Sunday 21 May 2023

Is Trent 24, canon 10 a warrant for arranging someone else's celibacy?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Yes, Homosexual People Already Had the Right to Marry · New blog on the kid: Has Introibo Discredited the Orthodoxy of Fr De Pauw? · Is Trent 24, canon 10 a warrant for arranging someone else's celibacy? · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: Will This be Answered?

I mean, arranging it against his will?


1810 Dz 980 Can. 10. If anyone says that the married state is to be preferred to the state of virginity or celibacy, and that it is not better and happier to remain in virginity or celibacy than to be united in matrimony (cf. Mt 19,11 f.; 1Co 7,25 f.; 1Co 7,28-40): let him be anathema.

Please note:

1 Co 7,25 says:
Now concerning virgins, I have no commandment of the Lord; but I give counsel, as having obtained mercy of the Lord, to be faithful.

Note, St. Paul said counsel, and specifically he said it was not a command.

Praying and acting for someone who tries to get a wife to fail is, still, acting as if the counsel were a command, and forgetting the lesson of 1 Tim 4,3.

Acting for it by depriving him of opportunities of livelihood is even more reprehensible, as is wanton calumny by repeated allusions to supposed faults in the past involving an obvious condition of the present, which could be explained otherwise than by those supposed faults.

There is a reason why Stabunt iusti and Apocalypse agree it is a form of persecution to deprive someone of business opportunities.

Stabunt iusti passage is Wisdom 5,1 to 5, here is the very first verse :
Then shall the just stand with great constancy against those that have afflicted them, and taken away their labours.

Here is Apocalypse 13,17:
And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

This kind of state of affairs will not last to the very end, it will be replaced by actual direct killing, but it is the first stage of the end times final persecution. Obviously, it is likely to also continue in places where there is no possibility to round up and kill people, it may still be possible to destroy quite a lot of business opportunities for the remaining faithful.

One result of this would be stopping people from getting married. Because the man is the breadwinner.

And one of the fine excuses for still promoting this kind of persecution would be to "help" someone chose the better path, even if he is not bound to celibacy.

It is obvious that there are lots of Commies who would not want Heliocentrism to be audaciously questioned, any more than millions or billions of years. There are lots of Commies to which a man who believes that God turns the universe around Earth each day, and an angel turns the Sun around the Zodiac each year, is simply ignorant. But there are Christians who make themselves prostitutes of such Commies.

There are lots of Commies who would agree with C. P. Snow on what it means to be instructed.

See thereon in French:
C'est quoi, être instruit ?

There are lots of Commies who think I would be better off reading Asimov or D. H. Lawrence or Proust than J. R. R. Tolkien, as to literary taste too. But there are Christians who make themselves prostitutes of such Commies.

For, given the number of years in which it is known to people that I write - just this blog having 616 545 page views over all periods, and other ones are big as well - and in which, time after time, I have requested people to get going to take a look at what they could re-edit on paper, re-publish as a book, and I have had evasive or no responses, it cannot be alleged they simply didn't know my business plan. Telling me I am right is of little avail, if they refuse to get it rolling. Telling me I'm wrong, and why and on what matter, directly, would be far better than telling me nothing and hoping God forgives me because of folly, since attributing to me that state is directly a social obstacle against my getting anything done./HGL

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