Sunday 7 January 2024

Problems with the French Far Right, as a Christian Reactionary

I'm going to bring up a few different issues, so, I think I'll number them.

1) Obviously, the Left has its own sometimes graver issues:

PSOE introduced legislation to legalize abortion in 1983 through an amendment to Spain's penal code.[12] Abortion was finally made legal by Congress later that year by a vote of 186 - 50, but did not enter into legal effect until July 1985 as Coalición Popular (now Partido Popular) challenged the constitutionality of the law. The decriminalization of abortion was allowed for three reasons. The first was that it was ethical in the case of rape. The second was it could be a necessary to save the life of the mother. The third reason was that eugenic, allowing abortion in case of fetal malformation.

The honest assessment of Eugenics in Spain would be:

  • Valleja Nájera (I'm not a fan) pleaded for some kind of "eugenics" basically in order to be up to date;
  • he never tried enforced sterilisation, nor any other of the crimes one normally associates with eugenics, though he encouraged the crime of state enforced CPS as "eugenic" measure against the asocial behaviour of supporting the side that had lost the war, which normally wouldn't qualify as Eugenics, except Valleja Nájera labelled it so;
  • real crimes of Eugenics were introduced in 1983 by the PSOE, see above mentioned third reason.

The wikipedians writing above article have basically stated that being encouraged to chose a husband or wife with some view of the health status, and being banned from aborting in a state that wants many children somehow morally equates to Nazi Germany (while it lasted) or Sweden (beginning under Per Albin and ending under Olof Palme) forcing certain people to have, for women, the fallopial tubes tied, like Wendell Holmes considered "fair enough" for Carrie Buck before either Per Albin or Adolph Hitler got involved, or possibly also for males.

That's like exonerating the Russian Revolution from state sponsored stealing, while pretending a very moderate taxation is stealing from the citizens.

One crime Valleja Nájera actually did encourage was making sure people with certain diagnoses never got opportunities to procreate, i e supervision to keep them outside contact with the opposite sex. It is absolutely not unknown on the side of the Left wing régimes, less bad than first allowing sex and then forcing someone to abort (as I know had happened to a woman with trisomy in Sweden, from her posts on Silverplanet) and even so it is still a crime.

1 Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared, 3 Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be rejected that is received with thanksgiving: 5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

1 Tim, beginning of chapter 4.

It's obviously even less acceptable with people who theoretically could canonically marry, as things like the diagnoses schizophrenia, paranoia, bipolar etc are not per se impediments to marriage (being "in an episode" is an impediment for marrying then, if the "episode" actually amounts to not being capax sui — a big if). But even with people whose permanent condition involves basically permanent childhood (trisomy 21), it's still a gruesome thing. I am not a fan of Valleja Nájera. Even less of people trying to enforce such policies of his against my right to marry, if there are such ... but Valleja Nájera is not the single go to of every Franco friendly reactionary, as those wikipedians seem to like to think.

Thankfully for the Franco régime, he had pretty few parliamentarians to support propositions and could not get it through.

One problem is, some people who cannot say they support Hitler or the eugenics of Hitler, because that is illegal, will pervert supporting Franco into supporting Valleja Nájera. I think I recall one "Princesse Visigothe" or sth putting Valleja Nájera's proposals online.

2) Are French Reactionaries even moderately OK with the wikipedia?

What do you think of 'Putin proposes to replace Wikipedia with a 'reliable' Russian version'?
Sergey B.' answer

NB Putin did indeed say about replacing wikipedia. It took me a while to find the full version of the transcript to understand the context in which it appeared. In was a meeting of the Russian language council, where among other things, certain Mr. Derevyanko, whoever he is, in his speech about general problems of school education mentioned that schoolchildren often use wikipedia as source.


To this speech Putin make a short comment that, yes, dictionaries are good thing and that wikipedia should be replaced with Big Russian Encyclopedia [...] students should have a reliable source that is as easy to access online as is wikipedia, so that this source (Big Russian Encyclopedia) would replace wikipedia as the main source of information when schoolchildren our searching for it.

Obviously, I am not against putting Encyclopedia Britannica or Academic American Encyclopedia online for free without subscription, and if Putin wants to do that with Big Russian Encyclopedia, go for it.

