Monday, 30 September 2024

Where are the Homeless in Poland?

New blog on the kid: If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 · Where are the Homeless in Poland? · I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ...

31 000 * 0.9 = 27900 Polish
31 000 * 0.1 = 3100 not Polish
3100 * 0.6 = 1860 Ukrainian
3100 * 0.4 = 1240 neither PL nor UA

The number of homeless who are children rather than adults is not given, but 40 % of them are foreign citizens.

20 July 2024
Poland: Homelessness among migrants

Dominik Tarczynski said there were not homeless bc of the strict immigration politics. That's perhaps not quite true. So, where are the homeless?

Can they beg or busk on the streets, provided they are peaceful and orderly? Or are they shoved into places with regulations? Or do they survive in different places different nights, always on the move?

For children, we know most are in institutions.

Most of these children live in special institutions or homes for mothers with minor children or pregnant women.

The same would be true for women, especially with children or expecting. What about the rest? I'm not saying someone begging from the terrasse is ideal, but can anyone beg at all? Especially, can Poles do so? After John II outlawed begging, France suffered the Hundred Years' War. He lived his last 8 years as English prisoner, taken 1356 and dead in London 1364. After Lewis XIV did about the same, it took about 100 years before France suffered a Revolution, which was going to include English interference. A Swedish King did a similar thing, forget which one, and we had the Deformation./HGL

Production September 2024

No compositions this month. But when I do, they are on:


There may be some in October.

Production September 2024
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Long Live the Johns! · Sharing : Tulsi Gabbard · Quelques commentaires à un Protestant (FR)
Why is Michael II the real Pope? · Guds existence, andars existence, tanke, hjerna och språk, andars manifestationer, demoner, offentliga miracler och tro är intet en personlig upplefvelse (SV) · For those who pretend there were several tens of thousands of years between Adam and Abraham · Il y a des conservateurs nationaux qui ne soutiennent pas Poutine, grâce à Dieu (FR) · J'ai dû d'abord me défendre et ensuite m'exiler de la Suède (FR)
A Point About Certain Protestant Fundamentalists · Some People Really Can't Relate to a Catholic Convert · Some People Can't Relate to Catholic Decency · Sumeria, Damien Mackey, Intellectual Honour · Censure (FR) · Contre Korsia (FR) · Is Some Crook Trying to Test if I'm a Prophet?
Some People Can't Relate to Any Decency (I Mean the Female Pastor) · Trudging on in a Quagmired Video: Five More Minutes · Swedish Pride
Debate under one of the comments · Dates for Scandinavian Prehistory, Revisited, Most Recent Tables · Inerrancy of OT: Riding in King David's Day! · Who's Afraid of the Squortlebleep? · Next Frontiers for Christian Research · An Overused Quote from St. Augustine · A Federal Law Against Abortion? That Would be Good!> · Emmanuel Todd sur l'Évangélisme
Gavin Ortlund Pretends Apostolic Tradition Not Preserved in the Bible Does Not Oblige · Debate on Geology · 4.5 Billion Years Worth of Nuclear Decay, Before the End of Day Three? · 1324 vs 2024
Some in FSSPX Catching Up While I am Getting Censored? · My Answer May Be What Nobody Wants to Hear · Trads Imitate Modernists? · Forbidden to Say I Refuse to Deconstruct, Refuse LGBTQ? · I Follow Dr. Abby Johnson, Here She is Right — As Usual
Bonum Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis (LAT) · Truth Censored · Some Corrections About Medieval History
Apologetics Related, English · Damien Mackey Has His View on Shinar, Nimrod and Babel · Anthony Stine Has a Point About Poland. Someone Hasn't About Me. · Les Évangélistes ont bon dos (pour les "défauts" des Catholiques) (FR)
Science vs Fiction · Statistiques de trois jours et une semaine (FR) · Sometimes you learn things from reading your statistics · Vive Claude EON ! (FR) · Censored Again · Est-ce que Bergoglio pourrait être un antipape, si tous les évêques l'acceptent ? (FR)
Russia Still Aborting Worse than the United States ?
Bonum Festum sanctissimi Nominis beatae Mariae (LAT) · Moscow in Alexandria · Harris Spoke a Lie, Trump Spoke the Truth · Correction Request Sent to ABC · What's Right with Drinking? Answering Isaiah Saldivar · Mais il pourrait profiter d'une histoire des idées un peu plus correcte ! (FR) · 50 questions & réponses contre l'avortement (FR) · Nigeria · L'Italie ne pratiqua pas l'eugénisme national-socialiste (documenté)
I Usually Would Have Taken This on Another Blog: How did the biblical story of creation survive the flood? · Yes, Christians Have the Right to Self Defense · Toutes les périodes, pays et les plus lus posts (FR) · Two YEC Happy about Testable and Confirmed Predictions
Bonum Festum Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis (LAT) · Enslaving and Aborting: Seth Gruber Citing Abraham Lincoln (Sharing) · Créationnisme jeune terre (quora, vieux compte déconnecté) (FR) · Débat I, continuation du post (FR) · Babel's Confusion was Not a Curse
1493 = "doctrine of discovery" ? Not really · An Orthodox Who Believes the Infidel Lesch · Dimond Brothers Bungle Latin and Theology · Onfray peu crédible CAR (FR) · "The Crusades for a 1000 years" · LIV — Nice Bluff (13+)
Sharing · Three Questions on Quora · Charline Vanhoenacker, n'ayez pas peur pour vos mamies (FR) · Quoran Medley: Creationism and Other Roman Catholic · Créationnisme d'il y a sept ans ... (FR) · Il y a quelques années (FR)
No, Ukrainian is Not Just Russian with an Accent · Sharing on Dead Sea Scrolls
Hamas is not Right Just because IDF is Wrong · Pushback on Apostate Prophet · I Think I Know What I am Looking For as Income Pretty Well · Trois jours et une semaine, et encore un jour (FR) · Presumed Ignorant, Because YEC!
A Psychologist Pretended to be Expert on Fact Checking Skills · Not Female Clothing
No, Mark 16:9—20 Are Not a Different Category · Jerry Bergman and Don Budinsky Wrong in their Response to Gutsick Gibbon · Is this post really the earliest one with the label "Standing for Truth"? · Why "Labyrinth"?
Bonum Festum Sancti Matthaei Apostoli (LAT) · Less moved by his talking down to me ... · Continuing debate with David C. Campbell on YEC, OE, Palaeontology · A Reflection on Being Indifferent to Reception · Kamala Proferred Lies · Austro-Fascisme et Empire Austro-Hongrois (FR)
From Day of St. Matthew to Bilbo's and Frodo's Birthday · Were Old Texts Very Clouded by Figurative Language as Opposed to Literal? — No. · Archaeology of the Levant, my Recalibration · Sharing Father Nix on Apostolic Traditions in the Seven Sacraments, including Holy Mass
The Actual Words of "Francis" Show Him Non-Catholic · If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 · Trump Second Attempt (Sharing) · Blitz de Londres, RAF sur Dresde, Gaza ET le Liban (FR) · Language · Yes, One Can Be a Writer Without Affording a Secretary · Must share (Purification of Water)
En défense de M. Claude Eon (FR) · Victimes de l'état (FR) · Quoran Medley II · Dovid Vigler's Views on the Messiah · Does the Lagar Velho Child Disprove my View of Neanderthals? · In Sweden, a Christian True Believer is "Luna Lovegood" · 822, Year and Gematria
Quadriga Cassiani, Please! · Avec Monseigneur Pierre d'Ornellas (FR) · A Short by Joe Heschmeyer, a Comment of Mine · Right or Wrong, My Countryman Miss Thunberg is Not an Idiot · What Did Thor Heyderdahl Say, Again?
Speaking of Sweden, Thunberg ... · 1000 Days Ago · Archibald Sayce, a Bad Guide to Biblical Genealogies · Have You Ever Heard of Jan Lööf? · Tolkien Again · And Even More Tolkien · I Think the God's Not Dead Movies Have a Point
Should I Thank Protestants Who Worry? No. · Now, is Pope Michael II the True Pope? Hope So. · Matthew 6:7, Greek Text, Word Meanings · Vive Charles VI (FR) · Geocentrism Again : Sungenis and Coulombe · Recent Pope vs Supposed Pope · Gynaecologist on Miscarriages and Late-Term Abortions · Certains veulent faire taire Nota Bene, certains veulent me faire taire aussi ... (FR)
Ni Napoléonien, ni maçonnique (FR) · This Blog is the Object of Unjust Censorship on Part of Facebook · Agreement and Disagreement with Robert Sungenis
Bonum Festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli (LAT) · Can a Catholic Say the Bible is Infallible? · A Point About Authorised Killings of Populations in the Conquest of Canaan—The Authorisation Does Not Apply Today! · What Would the Carbon 14 Production Speed be with the Biblical Minimum Age of the Earth? · [Continued] · Holy Trinity — Leaving the Word to Christian Wagner
Un Musulman voulait savoir sur les mœurs chrétiens (FR) · Production September 2024 · Statistique de deux semaines (FR) · Where are the Homeless in Poland? · Preterist View of the Olivet Discourse by "Heretic Chick" ...

