quelqu'un en ligne ? (FR) · Conclavismo (ESP) · Hay gente, para quienes ... (ESP) · Qua or Quia, Just One Letter ...
Father Raymond E. Brown, Father of Apostasy
I Think Some People May Think I'm a Scrupulous Person Trying to Keep Private Vows and Suffering From That · Merci, c'était très bon, les trucs ... coréens ? (FR) · Kamala's Murders Are Over? Colorado, change that law! · Is "Loss of Office for Heresy" Novatianism? No. Sedeprivationism probably is, though · Notre Dame et celui qu'Elle vainc (FR)
Notre Dame et celui qu'Elle vainc (FR) · Yes, Christmas is Correct · Why Are Counting Sticks No Older than 60,000 Years Old?
I seem to have been slightly wrong about Alexandra Kollontai · Un certain Laurent Bourrou vient de lâcher une critique de tous les livres sacrés (FR) · I Do Not Worship Odin or Apollon (+ Other Comments under an AiG Video) · Le cordon du serrage échappe du trou, que faire ? (FR)
Carbon 14, Yes, I Believe in a Constant Halflife, Probably 5730 Years · Chat Comments in a Feed to a Video by Sungenis · Quoran Stats · Deux semaines (FR) · Jesus was a Second Temple Jew Up to the Cross, Does that Make Him Jewish or Palestinian?
Muerte de Dios para hacer vivir a los hombres (ESP) · Vidas de Noé : su propria, y una epoca equivalente, la Edad Media (ESP) · Der Psychiater drehte durch (DE) · Answering an Orthodox, or purported such, on Creation and on Balaam · Dans le bus, j'entendis une conversation (FR)
What's in Sola Scriptura? To Some, This is the Main Protestant Error — I Disagree · I May Have Forgotten to Blog One of These Exchanges · Can the Magdeburg Attack Have Been a Two-Pronged False Flag? · I Recall Very Well How I Thought Heliocentrism Was Proven in High School · Anyone Notice a First Letter Thing About Luther's Cities?
Just in Case Some Evildoer Pretends I'm Lazy · Will Fr. Tamayo Rodríguez accept Pope Michael II? · Evidencias científicas del diluvio (ESP)
Christmas Day
Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Fröhliche Weihnachten! God Jul! · Christmas Show Cologne 2012 · Message de Noël de Droit de Naître (FR) · What Did Christmas Mean to Tolkien? Holly Oardway on The C. S. Lewis Podcast · Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy. · "Francis" May Note Be Pope, But He's Right About Gaza · Catholicism and Christmas (and Why Puritans Hate Them)
Second Day of Christmas
"Trust the Science!" (Sharing) · Forgiveness? Or Capitulation? What is one asking of me? · Dominique Tassot n'est pas Déiste, grâce à Dieu (partage) (FR) · Oui, million, le concept existait ... Moïse aurait pu le dire, si c'était vrai (FR)
Third Day of Christmas
Responding to a Muslim · Ben Kissling's Presentation on the Origin of Young Earth Creationism being old in Church History, Not from 7DA · Je trouvai une partie de la traduction française de Narnia (FR)
Fourth Day of Christmas
Jesus Refulsit Omnium (LAT) · Are Muslims Persecuting Christmas among Christian Palestinians? · Perhaps the Network Should Take His Advice? · Some Guys Can't Read the Bible · Answering Netanyahu · Moral Clarity: Two Wrongs Don't Make One Right
Fifth Day of Christmas
Also from a Narcissist Network? · Two quick things · Egipto Antiguo, mal documentado (ESP) · An Ex-Arafat Man · Countering Kisin · Sharing on Progressives · Also from a Narcissist Network? · Genre of Genesis · Two quick things
Sixth Day of Christmas
La Suède n'a pas un Sacha Guitry (FR) · Mathieu 24:24 (FR) · ¿Y la costumbre? (ESP) · Confianza en la Biblia (ESP) · Happy News! · Danny Faulkner Mostly Concentrated on Dismantling a Supposed Flat Earth Implication, and was Mostly Right Except on some Detail (and an excursion into Heliocentrism, Near the End) · Once Again: Ukrainian Is NOT Russian
Seventh Day of Christmas
¿Porqué una afirmación "Dios lo hizo" no es una apelación a la ignorancia? (ESP) · Production December 2024

Monday, 30 December 2024

Happy News!

According to a vision of Edvige Carboni, Il Duce was in Purgatory, but when her confessor had offered every mass for his release for two years, she heard a voice that Benito Mussolini had gone to Heaven!

Source, now that the livestream is over:

A Catholic Take | Catholic Doctrine Chief says Hell is EMPTY??? And persecution continues!
Joe McClane | 30.XII.2024

Mathieu 24:24

Car il s’élèvera de faux Christs et de faux prophètes, et ils feront de grands prodiges et des choses extraordinaires, jusqu’à séduire, s’il se pouvait, les élus mêmes.

Imagine que quelqu'un est voisin avec un pays plus petit et plus Chrétien que le sien.

Imagine qu'il n'aime pas, malgré d'être un Chrétien nominal, les Chrétiens du pays voisin. Au moins pas tous les Chrétiens. Une des églises, en communion avec Rome et beaucoup plus conservatrice que le Novus Ordo (Christ Notre Pascha, contrairement au CÉC de 1992 ou au moins sa seconde édition de l'an 2000, ne contient pas de paragraphe évolutionniste, selon ce qu'on m'a dit). Celle-là n'est pas reconnue dans son propre pays. Et dans son propre pays, une église non reconnue est illégale. En son propre pays, un pasteur voulant faire "église à maison" peut être arrêté pour extrémisme. Mais pas parce qu'il est Protestant, les Adventistes de Septième Jour sont très bien accueillis. Non, parce qu'il n'est pas régistré, parce que son église n'a pas de permission officielle à opérer dans son pays.

Que pourra-t-il faire s'il voudra nuire au pays voisin ?

Voyons, à cause d'une certaine rancune historique quand même assez récente, quelques décennies depuis une guerre, il y a des gens dans l'autre pays qui détestent le sien. ... Pas forcément des massacres, pas immédiatement avant, mais prendre une première occasion de nationnalisme de pays plus petit pour faire peur dans son propre peuple que des massacres sont en train de se préparer. Il lance une opération militaire spéciale en "légitime défense" mais qui poursuit jusqu'à la capitale et conteste les droits du petit pays d'élire ses propres gouvernements. Ça ne lui arrangerait pas un peu devant les Chrétiens en Occident si en plus le président du petit pays était woke ?

L'Ukraine est plus chrétienne que la Russie, comme le Mexique est plus chrétien que les États-Unis. Comme l'Irlande l'est par rapport au Royaume Uni. Mais le président de l'Ukraine est woke et il y a quelques lois qui diffèrent et sont pires en Ukraine, quoique l'Ukraine est mieux que la France — ou que l'Irlande. Reste que l'Ukraine est plus chrétienne, la Russie moins, et que la minorité musulmane de la Russie dépasse la minorité juive dans les États-Unis, mais joue un rôle analogue. L'Ukraine avorte aussi moins que la Russie./HGL

La Suède n'a pas un Sacha Guitry

La Suède en a plusieurs. Un d'eux a eu la triumphe de disparaître derrière un personnage.

Emil August Norlander, född 5 maj 1865 i Stockholm, död 11 april 1935, var en svensk tidningsman, journalist och författare av främst revyer och revykupletter.

