Tuesday 8 October 2024

I Am Harrassed by Jews and Protestants and Muslims

This blog post was from April, and reflects a review of a Tovia Singer video I viewed in April (or perhaps late in March) and commented on.

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tovia tried to counter ...
Sunday, April 7, 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 9:14 PM

One part of dialogue which ended on my part:

Your oral torah is not the same as that of the Jews in the Second Temple period. Let alone that of Moses and Joshua.

It has now been updated by an exchange between "Karen" and myself.

She made two comments, the first of which included Bible reference, which I checked. The second included the phrase:

You speak from profound willful ignorance!

And my reply to that, in a follow up after my first comment is this second comment:

@User-x5s3x When you tell me

"You speak from profound willful ignorance!"

you are going past the conventions of polite debate, which is what I am up for, and you are entering the domain as posing as someone lecturing me, which is more like criminal harassment.

Jews have certainly done some things so that my blogs should be kept a secret among them, so that they should be able to "hope" I was going to ditch my beliefs and join them, and repent of what I have written and by keeping it a secret, they think they are doing me a favour.

The same is to a lesser degree true of Muslims and somewhere inbetween true of Protestants. With Muslims, I have few changes over the internet, but when I hold a cardboard with my blog URLs and offer them reading, they often make a point of saying "no thanks" while Protestants have been at me for:

Catholic Beliefs
Carolina Jackson Continued

Harassing quote
by Carolina Jackson
@hglundahl U know what the catholic sacraments do? Create a perpetual dependence for the faithful from a man they are said they need to be in peace with God.
That's a lie.
It happened during the Old Covenant. It does not happen in the New One. We have direct access now to God for all our spiritual needs.

Pls, don't believe those lies! Don't you see that the CC keeps people eternally captive there????

Young Earth Creationist Beliefs
Continued Debate with David C. Campbell

Harassing quote
by David C. Campbell
Think. Your arguments are not good. Unless you stop just making up claims and seriously think about the information, there is no point in discussing. Modern young-earth creationism is a dangerous legalistic heresy, substituting belief in a young earth for trust in salvation by the work of Jesus. As Paul warns extensively in Galatians, this is a serious problem. ...

Debating in the first place
Josephus on Nimrod and Babel, Vindicated · Unity, Precious AND Dangerous

Harassing non-quote
act by Brad McFadden
On the first of these, he gave a polite answer to one comment. Seven others were taken down. On the second, five comments were all taken down.

You might wonder "seven comments under one video, five under another, what's the point, why not just one?" ... well, both my comments under the video and my collection of them on my blog are together the equivalent of a "reaction video" ... a genre which has been gaining popularity. I am happy I can have the comments on my blog, I would dislike that being taken down too, but I am far from satisfied, you see, each of the comments is kind of an invitation to a debate, and Brad Mac Fadden cancelled twelve of them. No doubt, I would not have gotten twelve debates, but perhaps one to four.

Now, the cancel culture surrounding my debating and my positions and my blogs (Muslims have been pretty quiet online, where I was around, but have been pretty offline in keeping me momentarily happy, but my blogs less read), this goes hand in hand with people pretending I'm just so immature and they just have to save me from my mistakes, see Karen and Carolina Jackson, or at least try, see David C. Campbell.

The result is, I am impoverished in readers, impoverished in opportunities to get, if not my debates at least my essays into print (the debates involve someone else's copyright, and they should have the opportunity to have a say if I make money off it, but the essays are just my own), and therefore an opportunity to get an income and to marry.

Don't get me wrong. What I demand is not to be protected online from Karen, Caroline Jackson, David C. Campbell. In the debates I do just fine. What I demand is that one cease taking their word for me being just so immature and needing protection, and that one give people opportunities, and I don't mean "arranged and highly supervised opportunities" but real ones, to actually see what I'm writing. Not just people my age, who have their mind set, so have I, but also the younger people that they can't legally protect by forbidding them to read my blogs, but can very much "protect" illegally by diffaming me.

And obviously, there are Catholics who should cease to act like sluts to the above categories, and to some aspects of Communism.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Saint Bridget of Vadstena

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