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Monday, 3 June 2019
If in Hendaye your reaction is "this is where Franco made Hitler feel uncomfy, serve him right" ....
... perhaps your Fascism is not National Socialism.
When I came up to Sysslebäck as teacher in Swedish and German for Autumn Term of 1995, I decided to keep quiet about being a Fascist of the Franco-friendly type. Why? People where alive who had fought in the International Brigades.
Some maths for now.
Suppose you are 100 years old, as very few are, how old were you in 1939? 20 years. Suppose you are 95, as some more, but still few, are, you were 15. If you were 15 in 1939, you probably were not a veteran from that war, especially not international brigades.
But in 1995, this was not so. There were people alive in 80's and 90's who had felt very strongly about fighting in those brigades. I have a mother who felt very strongly about geriatrics. A village is a place where things get out. I did not want to give old people a shock which might lead to a heart attack, just because they were fighting for a bad thing several decades earlier. Especially as Franco himself had not exactly wanted his international volunteers from England or Sweden to take part in arms : carrying the wounded or doing journalism was OK, but he didn't feel like bringing Spanish War elsewhere.
So, I happen to have some respect for the National Socialists who exist now in Sweden, on a personal level. I do not agree with their politics. I do not want to be confused with them, and they might not want to be confused with me.
Here is a homepage to a Swedish National Socialist movement*, not mine:
Nordfront : Det finns inga nazister
Av Henrik Pihlstrom, 2015-07-05
Here is a homepage to a Swedish Fascist movement, much closer to my position, though not mine:
Nysvenska rörelsen
Back in certain times, the founder Engdahl was naive about National Socialism, he took his distance after learning about the camps, but he never took a distance from Mussolini.
The present day view of work, employment, wages, etc on this one has two huge references : Carta del Lavoro by Mussolini, 1927, and a similar policy statement by Juan Perón, Argentina. (Btw, to me "Argentinian fascist" means Perón, not Videla, and Videla I would rather class as something like a "Catholic" and Capitalist Stalinist, as "Catholic" as Stalin was Orthodox - except he went to Church, but I speak of his policies, and as Capitalist as the Commies are in China these days).
In 1992, I mourned for the demise of Engdahl. However, I take a certain distance, because Nysvenskar were not only involved in good aspects of Social Democracy, as Saltsjöbadsandan (in France that would be like "les Grenelles"), but also in one bad one, the eugenics program that lasted to the 70's. Germany can be thankful its eugenics program was in Hitler's régime, that way it ended 1945.
However, today the Nysvenskar do usually, like myself, take a distance from the eugenics program, partly because some of them are Catholic converts, like me.
I am afraid Nordfront might still advocate aborting a baby with Down's**. I only advocate getting fewer babies conceived with Down's by getting younger mothers, or, let's put it like this, if a woman starts getting children at 15 or 20 and has a baby with Down's at 40, getting more non-Down's babies first. That way the baby will grow up with older siblings that can take care of it.
Now, there are people in Paris who survived the camps. What Marcel Kling (if I recall the name correctly) went through was an atrocity. Should they feel ill about my preference for Franco over Azaña?
Let's put it like this, in a book about Raul Wallenberg, in Budapest, he gave Ashkenazi Jews Swedish passports, while Spanish Embassy (of the Franco régime, not of any Republican exile government), gave Sephardic Jews Spanish passports. You showed a key to a house in Spain which your ancestors had left 1492? You spoke some Djudezmo? Bienvenido a España, aquí el pasaporte. And they were not rigorous about checking.
So, no, I do not think someone who survived the camps should feel ill at ease about my support for Franco.
Back to 1995. No, I did not say to people in Sysslebäck I was pro-Franco. I told two people, both of whom very senior functionaries at the school. A little later, there was a rumour among some I was a Nazi and there was a rumour I was a paederast, a boylover. Both rumours were untrue. I wonder where those rumours came from. One possibility is one of the guys could have been ill at ease about my being pro-Franco and could have started a rumour cautiously and in a way so it could not be traced. Other possibility is, in Malmö it had been well known***, and there were freemasons both places, Malmö as well as Sysslebäck.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Monday in Pentecost Novena
* Legal up there. Actually not giving the front page, but an article polemising against the popular cultural usage of "Nazi", apart from the word, for which there is another article.
** Haven't specifically checked. A clearer case, they are against a Jewish "Folk high school", I am for educational liberties. They are also re-endorsing the anticlerical cult like near worship of Giordano Bruno. My answer is available on Nordfront försvarade Bruno.
*** The Franquista part.
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