Friday 14 June 2019

US May Have a Right to Build a Wall, But Not to Include a Death Trap in it.

There are various models of death traps in border walls.

Berlin wall, of unhappy (but happily over by now) memory involved machine guns which started firing at crossings. The widow of Honegger tyrant said "that hadn't need be, they didn't have to cross the border".

Before the Flood, I think dinosaur lands (more Jurassic Park than Kent Hovind's version) were used with T Rexes as similar death traps. One reason for the Flood being sent, I think.

And Sonora Desert without water is a place where people risk to die.

What Real Religious Persecution Looks Like
June 14, 2019 by Mark Shea

The trial of Scott Warren ended in a hung jury. For those not following the news, this was a guy who left water out in the desert so that desperate refugees would not die of thirst.

I'd consider the best enthusiast for the wall, even John Horvath, ought to stand up for Scott Warren.

This said, actual blocking, not from his blog, which happened to me again, but from a major internet logistic for links, like FB or Pinterest or Twitter is also persecution.

It may sometimes be the kind of persecution considered here:

And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Apoc. 13:17).

There just started an unjust blockade at FB, as I complained here:

HGL's F.B. writings : Abusive Block on Φιλολoγικά/Philologica Blog

And it was not the only one, since I found "spam" as reason for considering another blog, this one ...

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

... as contrary to the conditions. These kinds of blocks detract from my possibilities of getting my writings to the level of popularity where they could attract a paper publisher, meaning, they stop me from making money from my work as a writer.

That's a kind of persecution too. I'd say, Scott Warren as not convicted is somewhat luckier than I, but we are both luckier than guys who die from thirst in Sonora or than aborted babies.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Parmentier
Ember Friday of Pentecost

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