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- A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien
- Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes
- In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ...
- Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life?
- Malfaisance de "Sécurité"
- Have I Done Ill Speaking Against the Real Pope a F...
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Sunday, 2 February 2020
Une semaine de pages-vues / One week of page views
23 janv. 2020 17:00 – 30 janv. 2020 16:00
23 janv. 2020 21:00 – 30 janv. 2020 20:00
.... Dialogue imaginé sur mon discours de carbone 14 745
Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity 232
If you read old texts - did people really do things like that back then? 42 impressa in octavo 40
Anonymous author for Saint Peter? 30 The Reproaches 28
J'aime Jean Raspail? Pas sans réserve ... 23
Rudeness Won't Disprove the Flood or Prove Oparin 17 Change in Martyrology ... 17 Raison d'être sur les forums 16
Titular Bishops of Rhodiapolis, Life Spans 11 Comment est-ce que Denis Lacorne s'est informé? 11
Babel, also to Georgia Purdom 10 "et lux non loqui" 10 My Benefactor had Some Points to Make on the Post About the Change in Martyrology 10
Durupınar Alternative to Judi? Three Remarks 9 Bill Nye Incompetent in Debate 9 Did King Alfred Know the Psalms? Yes. 9 When CSL was wrong, Charles Gore was wrong before him, I think. Pt 1 9 Si quelqu'un se prend pour mon "patronus" parce que j'aurais reçu des "beneficia" de lui ... 9 La notion de l'espace chez Newman 9 Le Seigneur né le 25 Décembre? Oui! 9 Je partage : Comment le Padre Pio a sauvé la vie du Général Cadorna 9
What is Expertise? Some Things It is Not. 8 Ich schrieb den Kommentar 8 Survival, Not Leisure, Georgia? 8 Protestantisme et développement en tant que déchristianisation (quora) 8 Débat avec Marc Laubier .... 8 Why does Father Christmas come at Midnight with Presents? 8 Le Saint Nom de Jésus et une esplanade de Paris ... 8 Bill Nye on Japanese Tradition 8 What about its Metropolitan Titular See, Myra? 8 Will the Courses of Priestly Service Give Full Years? No. 8
full url : version / présentation : pleins urls 7 A "Biblical" Heliocentric Misciting Holy Scripture 7 Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan) 7 Je partage à propos des retraites 7
Trent Horn Wrong 6 With Habermehl 2017, II 6 YMW länkade till Åkesons dumhet 6 Svensk okunnighet briljerar på Quora 6 D'où vint le Messie? (Vint, non "viendra") 6 Scandinaves et Café-filtre 6 Bill Nye on Historic Science 6 Bill Nye on ... Pantheism? Hegelianism? 6
With Steven Taylor on Lorentz Transformations, Speed of Light, Distant Starlight Problem, Creation Week, Miracles 5 Copyright issues on blogposts with shared copyright 5 Why do my Posts Right Here Not Answer YOUR Questions on the Subject? 5 On Not Demonising Internet 5 Two "Magic Wand" quotes 5 Changing the Text, NIV? 5 Oscar Wilde and Perry Lorenzo 5 Pius XI, Dollfuss, Mussolini - a Debate with a Wholehearted Admirer of the Latter 5 Susan has a bad fright. 5 Considering Newton … Gravely 5
Bill Nye and Space Rocks 4 AronRa, did I mention you are worthless on history? 4 Paulogia took on the Tower 4 With Ármann Jakobsson on Rydberg, Tolkien and Some More 4 Med Yvonne Maria Werner ang. hennes raderande 4 With Habermehl 2017, I 4 With Tim Stables from Catholic Answers, on Noah 4 Correspondence with Ginzburg on Menocchio's Death 4 Continué 4 General index 4 Whom did Christ call "that fox"? 4 Tour de Babel, réalité 4 Catholicisme historique criminelle? Que nenni! 4