Emil August Norlander, né le 5 mai 1865 à Stockholm, mort l'11 avril 1935, était un publiciste, journaliste, et auteur surtout de revues.

Le "surtout" ici vise la quantité de production. La revue la plus connue, Den förgyllda lergöken* (l'ocarina d'or!) disparaît de loin d'un roman qu'il a aussi écrit. Anderssonskans Kalle** (Charlot de Mme Andersson). Pourtant, la différence n'est qu'un an, 1900 respectivement 1901.

La revue se filmatise en 1924 et avec variations en 1944. La dernière adaptation est en 1968. Le roman, par contre, traitant d'un jeune badaut très voyou, de Stockholm, ou plutôt la collection de nouvelles, au nombre de 22, se filmatise en 1922 avec continuations en 1923, encore une fois en 1934, encore une fois en 1950, encore deux parties en 1972 et 1973. Il y a encore eu un magasine de bande dessinée, qui sortait mensuellement entre 1972 (un numéro 72 et 9 en 1975). En plus la BD est revenu comme BD de Noël (julalbum***) entre 1977 et 1987, quand je termine le lycée.

J'ai un soupçon que l'auteure Astrid Lindgren ait appelé sa version rurale du même type de garniment Emil (livres de 1963 à 1997, cinéma et télé de 1971 à 2013) en référence à Monsieur Norlander. Référence perdue en français où on l'appelle Zozo la tornade°. J'ai trouvé Les Quatre Cents Coups déprimant et Zazie dans le métro délirant. Nos Charlot et Zozo (Kalle, Emil), là on a des garnements avec éclats, pensés pour le premier, par une forme de Sacha Guitry, mais, oublié, anonymisé derrière ce personnage.

Je pense qu'une partie du succès de Kalle est, ça a un air réactionnaire.°° Toutes les dames du quartier (sauf sa mère et sa grande sœur) voudraient qu'il soit pris en charge par les ASE, il s'en tire. En 1950, ce n'est pas sûr que ça se serait passé comme ça, réellement. Fifi Brindacier aussi défie les ASE, en son cas par une force surhumaine. Livres entre 1945 et 1948. Télé 1969 et 1998. Cinéma entre 1949 et 1997. Contrairement à Anderssonskans Kalle, lacune atypique pour un personnage d'auteur de revues, les séries télévisées et les cinémas occasionnent aussi des chansons connues. Composés par un homme né d'un mariage entre un Allemand des Sudètes et une Juive, rescapés en Suède depuis 1938, Georg Riedel.

Peut-être avec la déprime des ASE trop réelles, la défiance surhumaine a paru plus réaliste que celle par la complicité des policiers auxquels il est venu en aide à deux reprises dans le film de 1950.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts Sabin, Exsupéry et Marcel

PS, parmi les auteurs de revues, Emil n'est pas le plus connu. J'ai reconnu plusieurs noms de la wikipédie :

Ernst Rolf, Karl Gerhard, Gösta Ekman (1890-1938), Sigge Fürst, Svasse Bergqvist, Franz Engelke, Gustav Wally, Kar de Mumma, Ragnar Klange, Gösta Bernhard, Povel Ramel, Sten-Åke Cederhök, Mats Ljung, Hagge Geigert, Hasse och Tage, Tjadden Hällström, Peter Flack, Rulle Lövgren, Runo Sundberg, Rune Göransson, Galenskaparna och After Shave, Henrik Dorsin.

PPS, n'oublions pas pour les suécophones, le lien vers le film :

Andersonskans Kalle 1950
Rädda Banden | 31 déc. 2021

* Dène feuryulda lééryeûkne. ** Anedeuchoneskance Kallé / Anedeuchoneskance Kalleu. *** yuwlalebeume (très approx.) ° Serait-ce par un respect très déplacé envers Émile Combes ?

°° Oui, j'aime bien Les Brigandes - Un air réactionnaire

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Fröhliche Weihnachten! God Jul!

Nollaig shona! Nadolig llawen! Latji Wajnachta! Vesel Božič! Krismasi njema!

Anno a creatione mundi, quando in principio Deus creavit caelum et terram, quinquies millesimo centesimo nonagesimo nono; a diluvio autem, anno bis millesimo nongentesimo quinquagesimo septimo; a nativitate Abrahae, anno bis millesimo quintodecimo; a Moyse et egressu populi Israel de Aegypto, anno millesimo quingentesimo decimo; ab unctione David in Regem, anno millesimo trigesimo secundo; Hebdomada sexagesima quinta, juxta Danielis prophetiam; Olympiade centesima nonagesima quarta; ab urbe Roma condita, anno septingentesimo quinquagesimo secundo; anno Imperii Octaviani Augusti quadragesimo secundo, toto Orbe in pace composito, sexta mundi aetate, Jesus Christus, aeternus Deus aeternique Patris Filius, mundum volens adventu suo piissimo consecrare, de Spiritu Sancto conceptus, novemque post conceptionem decursis mensibus (Hic vox elevatur, et omnes genua flectunt), in Bethlehem Judae nascitur ex Maria Virgine factus Homo.

Hic autem in priori voce dicitur, et in tono passionis: Nativitas Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem.

Christmas Show Cologne 2012

Angelo Kelly & Family - The Christmas Show 2012
Angelo Kelly | 2 Dec. 2012

"Francis" May Note Be Pope, But He's Right About Gaza

Pope slams 'cruelty' of strike killing Gaza children
Issued on: 21/12/2024 - 23:33 Modified: 21/12/2024 - 23:31

A comment by Israeli officials:

"Cruelty is terrorists hiding behind children while trying to murder Israeli children; cruelty is holding 100 hostages for 442 days, including a baby and children, by terrorists and abusing them," the Israeli statement said.

The terrorists who are "hiding behind children" are not cruel to them. Nor are they at present trying to murder Israeli children. It is not a given that 40 children on that October 7th were killed by Hamas, and there seem to have been no new October 7th since then. A Hamasnik is not able to murder any Israelis, children or otherwise, while hiding in tunnels. To make an October 7th style attack, he needs to leave the tunnels. To launch a rocket, he needs to stick out at least his head and his bazooka from the tunnels. As long as a Hamasnik is under the civilians, in a tunnel, he is for the moment not doing any harm to Israelis, except the rare harm that could be being done to hostages, and that harm cannot be stopped by killing the civilians above them with a bomb.

It's not a double standard to state "do not target civilians" ... it is also not a double standard to not adress that to Hamas, since, on October 7th, they were not listening to the world, and since, after October 7th, there seem to have been few Israeli causalties, except 260 Israeli soldiers. As of 10 December, 2024, sources used by the wikipedians behind the article:

Casualties of the Israel–Hamas war

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Message de Noël de Droit de Naître

« Je viens vous annoncer une bonne nouvelle, une grande joie pour tous les hommes : aujourd'hui vous est né un Sauveur. Il est le Messie, le Seigneur. Et voilà le signe qui vous est donné : vous trouverez un nouveau-né couché dans une mangeoire. »

Tous les bénévoles de Droit de Naître s'associent à moi pour vous souhaiter une sainte Fête de Noël !

Puisse la venue du Divin Enfant apporter la paix et la joie à vos foyers et la Sainte Vierge veiller sur vous avec la même sollicitude maternelle dont elle a entouré l’Enfant Jésus.

