Now, he could be the final beast, also known as Antichrist.
He has a gematria of 666 in three versions "WLADIMIRA" as Polish genitive accusative, "VLADIMIRB" as non-Polish and non-German Vladimir B or Vladimir II, and "V POUTINE" as French and pointless version of V. Putin.
But having such a gematria is a necessary but not sufficient condition of getting that role.
And there is a sign it is not quite too late for him:
mail dot com : Putin delivers state-of-the-nation address
"Putin said that the authorities need to do more to encourage new births and support young families."
Wonderful! Great!
"Putin promised that the government would offer additional subsidies to families that have children."
A man who makes a girl pregnant should subsidise her to be mother - usually by marriage, but if not at least by some kind of economic arrangement. So, here are the two tips:
- Forbid abortion
- Make it possible for girls to marry from 12 or at least 13, as under the last Czar[s].
In connection with this second, do not sue any man for "pedophilia" if he intends to marry a girl he has relations with, even if she is under whatever your present limit is, so change the penal laws on these offenses./HGL
A third one : if you have been involved (Russian readers on my blogs make this not too impossible) in trying to make my writing secret, stop that.