Monday 23 September 2024

The Actual Words of "Francis" Show Him Non-Catholic

Sharing a video by Dimond Brothers:

Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions” | 22 sept. 2024

And also sharing my comments under it:

2:05 As far as I can see, he has just confessed essential Freemasonry, that is, compared to his presumable Catholic Baptism, apostasy.

Wei äm ei nott sörpreist? [Why am I not surprised? spelled in German]

4:29 If he had just said "every religion is a road into the direction to God" it could have passed. False religions are roads with road blocks, and they point to God, since they point to Catholicism.

They also point away from God since they point away from Catholicism.

Catholicism is the road without a road block.

But no, he said "a road to arrive" ... not true at all.

"it would make it impossible 5:29 to consistently present the Catholic 5:31 faith to non-catholics you cannot 5:33 consistently present the Catholic faith 5:35 to Protestants or other non-catholics 5:37 while you regard Francis who preaches a 5:39 false gospel and rejects Catholic dogma 5:42 as a member of the Catholic Church"

I've tried to my loss in Sweden to keep consistence by saying "John Paul II" was Pope, but still not to be followed. As per the position of the SSPX.

There is a reason I left Sweden. No, it was not the police seeking for me suspecting they would have to put me in gaol again (I had defended myself and been acquitted for putative defense first trial, then recaught before leaving the country, then convicted second trial). It was not that psychiatry had grasped after me immediately again. It was that I came again in a position likely to depend on Social Services, which could again have pushed me to a country-side where Catholicism was little known and in practise, once seen, unpopular.

Typical Swede of the country-side:
"You are Catholic? Cool, we are tolerant ... you fast every year? You mean you are a Muslim?"

Another stay in that country-side might have ended with renewed efforts of psychiatry, therefore another occasion I would have needed to defend myself, or isolation, and eventually imposed apostasy. A very old Polish lady was eventually pushed to receive a Lutheran fake communion from a Lutheran female pastor before she died.

6:37 I think the two you have shown might be in the process of reconsidering.

[I hope for their sake they are.]

7:43 The video message may not belong here, he may have spoken of liturgic and devotional traditions within Catholicism.

8:10 On July 16th 1990, in the morning, when six people assembled and Pope Michael I was elected, obviously the see had been vacant for 11 + years since Redemptor Hominis.

The one advantage of diversity between the non-Catholic religions is that the enemies of truth are not united.

John Paul II as some call him seems to have considered the scarlet beast as the only enemy of truth.

In fact, that's just one of the seven heads, while four of the heads are probably parodies of the true Abrahamic religion, these four heads would be leopard heads, and the final beast has the form, not of a scarlet beast, though it is included, but of a leopard.

If you like this format:

Namely links to a video and my comments under it, that is one of the two most used formats on Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere which includes this format in English, as for the other one, quoran answers with or without debate ensuing, and a minor format is debate forum threads. But debate forums seem to be much less in use now than back in the years after 2000.

In languages other than English, you have the same set-up in French in Répliques Assorties and in German on Antworten nach Sorte. For Swedish and Spanish this happens on blogs mixed with normal essay format on the blogs: På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism and En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones (which also features narrative and poetry, partly in English or French).

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