Wednesday 24 May 2023

Songs in Swedish, Scanian, German

Forgot her name, not her character. This is my favourite song by her:

Carola Häggkvist, 18:e febr. 2017

"du är helt OK Mickey" is then by Carola Häggqvist. Our answer to Sandra Kim.

She was part of what is called the Faith Movement. Her then pastor, Ulf Ekman, is now a Catholic.

Back when I was part of the Swedish Church, before I became a Catholic, I recall her being criticised for that, and the movement for two things, believing in material rewards for faith, and believing too strictly in the Bible and Christian manners.

Another one is not from my teens like above, 1983, but from before my birth.

Marianne, by Hootenanny Singers.

Hootenanny Singers Marianne
oldanddustyrecords, 23:e sept. 2010

This one however is from around when mother was born. It can be debated whether it is really in Swedish. Some consider Scanian another language.*

Edvard Persson - Jag har bott vid en landsväg
jakobnilsson, 18:e juni 2009

Equally in Scanian, but more recent. Loved by my godfather:

Danne Stråhed hyllar Peps Persson
Closeupmovie, 9:e april 2017

Allsång Peps & Peps**
Robert Gustafsson - Official, 9:e nov. 2017

När en flicka talar skånska***
Skåningarna, 2:ra april 2020

As my new acquaintance spoke of Finland, let's take two approaches to tango. I think they reflect two approaches to life. Here is Arja Saijonmaa, with her Finnish tango, in Swedish°:

Jag Vill Tacka Livet
Arja Saijonmaa, 13:e jan. 2019

Here is a Swede°° with an Argentinian tango:

Fritiof och Carmencita (Tango i Samborombon)
Sven-Bertil Taube, 10:e dec. 2014

As I was born in Vienna, I'll finish in German:

Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz
Günter Wewel, 19. Feber 2017

Die Karawanken - Dirndl geh her zum Zaun
Herbert Tauchner, 23. Mai 2023

* Drinkable water : dricksvatten in Swedish, drickevann in Scanian.
** Warning. Heliocentric content in one line.
*** Peps Persson sang this one too, perhaps wrote it. He speaks of "Scanian, a language I understand"
° In Finland Swedish.
°° Sven-Bertil is son of the poet and composer of the song, Evert.

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