Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Beyoncé's Daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, was Pregnant (According to Celebrity Insider)

New blog on the kid: Beyoncé's Daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, was Pregnant (According to Celebrity Insider) · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Ken Ham on Life Issues

This story does not state whether after the unsuccessful and unsafe abortion attempt, she aborted. It's unfortunately not unlikely:

BLUE IVY in a CÔMA after attempting to abôrt her child.
Celebrity Insider | 28 Febr. 2024

I'm happy to not be a fan of Beyoncé.

Why did she not raise her daughter so she had courage to bring forth the child?

Why was Beyoncé not on the forefront to help her daughter marry the child's father?

A pregnant girl or rather woman* of twelve shouldn't feel trapped. She should feel entitled to the child's father (if he's eligible for marriage) or at least to his child support (if he's already married to someone else or has promised lifelong celibacy**). If Blue Ivy lived in a strict 18/18 state, why did Beyoncé not move her to one where pregnant women can marry even at age 12?

Meanwhile, it seems that Blue Ivy not marrying the father of the child doesn't mean she's free to pursue a kind of prolonged childhood or (apart from the memory) unproblematic teen-hood.

Blue received ... counseling to help 1:53 her process the traumatic experience and 1:55 plan for her future.

100 years ago, if a girl of 12 was pregnant, planning for the future wasn't the business of mental health professionals, it was the business of the two concerned families. Well, outside the Soviet Union of course. Where the 18/18 limit and abortion had just been introduced.

Beyoncé should be ashamed of herself to be supporting Kamala after doing this to her own daughter!

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Lucan, Martyr

Lutetiae Parisiorum sancti Lucani Martyris.

(Wiki states he was martyred in Loigny-la-Bataille, that being 135 km away, SSW, close to Orléans).

* "Girl" was before losing virginity. ** Or has an incompatible religion.

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