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Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Why am I Still on the Street
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : On Proselytism in Holy Land · Are There Catholic Censors Too? Probably ... · Is Jenna Moreci Confirming Mark Lipschitz? · New blog on the kid : Why am I Still on the Street
Global page views:
4 997 + 339 169 + 44 287 + 4 208 + 3 009 + 53 250 + 241 562 + 151 579 + 19 162 + 21 496 + 74 066 + 1 629 + 23 464 + 35 668 + 10 434 + 227 490 + 1 268 + 592 + 7 532 + 5 769 + 4 422 + 4 165 + 5 781 + 4 052 + 2 279 + 13 187 + 18 122 + 23 185 + 64 954 + 357 063 + 29 132 + 57 914 + 38 901 + 46 980 + 88 638 + 3 890 + 107 485 + 5 825 + 979 + 9 790 + 258 469 = 2 415 844
Let's say all of it is since 2010, since global page views weren't counted before.
2 415 844 / 3 652 (ten years, of which two leap years) = 661.513 views per day, in the medium, and it has risen to 783 latest month I checked.
Why am I then not getting any people who'd like to print and sell my texts?
Too bad writing? I would not have that stable a readership if so.
Too stable a readership? Well, if there are about 700 people (or 1400 people taking turns every second day) who decide not to hand on, that is called gatekeeping in the not handing on, and surveillance in what they are doing when reading.
Some of them are seriously wasting their time, insofar as they are looking for a new post and hoping it will incriminate me, either in a crime and punishment or a mental health way. Because, they are looking on blogs I am not updating, they are checking only if there is something new, and they are not the least profiting from the posts that already are there. In some cases it is because they are old people who don't know much about internet, do not know the difference between site and page, blog and blogpost, they get a link for thirteenth post back from last, they want to "see it in context" and on a large blog they only see the last 12 out of perhaps (as in the case of this blog) 2082 posts published, because they don't get that latest twelve posts on my blog here are not the proper context of a post 100 posts back, or because they don't get that each post has a longer URL than the one of the blog as such, or because they don't get that if they click on the top of the blog, they get to the shorter url, of the blog as such, and see only the latest 12 posts.
Or because they are making themselves extra incompetent when looking up my blogs.
Because, the stability suggests control.
And the numbers are pretty clear, way more on the blog than on any reasonable number of posts. Or perhaps, let's take the views today (so far) and yesterday, Pages vues aujourd'hui 31 Pages vues hier 99 = 130, mean for last 24 hours = 65, of which two on the kind of pages that are called "pages" on a blog, Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui. 1 Index Indicum 1
Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve 7, Ignorer et obéir ... 5, Index XX, ENG, From St. Agatha to Corpus Christi 4, Newtonianly speaking, Can Earth Still Orbit Sun Af... 1, La Bibliothèque Municipale Heureusement ne filtre ... 1, Someone Else Being Silenced? 1, Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? 1, Si le fantasy est prophétique, parfois? 1, La nomination de primas en Belgique - nouveau déra... 1, Suppose UNO wants to foist 1, 16 for first 3, 1 each for the following 7, makes 23, 2 on the "pages" maybe there were 40 more posts that got one reader each.
In that case, it would look like an attempt to rationally find something, either incriminating, or at least discrediting. Either way, the no response in the guestbook is embarrassing, especially when I link to it from each of the blogs, since it's on my profile, and when there are an overall of - last time I checked - 783 minus the readers who came from countries number 11 onward on each, as a mean of 30 days.
There are people who, if a homeless man points to his blog and says "I want an editor for these texts, not an employer for any other work" will think he's bonkers. These are people with a thoroughly Sovietic and ultimately thoroughly usurious and banking normative view of sociology : you have nomenklatura, you have normal citizens, you have riffraff (anything from rabulist to mental case, and including homeless), and while going up one step is possible, going up two steps is a dream like winning a million.
The lottery gives you no merit. Writing does, if you write well.
I think my readers are most often people who would not claim I write well, since they disagree with me on some point, but who will not deny I have talent, or they wouldn't bother.
Of course, some of them may think I have a ghost writer, that my own talent is restricted to copying what I receive only in a letter (I do copy correspondences in which I participate), since some events seem to look as if someone had been looking for a radio, but that accentuates rather than diminishes the idea they find the writing which is actually mine talented. Like some people who don't really like Shakespear think his writing show too much talent for him, and attribute it to for instance De Vere or Roger Bacon (showing they have no greater literary sensibility than to be able to pick out 16th C. English from more modern diction).
With such people around, and with other people sufficiently deferential to their judgement about me, I can relate to these guys (both the "such people" and the "deferential" ones) not getting started into printing my blogs.
Even if a post gives instructions on how to print books from copied texts with no printery or printing machines: Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier?, even if that post has, since it was written in 2013, been viewed 1837 times (ill boding number, multiply the thousands and hundreds with the decades and units), and even if I have clarified on it I already made it juridically possible.
Because, to some, Soviet sociology is more important than laws and freedoms, especially than freedoms for poor which might hamper some rich or some not individually rich, but well off organisations.
And with such people around my situation, it does NOT make much sense to look for work, I have had more than my share of employers tactically chosen for being meant as a kind of father figures for me, who have then given me reason to regret getting there. Does that equate to giving up, throwing in the towel, etc? Not the least, you've just seen me writing again (or, technically, when you shall have seen what I shall publish, you will have seen that I have written again).
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Dominic of Guzmán
founder of the Order of Preachers
PS, since someone seems to have expected I either had been or had imagined I had been a priest up in Sweden, no, I never said that either directly or even by a "yes" in response to one well spaced question, I have never been that.
I have, however, been reading between 1996 and 1998 the Missal at home on Sundays and feast days. Monseigneur Lefèbvre recommended this to people who were unable to get a Mass of St. Pius V, and I was in a situation where I would have had difficulties to get even to a Novus Ordo perhaps or perhaps not Mass. In German, the practise is called "Meßandacht halten", in Swedish I used the phrase "hålla messandakt" and since the enquirer looked confounded, I wondered if she distinguished this from "fira Messa" or "celebrate Mass" which is indeed reserved for priests. As I was bothered by her general enquiries, and didn't see her responses as very well understanding, more like "trying to be understanding" which is a different thing, I didn't bother to ask if she got the difference, and so she was not corrected./HGL
PPS, someone who had published through a publisher and I asked for the procedure for submitting publications to National Library, he told me, he didn't think private persons (as opposed to registered publishing companies) could do it. They should be able to do it, since any text or collection of texts which is meant for distribution to 100 people (inside a company or in the general public) by law has to be so submitted./HGL
PPPS, day after next, obviously Muslims may be less interested even than Jews in seeing me published (see links in top section), however, in France, normally, Jews would have more power to deny a writer publication than Muslims, even if fewer, since they have deeper contacts with the rest./HGL
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