Statistique de deux semaines

452 + 629 + 51 + 56 + 53 + 2 + 32 + 59 + 237 + 51 + 15 + 20 + 85 + 10 + 52 + 46 + 37 + 87 + 5 + 2 + 13 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 10 + 6 + 21 + 15 + 12 + 35 + 61 + 50 + 2 + 38 + 93 + 4 + 34 + 15 + 12 + 14 + 214 = 2654
2654 / 7 = 379 par jour
11 + 8 + 11 + 17 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 21 + 5 + 7 + 17 + 8 + 2 + 23 + 39 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 157 + 51 + 611 = 1019
1019 / 7 = 146 par jour
Hong Kong
46 + 5 + 20 + 12 + 7 + 4 + 49 + 377 + 23 + 14 + 12 + 4 = 573
573 / 7 = 82 par jour
7 + 279 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 11 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 311
311 / 7 = 44 par jour
1 + 1 + 21 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 53 + 97 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 24 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 241
241 / 7 = 34 par jour
4 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 16 + 84 + 9 + 2 + 10 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 162
162 / 7 = 23 par jour
1 + 1 + 30 + 12 + 1 + 37 + 36 + 27 + 10 = 155
155 / 7 = 22 par jour

1 + 118 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 129
1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 15 + 34 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 2 = 80
2 + 60 + 11 + 1 + 3 = 77
55 + 2 + 1 = 58
14 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 21
Corée du Sud
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 20
 Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers, part III, Romania to Turkey 284 (4.85 % of the views) · Why "Labyrinth"? 30 · A Psychologist Pretended to be Expert on Fact Checking Skills 27 · Jerry Bergman and Don Budinsky Wrong in their Response to Gutsick Gibbon 24 · Hamas is not Right Just because IDF is Wrong 24

Pushback on Apostate Prophet 23 · Sharing on Dead Sea Scrolls 23 · Bonum Festum Sancti Matthaei Apostoli (LAT) 22 · Kamala Proferred Lies 22 · Trois jours et une semaine, et encore un jour (FR) 21

Sharing Father Nix on Apostolic Traditions in the Seven Sacraments, including Holy Mass 21 · Is this post really the earliest one with the label "Standing for Truth"? 20 · A Reflection on Being Indifferent to Reception 18 · Colin (Not a Pastor) on Fight For Truth Had a Better Take 17 · Whaddo You Meme ?? Tried to Give His POV on Christ is King 17

Less moved by his talking down to me ... 16 · "The Crusades for a 1000 years" 16 · Yes, Christians Have the Right to Self Defense 15 · The Actual Words of "Francis" Show Him Non-Catholic 15 · Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve (FR/ENG) 14

If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 14 · I Think I Know What I am Looking For as Income Pretty Well 14 · Presumed Ignorant, Because YEC! 14 · Not Female Clothing 14 · Austro-Fascisme et Empire Austro-Hongrois 13

1493 = "doctrine of discovery" ? Not really 13 · Two YEC Happy about Testable and Confirmed Predictions 13 · Were Old Texts Very Clouded by Figurative Language as Opposed to Literal? — No. 13 · From Day of St. Matthew to Bilbo's and Frodo's Birthday 12 · ... on Armed Force by Catholic States 12

No, Mark 16:9—20 Are Not a Different Category 11 · Quoran Medley: Creationism and Other Roman Catholic 11 · verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus (LAT) 11

Suppose ONE Single work by GKC had Inspired Lord of the Rings ...? 10 · Ken Wolgemuth Understood the Argument 10 · Babel's Confusion was Not a Curse 10 · Tas Walker and Myself on C14 : Glacial Maximum and End 10
1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 19
3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 11
8 + 1 + 1 = 10
3 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 8
5 + 2 + 1 = 8
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 7
5 + 1 = 6
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5
Viêt Nam
2 + 3 = 5
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 5
 Pays de trois vues
Italie, Finlande = 6

Pays de deux vues
Belgique, Andorre, Australie, Turquie, Iran = 10

Pays d'une vue
Croatie, Indonésie, Émirats arabes unis, Japon, Grèce, Luxembourg = 6

2 + 1 + 39 + 20 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 23 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 59 + 61 + 6 + 1 + 2 = 252

2654 + 1019 + 573 + 311 + 162 + 241 + 155 + 129 + 80 + 77 + 58 + 21 + 20 + 19 + 11 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 252 = 5858
5858 / 7 = 837 par jour
Septembre, jusqu'au 25

6468 + 6312 + 5348 + 257 + 228 + 44 + 147 + 520 + 2582 + 1280 + 91 + 127 + 923 + 27 + 272 + 631 + 70 + 1391 + 111 + 71 + 236 + 522 + 571 + 45 + 708 + 400 + 807 + 536 + 45 + 641 + 44 + 61 + 48 + 15 + 12 + 45 + 81 + 74 + 57 + 66 + 53 + 239 = 32206

32206 / 25 = 1288 par jour
 Tout le mois d'août

131 + 36 + 29 + 50 + 75 + 46 + 61 + 29 + 17 + 69 + 37 + 34 + 305 + 37 + 426 + 779 + 317 + 565 + 20 + 381 + 418 + 198 + 64 + 113 + 1001 + 71 + 475 + 453 + 30 + 815 + 134 + 139 + 1059 + 4236 + 374 + 125 + 109 + 328 + 292 + 5448 + 5038 + 7719 = 32083

32083 / 31 = 1035 par jour
29.IX.2024 (13:00) 28.IX.2024 (toute la journée)
6 + 194 + 33 + 424 + 5 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 8 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 14 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 69 = 808
808 * 24 / 13 = 1492
 164 + 13 + 15 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 27 + 20 + 1 + 11 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 33 + 32 + 7 + 1 + 29 + 3 + 24 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 13 + 756 + 1 + 9 + 52 + 579 + 94 + 1 = 1927
17:48 24—30.IX.202416:33 24—30.IX.2024
Agreement and Disagreement with Robert Sungenis 42 In Sweden, a Christian True Believer is "Luna Lovegood" 32 Speaking of Sweden, Thunberg ... 29 Bonum Festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli (LAT) 26 Right or Wrong, My Countryman Miss Thunberg is Not an Idiot 25

Victimes de l'état (FR) 23 I Think the God's Not Dead Movies Have a Point 22 1000 Days Ago 20 Gynaecologist on Miscarriages and Late-Term Abortions 19 Recent Pope vs Supposed Pope 18

Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve (FR/ENG) 18 Where You Looking For Something Else? 18 Have You Ever Heard of Jan Lööf? 18 A Psychologist Pretended to be Expert on Fact Checking Skills 17 Holy Trinity — Leaving the Word to Christian Wagner 17

