Thursday 4 May 2023

No, My Blogs Have No Ghost Writers

What is a Ghostwriter? An Insider’s Guide to Secret Co-Authors
reedsy : Guides > Understanding Publishing
Last updated on Feb 20, 2023

I cite:

Blog writers
One growing source of work for ghostwriters is the blogosphere. Have you ever browsed a public figure's blog and wondered if they wrote all the content themselves? If they're prominent, there's a good chance they didn't. Instead, they'll have a few dedicated ghostwriters who write content on their behalf. These ghostwriters will research, plan, and churn out numerous posts on subjects that appeal to that figure's audience, a model used by many businesses to run corporate blogs.

This is probably the most common type of short-form ghostwriting because people don't always label it as such! Many bloggers and business owners outsource their posts to freelance writers but may think of it more as uncredited guest blogging than bona fide ghostwriting.

I have some guest posts, but I credit them:

HGL's FB Writings : Les 18 Apparitions de Lourdes, par Micheline Albert Tawil Tramp

Credited to Micheline Albert Tawil Tramp.

These two posts are my correspondence with people who might have been suspected of doing ghost writing for me:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : to the decanus facultatis theologiae lundensis (a short one)

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : Other Ghost Writer Eliminated : His Holiness Pope Michael

Apart from credited guest posts, and apart from non-extant ghost writers, there is another category of people one can ask if they write for me.

On a certain number of my blogs, yes.

John Lawton Jeffcoat III wrote for a blog of mine here:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : About the Late Craig Lampe, His Son, His Book

Not sure if he was totally volunteering, he seems to have cut the correspondence short ...

The British lawyer James Bogle Esq wrote for it here:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : While the Debate May be Over, It is Yet to be Reviewed

Apparently (if the commenter "Ras Celas" is James Bogle) involuntarily. A bit like some Planned Parenthood personnel were involuntarily acting or voice acting for videos by Project Veritas.

So, no, I don't have secret-from-the-reader co-authors. I have some co-authors who are more like secret-to-themselves (as co-writers of a certain number of my blogs). Until I reveal it to them. I don't do this on all of my blogs, should they win a suit, I want the rest of my blogs to still stand.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Inventio Crucis
but will appear tomorrow

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