Monday 16 September 2024

Charline Vanhoenacker, n'ayez pas peur pour vos mamies

Je ne suis pas sûr qu'elles soient au Paradis. Mais supposons qu'elles y soient ...

Je suis assez sûr que l'abbé Pierre n'y est pas.

  • l'affaire que vous évoquez
  • l'idée de promouvoir les capotes
  • et pas moins, Emmaüs ...

Ceci un piège de surexploitation en pseudo-"réinsertion" pour pas mal d'sdf.

Je me souviens d'un jour dans le Sud. J'avais un fort rhume. Emmaüs m'accueillait, oui, mais on me demandais de travail. Et s'obfusquait que je demandais les cinq € qui me revenaient de la demi-journée en partant.

Ayez plutôt peur pour vous-même. Calomnier le Paradis (par exemple en prétendant que l'Abbé Pierre y soit) peut amener à un autre endroit, qui n'est pas joli./HGL

Sunday 15 September 2024

Onfray peu crédible CAR

... il maltraite Flave Josèphe.

oui mais il y a des textes qui attestent Flave Josèphe toujours les mêmes ça fait des années qu'on a expliqué que Flave Josèphe c'était le texte concernant les Chrétiens était tardif qui n'était pas de Flave Josèphe et qui prouvait qu'il existe des Chrétiens : que je sache ça ne fait pas la preuve de l'existence de Jésus

Expliquer et prouver sont deux choses différentes.

En plus, "paradoxa erga" dans le texte, ce ne sont pas forcément des miracles, et ce n'est pas forcément une approbation.

Ça pourrait être une désapprobation, par exemple des deux fois qu'il chassa les marchands du temple, la non-lapidation de l'adultère (sans de faire référence direct au pouvoir romain), les repas sans de se laver les mains d'abord, les grains de blé cueilli les Sabbaths, et j'en passe.

Les gens qui ont "expliqué" que Flave Josèphe n'avait pas écrit ce passage, car le Juif qu'il était ne l'aurait pas fait, alors, ça exaggère le débit de louange que le texte (Testimonium Flavianum ou TF) donne à Jésus, et ça exaggère peut-être aussi l'unité des Juifs à ce propos dans l'année quand il est en train d'écrire.

Il est très chaleureux pour les Chrétiens, mais pas sur Jésus Lui-Même:

Le Testimonium flavianum se trouve aux paragraphes 63 et 64 du Livre XVIII. Plusieurs manuscrits datant du Moyen Âge en présentent des versions différentes. La plus courante est identique à celle citée par Eusèbe de Césarée (~265-~340) dans deux de ses ouvrages : L’Histoire ecclésiastique et la Démonstration évangélique. Le texte aurait cependant pu être retouché par des copistes chrétiens, notamment pour les passages signalés entre crochets :

« En ce temps-là paraît Jésus, un homme sage, [si toutefois il faut l'appeler un homme, car] ; c'était un faiseur de prodiges, un maître des gens qui recevaient avec joie la vérité. Il entraîna beaucoup de Judéens et aussi beaucoup de Grecs ; [Celui-là était le Christ.] Et quand Pilate, sur la dénonciation des premiers parmi nous le condamna à la croix, ceux qui l'avaient aimé précédemment ne cessèrent pas. [Car il leur apparut le troisième jour, vivant à nouveau ; les prophètes divins avaient dit ces choses et dix mille autres merveilles à son sujet.] Jusqu'à maintenant encore, le groupe des chrétiens [ainsi nommé après lui] n'a pas disparu3,4. »

Analysons, en tenant compte de Paul Maier qui considère impossible que le passage soit complètement génuine, "Josèphe ne l'aurait pas proclamé comme Le Messie"

Imaginons que Josèphe avait une attitude plutôt adversarielle envers Notre Seigneur. Est-ce que tout le texte tel qu'il est s'explique de cette perspective ?