Un petit enfant, reposant dans une mangeoire, a vaincu pour toujours Hérode et ses successeurs.

« Gloire à Dieu au plus haut des cieux, Et paix sur la terre aux hommes qu'Il aime. »

Bien amicalement,

Modesto Fernandez

What Did Christmas Mean to Tolkien? Holly Oardway on The C. S. Lewis Podcast

The CS Lewis Podcast #189 Holly Ordway: What did Christmas mean to JRR Tolkien?
23 December 2024 | The CS Lewis Podcast

A discussion about the poem Noel means, I'm linking to it:

A Christmas Poem
The One Ring

Obviously, there is a poem by Chesterton that inspired both Noel and the Narniad, I'd venture:

G. K. Chesterton’s best Christmas poem
Fr. Michael Rennier - published on 12/24/17

Monday, 23 December 2024

Can the Magdeburg Attack Have Been a Two-Pronged False Flag?

New blog on the kid: Psychiatry isn't it ... · Can the Magdeburg Attack Have Been a Two-Pronged False Flag? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Responding to a Muslim · Are Muslims Persecuting Christmas among Christian Palestinians?

Can the man have decided to act, not finally decided after some hesitation, but really made the first decision to act under the influence of drugs?

No. He was certainly under the influence of drugs, but that state was not propitious to finding a way to get past the road blocks.

He must have known the one road not blocked by a road block of heavy concrete in order to get into the Christmas market and kill and wound. So, his act was planned.

Was he an Islamist?

If so, he was for all the time since he came to Germany in 2006 very good at hiding it. He may or may not have been an ex-Muslim, he was certainly critical of Islam as it was, and he was certainly critical of Islamism to the point of stating he and AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) had the same enemy.

So, if he was an Islamist, we would have to get very cautious with people of Muslim background, from Muslim countries, even if they purport to not be Islamists. But in the view of the possibility he actually meant what he said these years, that could be a third (or part of first) "prong" of the possible false flag.

Now what are the two prongs? Each will presume that he was actually what he seemed to be for these years, an enemy of Islamism and a Psychiatrist.

  • Prong A

    An attack on a Christmas market gives vibes about Islamist terrorism. So, he could have calculated on getting German people riled up about the Islamist danger and therefore get things more opppressive against Islam at least against Radical Islam. I don't mean a Radical Muslim deserves no oppression if he preaches direct hate or even encourages or perpetrates terrorist acts. I do mean there are lots of other ways of being a Radical Muslim that simple aren't harmful to the rest of us.

    • Like wearing the veil.
    • Like having their own schools.
    • Like wearing the djellaba.
    • Like refusing the ideology of Evolution.

    Two of the concerns are pretty closely parallel to concerns Christian Fundamentalists and especially Catholic Traditionalists could have. The veil and the djellaba, the two other ones, are obviously linked to the history and extra-European present of Islam, but Christians could clearly make parallel choices.

    Hence, I would deplore attacking Radical Islam in ways other than Security services doing their duty to prevent terrorism from that or any other quarter. And perhaps limiting Muslim immigration, and perhaps enclavising Muslim immigrants already here.

    But if he is first and foremost an opponent of Radical Islam whatever it actually does, he might, as such, welcome the idea of Germans and other Westerners rallying against Islam in all its forms or especially Radical Islam in all its forms. And be willing to kill in a false flag to achieve that.

  • Prong B

    A senseless attack (any direction) by someone who may have been radicalised "on line" ... could rile up, especially shrinks, policemen, schools etc. against the online free speech and the free access to it.

    I would deplore an attack against my freedom to write, against my freedom to read what other people wrote, and other peoples' freedom to read what I wrote.

    But if he is mostly a Psychiatrist, he may, again, welcome an idea of shutting down liberties.

Lots of people who turned to terror or violence may have been "radicalised online" but none I have heard of (except perhaps Breivik and Tarrant) didn't also have his life destroyed by mainstream culture. Including its preference for shrinks and mistrust of "online radicalisation" ...

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Victoria of Rome

Romae sanctae Victoriae, Virginis et Martyris, quae, in persecutione Decii Imperatoris, cum esset desponsata Eugenio pagano et nec nubere vellet neque sacrificare, ideo, post multa facta miracula, quibus plurimas Deo Virgines aggregaverat, a carnifice percussa est gladio in corde, rogatu sui sponsi.

I Recall Very Well How I Thought Heliocentrism Was Proven in High School

Chat Comments in a Feed to a Video by Sungenis · I Recall Very Well How I Thought Heliocentrism Was Proven in High School

Ninth grade or tenth grade, I think ninth grade.

My physics replacement teacher was an Evangelical, unlike the main teacher of sciences who was an is an Atheist.

I was confident in asking that he would not introduce Methodological Atheism.

I'm not quite sure about the question, but I think it involved the possibility of angelic movers. And I am very certain the Evangelical did not in principle deny that possibility.

So, we had been discussing the Newtonian view of how orbits work. I was very clear that of that was all there was, and I hadn't yet heard the Sungenis theory to the opposite effect, Earth would have to orbit the Sun.

My answer didn't involve the Sungenis theory, namely that the Earth is held in place by the dynamo effect of a rotating universe, my question in response involved angelic movers. If I hadn't yet read how St. Thomas held this to be true, I had read a St. Thomas huge aficionado, in his world building in a chapter of the Silmarillion, giving this kind of explanation to the Sun and the Moon.

And the answer this Evangelical gave was,

"the orbits we can calculate from the masses and this mechanism fit the orbits we observe."

For the moment I was satisfied. If the syntax and semantics fit the paradigms and the rules of the case uses, that means the paradigms and the rules that apply actually are correct. "None the less" is a translation from "nihilo minus" and while "minus" has no case, being an adverb, it is also a comparative with according to the rules an option of referent of comparison in either "quam" plus same case or in ablative and an option of measure of comparison (like "ego quam matrem capite maior eram" = "I was taller than my mother by one head" — she died since, and may have been shorter since we checked), which is (if it exists at all) in the ablative. "nihilo" and "capite" are ablatives, so, it fits. Why not do sciences like one does grammar?

Now, there is just one little problem with this answer, as I discovered much later in the process (very short, within c. 24 h.) of becoming Heliocentric (it could have been within the following week too).

How do we know the masses? They are deduced from the orbits. And they are deduced from the orbits on the condition of us knowing that the orbits result, via gravitation and inertia, from the masses (and also initial speeds).

So, let's take three celestial bodies or supposed such (I would now not consider Earth as celestial). Earth. Jupiter. Ganymede.

  Earth Jupiter Ganymede
Mean radius 6371.0 km 69 911 km 2634.1 km
Surface area 510 072 000 km2 6.1469×1010 km2 8.72×107 km2
Volume 1.08321×1012 km3 1.4313×1015 km3 7.66×1010 km3
Mass 5.972168×1024 kg 1.8982×1027 kg 1.4819×1023 kg
Mean density 5.513 g/cm3 1.326 g/cm3 1.936 g/cm3

Polar, Equatorial radius are observable, Mean radius, Surface area, Volume, calculable from these observations. No problem.

Mass and Mean density are observable for small objects. Mass, put it on scales. Mean density, get it to displace an equal volume of water to measure its volume, and you have the volume, then divide the mass by that. Voilà, you have got the mean density.