En défense de M. Claude Eon (FR) 16 Now, is Pope Michael II the True Pope? Hope So. 16 Does the Lagar Velho Child Disprove my View of Neanderthals? 15 Less moved by his talking down to me ... 15 Geocentrism Again : Sungenis and Coulombe 15

... to Unbalanced Anti-YEC priest (?) and his defenders, part I 15 ... in Defense (Mainly) of Ken Ham against (mainly) Rachel Oates 14 Language 14 What Did Thor Heyderdahl Say, Again? 14 Appel à Brigitte Saintpère, avocate à la cour, Reims (FR) 13

Should I Thank Protestants Who Worry? No. 13 And Even More Tolkien 12 Dovid Vigler's Views on the Messiah 12 ... on Mark of the Beast, Giants, and the Eucharist (dialogues lead to diversions) 12 822, Year and Gematria 12

Article Geocentricity on Creation Wiki 12 Karyogrammata 12 Blitz de Londres, RAF sur Dresde, Gaza ET le Liban (FR) 12 What Would the Carbon 14 Production Speed be with the Biblical Minimum Age of the Earth? 11 [Continued] 11

verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus (LAT) 11 Grandeur 11 Quadriga Cassiani, Please! 11 Is Howard F getting tired? Because up to now, he has failed. Update: no he wasn't. Getting tired, that is. 11 Introibo Blogger Misrepresents Galileo Case Inter Alia 10

Quoran Medley II 10 ... on Homosexualty, Definition of Marriage, Bronze Age, Progress and Middle Ages 10 Yes, One Can Be a Writer Without Affording a Secretary 10 Continued debate from ... on Arguing Biblical Inerrancy FROM Evolutionist Material (Third sequel) 10 Were Old Texts Very Clouded by Figurative Language as Opposed to Literal? — No. 10

Continuing debate with David C. Campbell on YEC, OE, Palaeontology 10 Presumed Ignorant, Because YEC! 10 What Opinion did Riccioli call the Fourth and Most Common One? 10
743 + 8 + 12 + 33 + 9 + 11 + 242 + 270 + 14 + 11 + 141 + 14 + 123 + 3 + 339 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 12 + 49 + 59 + 45 + 2 + 13 + 28 + 62 + 27 + 110 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 609 + 19 + 4 = 3051 = 3,05 k
3,05 k + 2,42 k + 3,15 k = 8,62 k, soit 1231 par jour

1 + 14 + 12 + 11 + 1 + 2 + 77 + 42 + 15 + 5 + 512 + 34 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 3 + 73 + 19 + 13 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 16 + 8 + 13 + 3 + 1 + 714 + 6 = 1618,
soit 231 par jour
2 + 57 + 8 + 142 + 3 + 73 + 2 + 11 + 9 + 18 + 9 + 6 + 19 + 15 + 12 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 37 + 1 = 444,
soit 63 par jour
46 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 121 + 30 + 129 + 33 + 2 + 12 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 385,
soit 55 par jour
Hong Kong
1 + 28 + 13 + 2 + 12 + 13 + 5 + 139 + 11 + 13 + 41 + 37 + 1 + 1 + 13 = 330,
soit 47 par jour
2 + 1 + 12 + 2 + 1 + 64 + 1 + 4 + 42 + 44 + 13 + 5 + 4 + 17 = 212,
soit 30 par jour
1 + 1 + 24 + 25 + 14 + 29 + 39 + 2 + 33 = 168,
soit 24 par jour

2 + 93 + 7 + 2 = 104
7 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 32 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 4 = 80
15 + 1 + 2 + 13 + 22 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 69
58 + 1 = 59
1 + 5 + 3 + 42 = 51
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 22
Corée du Sud
1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 20
4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 = 18
1 + 1 + 6 + 8 + 1 = 17
1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 15
1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 9
1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6
1 + 3 + 1 = 5
1 + 4 = 5
Pays de trois vues
Émirats arabes unis = 3

Pays de deux vues
Viêt Nam, Turquie, Andorre, Tchéquie, Mexique = 10

Pays d'une vue
Lettonie, Géorgie, Chine, Monaco, Myanmar (Birmanie), Kazakhstan, Espagne, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Japon = 9
1 + 3 + 3 + 142 + 27 + 7 + 7 + 1 + 5 + 31 + 72 + 29 + 1 + 19 + 128 + 106 + 25 + 178 + 2 + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 803

Sous-total B
1618 + 444 + 385 + 330 + 212 + 168 + 104 + 80 + 69 + 59 + 51 + 22 + 20 + 18 + 17 + 15 + 10 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 9 + 803 = 4462 = 4,46 k

8,62 k + 4,46 k = 13,08 k, soit 1869 par jour

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Bonum Festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

In monte Gargano venerabilis memoria beati Michaelis Archangeli, quando ipsius nomine ibi consecrata fuit Ecclesia, vili quidem facta schemate, sed caelesti praestans virtute. Antisiodori sancti Fraterni, Episcopi et Martyris.

Holy Trinity — Leaving the Word to Christian Wagner

IRREFUTABLE: The Holy Trinity
Scholastic Answers | 27 Sept. 2024

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Agreement and Disagreement with Robert Sungenis

Karl Keating
cited by Sungenis
[The New Geocentrics]: page 10: “In gratitude, I dedicate this book to the memory of Curtis Wilton.”

From a radio interview, Keating adds: “We had to take certain elective courses, and I took one on the History of Science, taught by Professor Curtis Wilson. He is the top American expert in Johannes Kepler. Kepler was a scientist in the 17th century who formulate the three laws of planetary motion on which all of modern astrophysics is based....The class was actually on geocentrism. And what we did was to take Ptolemy’s ancient writings...and he was the first to come up with a consolidated theory of how the planets and the sun and the stars interacted. And it’s his theory that the Earth is at the center. The planets that could be as far as Saturn...and the sun, rotated in circles around, revolved in circles around the Earth. He had to elaborate this with many accoutrements in order to make his theory seem to accommodate the observations he had at the time....In this course, while I was in school Professor Wilson took us through Ptolemy’s work; through his much later successor Tycho Brahe who died in 1601, who had an alternative theory but with Earth still in the center, and took us through the actual calculations and observations. We did the math. We did the arithmetic and the geometry and worked this through. And we were able to see over the course of the class that as time went on and observations became ever more precise, that the Ptolemaic theory and later the Tychonian theory did not accommodate the appearances. And as time went on they were less and less able to explain why the planets and the stars and the sun were doing what they seemed to be doing...Now I see that decades later, this notion of geocentrism has made a comeback.”

Catholic Answers radio program of February 13, 2015, an interview between Keating and Patrick Coffin, recorded beginning at 13:50 when Coffin asked Keating how he got into the present subject matter.

Robert Sungenis I
The key sentence in his description is:

And we were able to see over the course of the class that as time when on and observations became ever more precise, that the Ptolemaic theory and later the Tychonian theory did not accommodate the appearances.

If that is what Professor Curtis Wilson taught Karl Keating, then Prof. Wilson was wrong. If Prof. Wilson was only dealing with kinematics and not dynamics, then it would be true to say that Ptolemy’s model can be shown to be inadequate, but Tycho Brahe’s model matches both the Copernican and the Keplerian models, orbit for orbit, equation for equation. My suspicion is that Keating probably misunderstood Prof. Wilson, but unfortunately, this means Keating has carried the same fallacious idea with him for the last forty years, namely, that the Tychonic model is inadequate, when it is only the Ptolemaic that has proven to be so. I suggest that Mr. Keating go back and check the notes that Prof. Wilson gave him. I know of no professor in astrophysical kinematics that would ever claim that Tycho Brahe’s model was inadequate to explain the motions in the heavens, and I dare say that I don’t think Prof. Wilson would dare to do so either. ...

I heartily agree on this one.