En ce temps-là paraît Jésus, un homme sage, [si toutefois il faut l'appeler un homme, car] ; c'était un faiseur de prodiges,

Prodiges = paradoxa erga. L'historien Eusèbe cite "si toutefois il faut l'appeler un homme" en le prenant lui-même comme synonyme de "plutôt Dieu qu'homme" mais certains auraient pu dire "plutôt diable qu'homme" ...

un maître des gens qui recevaient avec joie la vérité. Il entraîna beaucoup de Judéens et aussi beaucoup de Grecs ;

Il peut avoir voulu dire qu'Il abusa de la naïveté du type de personnalité qu'on appelle "chercheurs de vérité" ... la référence aux Grecs contredit les Évangiles dans lesquels tous ses disciples sont Juifs, de Judée ou Galilée, Il avait des disciples un peu à distance près du puit de Sichar (la conversation avec la Samaritenne est encore un des "paradoxa erga" que certains Juifs verraient d'un mauvais œil), mais pas de gens directement parmi les Romains ou Grecs qui le suivaient.

Quand Josèphe l'allègue, ça peut être un anachronisme, Jésus a très vite eu des disciples parmi les Ethniques à partir de l'eunuche de la Candace et de Cornelius le centurion. Rétropasser ça dans la vie terrestre de Notre Seigneur impliquait de l'accuser de ne pas respecter les limites ...

[Celui-là était le Christ.]

Notez le temps. Il écrit "était" et non "est" ... il peut avoir considéré Jésus comme un Messie ayant fait faillite dans sa mission. Pas comme LE Messie promis version finale, mais comme le plus respectable candidat de son époque, et ensuite il faut encore attendre. Mauvais plan, on accepta Bar Kokhba pour ça, mais bon, ça n'empêche pas que ce serait ce que pensait Josèphe.

Ou il a pu vouloir tenir compte du nom "Chrétiens" ...

Et quand Pilate, sur la dénonciation des premiers parmi nous le condamna à la croix,

Il s'identifie quelque part avec les dénonceurs.

ceux qui l'avaient aimé précédemment ne cessèrent pas. [Car il leur apparut le troisième jour, vivant à nouveau ; les prophètes divins avaient dit ces choses et dix mille autres merveilles à son sujet.]

Le "car" peut être pour Josèphe la raison subjective des Chrétiens. Il n'est pas forcément d'accord avec ça lui-même. Par contre, il ne trouve pas d'autre explication qu'il met en avant comme plus plausible.

Jusqu'à maintenant encore, le groupe des chrétiens [ainsi nommé après lui] n'a pas disparu

Pour gagner quoi que ce soit pour nier que Josèphe allègue l'historicité du fondateur du Christianisme, il ne suffit pas de mettre "ainsi nommé après lui" entre crochets, il serait nécessaire de couper le début et le contexte, car "En ce temps-là paraît Jésus" vient parmi une énumération de candidats à Messianité ou Libération des Romains.

Ceci dit, un livre tenu comme de Flave Josèphe est pour les Orthodoxes le "Quatrième Livre des Maccabéens" et on allègue que Josèphe (comme aussi Gamaliel) est mort en tant que Chrétien. En plus, un moment donné, on l'avait accusé d'être Chrétien, il s'est défendu, il a mis des Juifs devant les tribunaux romains pour regagner son droit au culte et à la communauté juive. Au minimum, ça donne un Flave Josèphe qui n'a pas une identité judaïque toute faite et complète avec dédain pour le Christ et les Chrétiens en prime. Il écrit pas dans un débat juif interne, mais en explicant la Judaïté aux Romains, et a pu ne pas vouloir totalement désavouer les Chrétiens comme simplement "non-Juifs" (ce qui rendrait leur refus d'adorer le César illégal devant les autorités romaines). Cette volonté a pu inspirer le passage (avec les parties en crochets) et le passage a pu se solder avec la mise à l'écart par les synagogues. Qui, en son tour, avec un délai, passé le temps qu'il fit le procès pour être reconnu Juif, a pu contribuer à sa conversion.

