Thursday 12 September 2024

What's Right with Drinking? Answering Isaiah Saldivar

Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin? What if I don't get drunk?
IsaiahSaldivar | 14 July 2023

the question about drinking I don't think it should be um I don't think it should be "what's wrong with it?" I think it should be "what's right with it?" that's my argument when it comes to drinking not "what's wrong with drinking?" "what's right with drinking?"

Here are some ways, excluding drunkenness, of which I am not guilty, in which alcohol has helped this homeless person:

Scenario I.

Right now, I eat much, I eat much fats and sugars, to expel lice from my scalp. Naturally, this is an ideal scenario for anyone trying to wean me from drinking, since fat and sugary diets don't go well with drinking, if I had been doing it in high quantities, not the case, but even so, I drink less.

Equally naturally, this can lead to constipation from time to time, so ...

Taking a beer with the food tends to lighten the constipation.

Scenario II.

It has happened to me that I have had diarrhoea, like two occasions which both could have involved poisoning from inadequately boiled kidney beans.

How does diarrhoe function? It involves liquid being not separated to the bladder but rather evacuated the other way ... well, alcohol is a diuretic, so it helps cure diarrhoea. Unlike sugar and apple juice, it's more diuretic than laxative.

Two lids of whisky in the coffee means I am likely to pee within an hour, which delays the "seat" and when it comes, it's likelier to be normal.

Scenario III a

I get a pint with a light or no meal before I go to bed. I pee. I sleep to the morning.

Scenario III b

Or I eat a heavy meal, no alcohol, go to bed, have to rise several times the night, which ruins my sleep.

Or, right now, here:

Scenario III c:

Both the lack of peeing really much and the calories make me capable of sitting up in the cyber all night. This night I did that. Obviously no beer yesterday evening.

Scenario IV:

I have a dental abcess (not right now, even if the cavity remains, but I'm referring to when there is an infection in it). I drink wine or get whisky in my coffee, rince around the afflicted tooth area, as well as taking blue cheese for penicilline.

Reducing blood sugar by long walks or by staying up a night (I prefer the cyber over the bed) also helps. So, on this side too, less alcohol = more cyber nights. I think gamers (I'm not one) would refer to them as frag nights.

Cavities may remain, but bacteria die. Infections cease. Comfort and relative security resume.

Scenario V

is really Scenario III a revisited:

I could get slightly tipsy from the pint, and therefore this also helps the process of falling asleep. Obviously not a thing to try early in the morning. This is reserved for evenings. Equally, it's good to avoid overload of intestines and early wakeups by taking the calories of the evening in liquid rather than solid form (that would work with a soft drink as well, but the sugar would easily keep me up all night).

I have not gone into benefical effects on the heart, I do take walks, and I have not gone into social perks like drinking together, I tend to avoid those whom I suspect could be drunkards, and as some tend to give me a reputation, unmerited, of being one, some people of more bourgeois apparence tend to avoid me in this context. Nor have I gone into the vast benefit of coherence in agreeing with Catholic moral theology by accepting alcohol, trying not to get tipsy mostly, but not overreacting if I do, and shunning actual drunkenness about as much as certain quotes from St. Paul warrant. Because comparisons to debauchery are obviously not about slightly euphoric or slightly tipsy, I know my Roman Antiquities well enough to know people drank to actual excess, like an Austrian or Provençal would judge the matter, and I mean a typical one.

Isaiah Saldivar has the experience of being set free from drinking alcohol. He says he can live a perfectly normal life without alcohol, he's younger than I, and also not exposed to homelessness discomforts. If he's awake 3 AM, he can read or pray, and do so far hours and take a snack while doing so, because NOBODY will destroy his sleep recovery after that (as he's married there is obviously sth else he can do if awake at 3 AM). He also considers he was under some kind of bondage the time when he was drinking every day. Shall I flatter his good sense and believe he drank radically more than I, so it really was a dangerous road to alcoholism? Or shall I flatter his sobriety by supposing he overreacted, but God allowed him the perfection he was seeking? I actually don't know. It is even possible it wasn't actually God who set him free.