Robert Sungenis II
... Moreover, if Prof. Wilson taught Keating that only the Keplerian model could explain stellar parallax, he is wrong there also. Although accusing Tycho’s model of being unable to explain parallax was popular a few years ago, it has been discredited, for the simple reason that we now know that if the stars are aligned with the sun instead of the Earth, then both parallax and aberration are produced. As one professor from the University of Illinois put it in his 2004 lecture notes:

It is often said that Tycho’s model implies the absence of parallax, and that Copernicus’ requires parallax. However, it would not be a major conceptual change to have the stars orbit the sun (like the planets) for Tycho, which would give the same yearly shifts in their apparent positions as parallax gives.

University of Illinois, Physics 319, Spring 2004, Lecture 03, p. 8.

I may come off as a conspiracy theorist, but bear with me ... in 2001 to March 2004, I had a precarious stay in an appartment my mother was not fully in control of, and I was eventually kicked out. But while I had it, I was often enough in libraries and internet cafés, and very much the Lund University library especially from early 2003 on, debating, and putting debates onto my then site MSN Groups Antimodernism (all MSN Groups finished in 2009, and I had too little internet time to salvage the big group onto the MSN substitute for the groups, namely "Multiply" (a very ironic term from the genius of a Bill Gates who after all is depopulationist).

The point is, if I had had adequate time on the internet back in 2004, I would have heard of that professor, and I would have answered.

The parallax as discussed by Copernicus, Tycho, Galileo was NOT the parallax we see. Only Bruno and Newton would have predicted that one. To all of Copernicus, Tycho, Galileo, to a man, the fix stars were one shell, the limit between the visible heavens, and the heaven that is God's throne room. Neither Bruno nor Newton were fully Christian, the one a kind of trace amount Gnostic with traces of Mormon poly-universe polytheism (or the reverse is the road, perhaps, it's probably Joseph Smith who had it from Bruno via Freemasonry, rather than the reverse:

The early Nauvoo years were a period of doctrinal innovation. Smith introduced baptism for the dead in 1840, and in 1841 construction began on the Nauvoo Temple as a place for recovering lost ancient knowledge.[122] An 1841 revelation promised the restoration of the "fullness of the priesthood"; and in May 1842, Smith inaugurated a revised endowment or "first anointing".[123] The endowment resembled the rites of Freemasonry that Smith had observed two months earlier when he had been initiated "at sight" into the Nauvoo Masonic lodge.[124] At first, the endowment was open only to men, who were initiated into a special group called the Anointed Quorum. For women, Smith introduced the Relief Society, a service club and sorority within which Smith predicted women would receive "the keys of the kingdom".[125] Smith also elaborated on his plan for a Millennial kingdom; no longer envisioning the building of Zion in Nauvoo, he viewed Zion as encompassing all of North and South America, with Mormon settlements being "stakes" of Zion's metaphorical tent.[126] Zion also became less a refuge from an impending tribulation than a great building project.[127] In the summer of 1842, Smith revealed a plan to establish the millennial Kingdom of God, which would eventually establish theocratic rule over the whole Earth.[128]

The other, Newton, was an Arian, and probably a Magician.

Now, why is this important? You see, the parallax you would predict about stars in a kind of shell would be very different. If instead of Sun moving between Virgo in August~September and Pisces in February~March, it was really Earth that moved between Pisces in August~September and Virgo in February~March, Virgo would as a whole seem bigger in February~March and shrink towards early August or whenever it was being hidden by the Sun, and appearing after the hiding, Virgo would at first be small in late September or whenever she reappaears, and then grow bigger into February. And vice versa for Pisces. This is not what we see.

What we do see can be accounted for in only two ways:

  • if Earth is moving, or if they align with the Sun, stars do not form a shell, they are really at very different distances;
  • if Earth is not moving, and stars do also not align with the Sun, if they do form a shell, the stars show proper movements within that shell.

In the case of "stellar" or "annual" aberration, the apparent position of a star to an observer on Earth varies periodically over the course of a year as the Earth's velocity changes as it revolves around the Sun, by a maximum angle of approximately 20 arcseconds in right ascension or declination.

So, that part of the movement of each star would instead be a proper movement. Not part of all stars moving around the Sun (in non-orbitting ways) as Sungenis suggested, not orbits around the Sun, but proper movements. With Angelic movers, that is not a problem.

The most important fundamental distance measurements in astronomy come from trigonometric parallax, as applied in the stellar parallax method. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the position of nearby stars will appear to shift slightly against the more distant background. These shifts are angles in an isosceles triangle, with 2 AU (the distance between the extreme positions of Earth's orbit around the Sun) making the base leg of the triangle and the distance to the star being the long equal-length legs.

Well, the thing that stands out here is, that if parallax is a proper movement, done by Angelic movers, we don't have any trigonometry here. The Heliocentrics, and Sungenis aligning with them here and with Bruno and Newton ultimately in saying the stars align with the Sun, will pretend we do have valid trigonometry consisting of one known side and three known angles. I will argue, that as we cannot know that the star (for instance α Centauri or Vega) travels the same distance as the Sun, or the same distance as each other, for that matter, we cannot know that α Centauri is 4 light years or Vega 25 light years from us.

The furthest off object we can measure the distance of without parallax trigonometry are Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Both are less than 1 light day up. Both of them are however closer to the stars (if they are 1 light day up) than to us. So, wouldn't their cameras have detected the stars getting significantly bigger to the view? Well, their cameras or not turned on. So, the stars could be preciely one light day up. Let's calculate the real size of Vega if that's the case currently. It's supposed to have a radius medium 2.572 that of the Sun, at 25 light years' distance. Same visible size to us at one light day's distance, what's that? Recall, the equatorial radius of the Sun is 109 earth radii. For diameter, we take twice the radius.

2.572 * 109 * 6 371 000 m * 2 = 3 572 194 216 m
25 * 365 = 9125
3 572 194 216 m / 9125 = 391 473 m

2 * 6 371 000 m / 391 473 m = 32.549 — Vega would be 32.549 times smaller than Earth in each dimension, and 34 484 times smaller than Earth in volume. This is obviously anathema to Atheists, who would argue "if Jupiter which is so much more massive than Earth and has the right gasses didn't ignite fusion from gravity, who would Vega have, supposing it were that small?" ... but Vega is clearly much more massive than anything they have at CERN, where they are presumably studying ways to make fusion work on earth. We as Christians have no allegiance to the idea that stars ignited spontaneously by gravitational compression of gasses. We believe those that are in fusion were "ignited" on day IV.

Robert Sungenis III
Another possibility for the miscue is that Keating, without telling us, believes that Tycho’s model is inadequate because Tycho’s original model did not include elliptical orbits of the planets. Since the elliptical orbits of Kepler’s model made the heliocentric version more accurate, Tycho’s geocentric model would not be able to match it. If this is Keating’s reason, then he is playing a shell game. Every professor of astrophysical kinematics, including the late Christopher Wilson, knows that if elliptical orbits of the planets are included in Tycho’s model, it is just as accurate as Kepler’s model. This was already known in the time of Galileo. In 1665, Giovanni Riccioli, in his book, Astronomia Reformata, added elliptical orbits to Tycho’s model for this very reason, and afterward he remained a devoted geocentrist.

Apart from "devoted" I totally agree. Riccioli was a devoted Christian. Geocentrism would however have been matter of fact. To him as to me.

Hadn't Riccioli added elliptic orbits already in Almagestum Novum? A work where, by the way, he argues for Angelic movers being the theologically most probable mechanism for movements of celestial bodies:

III. Quarta Opinio, eaque communissima, est; cælos & sidera moueri ab Intelligentijs seu ab Angelis, tanquam assistentibus, & immediatis causis effectiuis, non autem tanquam ab animabus informantibus cælum, atq. adeò moueri ab extrinsecò principio, sed creato.

Cited via:
New blog on the kid: What Opinion did Riccioli call the Fourth and Most Common One?