Soon Christmas 3 Babel, Language and Archaeology Related on Quora 3 Answering Steve Rudd 3 Mit Potratz über Genesis und Rassismus 3 Pfirti' oder B'förd' di'? 3 Courte correspondence avec Vincent Reynouard, sur Oradour et Wajsblat 3 News Correspondence after Christchurch 3 Are All Responses to CMI Here? 3 Reading this on iPad? 3 Nombre de chromosomes des espèces mammifères ... 3 Réponses à "aimerjesus" / "islam christianisme" 3 How do we define fossil species? (backup blog) 3 Un escroqueur vient de me contacter (c'est amusant en plus) 3 Débat om skolpligten 3 When a Certain So Called Learning Affirms We Deified Christ Because We Loved Him ... 3
Un blog a été donné à vos étudiants. 2 Weakness of CMI : Church History 2 Where You Looking For Something Else? 2 Mit Potratz über Exodus und Metaphysik 2 Answering Rob Skiba on Tower and Other Issues 2 Chuck MIssler on the Demonic, some Complementary or Corrective Comments by me 2 Where "Lutheran Satire" Misses a Nuance on Where Rome Is (eternal vs present) 2 Matthew 24 and Genesis 6 2 I think I wrote a mistaken word somewhere on youtube - or perhaps not 2 A thread from Catholic.com (more may be added) 2 Ordo Missae of Paul VI per se valid, probably (or may have been) 2 Terre et Soleil - laquelle est stabile? 2 FAQ Fr/Eng 2 Conscience: cerveau-ordinateur ou âme? 2 M. Onfray et St. Thomas d' Aquin 2 De retour + conditions d'utilisations ultérieures + régistre français 2 Answering a Meme About Catholic and Orthodox 2 Answers about "The Forbidden Book" 2 Where I Get a Dislike to Mark Stahlman 2 Intro to Raqia debate with Drew Gasaway 2 Latin and Conlangs, Featuring Alcuin 2 Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for "outdated because disproven inexact science" 2 16-VII-2004, AArhus - Bellevue, aller et retour 2 Exercitia simplicissima de casuum et temporum utilitate 2 Les Musiciens 2 Sonata Nemetodurica 2 G7 (guitar) 2 Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life? 2 In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ... 2 Answering William P. Lazarus 2 Shared : Lita's defense 2 Answering 11 QQ for Christians 2 Någon kallade Jon Emil Kjölstad falsk, nej, det är han intet. 2 När skulle judar från hela verlden samlas i Heliga Landet? 2
Mit Potratz über Flut und Mythus 1 ... über Galileo, Herrschel, Shapley 1 Gott sei Dank! Der Österreicher lebt! (Link) 1 Möglich oder nicht? Von Deutschland zu Fuß nach Rußland oder China wandern ... 1 XXVIII Some Fairclough I did try (adult) 1 XXXIII - 10 - 12.X.2019 (adult) 1 Can we get this straight? I never said I was atheist up to becoming Catholic 1 Dixit Aquinas 1 Atapuerca - 80.000 (ou encore 800.000) ans de vieux? 1 Credo ... in remissionem peccatorum (English & Français) 1 Pape Urbain VIII "héliocentrique lui-même"? Non, mais à part ça admirateur de Galilée 1 XIX et le franc-mac 1 Doctrinal brickwall? 1 L'art et la surdité (pour une des trois meufs avec le mec) 1 Les Tistou, ça existe. Les autres aussi, d'ailleurs. 1 C (guitar) 1 Dm (guitar) 1 Andante - Duo, Ut majeur 1 Between major and minor ... 1 Sonatine pour Guitare III 1 Un compositeur noir pour le studio Ghibli? 1 La Sonate et la Sonatine 1 (et sur un autre blog aussi) La Sonate et la Sonatine 1 Recognising Spivvins 1 Good Old George (and don't you ever call her Georgina!) 1 And Friedman looked for Su in the wrong office ... 1 So What Are Fairies? 1 A Talk about Tolkien 1 Justice sans religion - est-ce possible? 