I am however against the idea that wikipedia is inherently less reliable than the more expensive encyclopedias.

I am afraid, after Putin's remark, school children who use wikipedia without excuses like "Big Russian Encyclopedia had no article on this one" or things like that could be punished or get lower grades, even if what they wrote was perfectly correct.

Now, there is a problem in the supposedly Conservative to Reactionary sphere here in France. Some people may not have noticed it, but since I identify as Reactionary myself, I cannot help getting the memo. It has more than once shown disdain for the wikipedia.

Marion Sigaut a few years ago pretended Wikipedia had mischaracterised her as "Historian / Essayist" because in reality, she is "Historian, period."*

She is certainly a Historian by formation, she as certainly expresses herself in what amounts to essays rather than statistic tables or compilations of sources and quotes from them.**

This is hardly the only time when French Nationalists have a problem with wiki, and agree with some on the Left on that.***

3) French far Right in the detestation for Stalinism supported the opposition in Russia.

Fair enough.

They then supported the more national part of the oppposition when it came to power (meaning Putin).

For 2000 AD, that's pretty tolerable.

But in the time since then, Russia has kind of taken over.

a) Russia is preferred over Ukraine. A land isn't its government, if it were, they'd need to hate France (given their view of the presidents since de Gaulle, and including him). That Zelenski is such and such a thing is highly irrelevant.

Here is a list of 2018 aborters, a selection of nine:

1 Bulgaria 380 4 Romania 359 7 Sweden 317
2 Georgia 375 5 Russia 353 8 France 291.1
3 Moldova 364 6 Hungary 327 9 Ukraine 247

If we go back to 2016 (when Putin had been in power for 17 years), 391. We are in each case talking of abortion ratio, so and so many abortions per 1000 live births. Given that they pretend to prefer fewer abortions rather than more, it's paradoxical to prefer Russia over Ukraine.°

Also, they pretend to prefer Christianity over Dechristianisation.°° In 2012, Russia had

47.4% Christianity
41% Russian Orthodoxy
6.4% Other Christian
38.2% No religion

Ukraine in 2018 had

87.3% Christianity
11.0% No religion

b) Orthodoxy without belief is seen as preferrable over Evangelicals who actually do believe. Russians lead, French Right Wing follows suit.

c) Creationism is OK for Intelligent Design Arguments, but less OK for Young Earth Creationism and generally Creation science, whether as Flood geology or as Baraminology. Russians lead, French Right Wing follows suit.

Let us compare with a Russian heritage French Right Wing journalist back in the day. Serge de Beketch.

Il se présente comme créationniste en affirmant qu'il ne « croi[t] pas à l'évolution », que « le monde n'est pas vieux de plus d'une dizaine de milliers d'années » et que « le Déluge, l'arche de Noé, la tour de Babel sont des faits historiques13 ».

Serge de Beketch

Footnote 13 reads, but right now the link is inaccessible:

"Quartier%20Libre"%20(2001) Entretien avec le magazine "Quartier Libre" (2001)

That's exactly what Young Earth Creationism was like back in the day.°°°

Today, Cercle d'Ulfric blends Intelligent Design and some hints of Racism, but shies away from Creation Science. That's someone they prefer over me. The father of Beketch was obviously as a Foreign Legion better received than I am. People who have been civilians to 55 are not all that famous for becoming good soldiers, besides, I'm a colleague of Beketch, not of his father.

4) A certain Sixtus Henry is pretty important. I think he is very important in the kind of preference of Russia over Ukraine, or of ID over Young Earth I just mentioned. But first a detour. Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma is born in 1930. His brother Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma in 1940. Primogeniture? Sure, Carlos Hugo would normally prevail. Let's however look at an interview with Sixtus Henry.

Entrevista a S.A.R. Don Sixto Enrique de Borbón
21 DICIEMBRE, 2020

Let's take a look at his wars. Yes, unlike me, he was actually a real soldier, in and of itself an admirable thing.

En 1980, ya en París, usted fue acuchillado por un antiguo paracaidista. ¿Cuál fue el móvil del crimen?

Ya le he dicho que, además del carlismo, he sido muy activo en muchos escenarios internacionales en defensa de la cristiandad. Concretamente en Oriente Próximo. Y en aquella época estaba muy implicado en la guerra del Líbano. Creo que esa es la pista que hay que seguir.


