Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Diverse People are Pretending I'm Irresponsible, And Have No Idea of What I'm Doing, If I Think I Can Live as an Author

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Yes, One Can Be a Writer Without Affording a Secretary · I Think I Know What I am Looking For as Income Pretty Well · A Psychologist Pretended to be Expert on Fact Checking Skills · Language · New blog on the kid: "He obviously wants to self publish, why doesn't he just go to Amazon KDP?" · Diverse People are Pretending I'm Irresponsible, And Have No Idea of What I'm Doing, If I Think I Can Live as an Author

Some people like to spread rumours.

For instance, someone yesterday gave money definitely intended for me, and she was unsure if she should call me "Monsieur" or "Madame" ... I am not transsexual, I was also not born a girl, so, the answer should be obvious. Given I have a beard, I am somewhat surprised she wanted at first to call me "Madame" ...*

But that aside, some people who are not themselves into writing or selling books seem to have been given very precise ideas about what I would really need to do in order to be a writer.

One of them was, get a business, a SIRET. My hunch is, this does not necessarily come into play as long as I'm not earning very much. Here is a view I just found on youtube:

Do I need an LLC to publish my book? | Author LLC Requirements
M.K. Williams | 23 oct. 2024

1) In order to be a writer, there is no requirement to actually have an own limited liability company;
2) but after some degree of success, after earning some degree of money (which came to the novelist who made the video 4 years after her début), it can be very useful to you.

While requirements might vary from country to country, this should be valid for France** too.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Roman of Rouen

Rotomagi sancti Romani Episcopi.

* There are obviously evil people pretending I'm cross-dressing, to which I've answered:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Swiss Guards · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Not Female Clothing · So, Women Don't Wear Those Breeches in Austria?

... but if that gentle and frankly bourgeois lady was wondering, those evil people arguably are not just gipsies envious of my success at begging or Muslims angry that I drink alcohol and do not take employments, it would also need someone more influential. A policeman? A shrink? Both? More than one of each?

** So, why am I writing this in English? Over the last 12 months, my viewership in Hong Kong has been 9.5 times that in France, my viewership in the US 8.8 times that in France, my viewership in Singapore has been 4.85 times that in France, and that's just three countries where English is spoken more than French, where I'm viewed in these together 23.15 times as much as in France. Add UK, Ireland, Canada (except Québec), add Germany (except near the border) and Austria and Italy ...

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