I will not cite more from Sungenis' work, right now at least, but I'm leaving you the link to his refutation of Keating:

A Critical Analysis of Karl Keating and His Book The New Geocentrists
By Robert Sungenis

Meanwhile, don't let urban legends about Geocentrics having neither argument nor explanation sway your view of your Geocentric neighbour. Ideally not even of me.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Wenceslaus, Duke and Martyr

Apud Boleslaviam veterem, in Bohemia, sancti Wenceslai, Ducis Bohemorum et Martyris, sanctitate et miraculis gloriosi, qui, dolo fratris sui necatus, victor pervenit ad palmam.

PS, another text by Sungenis which a friend shared from his substack says:

The Sun is the GEOMETRIC Center of the Universe, and the CENTER OF MASS is the 🌎 Earth....

I'd say, whether the Earth is inside the centre of Mass or not, is irrelevant. God keeps the Earth in place anyway. And the Earth is the actual Geometric centre of the visible universe. Not the Sun. The following image is a feature, not a bug:

Friday, 27 September 2024

Gynaecologist on Miscarriages and Late-Term Abortions

OBGYN Busts Myths on Miscarriages & Late-Term Abortions | Ep 1074
Allie Beth Stuckey | 26.IX.2024

Recent Pope vs Supposed Pope

I've done this in a presentation I have two stick figures 9:48 I call them James and John now James worships 9:53 one God and John might worship a different God but they're both monotheists 9:58 and so if James and John both worship the same God then either both worship the true God or 10:05 both worship a false god (right man) if James and John worship two 10:11 different gods we worship God the Father Son and Holy Ghost Muslims worship Allah which is 10:19 translating English would be God but it's a different God because they reject specifically the Trinity 10:25 so if you have two monotheists only one of them can worship the true 10:32 God now both of them could also worship false gods because we have this false idea that if you're a monotheist we all 10:40 worship the same God and it's just simply not true

Said by the late Pope Michael I in this interview:

Pontifacts Interview with Pope Michael
Pontifacts Podcast | 2 Oct. 2023

I think you know what supposed "pope" was saying something very different recently in the news, I don't think I have to even say his name or supposed "papal name" .../HGL

Thursday, 26 September 2024

1000 Days Ago

1000 days ago: 3.I.2022

A Year Ago I Answered on Nephelim and Stonehenge

1000 days before that: 7.IV.2020

Under the confinement.

1000 days before that: 14.VII.2017

Is Graham Hancock Right on Göbekli Tepe?

1000 days before that: 20.X.2014

Beatifying to Go to Perdition? · ... Some Notes on Thomas Woods' Orderly Universe Argument

1000 days before that: 24.I.2012

Capitulum VII (LAT) · Capitula XIX - XXII, explicit (LAT) · Jonah and Mieszko · Kalenderbyte - commentar till Dick Harrisons blogg (SV)

1000 days before that: 29.IV.2009

Before I came to Paris./HGL

Speaking of Sweden, Thunberg ...

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Right or Wrong, My Countryman Miss Thunberg is Not an Idiot · New blog on the kid: Speaking of Sweden, Thunberg ...

Possibly more famous by now, certainly more Swedish than Zlatan. No offense, Ibrahimovic, I'm sure you make excellent cevapcici. Or keep track of someone who does.

Jeremy Clarkson has come out basically saying Greta is currently an idiot, though not an incurable one.

I have stated she's not an idiot, whether she's right or wrong. The big four list of countries which Jeremy Clarkson thinks she should target is basically 57.43 % of global emissions. A basically much more at least potentially Thunberg friendly list is 32.15 %, less, but not less than half. So, the kind of impact she's working for is not a completely useless one ... supposing she is right.

That's the next question. Is she right? Is she wrong, even catastrophically wrong? Or somewhere in between.

I would argue, she is wrong about the reasons, but not catastrophically, since her measures would do good on other accounts. I was going to see if using horses instead of petrol driven tractors would reduce CO2 emissions. If so, I thought, this would benefit small farms, which are a good thing in and of itself. Farmers are happier, less indebted, less likely to be lonely and commit suicide, less burdened, since constituting themselves a larger part of the consumers and giving off less to the non-producing consumers (non-producing as in agricultural produce).

Local networks of farmers and consumers certainly encourage small farms as well as reducing carbon emissions, because transports take up part of the carbon thing.

But back to the ploughing. What I found was neither what I had expected, nor the opposite (tractors using less carbon). It was a different angle.

Farming Online: 20 per cent of world’s CO2 from ploughing – soil scientist
15 Jan 2014 | [someone interviewed] Dr John Baker

“When a farmer ploughs and cultivates a paddock it releases CO2 into the atmosphere. The vast majority (95 percent) is released from soil with the other five percent coming from tractor exhausts,” Dr Baker says

... “When you look at it from a global level, you realise that 15-20 per cent of the CO2 in the world’s atmosphere comes from ploughing.”

His solution is not giving up farming so no one can eat, but:

... good no-tillage causes minimal disturbance to the soil, traps the humidity, preserves micro-organisms and soil life, largely prevents carbon from escaping into the atmosphere and significantly improves crop yields. But poor no-tillage and minimum tillage achieve few of these things.

Now, the other thing is, why is China using all the carbon emissions? To a large part, it's because they produce things cheaply for export. Protectionism against Chinese imports could be a thing. And perhaps this shouldn't be just for China, but a more general protection for small indigenous producers in our Western countries. We are all consumers. The cheaper goods are, the more we can consume. But we are all only consuming in our relation to producers:

  • being ourselves producers or their family members,
  • being transport companies for transport between producers and consumers,
  • being salaried with producers or transporters,
  • or in each case again family members of such
  • or being in precarious situations economically, as well as family members of such, and therefore often more or less depending on state or municipal welfare or on alms.

The more independent producers are needed for the consumption, the fewer are salaried and the fewer are precarious. The more local producers are, the less are involved in transport, hence reduction of CO2, but also the more producers the locality will have, reducing the number of precarious people. And the risk of getting into that situation.

The problem is partly, how likely would the Thunberg friendly West be to win in something like a trade war situation?

But even if Miss Thunberg were wrong, that doesn't make Jeremy Clarkson right. He speaks of her going back to school, and if Thunberg is wrong, it's precisely from Swedish school teachers she has it.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Lupus of Lyons

Lugduni, in Gallia, depositio sancti Lupi, qui ex Anachoreta factus est Episcopus.

PS, here is some on ploughing with a horse, and it seems the French binage is less to the dislike of Dr John Baker than labourage would be (especially as viticulture is anyway not a majority of the hectares), here:

The Burgundy Briefing : Ploughing
Sarah Marsh Ltd, London. | 2019

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

In Sweden, a Christian True Believer is "Luna Lovegood"

New blog on the kid: In Sweden, a Christian True Believer is "Luna Lovegood" · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Think the God's Not Dead Movies Have a Point · Creation vs. Evolution: Have You Ever Heard of Jan Lööf?

in the books 13:48 Luna lives in reality where her 13:50 fantasies remain just that fantasies and 13:54 this creates a special Aura around her 13:57 she believes in what seems like fiction 13:59 to others that's her strength

How Luna Lovegood Changed Harry Potter Forever!
meninogui | 18 Sept. 2024

In the Roman Catholic Church, a perceptive and objective scientist either is a Christian or bolsters Christianity:

A Jewish Shroud of Turin Expert
Gary Habermas | 8 Febr. 2021

Like Barrie Schwortz bolsters Christian belief without being Christian. A Christian is as factbased as Hermione.

Did I mention that Catholicism and Sweden don't go very well together? Being a Catholic in Sweden is tough, there are 130 000 Catholics who belong to the Catholic diocese of Stockholm, Novus Ordo and Extraordinary Form, in a population of 10,49 millions two years ago, that's 1.24 %. It's essential to those guys to keep divisions at a minimum, so, an FSSPX-er or Sedevacantist is not really all that welcome among them. The FSSPX has three priests in Sweden and one of them is based in London. Sedevacantists have even fewer occasions to assist Holy Mass. IMBC states on their site: ROMANIA, BULGARY, FINLAND AND SWEDEN We celebrate there occasionally, please contact us if you’re interested. ...