¿Qué hizo exactamente en Angola y por qué fue?

Mi padre era Borbón Parma y Braganza, hijo del último duque reinante de Parma y de una infanta portuguesa de la rama miguelista, algo semejante al carlismo español. Siempre estuvimos por tanto ligados también al tradicionalismo portugués.

Mi padre, a diferencia de lo que le pasaba con Franco, tuvo buenas relaciones con Salazar. Hasta el punto de que, tras la expulsión de la Legión, me mandó a Lisboa, donde me entrevistaba regularmente con Salazar. Fue en ese periodo cuando, con mi primo Francisco Braganza Van Uden, combatí a las guerrillas en la guerra de Angola.

To resume in English:

  • He was in Lebanon
  • He was knifed in Paris in 1980 by a parachutist, which he considers related to previous
  • He had earlier on been in Angola, having been better received by Salazar than by Franco, because he is a Miguelista heir as well as a Carlista heir, and Salazar was cooler about Miguelistas than Franco about Carlistas.

Spontaneously, for me these would be reasons to admire him. I'd have been on the Portuguese side in Angola, if I hadn't been born when it was over. Not because I hate black people, but because I hate ruthless murder. I recall a book title as "War in Angola" and I don't think it was War in Angola : The Final South African Phase by Helmoed-Römer Heitman, I think the author was a British officer and an observer.

He noted that the guerilleros would not just kill white Portuguese farmers, but if their black tenants or perhaps also servants refused to betray them, they would kill these too. In my 20's, I had a phase when I used Lumumba about like Swedes use "the Devil" as a cuss word.

Gemayel and Aoun are names that I cherish.

But let's also see two things on his attitude to his older brother and his nephew.

Yo quería reconquistar una romería carlista que comunistas y separatistas del entorno de mi hermano habían desnaturalizado. ... (on the brother Carlos Ugo's surroundings, about Montejurra 1976: the pilgrimage had on his view been hijacked and needed reconquest, from Commies and Separatists)
De un lado está el respeto a las leyes tradicionales. Ahí tiene la Pragmática de Matrimonios de Carlos III. Y toda la normativa sucesoria, a la que va vinculada la historia del carlismo. ... (on why the nephew having married a non-noble cannot inherit the throne)

The other day, day of St.Genevieve and birthday of Tolkien, I wrote a defense of Euskera batua, as a unified Basque language, against a Spanish politician of the name Ortega Smith.~ Without doubt, my Spanish is somewhat inadequate, I even made a mistake for which I apologised in a footnote. The problem is, when I posted it under a portrait of a Basque whom Sixtus Henry recalled from back then, he seems to have taken it as an insult to the deceased, he promptly eradicated my link. Dito for a comment involving an interview of the late Pope Michael I, on an Epiphany greeting.

It seems, to him, Euskera batua is still a symbol for the guys in ETA who were not satisfied with autonomy and linguistic equal rights (far off as that was under Franco), but full independence, and willing to blow people up to get it. To me, Euskera is a memory of the hospitalera of Irún. Today, in Álava, Biscay and Guipúzcoa, you are free to approach police or tax collectors or judges in either Spanish or Euskera. Precisely as a man in Helsinki (which we call Helsingfors) can approach authorities in either Finnish or Swedish. That's why ETA is basically dead.

ETA declared ceasefires in 1989, 1996, 1998 and 2006. On 5 September 2010, ETA declared a new ceasefire[30] that remained in force, and on 20 October 2011, ETA announced a "definitive cessation of its armed activity".[31] On 24 November 2012, it was reported that the group was ready to negotiate a "definitive end" to its operations and disband completely.[32] The group announced on 7 April 2017 that it had given up all its weapons and explosives.[33] On 2 May 2018, ETA made public a letter dated 16 April 2018 according to which it had "completely dissolved all its structures and ended its political initiative".[34]

Something for Netanyahu and Herzog to ponder, I'd say.

Whatever the historic bad taste an Ortega Smith could associate with Euskera, recalling the days of ETA, and I was actually surprised ETA lasted so long, people who grew up learning it in school should not be scorned for that association, and even less for the linguistic, frankly, incompetence, lack of correct comparisons, of that man on that occasion. I had not attacked Ortega Smith's policies apart from that, so it was hardly an attack on him.

