Saturday 30 October 2021

New Readers are Very Welcome

I think people do know I blog, round where I am. · New Readers are Very Welcome · So, is anyone reading me? · And where are they from?

These stats are from a week, I thought they were roughly from same day as the high stats:

Articles / Posts : Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve 215 Commenting, but not linking : female teachers sleeping with students 54, 269 À Francophone8, sur les sources de Moïse 9, 278 Ce que je fais dans la vie? J'écris 8, 286 Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers, part III, Romania to Turkey 6, 292 I think people do know I blog, round where I am. 6, 298 Bonum Festum Sacratissimi Rosarii 4, 302 Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers, part II, Lebanon to Puerto Rico 4, 306 Et Bibliothèque publique d'information Georges Pompidou (persiste en filtrage abusif ...) 4, 310 Pia Commemoratio omnium Fidelium Defunctorum. 4, 314 Index XXXII, en français, de l'Immaculée Conception 2020 à Chandeleurs 2021 3, 317 COVID restrictions and other deaths 3, 320 Is My Readership Stable? 3, 323 Are They Islamising Florida? 3, 326 Bonum Festum Visitationis BMV apud Elisabeth 2, 328 Bonne Nouvelle! 2, 330 Criticize Judaism, Get Stamped as a Nazi Cook ... 2, 332 A Girl of Twelve Too Young To Marry, You Said? 2, 334 L'Évêque de Genève 2, 336 Les révolutionnaires, selon Manu, pardon, Monsieur le Président ... 2, 338 Pages : Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them 9, 347 Vatican in Exile : Calendar and Marian Anthems 6, 353 Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please! 6, 359 Distinguons 5, 364 Index Indicum 5, 369 Alii bloggi, other blogs, autres blogs 4, 373 Drodzy Polacy - i Rosjanie itd. 4, 377 Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life? 4, 381 In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ... 4, 385 Do not support World Childhood Foundation! 3, 388 Have I Done Ill Speaking Against the Real Pope a Few Years Ago? 3, 391 Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui. 3, 394 Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes 3, 397 A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien 2, 399 4169 posts on my blogs (including compositions and poems) 2, 401 Code ASCII et James Bond 2, 403 Malfaisance de "Sécurité" 1, 404 "nov9 blogg9"? 1, 405 Feel like tl;dr about my blogs? 1, 406

This is the ratio I gave viewed posts here accessible on stats to views in total - 406 / 3455 = 0.11751085384.

Sorry, however, we are dealing with less on identified posts and pages, for that day:

Articles / Posts : Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve 23 Bonum Festum Sacratissimi Rosarii 4, 27 Commenting, but not linking : female teachers sleeping with students 3, 30 Ce que je fais dans la vie? J'écris 3, 33 I think people do know I blog, round where I am. 3, 36 Russie à elle seule presque mille par jour .... et ennuis sur le ouaibe 2, 38 Pourquoi les affiches de Sévérine (?) sont-elles déchirées? 2, 40 Bonne Nouvelle! 2, 42 Criticize Judaism, Get Stamped as a Nazi Cook ... 2, 44 A Girl of Twelve Too Young To Marry, You Said? 2, 46 L'Évêque de Genève 2, 48 Oui, le Néanderthalien a parlé 2, 50 Statistica bloggorum vii vel viii ultimarum xxiv horarum in die Sancte Lucie 2, 52 Mais pourquoi la Russie voudrait-elle lire justement mes blogs tellement? 2, 54 COVID restrictions and other deaths 2, 56 Some kind of censorship? 2, 58 Freedom for Sharibu! 2, 60 Yes, I signed 2, 62 Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? 2, 64 The Reproaches 2, 66 Pages : Do not support World Childhood Foundation! 3, 69 Distinguons 3, 72 Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui. 3, 75 Vatican in Exile : Calendar and Marian Anthems 3, 78 Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please! 3, 81 Index Indicum 3, 84 A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien 2, 86 Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes 2, 88 Code ASCII et James Bond 2, 90 Drodzy Polacy - i Rosjanie itd. 2, 92 In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ... 2, 94 Malfaisance de "Sécurité" 1, 95 Have I Done Ill Speaking Against the Real Pope a Few Years Ago? 1, 96 Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them 1, 97 Feel like tl;dr about my blogs? 1, 98 Alii bloggi, other blogs, autres blogs 1, 99 4169 posts on my blogs (including compositions and poems) 1, 100 Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life? 1, 101

So, the real ratio is only 101 / 3455 = 0.02923299566.

"The count finished - returning here next day to write this - on 4835 visits the day before - after day before yesterday 99 only and before today, so far, 74 only," - which I wrote a few days ago.

So, it would mostly be on that day that we had : United States 2 947 France 566 Russia 17 Montenegro 4 Viêt Nam 4 Germany 2 Indonesia 2 Nigeria 2 Netherlands 2 Sweden 2 Switzerland 1 Italy 1 (taken down while stats were growing).

One page that wasn't viewed was What Readers Should Expect from my Blogs, suggesting the people are looking for proof of comments left or not left, as proving or disproving my readership. If their point is "we don't count, we are just watching you, not your stuff so much, we are looking for real readers" I could reply "maybe you have a point, good reason to look, me too, for new and real readers." But that's if the worst comes to the worst.

Now, if the identified posts and pages are so few, perhaps most of the readers missed most of the blog, and just saw the end of it. And I could give a few tips on how to search better, if you are looking for other things than no comments.

Index indicum could be used to get back to older parts, and above all, each part gives thematically linked posts in one of the languages together. You can also use the labels on any interesting post. À Francophone8, sur les sources de Moïse has the label de refutatione evolutionnismi. And Commenting, but not linking : female teachers sleeping with students has the label de superstitione educationis.

And this being my main blog doesn't mean all my main topics are treated here. Some of my main interests are so main, I give them specialised blogs. Like, on refutation of evolutionism, see also Creation vs. Evolution, and for latest updates any blog, see the widgets on / around Latest on Antimodernism./HGL

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