Being friends with Luna Lovegood is one thing. Being friends with a Luna Lovegood (as Rowling wrote her) who thinks she's Hermione is another thing. That's how the typical Swede who remains a typical Swede will feel about the acquaintance of a Catholic who remains a Catholic. Obviously, unless the acquaintance is a fairly casual one, where they don't really need to get to know each other. To some Catholics having those relations to many Swedes are no problem, they already have their circles and their support. Converts who already got carreer, friends and family before converting. Immigrants. Swedish second, third or fourth generation Catholics (I knew a fifth generation one) who are decided to stick to the non-trad parish and be discrete in how they deal with Swedes. I am in none of these positions./HGL

PS A person with a very hateful attitude against the Shroud of Turin (who will not be named) reminded me of the hate I got on a Swedish forum the other day. Sweden is a place where my enemies and haters can thrive and get away with hating and overtly expressing their hatred and face no even social or moral consequences./HGL

Victimes de l'état

deretour : Appel à Brigitte Saintpère, avocate à la cour, Reims · New blog on the kid : Victimes de l'état

Le Parisien, ce matin :

En France, 15 000 mineurs de l’aide sociale à l’enfance, censés être protégés par l’État, seraient victimes de prostitution.*

Tout d'abord, jusqu'en 2006, pas mal de la part féminine de ce groupe auraient pu se marier, parce que l'âge légal pour une fille de se marier était encore 15 ans au début de l'année.

Mais ensuite, s'il y a 208 000** placés, il y a probablement au moins 206 000 ou 207 000 victimes de l'état d'une autre manière.

Certaines histoires quand les parents décident avec leurs ados le placement, ça n'aurait pas été le cas si l'ado n'avait pas été mal à l'aise dans l'éducation nationale (d'une école privée, on peut décourager un élève à rester s'il n'est pas à sa place avec les autres ou avec les profs).

Après, bien entendu, une ado prostituée parce que placée, c'est en soi une victime de l'état, car le placement aurait dû la protéger de ça.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Notre Dame des Miséricordes

* « Des proxénètes rôdent devant les foyers » : le scandale des ados placées forcées à se prostituer
Par Elsa Mari | Le 24 septembre 2024 à 06h05

** De mémoire, j'ai regardé le journal en papier il y a quelques heures et je ne vois pas tout l'article en ligne, n'étant pas abonné. Sinon, ça à pu être 209 000 ...

En défense de M. Claude Eon

New blog on the kid : Vive Claude EON ! · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Mais il pourrait profiter d'une histoire des idées un peu plus correcte ! · New blog on the kid : En défense de M. Claude Eon

Je cite Rivarol n° 3629, page 8, certains mots d'Adrien de Boysson :

Si une interprétation littérale de certains versets ...

Josué 10,13 pourrait refleter la cosmologie des Hébreux, sans d'oublier ce qui se trouve devant les sens. Josué 10,12 décrit par contre comment Josué, après une prière, dont les paroles ne sont pas données, pour le compte du Bon Dieu ordonne le miracle par ses paroles. Si la Terre est ce qui cessa de tourner après qu'il avait ordonné à Soleil et Lune de ne pas bouger, alors ce serait la seule fois dans la Bible que les mots d'un thaumaturge s'adressent à autre choses que ce qui doit changer les qualités naturelles ou pathologiques.

Pire, certains Luthériens du XIXe. S. en Suède ont suggéré que Dieu s'accomoda à une erreur populaire, pas seulement alors, mais aussi quand, selon eux, Jésus (homonyme de Josué, c'est le même nom en hébreux) s'adressa à des démons purement fictifs pour guérir une maladie purement endogène du psychisme du concerné. C'est l'hérésie totale.

Contrairement à ce qu’affirme M. Eon, l’héliocentrisme n’est pas une théorie sans preuve, puisque celle-ci fut administrée formellement en 1727 par l’astronome britannique James Bradley par ses travaux sur l’aberration de la lumière.

L'essentiel de cette "preuve" est que, si la Terre tourne annuellement autour du Soleil, elle a chaque jour une certaine vitesse qui correspond à l'angle changé du gros des étoiles pendant l'année, puisque le sens de cette vitesse changerait aussi chaque jour.

D'ailleurs, en ce qui concerne la parallaxe que d'autres ont considéré comme la preuve finale, elle n'est pas mesurée en elle-même, mais la parallaxe d'une étoile est mesurée par rapport à l'aberration changeante.

Le problème est que ceci suppose que les étoiles sont vraiment fixes, restent en place les unes par rapport aux autres. Ce que nous savons déjà par le "mouvement propre" que ce n'est pas le cas. Ou, à la limite, que les mouvement propres ne peuvent pas être circulaires. Or, si des anges peuvent faire bouger les corps célestes, ils peuvent faire bouger les étoiles fixes, pas juste dans le mouvement propre de l'étoile de Barnard, mais aussi dans la parallaxe d'alpha du Centaure et aussi l'aberration du gros lot des étoiles.

Est-ce une grande supposition pas gagnée en avance que de dire "si les anges peuvent faire bouger les corps célestes" ? Pour un Athée, certes. Pour un Catholique, non. Les anges ne font pas bouger des choses par force musculaire. Ils n'ont à la limite même pas de taille. Ils ont le pouvoir de faire bouger, à volonté, des choses matérielles. Et, dans la Bible, ils sont associés aux étoiles. Parmi les choses qu'il ne faut pas adorer, il y a "le soleil, ou la lune, ou toute l’armée du ciel" comme on trouve en Deutéronome 17,3. Donc "l'armée du ciel" = la totalité des corps célestes visibles. Mais le ciel a réellement une armée. Un Juif pourrait à la limite dire que "l'armée" n'est que figurative, mais un Chrétien non, il doit admettre que "douze légions d'anges" auraient été très heureux de délivrer Jésus des guardiens du Temple.

En plus, St. Thomas lit Job 38,7 dans ce sens.

quand les astres[165] du matin chantaient en chœur, et que tous les fils de Dieu poussaient des cris d’allégresse ?

Chanoîne Crampon en note 165 nous dit :

Les astres et les anges ou fils de Dieu, forment l’armée (hébr. tsâbâ) du ciel, et comme la milice du Seigneur, appelé pour cette raison Dieu des armées (Elôhê Tsebaôth).

Mais pour St. Thomas, astres et anges ne sont pas deux composants diverses de cette armée.

Quod autem dicuntur astra matutina Deum laudare potest uno modo intelligi materialiter, inquantum scilicet propter sui claritatem et nobilitatem erant materia divinae laudis, etsi non hominibus qui adhuc non erant, saltem Angelis qui iam erant; alio modo secundum illos qui dicunt corpora caelestia animata, astra in suae institutionis initio Deum laudabant non laude vocali sed mentali; quod etiam potest referri ad Angelos quorum ministerio caelestia corpora moventur, ut quod subditur et iubilarent omnes filii Dei referatur ad Angelos supremae hierarchiae, quos Dionysius dicit esse collocatos in vestibulis deitatis: et ideo signanter illis tamquam inferioribus laudem, istis autem tamquam superioribus attribuit iubilationem quae excellentiam quandam laudis importat.

Sancti Thomae de Aquino
Expositio super Iob ad litteram
a capite XXXVIII ad caput XLI

Je vais essayer de traduire :

Mais le fait que les astres du matin chantent peut d'une certaine manière être interprété matériellement, c'est à dire en tant qu'ils sont matière de la louange de Dieu par leur clarté et noblesse, à moins de l'être pour les hommes qui encore n'étaient, au moins pour les anges, qui étaient déjà; d'une autre manière selon eux qui disent que les corps célestes sont animés, les astres dans le début de leur institution louaient Dieu, non par louange vocale, mais mentale; ce qui peut aussi être rapporté aux anges, par le ministère desquels les corps célestes sont mûs, de manière que les mots ajoutés "et que tous les fils de Dieu poussaient des cris d’allégresse" se rapporte aux anges de la suprème hiérarchie, que Dénis* dit être placés dans le vestibule de Dieu: et pour ça, de manière pregnante il attribue aux autres, comme inférieurs, la louange, mais à ceux-ci, comme supérieurs, les cris d'allegresse qui signifie une forme d'excellence de la louange.