On est donc d'abord très loin d'avoir "expliqué" que le passage serait pas de Flave Josèphe, mais encore il fait bel et bien référence pas juste aux Chrétiens, mais à Jésus Lui-Même. Mais en plus la logique d'Onfray est un peu hâtive :

qui prouvait qu'il existe des Chrétiens : que je sache ça ne fait pas la preuve de l'existence de Jésus

Qu'il existe des Chrétiens de nos temps, ça ne prouve peut-être pas l'existence de Jésus. Mais on parle de Chrétiens qui existaient déjà du vivant de Flave Josèphe, lui-même né juste quelques années après la mort (et résurection) de Jésus. Qu'il y a de nos jours des gens qui admirent General Patton est un argument pour que Patton ait existé. Si en mille ans, alors on trouverait des fans de Patton, ça ne prouverait peut-être rien. Mais si on peut constater que Patton est mentionné par quelqu'un dont les parents sont nés quelques années après son décès et dont un grandparent est né avant le quinzième anniversaire de Patton, ça c'est une autre chose.

Je défie Onfray d'imaginer un scénario dans lequel :
  • A Jésus n'est pas resuscité, il n'y a même pas de Chrétien qui le croit en 33
  • B en 94, quand Flave Josèphe rédige les Antiquités judaïques, il en a, et qui se croient en continuation avec les premiers Chrétiens.

Quand est-ce qu'il y a l'escroc ? Trop tôt, trop proche de Jérusalem, impossible de croire qu'on aurait réussi l'escroc, car les faits réels auraient été trop palpables pour permettre qu'on crût cette chose. Trop tard, trop proche de Rome, impossible pour une autre raison qu'il pût réussir, comment en 94 peut-on fonder une église et imaginer qu'elle avait déjà existée pendant des décennies, ou même faire imaginer cette chose à ses dupes.

Hans Georg Lundahl
XVII dimanche après Pentecôte

Aussi mémoire des Sept Douleurs :
Octava Nativitatis beatae Mariae Virginis. Festum Septem Dolorum ejusdem beatissimae Virginis Mariae.

"The Crusades for a 1000 years"

Corey Gil-Shuster:
Give an example of how Christianity did something against the Jews?
Religious young Jew from Jerusalem:
There were the Crusades for 1000 years and there were ... I don't know, I don't know history very well, but I know that Christianity isn't something for us.

Religious Israeli Jews: Is it okay to spit on Christians?
Corey Gil-Shuster | 14 sept. 2024

He's perfectly right on one thing: he really and truly doesn't know history very well.

PS Some diversity of measure. Jews spat on Christians two months ago, "that was some time ago" but some would like the Crusades 1000 years ago or Inquisition 500 years ago to be an eternal reproach to Christians.

Apart from the fact that the Crusades certainly didn't kill millions of Jews and not sure if they were even targetted after the First Crusade. The people's Crusade in 1096 [4856, Jewish Anno Mundi] actually did kill some, but not without opposition from the Church:

The largest of these crusades, and the most involved in attacking Jews, was that led by Count Emicho. Setting off in the early summer of 1096, an army of around 10,000 men, women and children proceeded through the Rhine valley, towards the Main River and then to the Danube. Emicho was joined by William the Carpenter and Drogo of Nesle, among others from the Rhineland, eastern France, Lorraine, Flanders and even England.

Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, absent in southern Italy, ordered the Jews to be protected when he learned of Emicho's intent. After some Jews were killed at Metz in May, John, Bishop of Speyer gave shelter to the Jewish inhabitants. Still, 12 Jews of Speyer were slain by crusaders on May 3.[19] The Bishop of Worms also attempted to shelter Jews, but the crusaders broke into his episcopal palace and killed the Jews inside on May 18. At least 800 Jews were massacred in Worms when they refused Catholic baptism.