But he poses a kind of awkward question:

now I used to drink almost every day God delivered me God saved me from it and I I'm just confused on why God would deliver me from drinking but then allow someone else to

I think that question could answer something else. Should people who have been delivered from vice generally give advice to the public? Pretty often, no. They could very well assume everyone who is nominally or by some other verbal subterfuge "in the same category" as they used to be is in the same danger or perplexity or downfall as they used to be. When he says "every alcoholic started with one drink" ... well, every alcoholic was obviously not staying with one drink. If 20 years and more into my homelessness, I am still pretty solidly "one drink" ... or less ... I think I have avoided that.

The persons who think they could be doing me a favour by trying to get me out of it could pretty easily be harming my health far more than any marginal effects of the alcohol I drink.

They also act as a smokescreen for some other issues certain people have against me. One "dmm312"* told me I was talking too much, people wouldn't want to talk to me. This was under a comment under a Catholic channel. It could be, certain people in the Novus Ordo are getting very tired of my attacks on less than traditional, not so much liturgy, as (in the comment) pastoral, or doctrine. It could even be this extends to the U S American channels I was getting involved with. But it could also be, "dmm312" was not Catholic at all. He could be the kind of person who to the world poses as shrink of my and to me poses as "Protestant conscience" ... forgetting that when I was small, ma was not raising me a Protestant, but grandparents a Secularist, and when she was raising me a Christian, by default a Protestant, this was within an Austrian setting surrounded by Catholicism (and not any total absence of wine). It could be, such shrinks have persuaded Novus Ordo pastoral (I said I don't like it) to treat me as someone who for mental health reasons shouldn't be interacted with. Such a thing means isolating me from, either my own, or at least a reasonable proxy. After the censorship of me in comments sections began, I was offered one debate again. With a Protestant, though the subject was not alcohol, but more like (sth alcohol could be a smokescreen for) "justification by faith alone" (as in no good deeds required even after justification or to be intended as follow up of it) as a credendum sine quo non fidelis quis sit, a thing every Christian has to believe. Even if that is not a majority reading of the Church Fathers, and survives a famous Ephesians 2 quote better if it's just two verses, than if you go on to verse 10. I rebutted.** The attacker decided to leave me alone, and since that debate was left with me standing alone, I have been without other ones too.

As if, let's say, a network of Protestants believed I was not just flawed as a Catholic, but exceptionally deeply flawed. As if it was urgent to save me from Catholicism, either by talking me out of it, or, if that doesn't work, by blocking everything else for me. They want, like Ray Comfort seems to want in some videos of his, to pose as "the hound of heaven" in relation to me. If I don't convert to Protestantism when we debate, or if I even block some of them when they are ruder, they are perfectly willing to cease debating me. But very much less so to allow me to debate someone else, someone not in this kind of network. And it seems they could have the kind of connexions in mental health services (if not outright corrupt government) that they can get away with posing like that and with imposing a wall of silence around me.*** One thing is certain. Recommending Saldivar's clumsy exegesis of certain Pauline passages, basically based on the false equivalence between tipsy and St. Paul's "drunk on wine" is not convincing me that my "works salvation" is bankrupt. It is possible I would go to Hell if I died tonight, but if so, more for having gotten beyond the limit of a patience where I could forgive people like that. It is also possible that God holds me guiltless due to the very grave provocation. I'll assume that Saldivar is not part of this, even though I have more readers in the US than in France, very regularly, so I'll contact him.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Holy Name of Mary

Festum sanctissimi Nominis beatae Mariae, quod Innocentius Undecimus, Pontifex Maximus, ob insignem victoriam de Turcis, ipsius Virginis praesidio, Vindobonae in Austria reportatam, celebrari jussit.

* Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Censored Again

** Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Debate under one of the comments

*** Somewhat reminiscent of a "conspiracy of silence" ... see Pascendi. If Anthony Stine was involved in deleting my comments from his youtube, he would not be imitating the measures recommended by St. Pius X, but those denounced by him. It could also be it happened without his knowing it:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Trads Imitate Modernists?

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