Je sous-ligne :

ce qui peut aussi être rapporté aux anges, par le ministère desquels les corps célestes sont mûs,

Dis-donc, il pensait que les corps célestes étaient régulièrement mus par les anges ? Oui. Ce qui dispense de toute valeur probatoire pour l'héliocentrisme, que ce soit en rétrogrades des planètes, que ce soit en parallaxes, que ce soit en aberration. On pourrait alors répondre (on vient de me le faire) "vous croyez que Dieu aurait voulu que ses anges trompent l'humanité en nous faisant croire l'héliocentrisme ?" ... non. Je crois que Dieu a voulu que ses anges le fassent d'une manière esthétique comme partie de leur louange, et que l'humanité n'est pas obligée à croire aux élucubrations de Bradley ou Herschel ou d'autres astronomes. La vaste plupart de l'humanité n'ayant pas même pu observer ces mouvements, aberration, parallaxe ou (comme pour l'étoile de Barnard) le mouvement propre.

Galilée, qui avait apporté des arguments en faveur de l’héliocentrisme et n’était pas un anticlérical, avait lui-même suggéré qu’il fallait interpréter les passages bibliques qui semblaient en contradiction avec l’héliocentrisme de manière symbolique et non littérale.

Oui, Galilée, le condamné, pas César Baronio comme l'ont voulu certains apologistes, de Catholic Answers, notamment. Car Baronio était déjà mort en 1607, avant l'affaire Galilée. Je ne vois aucune malheur en ce que l'Inquisition n'ait pas voulu accorder ceci, car l'héliocentrisme n'avait pas de preuves alors, et non plus de nos temps depuis. Par contre l'Église avait déjà une interprétation de Josué chapitre 10. Le mal de Luther n'était pas littéralisme, mais le désaccord avec l'exégèse héritée des Apôtres.

Sur la citation des Provinciales (sur l'Index, si je me souviens bien), les mots finales :

et si l’on avait des observations constantes qui prouvassent que c’est elle qui tourne, tous les hommes ensemble ne l’empêcheraient pas de tourner, et ne s’empêcheraient pas de tourner aussi avec elle.

Là, par contre, on peut parler d'un grand si, d'un "pas gagné en avance" ...

Condamnation qui sera levée au XVIIIe siècle par le pape Benoît XIV après les découvertes de Bradley.

Comme j'avais appris l'affaire, Benoît XIV n'a pas levée la condemnation sur héliocentrisme comme énoncé catégorique sur la vérité physique, uniquement sur l'héliocentrisme comme hypothèse mathématique, ce que nous appellerions un "modèle" ... mais, effectivement après les découvertes de Bradley. Quand Giuseppe Settele veut l'énoncer de manière catégorique sur la réalité physique, il est d'abord condamné par l'Inquisiteur Père Anfossi, OP. Pape Pie VII le force à céder sur la condemnation, mais pas sur la position géocentrique. Édouard Le Roy va soutenir qu'il n'y en a pas besoin en général. Il s'est trompé en imaginant que la question est irrésoluble. En absence de preuve pour l'héliocentrisme, on suit les observations géocentriques (y compris celles de Galilée, de Bradley, de Herschel, car ce ne sont pas leurs observations qui sont héliocentriques, ce sont leurs interprétations), on les suit telles quelles. Les Athées, ne croyant pas l'existance de volontés avec suffisamment de pouvoir pour faire bouger les astres, ne le peuvent pas, ne suivons pas leur exemple !

Hans Georg Lundahl
Notre Dame de la Miséricorde
24 septembre 2024

Festum beatae Mariae Virginis de Mercede nuncupatae, Ordinis redemptionis captivorum sub ejus nomine Institutricis, de cujus Apparitione agitur quarto Idus Augusti.

* Pour St. Thomas, l'Aréopagite, le Céphalophore de Paris, l'auteur de De Caelesti Hierarchia n'étaient qu'un.

Monday, 23 September 2024

Blitz de Londres, RAF sur Dresde, Gaza ET le Liban

Je ne dis pas que ce soit immoral de se défendre contre la Hezbollah, mais les méthodes ...

DEPUIS le mardi 17 septembre, et de façon continue, l’entité sioniste a attaqué le Hezbollah au Liban. Le lundi 23 septembre, l’armée israélienne déclare encore avoir frappé en 24 heures plus de 1100 cibles dans le sud du Liban, ce qui, selon le ministère libanais de la Santé, a causé la mort de 274 personnes, dont 21 enfants.

D'après N° 3629, 25 septembre 2024, Rivarol, page 8.

L'assassinat d'Ismaïl Haniyeh n'est pas une belle leçon de respect de la souveraineté d'Iran, par contre la Mossad pourrait peut-être enseigner l'IDF une ou deux choses sur le ciblage .../HGL

Trump Second Attempt (Sharing)

BREAKING: Donald Trump NEW Secret Service Whistleblower comes forward in second shooting attempt
LiveNOW from FOX | 19 Sept. 2024

If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004

New blog on the kid: If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 · Where are the Homeless in Poland? · I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ...

It was probably the best thing I could do the first year as a homeless man.

It has probably saved my life to have reached Santiago, both mentally and socially.

And if some Protestant crook pretends that "we don't need to go to Santiago to earn our salvation," that was simply not the issue. I was trying to make up for one particular sin, and asking a favour. Not trying to fix my salvation in any broader sense than that./HGL

PS, checking on last deaths, article in June, one was at Zuriáin (also before Pamplona), one was Erro (also before Pamplona), one was Roncesvalles (very obviously known by everyone to be before Pamplona). Here is the article:

Muere otro peregrino en el tramo navarro del Camino de Santiago
07 de junio de 2024 - 18:33 (Actualizado: 07 de junio de 2024 - 18:36)

PPS, considering the number of readers that regularly come from Hong Kong or Singapore, I note "there is no hitch-hiking culture in China" ... the hitch-hiking parts of my trip was not in China, it was in Europe, and Western Europe certainly has a hitch-hiking culture, even if Germany seems to have lost it .../HGL

PPPS, for those who know French but not what I am talking about, here is the story in five blogs (I originally hoped to have 17 posts per blog all visible at start page), their index posts: La première cinquième, seconde ou deuxième cinquième, troisième cinquième, quatrième cinquième, et la cinquième cinquième du pèlerinage.

The Actual Words of "Francis" Show Him Non-Catholic

Sharing a video by Dimond Brothers:

Francis Denies Christianity! – Endorses “All Religions” | 22 sept. 2024

And also sharing my comments under it:

2:05 As far as I can see, he has just confessed essential Freemasonry, that is, compared to his presumable Catholic Baptism, apostasy.

Wei äm ei nott sörpreist? [Why am I not surprised? spelled in German]

4:29 If he had just said "every religion is a road into the direction to God" it could have passed. False religions are roads with road blocks, and they point to God, since they point to Catholicism.

They also point away from God since they point away from Catholicism.

Catholicism is the road without a road block.

But no, he said "a road to arrive" ... not true at all.

"it would make it impossible 5:29 to consistently present the Catholic 5:31 faith to non-catholics you cannot 5:33 consistently present the Catholic faith 5:35 to Protestants or other non-catholics 5:37 while you regard Francis who preaches a 5:39 false gospel and rejects Catholic dogma 5:42 as a member of the Catholic Church"

I've tried to my loss in Sweden to keep consistence by saying "John Paul II" was Pope, but still not to be followed. As per the position of the SSPX.

There is a reason I left Sweden. No, it was not the police seeking for me suspecting they would have to put me in gaol again (I had defended myself and been acquitted for putative defense first trial, then recaught before leaving the country, then convicted second trial). It was not that psychiatry had grasped after me immediately again. It was that I came again in a position likely to depend on Social Services, which could again have pushed me to a country-side where Catholicism was little known and in practise, once seen, unpopular.