Picture what kind of entity could actually do that to objects that are part of or at least (with Earth) surrounded by the Solar System. God? Sure. Angels? If God permitted. Men? No way, if Hell freezes over.

You can't put Earth and Ganymede on scales.

You also don't derive the mass from a simple volume to density calculation, since there is no mean density common to all planets or all planets of a certain type. That Jupiter would have a lower density than Earth, as being gaseous, was foreseeable. But that Ganymede would have a mean density only slightly higher than that of Jupiter, and way lower than that of Earth, well, that's not foreseeable. The Moon is also much denser than Ganymede, by 3.344 g/cm3. So, no. The densities don't follow from surface materials which are the observable parts of the materials, and then the masses from volume times density. Nope. The densities follow from mass divided by volume, and mass follows from orbital characteristics, and this happens on the assumption that orbital characteristics are purely mechanical results of inertia and graviation, and both of these follow from mass.

The argument of my teacher isn't circular simply as it stands, but also not uncircular, but incomplete. It becomes circular when completed by the question how we are able to know the masses.

Geocentrism is inerrant Scripture, as per Joshua 10. But Geocentrism isn't a mystical fact revealed only by Scripture being inerrant, Geocentrism is an observation we daily make. And which Heliocentrics daily reinterpret. Sun going around us each day, it's as inerrant, but also as natural a knowledge, as lions roaring.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Victoria

Romae sanctae Victoriae, Virginis et Martyris, quae, in persecutione Decii Imperatoris, cum esset desponsata Eugenio pagano et nec nubere vellet neque sacrificare, ideo, post multa facta miracula, quibus plurimas Deo Virgines aggregaverat, a carnifice percussa est gladio in corde, rogatu sui sponsi.

PS, for a reference of how Tolkien described things in his legendarium, i e in fiction, the thing I was familiar with back when I posed the question:

Solar System, Dark and Light in Middle-earth
December 4, 2024 | elffriendyt

PPS, on the debate between Robert Sungenis and Fuz Rana, there is a chat comment that says:

alex ojideagu
Andromeda is our closest Galaxy. It takes light over 2 Million years to Reach Earth

That distance is a conclusion from several different types of distance measure, one of which is annual parallax of star light, which is in turn a conclusion from Heliocentrism, which cannot be upheld as anywhere close to certain by a Geocentric who's consistent. I made a fun story about it in an essay more than two years ago: Have you heard the expression "von Neumann chain"? While not every argument I have about Geocentrism comes from the Distant Starlight problem, on 23.VIII.2001 when I went to the computer (library or cyber), I was a Young Earth Creationist as yet Heliocentric, but 24.VIII.2001, I had resolved the "distant starlight problem" by becoming Geocentric./HGL

PPPS, hearing the video, I come across this:

their “imagination was thus not properly a flat-earth cosmology; and it was geocentric only as regards the Sun, Moon, and certain stars.” (NoME, “Dark and Light”)

Well, not even the great Tolkien .... what we see each day is Sun, Moon and ALL stars and planets visible either to the naked eye or in telescopes turn around us. There is no reason why other stars should not turn around us, unless they are way beyond the visible universe and perhaps even in some separate creation. I think I am happy for Christopher Tolkien publishing The Silmarillion in 1973 (pardon, 1977) and Hostetter giving The Nature of Middle-earth only in 2021, way after my mind was already made up./HGL

PPPPS, feed of the Sungenis debate again:

alex ojideagu
Even in Islam they say Day has no time. The Earth is accepted to be 4 Billion years old by most Muslims

1) I am a Christian, I do not ask Muslims for advice on how to live or believe my Christianity.
2) In Islam, the "holy" book is the Quran, which very emphatically is not a history book, and I don't mean because it contains false history, I mean because history isn't even in focus, especially not consecutive history. A Sura about the Birth of Jesus will come later in the Quran than one featuring Jesus, or what's supposed to be Jesus, simply because it is shorter, contains fewer ayas or fewer words. In the Bible, Genesis comes before Exodus to Deuteronomy, that part before Joshua, that part before Judges, then a side step to Ruth, then the direct sequel of Judges in four books of Kings (or in some versions two of Samuel, two of Kings), and so on.
3) No chronological statements are made about either Creation or about the amount of time from Adam to Abraham. There are chronological statements in the Bible.
4) The Muslims who are Young Earth Creationists, specifically Young Earth, usually hold this stance as a loan from the Bible.

"alex" was basically reasoning "Muslims are more fanatical than Christians, but Muslims aren't fanatical about Quran chronology, so, what an absurdity of a Christian to be fanatical of Bible chronology" ... the difference is, there actually is a Bible chronology and there isn't a Quran chronology. It's not a question about being more or being less fanatical about basically the same thing, it's a question of having different things to be fanatic about. Or otherwise observant. Being observant isn't actually fanaticism, but people like "alex" like to make that connection./HGL

PPPPPS, listening to another video by Sungenis, it is very clear that, following Einstein, he imagines that the enormous size of the universe outside the Solar System is proven, that Einstein has the solution. It is also obvious that when he answers Trent Horn, that Trent Horn is more answering my theory of aether rotating around earth, dragging both Sun and stars and Coriolis forces along with it, and either reading it without understanding it, or getting it from people who anyway don't read very well when confronted with world views other than their own. People who instantaneously go "something something" when they are confronted with a term that they do not understand instead of trying to figure out what the author meant by the term from how he is using it. I have defined aether as a) the locus of vectors as well as the medium of electromagnetism, b) the medium of space, i e material objects are placed in it, c) differring from normal matter by absence of mass and of particles in its own composition.

This is not the theory of Einstein, and it allows for c to apply as a speed limit for travel THROUGH the aether. Not through empty space coordinates./HGL

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Dans le bus, j'entendis une conversation

Peut-être qu'on ait voulu me la faire entendre. Peut-être elle s'agissait de moi. Le nom du concerné n'était pas mentionné, mais à la fin j'ai eu une indication qui pourrait confirmer, juste avant que ces gens partaient du bus.

Si ce n'était pas de moi, ce n'est pas grave, je suis assez sûr par rapport à ma situation que d'autres disent un peu pareil sur moi, derrière mon dos. Et je ne connais pas les noms et ne décris pas les visages des gens, dont une dame qui était peut-être volontairement indiscrète. Je prends ceci comme exemple.

Bon, je n'ai pas entendu tout. Je n'ai surtout pas mémorisé tout.

Mais deux choses me restent dans la mémoire.

  • Elle ne supportait pas de voir le problème persister et de l'affronter de jour en jour. Il y a pas mal de gens qui occasionnent ce genre de réflexion qu'elle soit ailleurs avec ou sans raison. Il y a surtout pas mal des sdf qui l'occasionnent.
  • "bla bla bla, sa capuche, sinon il faut l'enlever" ... il y a moins d'sdf qui portent ce couvrechef médiéval, dans le quottidien, même les non-sdf, pas mal se limitent de la porter en fête médiévale ou en faisant le théatre. Là, je pourrais être visé avec une probabilité accrue.

La dame n'est pas identifié, si je la présente comme assez huppée. Elle n'est pas smicarde ou ex-smicarde. Sa retraite pourrait avoir une composante de rente, de fortune. Elle est quelque part la classe qui n'aime pas les expropriations collectivistes.