But while I think Sixtus Henry has mostly (less sure about Montejurra 1976!) chosen his wars with honour, being in a lot of wars leaves scars. When I defended Franco in high school, on the count of his being too harsh to already defeated opponents, I recalled that he had been in wars and had been scarred by them. Sixtus Henry has partly the same excuse. But it is not totally a recommendation.

As for the comment on Charles III ... first, it was an Enlightenment monarch. Second, he eliminated a younger brother, Lewis Anthony James of Bourbon and Farnese, from possible future succession, when he did not remain a clergyman (he had not taken the sacrement of orders on being named a bishop, so he was a titular~~ clergyman only), by imposing an impossibility to succession given that María Teresa of Vallabriga and Rozas, was not of a sovereign house. While this may reflect an older custom, it became law only in 1776, the same year as the American Revolution, by Charles III who put down the mutiny of Esquilache, who had expelled the Jesuits nine years earlier, who was pretty much the opposite of Carlist ideals.

The reason being, the marriage would be unequal. Now, if Charles Xavier, the nephew of Sixtus Henry, had been realistically hoping to be king of Spain one day, like Philip VI under John Charles or John Charles under Franco, yes, the marriage would have been unequal. However, Charles Xavier has basically had his claim dormant, not abandoned, but waiting if there should be any kind of occasion, without trying to provoke such. He has lived as an upper class citizen, not as a future sovereign. Is that in itself an obstacle? If not, marrying someone who is actually in that respect his equal would hardly be an obstacle either. In fact ...


... here is how he sees it:

Desde que el 28 de septiembre de 2003 Don Carlos Hugo confirió el título de Duque de Madrid a su primogénito Don Carlos, éste ha venido interesándose y haciéndose presente de forma creciente en la vida social, cultural y política española, siempre abierto a dialogar con cualesquiera agentes sociales, económicos o del mundo académico, estando al servicio de España y los españoles, desde la responsabilidad que le marcan sus deberes irrenunciables como titular de los derechos dinásticos del Carlismo al Trono español.

He cannot renounce his duties, therefore he remains at the service of Spain and the Spaniards. Both uncle and nephew remind me of Aragorn. Sixtus Henry as the veteran of many wars. Charles Xavier, as the one standing back, not trying to get what is his, not trying to even remotely be an usurper from the men whom he'd consider as heirs of usurpers.

I stated, I like Carlism, and I like both versions, Partido Carlista, which would support Charles Xavier, and Comunión Tradicionalista, which is what Sixtus Henry is heading. They have been separate since Montejurra in 1976, the year my grandfather died.

It would be good if they reconciled before Sixtus Henry died. Especially as Sixtus Henry has no direct heir.

Nevertheless, the tensions have contributed to mistaken paths by the French Far Right. Insofar as Sixtus Henry has prevailed.

Note, he has lived in Russia, as well as Portugal, Near East and especially France. He can have contributed to undue degrees of pro-Russianism. He can have taken as re-Christianisation positions in the Patriarchate of Moscow that were really a continued defeatism against the pretendedly already dead Communism.

5) The late Pope Michael I was part time Seminarian in Winona, for the SSPX. He is so to speak a former disciple of Archbishop Lefebvre. But he holds the position of SSPX is culpable, insofar as it can be described as R'n'R = Recognise and Resist.

Meanwhile, the archbishop himself had a kind of horror for the kind of thing that David Allen Bawden did in 1989 and 1990, leading to his election on the day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16, 1990. A few days after I had ceased my military service. The Archbishop had once with some excitation, even indignation, cried out "far be it from us, to erect ourself to the papacy" ... it's a bit like the marriages of Lewis of Bourbon and Farnese and of Charles Xavier. David Allen Bawden had no impressive position in advance. Calling a papal election was not automatically arranging to be elected.

The 29th of June 1988, a few weeks after I was received into the Catholic Church, a little more than two years before the election of David Bawden who took the name Michael, Archbishop Lefebvre and his old friend Castro Mayer consecrated four new bishops in Écône. A major sponsor of that event was Sixtus Henry.