PPS, while Jews were actually targetted later on, though not by Crusaders, but as a spontaneous substitute for them, in the time of Bernard of Clairvaux, I am very happy the hagiographers of the Old Testament are not called Solomon Bar Simson:

A relevant perspective on the extent of the era's antisemitism was recorded 40 years afterward by Jewish historian Solomon bar Simson. He stated that Godfrey of Bouillon swore:

to go on this journey only after avenging the blood of the crucified one by shedding Jewish blood and completely eradicating any trace of those bearing the name 'Jew', thus assuaging his own burning wrath.

That's not so much mythology as mythomania./HGL

PPPS: In time stamps 7:08—7:29 a student of the Gemara pretty much confirms at least relevant parts of what Father Pranaitis had to say about the Talmud, at least as it is interpreted by the Jews he knew./HGL

Friday 13 September 2024

Yes, Christians Have the Right to Self Defense

St. Thomas Aquinas:

II Part of II Part. Question 64. Murder
Article 7. Whether it is lawful to kill a man in self-defense?

Bible Study with Sam Shamoun:

Does the Bible ALLOW Self Defense? A Bible Study In Response To Mar Mari’s Attacker | ‪@shamounian‬
Christ Over ALL | 17 April 2024

I Usually Would Have Taken This on Another Blog: How did the biblical story of creation survive the flood?

The theme as such would come on my Creationist blog, Creation vs. Evolution. The format per se, like answers to questions on quora or dialogues under such answers, if in English, would be on Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere. But right now when trying to find the latter on blogger, I came to my main blog.

I came from scrolling on old answers on a quora profile of mine that was banned. I'll actually add a bonus.

How did the biblical story of creation survive the flood?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Self Employed at Writer and Composer
6 years ago
Noah had tradition from Adam.

I used to have the Haydock comment to Genesis 3 available, where he consideres that the “minimal overlap” number of generations from Adam to Moses were 8.

With a LXX chronology, it might be more like 12.

Adam can have spoken with Mahalaleel 795 - 1690 AM, but not with Jared born 960 AM. (1, 2)

Mahalaleel can have spoken to Noah 1642 - 2592 AM (2, 3)

Noah 600 B.F. - 350 A.F. can have spoken to Shelah 265 - 725 A.F. (3, 4)

Shelah can have spoken to Reu 659 - 998 A.F. (4, 5)

Reu can have spoken to Nahor 921 - 1129 A.F. (5, 6)

Nahor could of course speak to Abraham 1070 – 1245 A. F. (6, 7)

And so on.

Furthermore, the early chapters of Genesis, up to and including 11 were all very short. This means, each was possible to learn by heart, nearly as easy as learning Nicene Creed by heart.

are all from 6 years ago too.


Hans-Georg Lundahl
I thought I had mentioned this more than once:

“First Genesis chapters were written down or memorised (for chapters 1 - 7 each is as long as 2.5*Nicene Creed, which is a text even non-specialists know how to memorise if instructed), then they were collected by Moses into a single book.”

With Alan Whistler / Alan the Atheist on AronRa's Video (but at least once, here)


Lee Wm. Gaudry
If you have ever played the parlour game"telephone" you'll know how unlikely it is that the entire legend remained true to the original through 5 generations never mind 8,12 or more. And just because someone could have spoken to another, it doesn't mean they did.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Upvoted for visibility.

If you have heard anything about how catechism is done or how things like, in RC Church, Apostolic Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and Ten Commandments are memorised, or in Orthodox Church even Nicene Creed, which is longer than the Apostolic one, you would have known better than to compare it to a telephone game.

It is first of all not very likely any one learning these set pieces of short prose in simple syntax could memorise wrong, after a deliberate effort of memorisation, second not likely if someone remembered wrong he would stand uncorrected by others and third very unlikely someone NOT having learned things properly were the one chosen to carry the tradition on by teaching others these things.

