Friday 4 October 2024

I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help

New blog on the kid: If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 · Where are the Homeless in Poland? · I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ...

The Narcissist Scare
Sarah Z | 30 Sept. 2024

13:55 We’ve already established that, in the vast majority of cases, when a person discusses “narcissists”, they do not mean people with an actual clinical diagnosis; they mean an asshole. 14:05 However, I do want to talk about my theoretical standpoints on the psychiatric systems at play here too, because where these diagnoses do exist, they are not neutral labels either. 14:14 Psychiatric diagnoses are not the same thing as, for example, identifying a broken bone or a measles infection, wherein these things can be observed and categorized more or less 14:24 "objectively". Rather, they are words we use to describe patterns of symptoms— we see that certain behaviours and traits tend to show up together, 14:31 and so we group them together under one name. Virtually everyone on the planet has certain traits that you’d label as symptoms of disorders— everyone has traits that autistic people have; 14:41 everyone has traits that are considered narcissistic or depressed or anxious. It’s deemed a disorder when someone has more than what we consider a “normal” amount of those traits— so 14:50 if you have enough of them to significantly impair your functioning in daily life, that warrants a diagnosis. But, of course, what we consider a “normal” amount of something 14:59 gets changed all the time.

And obviously, a thicker DSM means more people get described as some kind of thing you could pull into some kind of psychiatric treatment, in hospital or "outpatient care" ...

DSM-I (1952)
The manual was 130 pages long and listed 106 mental disorders.

DSM-5 (2013)
Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée 991 pages
Langue Anglais

Even now— we can look at Oppositional Defiant Disorder, a diagnosis that is often applied to 16:09 children who resist authority figures or display defiant behaviour. It's, even now, been criticized for being over-diagnosed and pathologizing normal childhood behaviour. It has also been found to be 16:19 disproportionately applied to children from marginalized communities, such as Black and Latino communities.

In other words, when the opposition is against someone neither the child nor his family is likely to regard as a fully legitimate "authority figure" ...

In other words, while the scarlet beast can certainly have something to do with Communists, it can also have something to do with a certain type of Republicans.

Now, Sarah Z mentioned the criterium of severity in the first quote. A quote from the article on wikipedia claimed this for DSM-5:

Severity is based on social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, with three levels:

  • requiring support
  • requiring substantial support
  • requiring very substantial support

I know for a fact some have wanted to label me as a narcissist. I know equally for a fact that some where I live as a homeless have gone to pretty extreme lengths to label me as "requiring" ... support? ... substantial support? ... perhaps very substantial support? There are simply people who hate what I write and others who might not much care, but hate THAT I write. To certain "Christians" my stance on YEC and Geocentrism is a "betrayal of the Gospel" and some kind of "legalism" and to certain proletarians, no scare quotes this time, the fact that I don't look for an employment, but hope for an editor, in a society which so little values what I have to say, well, it's plain stupid. I'm sorry to say, my relation to some immigrant groups has soured over this, since many of them have shown this proletarian attitude. There are obviously also some more like Middle Class or Upper Class people who'd like to impose it on me, since they'd hate having to mix with me. Such are my enemies.

Again, some guys have gone out to me with friendliness, rejoicing, kind of, over a partial agreement that came unexpected to them, and hoping it was my latest "change of heart" when in fact that but all the other stuff they didn't like is what I have thought for decades. When they see that their friendliness doesn't win me over as a friend when they feel bad about what I write, well, I fear pretty much very bad things, maybe even the worst, from those guys.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Francis of Assisi

Assisii, in Umbria, natalis sancti Francisci, Levitae et Confessoris; qui trium Ordinum, scilicet Fratrum Minorum, Pauperum Dominarum, ac Fratrum et Sororum de Poenitentia, Fundator exstitit. Ipsius autem vitam, sanctitate ac miraculis plenam, sanctus Bonaventura conscripsit.

PS, other piece of gold from her video:

The inconsistency reveals a deeper issue: it is not 22:45 the behaviour itself that is condemned, but rather the label attached to the person exhibiting it. 22:50 This leads to the second concern: the suggestion that these traits make someone innately evil. Clearly, this is not the case. I want to restate again that mistreating other people is never 23:01 acceptable – but here what’s being addressed is not actually mistreatment of others as an 23:06 action – rather, it is about packaging people themselves into very demeaning, subjective, and punitive categories.

So true!

A few minutes later, she speaks against "Satanic ritual abuse" and "human trafficking" scares, in her view, I would say labelling someone as mentally ill very often IS precisely both Satanic ritual abuse (if for instance it's against a hated Christian) and a kind of human trafficking, where the economic gain doesn't come from what someone does, but what is done to them on taxpayers' expenses./HGL

PPS, I am not endorsing her citation of Jackson S. et al. 1999 "Predicting ..." or Ellison and Bradshaw, 2009 "Religious belief ..." or Rodriguez and Henderson, 2010, "Who spares the rod? Religious orientation, social conformity, and child abuse potential ..." around the 35 minutes mark. Those "findings" are about as prone to abuse against parents (and against children's feelings toward their parents) in countries with strong Child Protective Services as the diagnoses drapetomania, hysteria and narcissism have been and are./HGL

PPPS, in case the previous wasn't clear, my mother was never abusive, but she has been perceived as abusive by atheists based on that ideology, and this has damaged my own life and that of at least one sister of mine./HGL

PPPPS, that is obviously not an endorsement of "To Train up the Child" ... my mother was more into Maria von Trapp (both the persona by Julie Andrews and the real actual person, whom we saw in 1977, on the Charismatic conference in Kansas City./HGL

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