Tuesday 2 March 2021

Nope, It Wasn't

What Happened Yesterday? · Let's Say the Issue about KGB was Stolen · Nope, It Wasn't

But since I found it, how about my stating some things about Jews and KGB ... p. 26 states that Feliks Dzerzhinski founded the Cheka (which was going to become the KGB via some other abbreviations), and that in 1922 it had 283 000 chekists. It also states how Nikolai Yezhov was involved in great purges, including of 11 000 chekists. Yezhov was in charge in 1936-38 of what was then NKVD.

P. 36 states about the early years of the Cheka that the recruits of Dzerzhinsky were often Russians, Ukraineans, Balts of Jewish origin - mentions go out to a tiny few like Uritsky, Unschlicht, Trilisser, Pianitsky - and spoke out of the engagement being due to Czarist hard repression of nationalities in the Empire, "particularly Jews. Sometimes cultivated, often polyglott, they formed a generation of efficient and devoted agents who, most of them, fell during the 'Moscow trials' provoked by a Stalin gone suspicious, paranoid and antisemite."

Most of them? Obviously not most of the Dzerzhinsky generation, if only 11 000 were killed off or otherwise purged out. But most of the Jews in it? Numbers are not given by Bernard Lecomte. If most of the Cheka Jews were among the 11 000, that "most" would at most be 11 000, meaning the "fewer" would be less than 11 000. Say 10 000. That would add up to 21 000 Jews out of 283 000 Chekists. 7.42 %. Is that "particularly Jews" being recruited since "particularly Jews" had been oppressed by the Czar régime?

On the other hand, if fewer were there to begin with, we would have even less reason to have the Jewish contingent noted. And Solzhenytsin did, and Vassili Berezhkov, former KGB, also did not discuss numbers:

Yet others failed to see the need for Solzhenitsyn's pursuit of this particular subject at present. Vassili Berezhkov, a retired KGB colonel and historian of the secret services and the NKVD (the precursor of the KGB), said: "The question of ethnicity did not have any importance either in the revolution or the story of the NKVD. This was a social revolution and those who served in the NKVD and cheka were serving ideas of social change.

"If Solzhenitsyn writes that there were many Jews in the NKVD, it will increase the passions of anti-semitism, which has deep roots in Russian history. I think it is better not to discuss such a question now."

The Guardian : Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution
Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow | Sat 25 Jan 2003 10.32 GMT

While 7.42 % is already Jewish over representation, it is perhaps a bit low for what I had gathered that the Jewish numbers were back then. This is why I wonder whether Bernard Lecomte could back that "most" up by numbers ... anyway, those trials under Yezhov were 1936 and on. The Holodomor was 1932-33. This means the Jews were not yet purged out.

The Kazakh famine of 1930–1933, named in Kazakhstan as the Goloshchyokin genocide ... after Filipp Goloshchyokin to emphasize its man-made nature[4] and also known as the Kazakh catastrophe,[7] was a famine where 1.5 million (possibly as many as 2.0–2.3 million) people died in Soviet Kazakhstan, of whom 1.3 million were ethnic Kazakhs; 38% of all Kazakhs died, the highest percentage of any ethnic group killed in the Soviet famine of 1932–33.[2][6] Some historians assume that 42% of the entire Kazakh population died in the famine.[8]


Born 9 March [O.S. 26 February] 1876 in Nevel to a family of Jewish contractors, his true birth name is unknown, in various sources, Isai (Yiddish: Shaya or Shai) and Isak, Isayevich, Isaakovich, Itskovich are indicated as real names. His first wife, Bertha Iosifovna Perelman, was born in 1876 to the family of an artisan.


I think, if Lalin was as wrong as Bernard Lecomte implies, and not even that when it comes to Holodomor - the same era as Kazakh famine, but for Ukraine - the presence of Filipp Goloshchëkin contributed to some exaggeration, and this would be at least a mitigating factor. But one would like that somewhat better discussed than by Vassili Berezhkov and Bernard Lecomte's bland "most".

How much more credible they would be in saying Hervé Ryssen was wrong, if they were putting him out of a prison sentence and into a discussion with Bernard Lecomte ...

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Chedda of Lichfield

The twice over Roman martyrs had a longer text ...

PS - when I returned after begging today, again the luggage was disrupted, arguably searched, and very arguably repeated to get me stressed. I find this criminal./HGL

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