Saturday 18 November 2023

Swedes are Not Likely to be Anti-Black Racists

New blog on the kid: Swedes are Not Likely to be Anti-Black Racists · What Do I Mean by Fascist? · Φιλολoγικά / Philologica: "Most Enlightenment Thinkers Were Christians"

Laura är poppis! Renar vatten till familjer i norra Kenya VLOGG

I cannot affirm that these people are Christians, but I can affirm that they inherit an attitude to Africa (esp. East Africa) which dates back to Lutherans in the 19th C.

Most is spoken in Swedish on the video, but there are English subtitles.

One of my past love interests back when I was in Sweden was a girl who was the daughter of a Lutheran clergyman, she ended up marrying a black man (from Africa itself, or his parents were). Another one grew up in Kenya or Tanzania, in a missionary family, and her nickname when she was small was Dada Mzungu in Swahili. In both of these cases, to actually get the girl, I would have had to convert her to Catholicism, once I had converted myself, and in both cases I failed. But one thing I do not dislike about Lutheranism is how they have a really fraternal attitude with the Blacks they are missionaries among. No colonial white supremacy things, you learn Swahili and you learn to eat with your fingers, if you go down there. And you raise your families like that too (Lutheran quasi-clergy being normally married and often examples in having more than two children)./HGL

PS, two more things. I'd probably be too squeamish about camel milk to get out in the bush, and the other one is, since MAF is mentioned, and the abbreviation has different meanings in different places, this is what is meant:

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