Here is what a former Planned Parenthood worker (not abortion provider while so, personally) has to say about 12 year old girls:
Travino [sic] told the foundation that she felt troubled by the number of appointments they scheduled with girls as young as 12 for contraception and abortion referrals. She said they also saw a lot of young women who had STDs and multiple sex partners. ... “They are being groomed as future abortion patients because Planned Parenthood promotes a promiscuous lifestyle,” she said. “We’re not discouraging them from having sex at a young age. We have monthly quotas to meet. They’re just numbers.”
LifeNews : Former Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Manager: “It’s a Demonic Organization”
National Micaiah Bilger Dec 20, 2017 | 4:16PM Washington, DC
Note, the title is wrong, since Ramona Trevino (she's Trevino and not Travino everywhere in the article except the quote) had these thoughts:
Trevino said she initially justified her job by reasoning that she worked at one of Planned Parenthood’s non-abortion facilities. But she eventually quit when it became apparent that her employer was hurting women more than helping them.
Initially means, this is when she started to work for PP and so on for as long as it lasted. Eventually quit her job - on non-abortion facilities - well, if she did so because PP was hurting, it was definitely not to join an abortion facility, an abortion clinic properly speaking.
But that is not quite the point I had to make. LifeNews are a good resource, even if they are badly edited, sometimes.
Here is my point: there is an ideology saying these 12 year old girls are too young to marry and that is why they must be given contraceptive and abortive support for remaining "children" when obviously they aren't.
There are two views possible : God made a mistake in making them the way they can enjoy sex and get pregnant at 12 (or there is no God), or, 12 is not too young to marry, these girls are pushed into bad lifestyles precisely by being prevented from marriage.
1995 or 1994, there was a case in the US, a girl of 12 in SC married and quit school. She married an old man, she has probably already become a widow, but the point is, the paper where I read this, an added paragraph or sub-article stated Bill Clinton wanted this to stop. So, laws were changed so minimum for marriage became the school quitting age otherwise described, and therefore marrying couldn't legally get you out of school, when you could legally marry, you could legally be out of school anyway.
In the Middle Ages, 12 year old girls who wanted sex asked dad and mum to find them husbands, in the best case, and in "normal worst" got sex and got shotgun weddings (anachronistical name, since shot guns didn't exist then, but swords did).
Other point about 12 year old girls in 12th C and 14 year old boys in 14th C : they were not kept 35 hours or so a week around young people of the opposite sex from outside the family, the school was not totally compulsory (unless parents wanted it so) and it didn't use coeducation.
Third point : they were not surrounded by dance music every day. I do not mention this as a fact about "escapism" as some would, since I don't think escapism is wrong per se. However, escapism from the dreary world of school is part of why this is resorted to. Still, I mention it as one reason why young people now are less able to abstain from sex than in the Middle Ages.
Fourth point : they were not supposed to be well nourished all year round, they were encouraged to do fasting when prescribed by the Church.
Fifth point : they were usually not living in neighbourhoods where lots of extra-marital sex was going on.
Sixth point : supposing man and woman are both legally allowed to marry, at least the girls had less reason to delay "for practical reasons" since getting a stable work while young was easier for men and since women were not practically required to have salary contracts independently of their husbands, even if the family was poor. She could marry an older man who had got his master's shop at 24 and she could marry a peasant and depend on same lord as he did, but work for the lord lots less often.
In other words, a twelve year old girl back then was less likely to have to wait for marriage if she didn't want to wait, and more likely to manage if she had to anyway. Than girls are today.
Now some hypocrites pretend it is horrible and perverted of me to propose twelve year old girls can marry, but they see nothing wrong in themselves proposing twelve year old girls can get abortions or contraception.
Trevino was and is right that Planned Parenthood is demonic and driving - grooming she says - girls to promiscuity, but she unfortunately forgets that so was Bill Clinton and so is the school system, as well as the omnipresence of music that can just be turned on.
And the fact aspects like rhythm and others being calculated to be subtly arousing. Listen to it once, you will arguably not necessarily be sexually aroused. Listen to it day after day, and you will be aroused more often than otherwise. And adult man can be painted as selfish and unconcerned if smoking around his children even once, let alone every day. But an adult woman who listens to California Girls or similar every day without headphones while young teens (prevented unfortunately from marriage) are around, who makes that kind of music her principal musical entertainment, she's supposed to be doing the right thing?
But rock and pop and house musicians can at least make a living with adult audiences. School teachers are depending on young people being kept in school. Adults who are out of compulsory school age are less likely to sign up for courses of the secondary school type, than young people who are signed up by parents who could otherwise get fined or have them taken away. And most of them are not providing private schools teaching boys among boys and girls among girls, they are working on state run facilities, or municipally run facilities or regionally run ones, where girls of 15 and boys of 15 are in the same classroom.
Sure, PP is demonic, but so is very much else in what has changed over the last 100 years before the cited article was written.
It seems, 1917 to 2017 was Satan's century, I think it was said to the seers in Fatima in Portugal, and it was prophecied by Pope Leo XIII Satan would have a century to destroy the Church. Or to try to.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Torcy / Lognes (Ségrais)
Sts. Placide et Compagnons
martyrisés à Messine*
* Messanae, in Sicilia, natalis sanctorum Martyrum Placidi Monachi, e beati Benedicti Abbatis discipulis, et ejus fratrum Eutychii et Victorini, ac sororis eorum Flaviae Virginis, itemque Donati, Firmati Diaconi, Fausti et aliorum triginta Monachorum, qui omnes a Manucha pirata, pro Christi fide, necati sunt. And if I wrote Sts Placidus and Companions, martyred in Messina in French, I was tired and switched to French after noting where I was writing.
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