Thursday 31 October 2019

Ghost of Soviet Communism? Or was it never dead?

Four headlines on mail dot com might give a clue.

1990, I had hopes for the world, like the Tiananmen Square massacre previous year had been revenged and "the Necromancer was beaten" ... but since then, especially these last years I have more of a feeling "Sauron just moved from Dol Guldur" ...

Are you aware that in 1999 there was a novel called Последний кольценосец [posljednij kol-tsjenosets] or The Last Ringbearer?

Kirill Eskov is not in prison for infringing the Tolkien Estate's copyright to Lord of the Rings, no, he is as respected in Russia as Pascal Picq is over here.

Yeah, because I didn't tell you, like Pascal Picq, Kirill Yuryevich Eskov is a palaeontologist. He also, unlike Picq, wrote a Gospel of Jesus without miracles:

Among his other books is The Gospel of Afranius (Russian: Евангелие от Афрания [Ewangielije ot Afranija]), a dramatic portrayal of Jesus. In the novel he attempts to construct a demythologised account of the events of the Gospels.

Demythologised account means : Jesus Christ is not God in it and He didn't make any miracles in it. In other words, a complete re-writing, total revisionism. Arguably where you land when, as Kirill Eskov, you have a vested interest in disbelieving Adam and Eve. He was biologist and palaeontologist already during the Soviet era.

His translator's blog is called Еврей без ярлыков [Jewrej bez jarlykow] ... Hebrew without ... what's jarlykow? Oh, "unlabelled Jew" according to Google translate or "Jew without labels" (since jarlykow is genitive after bez and at that genitive plural).

If you want your Halloween spooky, this is for you ...

As Tolkien loved Welsh and as commies used to like texts without capital letters, Sauron with minuscules only and Welsh spelling is sawron ... if you want to guess what that adds up to in ASCII, have your Apocalypse ready (13:18). The Ghost of Soviet Communism is pro-Sauron.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL

PS, the translator is probably also a fan of the pseudo-Gospel, since his mail adress is

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