Saturday 25 September 2021

Dear Indian Millionaires, Real and Fake Ones!

I am not looking for an undercover millionaire or for someone giving me a chance to "become" a writer, by telling his story, as if being a writer necessarily meant:

  • telling stories
  • making life experience available through stories told.

Such stories may be good, or they may be bad. They may some time be what I read, they are not what I offer to write.

I do not think I am a writer suffering from "not yet found a good story to tell" - I am an essayist. I may be a novelist too one day, but for the moment I am an essayist mainly.

I am suffering from a lack of people interested in actually starting to re-publish what I have written and continue to write on the internet, but this time in payable format like books or magazines.

A man who told me "internet n'existe pas" this morning concluded I weren't a real writer if I weren't interested in his story. And on top of it, interested in making it like he talks, I write down what he says. He's mixing up writer with secretary, or the kind of writer who writes freely with the kind of writer who takes down people's biographies for them.

He also seems to think, just because he could pay and I was begging, I would need to jump at the opportunity. I am in fact looking for a time when people like he stop thinking of what I already did as "nice try" and get astonished, perhaps even angry, at seeing what I already did re-published in books. Btw, I am not sure he really could pay either, hence "real or fake ones" in the title, but he seemed to come from the Indian subcontinent, and his view on what writing means, and what beggars should be looking for, to my view of European culture, it doesn't really belong here./HGL

PS. Now, I have already noted, no, it is not true that "living off your pen is only possible for the very best known authors." You certainly do not know 2500 authors living in France, and yet 5000 were in 2016 affiliated to AGESSA and had an annual revenue of in median 22 315 € - meaning 2500 had that much or more. That is 1 859.58 € per month, while the SMIC (legal minimum wage) is 1 554.58 €. It's 19-20 % more than the SMIC, and you live off something you like doing - for those who, like me, like to write./HGL

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