1 "Putting the cart before the horse" 1 Commentaire de Benoît XVI 1 The pilgrim's padreen* 1 Questiuncula de veritatibus in paganismo 1 Mirabilis cosmos, mirabilior cosmou Creator 1 Citemus votum +Antonii de Castro-Mayer, Episcopi Camposini 1 Le bâtiment 1 Pas la faute à Rune Andréasson 1 Allemagne moins riche en BD originales que la Suède 1 Mais pas sur la Mère de Dieu 1 Deux biographies sacerdotales ... 1 émotions en bd : il y a d'intelligent de nos jours 1 Mystère de choux éclairé! (Et plus sur lou) 1 Quand trop c'est trop ... 1 J'avais lu une chose sur Julien Green ... 1 Followers 1 Paris-Alaska: Organic veggies/AMAP 1 Dealing with "Trail of Blood" Claims 1 Hunnius Redivivus on Apostolic Succession 1 "Sufficiency of Scripture" 1 Ever Heard of Claudian Famine in Corinth, and Dinippus? 1 Defense of Christ's institution of Hierarchy and Petrine Office, and of St Peter's successors being in Rome 1 Sorry for Delay 1 Where is Papist in Bible Code? 1 Vin pour compagnie (blog marqué adulte pour deux autres haïku) 1 Au marché, la manche (blog marqué adulte pour deux autres haïku) 1 Situation of Yaqui children better again! 1 ABORTION IS THE ULTIMATE ACT OF VIOLENCE; ABORTION IS A CRIME; ABORTION IS MURDER. 1 Was John Wesley charitable to Catholics? 1 Let's Suppose Muslims Can Read, Some of Them 1 MAJORITETSBESLUTETS PROBLEM & LÖSNING 1 15-VII-2004, Svallerup, Kalundborg, AArhus 1 Dimanche, 1-VIII-2004, Deutschland - Nederlande 1 4-IX-2004, Ledigos - Alb. Municipal La Trinidad, Sahagún 1 1-X-2004 Ferreiros - Portomarín 1 Luddite's lament 1 Do not support World Childhood Foundation! 1 Malfaisance de "Sécurité" 1 Fatima - Bad News and Good News - the latter provided by Pope Michael 1 Have I Done Ill Speaking Against the Real Pope a Few Years Ago? 1 A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien 1 Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui. 1 Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes 1 Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please! (Correction : I seem to have got his position wrong as that of Derrida and Habermas, known opponents of his. ... This article is not about Hans-Georg Gadamer, but about the fact he and Frankfurter school are very marginal to me and who is not so.) 1 Antarctica (backup blog) 1 South Africa (backup blog) 1 Dinogorgon (backup blog) 1 Anteosaurus magnificus (backup blog) 1 Palaeoherpeton decorum (backup blog) 1 Tupandactylus imperator (backup blog) 1 Tapejara (backup blog) 1 Tryckeri med dator, skrifvare, och copiator 1 Om Vatikanets Holdning 1 En treflig man, ett JV 1 Det fins en annan blogg der jag skrifver på svenska med ... 1 Advokat Jørgen Stualand : 1 Ruby Harrold-Claesson om Tortyr i Sverige och ett offer vid namn Domenic Johansson 1 Tonfiskröra 1 Salade chaude de pommes de terre 1 embroidery 1 Embroidery, same as previous, applied to suit jacket 1 Printing Books / Imprimer des Livres 1 Sudoku-construction (steg för steg) 1 Square Root Extraction 1 In Answer to Rabbi Skobac 1 Marshall Adresses an Important Misunderstanding 1 No More Freewill Than a Bowl of Sugar, Cashmore? 1 Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo 1 En correction à Abdelkader Ounissi sur les Chrétiens 1 ascii code gematria 1 Answering itccs, first 34 minutes of evidence, five charges and no Catholic culprit so far 1 Grandes séries: Contre la Psychiatrie 1 Proportions 1 Craze for Poverty 1 Fatima or Francis? 1 Why this blog? Pourquoi ce blog? Hvadan denna blogg? 1 Middle Ages 1 C S Lewis 1 "filolohika"? 1 Misunderstanding Begging (Some Cultural History of, Blog Theme Obliging) and This Beggar 1 Answering a Muslim who asked "If Jesus was [=is] GOD ..." 1
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