Ça lui siérait assez mal de promouvoir des expropriations envers des individus. Si on prône une discipline collectiviste ne respectant pas la propriété privée vis-à-vis quelqu'un de plus pauvre, on mérite de se retrouver frappé par ce genre de discipline collectiviste aussi. Telle est ma réflexion vis-à-vis des gens qui préféreraient que je me confie aux cotraintes qui vont avec un hébergément à une certaine association dans un quartier pas trop loin. Telle est ma réflexion vis-à-vis des gens qui aimeraient ME changer l'apparence ou changer l'apparence de MES choses aussi, par exemple en enlevant quelque chose.

Des capuches ont été enlevées. J'en ai refait d'autres. Pour celle que j'ai, j'ai commencé de refaire une autre. Non pas parce qu'elle soit moche à la base, j'ai eu des problèmes avec les détails autour du cou, mais je commence à les réduire. Mais le tissu extérieur commence à se délabrer. Si tel est son problème, je suis en train de le regler.

Un autre problème qu'elle pourrait en avoir, je ne réglererai pas. Au dos, la capuche a une broderie avec mon blog créationniste. Non, ça ne veut pas dire blog avec mes créations artistiques. Ça veut dire le blog où je propose l'idée ou l'idéologie qu'on appelle le créationnisme, plus précisément le créationnisme jeune terre.

En 2012, j'avais déjà ce blog. En 2012, je faisais déjà de la pub pour ce blog avec ce genre de broderie :

Je n'ai pas envie de changer d'avis pour la prochaine capuche. Comme je n'ai pas envie de changer d'avis sur la capuche. On a envie de me faire changer l'avis contre mon gré ? J'espère qu'il y aura des Espagnols et des Mahorais, sans oublier des Moçambiquains, qui n'aimeraient pas provoquer la colère du bon Dieu à propos de ma situation. Admettez, d'ailleurs, que le lettrage de la broderie actuelle est mieux espacé qu'en 2012.

Je dirais que cette dame (si c'était à mon propos) mériterait d'être frappé par expropriation communiste. Ce qui n'est pas une promotion du Communisme. Il y a d'autres qui ne le méritent pas, y compris moi, tout d'abord. Je ne sais pas si la dame était d'une droite ou de la gauche caviar. Moi je suis d'une droite, et d'une droite trop populiste pour aimer la prodigation des soins psychiatriques à droite et a gauche mais surtout contre les pauvres, comme une extra couche de l'abaissement social. Ce qui ne se limite pas aux emprisonnements en HP, aux médications, à embrigader des gens en thérapies (même à conversation) mais aussi des gestes un peu "pédagogiques" comme ça me semble sugéré envers moi ou envers un autre, dans cette conversation.

Hans Georg Lundahl
IVe dimanche de l'Avent

PS, il se trouve que j'ai omis les réflexions sur mon bagage. Il ne se trouve pas dans un endroit appartenant à la ville, mais à l'IdF. Le représentant, responsable du lieu, m'a donné sa permission. Je ne suis nullement voleur en y logeant, et s'il me dirait de partir j'aimerais un délai pour choisir les choses à amener et de faire mon bagage, mais je respecterais. Si quelqu'un prétend vouloir dicter comment je gère le bagage, notamment que la literie est en deux endroits, un pour mon lit, un pour faire mourir les poux, ce quelqu'un ferait entorse à ma propriété comme à la leur./HGL

PPS, a post from before the embroidery:

Creation vs. Evolution: To an Atheist Teenager called Autumn Lauber
jeudi 26 avril 2012 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 10:58

For the invitation, well, she didn't./HGL

PPPS, si quelque fourbe prétend me juger comme non-catholique, ou comme en contradiction avec moi-même car "croyant sola scriptura" position essentiellement protestante et la position essentielle protestante, à cause du blog Creation vs. Evolution, il juge très mal, sa jugeotte incompétente dans la matière est refutée ici :

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: What's in Sola Scriptura? To Some, This is the Main Protestant Error — I Disagree
Monday, December 23, 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 5:39 AM (2:39 PM)

PPPPS, si quelqu'un prétend que je sois travesti, que j'essaie de me vêtir comme une femme, soit il ne m'a jamais vu, soit il manque totalement culture. Mais totalement. Genre un Algérien ou un Algérois. Ou à la limite un Juif./HGL

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Psychiatry isn't it ...

New blog on the kid: Psychiatry isn't it ... · Can the Magdeburg Attack Have Been a Two-Pronged False Flag? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Responding to a Muslim · Are Muslims Persecuting Christmas among Christian Palestinians?

Bring Back Excommunication in The Church
Brian Holdsworth | 21 Dec. 2024

6:54 All what you say about cancel culture is ten times aggravated in psychiatry.

Before cancel culture was a concept, people who could't get jailed for actual crimes were cancelled in much more radical and physically harmful ways.

The reason why your Pope does grave evil in promoting "we don't need the death penalty, we have efficient means to deal with criminals while letting them live" is ... temporary jailing isn't all that efficient with relapsed criminals, and the more efficient psychiatry is a graver evil sometimes even than death penalty.

[If you like this format, there is more on Assorted Retorts]

Chat Comments in a Feed to a Video by Sungenis

Chat Comments in a Feed to a Video by Sungenis · I Recall Very Well How I Thought Heliocentrism Was Proven in High School

Here is the video, I saw it in direct, only when it began, because I then realised this was not the debate he had with Fuz Rana, which I was looking for.

Robert Sungenis Live - Wed Dec 18 2024
Robert Sungenis | 18 Dec. 2024

The first of the chat comments below was given around the 26 minute mark. But first, his debate with Fuz Rana, which I was looking for:

Age of the Earth Debate | Dr. Robert Sungenis vs. Dr. Fuz Rana - Young Earth vs. Old Earth
Standing For Truth | 17 Dec. 2024

Now, back to the comments in the chat from the direct of the first video. I did not hear Sungenis adress them yet, so my own adressing them is independent of his one:

Sam Shad
question: dr where did the scientists that promote geocentrism get their order from? whos behind it
Sam Shad
question: im a muslim. did you know quran is also talking about geocentrism

First, I don't think Sam Shad is a cradle Muslim, since Samuel is a name among Jews and Christians, but not among Muslims. He could even be making this up trying to make someone "open up" and "admit" a non-extant Muslim affiliation. Or, he could bona fide be a Muslim but have a screen name calculated to sound English.

Second, is Sam Shad asking about credentials or actually about orders to follow? (The former could be the case if English is not his native language and he struggles with translating concepts that could overlap in his language).

Is he bringing up Geocentrism in the Quran for sympathy or for insinuating someone is acting "on the orders of" some Muslim Cabale?

In the latter case, he's spreading paranoia.

Now, if he meant it in a correct way, though not correct in English, where they have their credentials ...


I graduated in 1967 with a B.S. in astrophysics. That fall I entered Case Western Reserve University for graduate studies in astronomy and a couple of years later got involved with the wrong crowd.

It was there that life interfered with my school work and, more importantly, it interfered with my atheism. I discovered that science could not explain all phenomena. I also broadened my scientific interests tremendously, becoming a generalist.


The Lord answered that prayer less than a year later. Early 1976, the late Professor Harold Armstrong, then editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly, wrote a note therein about the diversity of opinions and views in the Creationist movement. To illustrate the breadth of those views, he mentioned a Dutch-Canadian named Walter van der Kamp (photo at left) as an extreme case where a Creationist advocated the literality of Scripture to the point of a stationary earth. Now as an undergraduate at the University of Rochester in Rochester, New York, I'd taken enough relativity theory to know that neither heliocentrism nor geocentricity could be proven or disproven, and so I fired off a letter to Walter asking, in effect, "which Scriptures?"

