Sunday 8 September 2019

If Electricity Goes Down - What do You Do?

Electricity could go down for various reasons. Sabotage by terrorists, violent climate change (too much solar activity might cut out electric currents) or simply disuse.

The latter, gradual, getting out of a dependance that might be bad in more catastrophic situations, is of course my preference, but I don't think it is all that likely, right now.

Now, the question is, what would you do?

Well, the Middle Ages are a very well documented example of what one can do without electricity.

What did medieval peasants use instead of Plastic wrap?
Modern History TV | 4.IX.2019

How Did Medieval Peasants Light Their Homes? Modern History TV | 15.VIII.2019

Did they have soap in medieval times?
Modern History TV | 5.VI.2019

As is the XVIIIth C.

Fire Starting: No Matches, No Lighter - The American Frontier
Townsends | 14.V.2018

Making Your Bed With Dead Leaves? - The American Frontier
Townsends | 2.V.2018

I am not sure I could do each and all that Townsend or Jason Kingsley show, but some of my readers could do some of it, in a pinch. And it's enjoyable watching.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XI
XIII Sunday after Pentecost
and Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

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