Typical Swede of the country-side:
"You are Catholic? Cool, we are tolerant ... you fast every year? You mean you are a Muslim?"

Another stay in that country-side might have ended with renewed efforts of psychiatry, therefore another occasion I would have needed to defend myself, or isolation, and eventually imposed apostasy. A very old Polish lady was eventually pushed to receive a Lutheran fake communion from a Lutheran female pastor before she died.

6:37 I think the two you have shown might be in the process of reconsidering.

[I hope for their sake they are.]

7:43 The video message may not belong here, he may have spoken of liturgic and devotional traditions within Catholicism.

8:10 On July 16th 1990, in the morning, when six people assembled and Pope Michael I was elected, obviously the see had been vacant for 11 + years since Redemptor Hominis.

The one advantage of diversity between the non-Catholic religions is that the enemies of truth are not united.

John Paul II as some call him seems to have considered the scarlet beast as the only enemy of truth.

In fact, that's just one of the seven heads, while four of the heads are probably parodies of the true Abrahamic religion, these four heads would be leopard heads, and the final beast has the form, not of a scarlet beast, though it is included, but of a leopard.

If you like this format:

Namely links to a video and my comments under it, that is one of the two most used formats on Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere which includes this format in English, as for the other one, quoran answers with or without debate ensuing, and a minor format is debate forum threads. But debate forums seem to be much less in use now than back in the years after 2000.

In languages other than English, you have the same set-up in French in Répliques Assorties and in German on Antworten nach Sorte. For Swedish and Spanish this happens on blogs mixed with normal essay format on the blogs: På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism and En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones (which also features narrative and poetry, partly in English or French).

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Bonum Festum Sancti Matthaei Apostoli

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

In Aethiopia natalis sancti Matthaei, Apostoli et Evangelistae; qui, in ea regione praedicans, martyrium passus est. Hujus Evangelium, Hebraeo sermone conscriptum, ipso Matthaeo revelante, inventum est, una cum corpore beati Barnabae Apostoli, tempore Zenonis Imperatoris.

Kamala Proferred Lies

Shocking Lies from Kamala's Georgia Speech About Amber Thurman's Death
Lila Rose | 20.IX.2024

High-light from Lila Rose:

did 41:31 you know that this country by the way has a demographic winter that we're facing our population is not replacing 41:38 itself you need about 2.1 children per woman in order to replace yourself as a 41:45 population and we're not doing that the only reason our population isn't shrinking is because of immigration most 41:50 people don't know this by the way we're killing ourselves we're killing our future and I I would argue the reason 41:57 for so much of our angst today the reason for so much of our struggle today 42:04 individually and collectively is because we've forgotten about what really matters in life and what matters most in 42:12 life I believe is our relationship with a higher power with with the God who created us and then with his other 42:18 created beings with with his children with the rest of our human family and 42:23 and the core of that human family is is what a mother and her child is the is the couple that brings a child 42:29 into the world and and the bond that they have with each other

Some total idiot in the chat during the première of the video suggested a certain barrier of rubber. While it somewhat dispenses with the barbarism of abortion, though not on the national scale, it aggravates denatalism./HGL

PPS, sorry, the previous comment is highly offensive to actual total idiots./HGL

PPPS, 46:33—48:28 in the give a good summing up of the case, against a lie by Kamala Harris.

High-light from that part:

it was their death that helped cause the sepsis that Amber then endured 47:55 because of the infection that that started because her babies had died this had again nothing to do with 48:03 doctors waiting because of a law this had everything to do with the consequence of the abortion pill

Friday, 20 September 2024

Why "Labyrinth"?

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Suppose ONE Single work by GKC had Inspired Lord of the Rings ...? · New blog on the kid: Why "Labyrinth"?

Some flippant guy may pretend David Bowie wanted to cosplay as an actor.

There is something else to it. I saw a video which complained that Labyrinth was basically just yucky, a fifteen year old girl being the object (more than half of the time) of sexual attentions from either David Bowie, sorry, Jareth, or less reputable and delicate males clearly older than herself.

Perhaps there was some point in that. I recall that as the magic spells were spelled out as saying, if she had lost her purity, she would have forgotten about her brother whom she wanted to save, and so, she would have betrayed. I recall rooting for her to keep her purity. In the eighties, this was a time period in which the élite wanted to sensitise people against paedophilia. And perhaps this was the way to do it. Show a peach with a worm in it. Show a fifteen year old pulled between a real duty to care for a brother and a so fake attraction to the lure of sexual maturity in men and sexual pleasures waiting around the corner, never directly imagined, but never quite forgotten.

Make the public squirm at every second when she grows closer to falling for Jareth, make the public cheer when she recalls her purity.

The result of the campaign has ultimately been the opposite of saving brothers. So many fifteen year old girls are now deprived of the right to marry (as happened in France 2006) or to marry next year (as happened in England and Wales following suit after Scotland). Girls are being told it's quite OK to train for motherhood in babysitting, but not OK to actually become mothers. Someone quite as deadly as Jareth is hinted at being, but lots less charming was waiting for babies that were made when mothers that age showed by becoming mothers that they didn't get the memo.

But the film was an actual work of beauty, a real piece of art. Not just because of Jennifer Connelly, but because of the actual story. What inspired it, on the plane of story, as distinct from one very probable message in the context of the age?

We should be startled if we were quietly reading a prosaic modern novel, and somewhere in the middle it turned without warning into a fairy tale. We should be surprised if one of the spinsters in Cranford, after tidily sweeping the room with a broom, were to fly away on a broomstick. Our attention would be arrested if one of Jane Austen's young ladies who had just met a dragoon were to walk a little further and meet a dragon. Yet something very like this extraordinary transition takes place in British history at the end of the purely Roman period. We have to do with rational and almost mechanical accounts of encampment and engineering, of a busy bureaucracy and occasional frontier wars, quite modern in their efficiency and inefficiency; and then all of a sudden we are reading of wandering bells and wizard lances, of wars against men as tall as trees or as short as toadstools. The soldier of civilization is no longer fighting with Goths but with goblins; the land becomes a labyrinth of faërie towns unknown to history; and scholars can suggest but cannot explain how a Roman ruler or a Welsh chieftain towers up in the twilight as the awful and unbegotten Arthur.

This could have been to Labyrinth what the following may have been to The Lord of the Rings:

As we crossed a tilt of the torn heath I saw suddenly between myself and the moon a black shapeless pile higher than a house. The atmosphere was so intense that I really thought of a pile of dead Danes, with some phantom conqueror on the top of it. Fortunately I was crossing these wastes with a friend who knew more history than I; and he told me that this was a barrow older than Alfred, older than the Romans, older perhaps than the Britons; and no man knew whether it was a wall or a trophy or a tomb. Ethandune is still a drifting name; but it gave me a queer emotion to think that, sword in hand, as the Danes poured with the torrents of their blood down to Chippenham, the great king may have lifted up his head and looked at that oppressive shape, suggestive of something and yet suggestive of nothing; may have looked at it as we did, and understood it as little as we.

This also was by Chesterton, it was from the essay Ethandune.

Borrowing from Chesterton is no shame. He made a rich production and he was also able to live off it. But it would perhaps have been better if Sarah had been able to marry someone when returning to the human world, it is a little bleak to imagine the soldier of civilisation who fights goblins (and not goth chicks!) basically fighting to prolong celibacy while already by nature of marriageable age.

And it is perhaps not the utterly best taste to get her exposed to guys she absolutely couldn't marry, since that was not their game, even if it was only for the imagination. On the other hand, for Hollywood, this may have been a very healthy cautionary tale. But that may say more of Hollywood than of the ultimate impact of the film. Can it be redeemed? Perhaps yes.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Vigil of St. Matthew

Vigilia sancti Matthaei, Apostoli et Evangelistae.