As to who's paying him, he has this notice:

The Assoc. for Biblical Astronomy
is a Ministry of the Mantua Country Baptist Church
12385 Chamberlain Road, Aurora, Ohio USA 44202

As for Robert Sungenis' associate, Luka Popov was trained at Zagreb University and gets money on the side by teaching Chess:

Adult Chess Improver

And by coauthoring books with Dr. Robert Sungenis.

So, freedom of expression helps. Free enterprise in the bookmarket of ideas helps.

Some guys seem to have no concept of Western freedoms. An African was asking me on Quora whether The American University of Paris was recognised by the French Ministry of Education. It doesn't need to be. It's a free university. It seems he imagined if it wasn't backed by the French Department of Education of Higher Education, it was some kind of scam. On the youtube comments, I was the day before yesterday or day before that in a short debate with someone who tried to tell me:

  • a University by definition is controlled by the state (it could have been an East European or someone from former East Germany), and:
  • OT theology cannot take the NT or Catholic dogma into account (which is heretical, since the God of the Catholic Church IS the God Who spoke to Moses).

On the former account, he seemed to have this same idea that research is backed by state power, nothing smaller could ever finance it, and if Geocentric research is not backed by the state power in the state where it is conducted, that means its financed by a foreign power. Frankly, if it were conducted on a normal university as a normal project, it would be ONE relatively small research topic, which at any big university gets perhaps 1 % at the biggest of the research money of the university, which also has expenses for teaching all the new students. It's not all that expensive. The Heliocentrics who own Hubble telescope cannot copyright observations in it, so Geocentrics don't need to have an extra big telescope. The research is mainly in how observations are interpreted, consistently with the astrophysics that the Geocentric thinks applicable. And in many countries, donors and paying students between them are able to finance universities without contributions from the state. So, even if it had been as big as a university, there would still be no need for a given state to finance it.

Prawda i Konsekwencja
QUESTION: In the case of people suffering from scrupulousness, can it be considered that all private vows they make are probably invalid?

This comment was wildly off topic, I thought someone counted Sungenis as "one of my mentors" which is overdoing it, and hoped his answer could ge across to me, which isn't necessary. Inspired this post:

New blog on the kid: I Think Some People May Think I'm a Scrupulous Person Trying to Keep Private Vows and Suffering From That

Ivan Bliminse
Question: According to book of Job, God gives devil permission to torment Job. So does devil and demons always need approval from God to do what they want?

Permission, not specifically approval.

God gave the Pharao permission for some time to keep the Israelites back, and that was NOT with approval.

But yes, God being Almighty means, nothing happens ever anywhere unless God either orders it or permits it.

The temporal permission is precisely temporal. God will allow no evildoing to continue past Doomsday, except between those already damned. It does not mean God approves the evildoing. Evil man can sometimes repent, demons can't, both will have to cease that sooner or later.

Steven B
QUESTION: is evolution racist at its core? Akin and Horn seem to promote evolution. But it seems like pro-evolutionists can’t get around the idea that some animal breeds are “smarter” (1/3)
Steven B
QUESTION: ..or more “aggressive” than others. How can pro evolutionists acknowledge this fact while saying it has no bearing on humans. (2/3)
Steven B
QUESTION: Its seems that if you think we evolved, that you’d inevitably fall into biological determinism (3/3)

I think evolutionism as to human origins would involve that we are worth what we are worth or at least that we are what we are at least partly because of such traits.

In one age, this might more emphasise race, and in another, differences within each race, but it would fairly inevitably lead to some kind of determinism.

Either way, the ideology that can result easily is bad news for freedoms.

Joseph Ben YHWH
Hey robert, always wondered how the geocentric models explains how the sun orbits us if its greater. Im supposing gravity would have it pull us.
Joseph Ben YHWH
I get its a theory, the other explanation for why a ball would fall would be density, would a geocentric hold to density?

Dr. Robert Sungenis and myself do not explain it the same way.

In Sungenis, the main cause is the Newtonian one. He just says that the two movements are equivalent, and then it's earth actually being in place that happens.

On my view, God is each day turning most of the Universe around Earth. In it, a substance called aether is turning and heavenly bodies are suspended in it. Hence they also turn around the Earth. Outside this turning portion of the aether the Heaven that's God's throne room is still, because God is not turning it, and within it, lower than the Moon, Earth is also still. God is not turning it and also keeping it from flouting out / up towards the Sun. As to motions over longer times, the heavenly bodies would be moved by angels.

God's not material, angels are not material. Minds have some power over matter. God over all matter (and all created minds). Man over the matter in his body, if it's within the things muscles move voluntarily. Angels over any body, not their own since they don't have one, and basically one thing in one place at a time. It could be a big thing like Jupiter or the Sun, or a small thing, like a raindrop when leading it to form a pattern on a window, which sometimes is taken as hints by people and sometimes angels will use this. Or simmply the fact that the human eye is likely to follow the thing that's moving and projecting the movement on, if he needs the man to look at a particular corner in a particular moment. But whether the angel moves a raindrop on a window pane or Jupiter through the aether, he isn't fatigued by it, he's not exerting muscle force. It's as easy for them as for us to write with a pen. This would be the main cause for the movement of celestial bodies, able to at times override the gravitationally and inertially prompted way of such a body, as easily as I can override the gravitional prompt of a falling pen by catching it mid-air.

Mr. Joseph who thinks it's funny to call himself a son of God (or is he a peacemaker? Matthew 5:9) seems to be under the impression that a geocentric would be denying density. On my theory of the aether, I might explain it a bit differently, attributing substantiality to the light matter of the aether and not just the heavy matter of the nucleons, but I definitely don't deny there is such a thing. To get to Newtonian physics of gravity. I made a mistake earlier when calculating how the daily rotation of the Sun would affect a static earth.

Creation vs. Evolution: Misinformation on St. Robert Bellarmine, I'd Say · New blog on the kid: How would my solution to why Earth stays in place work out, physically? · First Approximation of Improving the Calculation · Second Approximation

The mistake is, I thought Earth would have its movements cancelled out as the Sun came to opposite directions around the Earth, but the problem is so does the aether, which is the locus of vectors. So, counting vectors through the aether, the Sun would be roughly speaking the same side. But it is noteworthy that a calculation I made said that in the absence of any previous attraction in a given direction, which involved the working in of sine values, which only on this theory would be involved in growing and waning pulls into each direction, the starting point for each direction would be in the first second a speed of:

1 s 0.008 m/s

So, 8mm/s. That however was for when the Sun was getting around the corner so to speak. As the aether rotates with the Sun, it's more like it is not getting around any corners or changing directions. Optically yes, vectorially no. Here is the acceleration, anyway:

0.0592651954330057862 m/s2

This means, the Earth would in the first second spontaneously tend to move 6 cm. Easy enough for God to keep back and without that first speed, there is also no accumulation of speed. But actually probably the speed does accumulate enough to make room for tides. Either way, God being of infinite power has no problem keeping this from pulling Earth into an orbit. But you might ask "why would God go against His own laws" — however the result of one factor according to one law is not THE law of God for the universe. God is not morally or aesthetically obliged to let gravitation have its effect in every case, or God would not allow us to hang things up on strings, since that also interferes with the effects of gravitation. If God can allow strings to interfere with gravity, why would He have any obligation to deny His own omnipotence that? This is also a thing in miracles, but when it comes to Geocentric Universe, it's technically not a miracle, because it's a "standing miracle" ... a sign since all time, as in Romans chapter one, just as Jesus did miracles in the normal sense to show He is that same God.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Ember Saturday
and St. Thomas Apostle

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SV = 106

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Deux semaines

Dernières 7 jours, 17:44, 11.XII.2024
923 + 850 + 69 + 35 + 37 + 12 + 11 + 86 + 386 + 39 + 12 + 28 + 67 + 76 + 33 + 14 + 22 + 25 + 18 + 22 + 49 + 15 + 50 + 15 + 25 + 9 + 8 + 62 + 17 + 84 + 17 + 20 + 23 + 57 + 17 + 17 + 71 + 60 + 26 + 22 + 25 = 3454
2,45 k + 1,35 k = 3,8 k, soit 543 par jour

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Hong Kong
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1 + 48 + 19 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 13 + 1 + 20 + 13 + 3 = 129
60 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 13 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 92
Corée du Sud
4 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 79
50 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 12 + 2 = 75
2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 63
3 + 45 + 2 = 50
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 46
4 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 4 + 11 + 4 + 1 = 36
1 + 3 + 16 + 1 = 21

1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 20
Norvège = 20

3 + 16 = 19
1 + 17 = 18
6 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 15
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 14
2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 11
Roumanie = 9

7 + 1 = 8
1 + 7 = 8
 Bonum Festum Immaculatae Conceptionis BVM (LAT) 33 God Doesn't Need. 32 A Vision on the Mark of the Beast, Sharing 31 Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve (FR/ENG) 31 Club 21 30

What Is Abortion? 28 In Response to a Generally Good two part Video against Racism 28 Ce matin, on m'embêtait (FR) 27 Saying No to the Antichrist 27 I think I wrote a mistaken word somewhere on youtube - or perhaps not 26

Do Scientists "Inevitably" Discard Erroneous Theories? 26 Sharing and Commenting 25 Index L, FR, l'Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception 2024 (FR/LAT) 24 Salvation and Schrödinger's Cat 22 Latin Spoken to When? Quora 22

Dishonest and Unreliable Media on "Priest Suicide" 21 Réponse à l'enfantisme (FR) 21 On Reality or Not of PIE - and is it "Conspiracy" or "Peer Pressure" in English? (quora) 20 At the Victory of Trump, Some Non-Christians Show Very Open Enmity for Christianity 20 Index L, ENG, Assumption to Immaculate Conception 2024 (ENG/LAT) 20

Exodus in 1685 BC? 20 How My View of Babel Ties in with "Defending Biblical Inerrancy" 20 On not trusting automatic translations! 20 Looking for the Pope ... (bis) 19 Bonum Festum Sancti Nicolai (LAT) 19

Indépendants, il en faut davantage, je ne suis pas de trop (FR) 18 ... to Bart D. Ehrman 18 Alternatives to my own Creationist C14 Model (quora) 18 "Dark Ages" video reviewed 18 Dr Grady McMurtry on Age of Earth - with comments, part one 17

... on Cutting Edge Creationist Arguments 17 Computers Afraid of the Dark? 17 What's a Docent in Sweden? 17 Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity 16 ... on Negations with N 15

Joseph Freymann is Sloppy on the Galileo Case 15 ... on Homosexualty, Definition of Marriage, Bronze Age, Progress and Middle Ages 15 Mainly Linguistics, on Quora 15 Suspecting Soviet Imperialism ... 15 ... on Armed Force by Catholic States 15

Boone and Relatives 15 Karl Keating Out of His Depth? 15 In case anyone missed this 15 If Tower of Babel was a Rocket Project - What Else Can We Expect? 14 Sí, Navidad debe se celebrar. (ESP) 14

Historic Linguistics as Viewed by a Creationist (Featuring Proto-Languages, on quora) - 8 questions + update 14 Me and Zarella on "qui loquutus est per prophetas" 13 ... on Varied Retelling of Myths (starring Jackson Crawford) 13 How Many Jews Are Alive Today? 13 Oui j'ai un lectorat (incompétent ?) (FR) 13

I was going to suggest a quiz, it already exists, I took it 13 No hubo dolores de parto en Navidad (ESP) 13 Some Evildoer Prays for the Wrong Things 12 Production November 2024 11 Where Are the Four Corners on a Globe? 11

Dialogue on the subject between us two ... except I use a useful device, a computer, he uses a cell phone ... 11 Tudor Times Demographical Stats 11 Asked to leave my Guestbook alone: 11 ascii code gematria 11 Ho scoperto questo avanti di chiamarmi, almeno regolarmente, fascista (ITAL) 10

Carbon Dating and Belfast Series 11 Apologetics Section 11 full url : version / présentation : pleins urls (FR/ENG) 11 Rivon Krygier, appelles-tu aussi les léfèbvristes "extrémistes"? (FR) 10 ¿Y el Síndono? (ESP) 10
Émirats arabes unis
3 + 2 + 2 = 7

1 + 5 = 6
1 + 1 + 4 = 6

Pays de quatre vues
Viêt Nam = 4

Pays de trois vues
Équateur, Afrique du Sud, Maroc = 9

Pays de deux vues
Irlande, Lettonie, Belgique, Serbie, Népal, Colombie, Pologne, Brunei = 16

Pays d'une vue
Azerbaïdjan, Danemark, République dominicaine, Bahreïn, Espagne, Irak, Uruguay, Ouzbékistan, Azerbaïdjan, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Suède, Chypre, Algérie, Égypte, Jamaïque, Jordanie, Angola, Tchéquie, Estonie = 19

55 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 11 + 6 + 9 + 3 + 188 + 1 + 24 + 286 + 249 + 31 + 3 + 1 = 887

1854 + 865 + 602 + 461 + 433 + 129 + 92 + 79 + 75 + 63 + 50 + 46 + 36 + 21 + 20 + 20 + 19 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 12 + 11 + 16 + 19 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 887 = 5914
5,91 k + 3,8 k = 9,71 k, soit 1387 par jour
Les mois
Décembre (1—13)
3985 + 3573 + 84 + 99 + 30 + 107 + 400 + 1080 + 89 + 2367 + 171 + 761 + 53 + 106 + 647 + 64 + 51 + 55 + 40 + 38 + 54 + 622 + 33 + 36 + 67 + 54 + 60 + 79 + 145 + 188 + 342 + 59 + 101 + 100 + 261 + 596 + 52 + 163 + 57 + 53 + 47 + 3729 = 20698
20698 / 13 = 1592 par jour
 Novembre (entier)
1072 + 858 + 162 + 1505 + 469 + 212 + 74 + 94 + 3557 + 214 + 5180 + 254 + 1375 + 1210 + 490 + 138 + 417 + 269 + 10613 + 14252 + 1873 + 708 + 753 + 102 + 1045 + 12408 + 154 + 124 + 188 + 1167 + 186 + 1500 + 120 + 133 + 153 + 159 + 151 + 889 + 585 + 225 + 242 + 130 = 65410
65410 / 30 = 2180 par jour
Les jours
16.XII.2024, 17:29
44 + 19 + 42 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 13 + 36 + 111 + 13 + 9 + 11 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 60 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 18 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 100 + 1 + 10 + 4 + 220 = 794
Gaudete LD
76 + 13 + 351 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 177 + 25 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 717 + 19 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 30 + 4 + 1 + 7 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 10 + 9 + 5 + 18 + 225 + 11 + 6 + 266 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 2049
17.XII.2024 (18:25)
115 + 15 + 66 + 4 + 7 + 2 + 7 + 15 + 95 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 13 + 39 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 5 + 12 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 10 + 191 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 154 = 810
57 + 19 + 527 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 170 + 41 + 18 + 11 + 9 + 15 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 86 + 2 + 3 + 10 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 21 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 6 + 191 + 14 + 7 + 289 + 5 + 12 + 1 = 1589
Dernières 7 jours, (14:27), 18.XII.2024
But What About the West and East Lines? 37 Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve (FR/ENG) 26 With a Little Help from MathQueen! 25 Where Are the Four Corners on a Globe? 25 ... on Varied Retelling of Myths (starring Jackson Crawford) 25