It is possible that in this way, his quirks, his minor errors, have been involved in holding the SSPX hostage. They have no Pope of their own, they usually do not very much respect the "Popes" that are rival to Popes Michael I and II,they refuse to admit these, ergo, they are in the risk zone of taking up errors from laymen just because they happen to be moderately wealthy and friendly to them.

Hans Georg Lundahl
I Lord's Day After Epiphany

Appendix, France and Russia in my Stats:

These stats have not yet been published, but I already have them for 3 different week periods and for 2 different 24 hour periods, within the weeks, since last ones published.

7 days 24 h
2 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 181 + 125 + 8 + 3 + 6 + 65 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 39 + 13 + 6 = 462
2 + 2 + 19 + 34 + 31 + 24 + 16 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 25 + 197 + 42 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 1 = 433
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 16 + 6 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 26 + 2 = 66
5 + 1 + 6 + 21 + 15 + 3 + 1 = 52
1 + 1 + 19 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 25 + 2 + 1 + 50 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 109 + 173 + 2 + 2 + 16 = 434 ; 62 per day
2 + 1 + 10 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 14 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 12 + 3 + 20 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 71 + 9 + 12 + 114 + 49 + 4 + 14 + 1 + 5 + 18 = 421 ; 60 per day
3 + 16 + 14 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 48
3 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 22 + 2 = 47
9 + 14 + 3 + 4 + 59 + 17 + 5 + 27 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 18 + 3 + 158 + 80 + 1 + 1 = 409 => 58 per day
27 + 1 + 5 + 29 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 17 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 25 + 55 + 115 + 2 = 303 => 43 per day

They are not just next to each other here, on each of these stats, they had no other country between them.

Appendix, French Nationalism and Russia:

Marine Le Pen : sa passion russe qu'elle veut faire oublier
Mediapart | 5 avr. 2022

2:32 — 3:06

elle a vanté l'action de vladimir poutine sur la chaîne pro russie à tv comme marie le pen vous avez certainement pour wenger poutine j'ai une certaine admiration c'est vrai parce que c'est un homme pour pas oublier quand même qui a récupéré un pays qui s'il a souffert de dizaines et de dizaines d'années de souffrances terribles il à redonner la fierté à son peuple il a redonné le moral à son peuple qui aujourd'hui je crois a encore et à raison le sentiment d'être un grand peuple et j'avoue que pour ça je vais admirer

Marion Maréchal Le Pen said that she admired Putin for giving back to his country and people their pride and hope, after the country was in shambles when he took power.

Well, I happen to love Germany (now especially the South, but earlier I did not discriminate against the North either). Imagine whom I was admiring for very similar motives in my earliest teens. I got over it and came to prefer Franco. But I still love the Autobahn and the Volkswagen Beetle.


*Today the wikipedians have changed it to:

Activité principale Écrivain
Langue d’écriture français
Genres Histoire
Roman historique

** When I do amateur history, I do all three. My academic disciplines were mainly Latin and Greek, and I didn't do a "phil. cand." which is basically Licentiate of Arts, hence "amateur" ... my statistics are often compiled from wikipedia articles, btw ...

*** I don't think it's a pure coincidence I got this question on quora, see my post with answer:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Why Rely on Wiki? (As it Is : the Free Encyclopedia)

° As proximate reference giving more basic references, I refer to:

New blog on the kid: Russia and US - Abortions

The abortion statistics from the US, before the Dobbs case, were for 2016, as said, 391 in Russia vs 158 in the US.

°° Reference immediately:

New blog on the kid: Ukraine vs Russia : More Christian, Fewer Abortions

°°° I also recall Marc Dem and François Brigneau with fondness. But that was before the Putin era. As for Young Earth Creationism, by now the leading proponents are not playing around with "10 000 years" but chosing between a Masoretic or a Septuagient chronology and keeping to it with some strictness. The Catholic Church has more or less indirectly proposed three chronologies : Syncellus on Nicaea II, 787 AD, St. Jerome via Historia scholastica into the liturgy of the Christmas Night, and Ussher or similarly Masoretic, by Trent Session IV endorsing the Vulgate.


~~ The wikis differ. English wiki pretends he was ordained at age 8, which is impossible, that is probably due to an Anglican confusion between taking up a position and becoming a bishop. Spanish wiki pretends he was ordained on receiving his second bishopric in 1741, but the German one only says he received it.

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