Thursday 25 February 2021

I get a curious feeling about some right wing French ...

C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien on Christian Parties · I get a curious feeling about some right wing French ... · No, Racialism is not Catholic, Not Even Right Wing Catholic

Captain Elam Lynds (1784–1855) helped create the Auburn system

Why Prisoners ACTUALLY Wore Stripes
3rd May 2020 | The Infographics Show

Providentially, a notification on youtube came up ... "du kannst es DENEN nicht recht machen"* ... if certain people around where I am impatiently wait for my ditching St. Thomas and bishop Tempier for Bergson, which just won't happen, at least they may be people with more love for Bergson than for St. Thomas. Not that I expect to get a real advance for my affairs (like getting essays republished on paper or compositions played, so I can start getting an income for my work, pay my study debt**, and have a life) from them, not that there is no harrassment from their side, there is ... but while it sometimes gets criminal, it has some non-mysterious quality.

But if people who pretend to love St. Thomas more than Bergson also bycott me, I get the queezy feeling they are people who consider my character criminal ... people who love my personality as much as Elam Lynds loved that of prisoners he put in black and white stripes.

Because, I also vastly prefer St. Thomas as well as bishop Tempier over Bergson in philosophy. I do not think there is such a thing as creative evolution. But if they don't think so either, why are they not promoting my creationism?

Perhaps they are in philosophy closer to the Bergson they denounce than to the St. Thomas they praise with lips. And to whom I was introduced by a Latin docent who was also a Novus Ordo priest (now EO form) and is a tertiary Dominican. So, I am not self taught in scholasticism, if that were their problem. And they try to hide it by delibertately ignoring me .../HGL

* It was actually "du kannst es denen NICHT recht machen" ... ** 381 000 SEK in total, c. 100 000 claimed this year ... which is around 10 000 €.

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