"On nous fait passer pour des folles" (FR) 24 Non-replies 23 One Comment, a Bit Prematurely Under a Long Video 22 ¡O Virgen de Guadalupe! 22 (ESP) Sharing on Our Lady of Guadalupe 22

Il y a des gens qui harcèlent quelqu'un en ligne ? (FR) 20 (LAT) 17 How Many in More or Less Mental Health Care are Crooks? 17 Fr. Vigoroux on Fathers - is Day-Epoch Still an Option? 17 Rome is Right (Even if Exiled), Alan Clifford is Wrong 16

Be-Ware of Kallistos, Sometimes Wrong 15 Qua or Quia, Just One Letter ... 15 Father Raymond E. Brown, Father of Apostasy 14 Débat avec Marc Laubier .... (FR) 13 Datation d'Orrorin (et d'autres) (FR) 13

DYOR = Do Your Own Research (Some Guys are Afraid of Written Debate) 13 ¿Y los Masoretas? (ESP) 12 1st 1/3 of a Trent Horn Policies Video 12 Dialog om hemskolning ... (SV) 12 With Alan Clifford on the Video and On My Disappearing Comments 11

A Fair Warning to Slave Hunters 11 About a Certain Typ of Prayer 11 YEC, Tradition or Antiquarianism? 11 Answering a Muslim who asked "If Jesus was [=is] GOD ..." 11 Politique internet de la Cité des Métiers (FR) 10

Mgr Richard Williamson est né à Londres en 1940 (FR) 10 What's a Docent in Sweden? 10 La vérité historique de la Bible (quora) (FR) 10
28 + 85 + 4 + 11 + 22 + 11 + 10 + 7 + 8 + 12 + 14 + 10 + 23 + 73 + 28 + 2 + 13 + 12 + 30 + 22 + 9 + 24 + 1 + 9 + 12 + 261 + 739 + 68 + 17 + 25 + 3 + 8 + 20 + 317 + 47 + 31 + 32 + 10 + 16 + 19 + 19 = 2112
2,11 k + 1,39 k = 3,5 k, soit 500 par jour

3 + 4 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 5 + 7 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 590 + 6 + 11 + 18 + 3 + 16 + 9 + 8 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 66 + 137 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 102 + 388 + 3 + 12 + 90 + 2 = 1620, soit 231 par jour
4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 897 + 382 + 2 + 1 = 1298, soit 185 par jour
Hong Kong
1 + 11 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 7 + 155 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 361 + 59 + 27 + 1 + 81 + 106 + 18 + 4 + 2 + 36 + 92 + 242 + 2 + 9 = 1234, soit 176 par jour
1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 41 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 21 + 43 + 172 + 84 = 382, soit 55 par jour
5 + 13 + 16 + 43 + 8 + 42 + 36 + 9 = 172, soit 25 par jour
1 + 3 + 76 + 3 + 5 + 47 + 2 = 137
1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 13 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 111
2 + 3 + 5 + 54 = 64
2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 10 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 63
2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 16 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 12 + 8 + 2 + 6 = 59
Corée du Sud
2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 = 53
9 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 10 = 36
1 + 14 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 1 = 30
20 + 2 = 22
1 + 15 = 16
1 + 1 + 12 = 14
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 11
Lettonie = 10
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 8

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7
1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 7

Afrique du Sud
2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6
1 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 6
2 + 4 = 6
5 + 1 = 6

Pays de quatre vues
Turquie, Maroc = 8

Pays de trois vues
Tchéquie, Équateur = 6

Pays de deux vues
Émirats arabes unis, Pakistan, Indonésie, Espagne, Viêt Nam, Lituanie, Bangladesh, Angola = 18

Pays d'une vue
Chili, Bahreïn, Ouzbékistan, Koweït, Tunisie, Taïwan, Macédoine du Nord, Serbie, Jordanie, Côte d’Ivoire, Népal, Oman = 12

11 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 45 + 82 + 58 = 222

1620 + 1298 + 1234 + 382 + 172 + 137 + 111 + 64 + 63 + 59 + 53 + 36 + 30 + 22 + 16 + 14 + 11 + 10 + 18 + 12 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 222 = 5644
5,64 k + 3,5 k = 9,14 k, soit 1306 par jour
Dernières 24 h, 18:37, 20.XII.2024
Pas de posts qui étaient vus 10 fois ou plus, pendant ces heures. Les visionnages ciblaient largément les blogs en gros, c'est à dire la page d'accueil. Le blog suivant est à scroller, donne des liens vers les derniers posts par blog :

Latest on Antimodernism
277 + 4 + 46 + 21 + 39 + 19 + 141 + 19 + 2 + 282 + 7 + 3 = 860
5 + 185 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 44 + 60 + 2 + 37 + 12 + 3 + 12 + 1 = 407
26 + 12 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 17 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 16 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 160 = 294
Hong Kong
12 + 107 + 3 + 19 + 15 + 3 + 38 + 8 = 205
2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 41
Canada = 39
5 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 32
11 + 12 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 32
8 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 8 = 28
9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 14 = 26
4 + 1 + 2 + 10 + 8 = 25
3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 11 + 1 = 25
1 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 7 = 24
5 + 9 + 1 + 6 = 21
1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 5 = 18
7 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 14
Pays-Bas = 14
8 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 12
3 + 9 = 12
1 + 10 = 11
Corée du Sud
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 11
4 + 1 + 6 = 11
Afrique du Sud
4 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 10
4 + 2 + 4 = 10
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 9
1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 7
4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7
1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 7
1 + 1 + 5 = 7
Émirats arabes unis
3 + 3 = 6
2 + 3 + 1 = 6
1 + 4 = 5
1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Syrie = 5
Pays de quatre vues
Allemagne = 4

Pays de trois vues
Irak, Albanie, Tunisie = 9

Pays de deux vues
Jamaïque, Kazakhstan, Paraguay, Pérou, Suisse = 10
 Pays d'une vue
Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Honduras, Népal, Chili, Suède, Congo-Brazzaville, Oman, Irlande, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Nigeria = 11

7 + 63 + 71 + 33 = 174

860 + 407 + 294 + 205 + 41 + 39 + 32 + 32 + 28 + 26 + 25 + 25 + 24 + 21 + 18 + 14 + 14 + 12 + 12 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 174 = 2454