I have compared the pre-Flood and up-to-Flood seven first chapters of Genesis to the Nicene Creed in text mass. Each of them is, in medium, 2.5 times the Nicene Creed.

So, memorisation effort is very unlikely to have failed due to overload even.

I have now not spoken of how many actual generations there were, but the minimal number of overlapping ones.

This means that before Adam had a chance to speak to Mahalaleel, he would have had a chance to speak to Seth, Enos, Cainan and their siblings and their wives. Supposing Mahalaleel somehow had memorised the texts of Genesis 2 and 3 wrong on hearing them from Adam, very unlikely, he could have been corrected by Seth for another 212 years, by Enos for another 410 years, by Cainan for another 605 years.

Before Mahalaleel had a chance to speak to Noah, he would have had a chance to speak to Jared, Henoch, Mathuselah and Lamech. He died when Noah was 48 years, but after that Noah could have been corrected by Jared for another 232 years, by Methuselah for another 566 years, by Lamech for another 517 years.

This is what I mean by “minimal overlap”. Someone having heard the person he’s corrected about before hearing the corrections.

When we get down to Abraham and later, there is no real problem with supposing they used writing. A whole tribe was certainly capable of transporting a few clay tablets or scrolls as well as utensils. And this takes care of anything after Genesis 11.

As for genealogies in Genesis 4, 5 and 11, these were obviously texts handled by incremental tradition : each generation added to the physical genealogy was also added to the textual one.

How you can compare such a situation to a telephone game is beyond me.

“And just because someone could have spoken to another, it doesn't mean they did.”

What exact grandfather or greatgrandfather will let anyone stop him even these days? It is not as if Adam suffered from CPS taking away his children from him so he could not pass tradition on!

Bonus question
Are all of the world's languages, including extinct ones, ultimately related to each other, or was "language" invented on multiple occasions in different parts of the world?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I speak two langs, Latin and Germanic. In a few dialects.
6 years ago

God gave Adam Hebrew.

At Babel, God caused many new starts - in people who previously had been speaking Hebrew.

There is another canard going around, and I have answered it elsewhere, namely here:

Creation vs. Evolution: "Young Earth Creationism is Pagan Myth Because ... " - in fact because you forget Sarug, that you think so!

See also:

Creation vs. Evolution: Three Questions on Quora

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région indéterminée
931 + 338 + 734 + 867 + 134 + 117 + 235 + 497 + 974 + 209 + 373 + 646 + 438 = 6493 = 6,49 k
6,49 k + 1,11 k + 1,79 k + 1,56 k + 1,31 k + 1,54 k + 1,44 k + 2,21 k = 17,45 k
236 + 811 + 973 + 70 + 688 + 501 + 538 + 461 + 652 + 78 + 133 + 287 + 609 = 6037 = 6,04 k
6,04 k + 1,18 k + 8,57 k + 83,9 k + 1,11 k + 5,55 k + 68,8 k + 43,3 k + 60,1 k + 2,61 k + 20,9 k + 12,8 k + 7,82 k + 14,4 k + 5,68 k + 14,4 k + 5,1 k + 3,08 k +
3,84 k + 1,4 k + 1,13 k + 40 k + 2,81 k + 8,05 k + 4,49 k + 16,6 k + 4,59 k + 4,34 k + 32,7 k + 17,9 k = 503,19 k
Sous-total A, inconnus
17,45 k + 503,19 k = 520,64 k
701 + 804 = 1505 = 1.51 k
1,51 k + 20,8 k + 205 k + 166 k + 5,82 k + 128 k + 2,32 k + 6,51 k + 59 k + 24,1 k + 35,3 k + 1,29 k + 8,47 k + 13,2 k + 26,1 k + 4,52 k + 108 k + 1,23 k + 3,48 k + 3,06 k + 3,18 k + 2,6 k + 2,34 k + 2,64 k + 3,16 k + 6,58 k + 6,26 k + 12,8 k + 24,7 k + 13,8 k + 18,6 k + 14,7 k + 59,3 k + 2,62 k + 39,6 k + 3,3 k + 1,63 k + 3,98 k + 118 k + 13,9 k + 3,99 k = 1 M 181,39 k
824 + 354 + 216 + 127 + 648 + 592 + 851 + 489 + 599 + 542 + 643 + 996 + 180 + 694 + 385 + 102 + 31 = 8273 = 8,27 k
8,27 k + 1,01 k + 3,93 k + 2,52 k + 1,4 k + 1,07 k + 37,4 k + 24,8 k + 174 k + 177 k + 147 k + 3,55 k + 10,1 k + 3,27 k + 222 k + 129 k + 70,2 k + 4,39 k + 1,85 k + 20,1 k + 3,41 k + 6,12 k + 5,32 k + 6,75 k + 14 k + 31,4 k = 1 M 109,86 k
630 + 490 + 704 + 194 + 886 + 161 + 588 + 390 + 60 + 134 + 725 + 719 = 5681 = 5,68 k
5,68 k + 48,1 k + 1,89 k + 1,07 k + 24,2 k + 1,01 k + 12,8 k + 8,1 k + 11,4 k + 10,8 k + 12,6 k + 3,92 k + 3,96 k + 2,35 k + 1,2 k + 1,32 k + 9,76 k + 5,11 k + 44,4 k + 13,1 k + 12,3 k + 43,5 k + 3,09 k + 3,05 k + 50,5 k + 1,48 k + 6,24 k + 43,3 k + 96,4 k + 1,29 k + 6,06 k = 489,98 k
322 + 225 + 284 + 390 + 189 + 72 + 126 + 139 + 249 + 95 + 564 + 278 + 308 + 57 + 215 + 235 + 485 + 800 + 359 + 185 + 203 + 493 = 6273 = 6,27 k
6,27 k + 33,3 k + 6,04 k + 3,98 k + 3,69 k + 7 k + 5,91 k + 4,3 k + 4,9 k + 7,87 k + 59,2 k + 3,55 k + 11,5 k + 2,62 k + 4,21 k + 82,4 k + 36,2 k + 6,6 k + 1,59 k + 118 k + 2,12 k = 411,25 k
118 + 436 + 122 + 308 + 25 + 764 + 352 + 12 + 483 + 497 + 609 + 223 + 60 + 793 + 330 + 785 + 87 + 747 = 6751 = 6,75 k
6,75 k + 16,6 k + 66,9 k + 2,96 k + 31,9 k + 2,99 k + 4,89 k + 1,72 k + 20,9 k + 1,66 k + 3,91 k + 1,28 k + 3,49 k + 2,07 k + 4,53 k + 6,91 k + 4,05 k + 3,86 k + 10,1 k + 21,5 k + 2,92 k + 1,67 k + 6,35 k + 12,2 k = 242,12 k
Hong Kong
489 + 31 + 468 + 54 + 149 + 191 + 62 + 49 + 81 + 65 + 126 + 89 + 60 + 98 + 145 + 238 + 383 + 435 = 3213 = 3,21 k
3,21 k + 2,91 k + 8,49 k + 1,26 k + 1,25 k + 6,83 k + 2,14 k + 13,6 k + 2,52 k + 2,24 k + 24,3 k + 1,54 k + 5,62 k + 10,4 k + 34,8 k + 16,3 k + 2,85 k + 47 k + 3,32 k = 190,58 k
605 + 884 + 442 + 119 + 541 + 115 + 920 + 438 + 578 + 69 + 619 + 422 + 417 + 502 + 330 + 792 + 96 + 270 + 395 + 141 = 8695 = 8,7 k
8,7 k + 23,8 k + 12,3 k + 3,3 k + 3,62 k + 2,75 k + 15,3 k + 1,2 k + 2,49 k + 6,84 k + 1,66 k + 1,31 k + 1,32 k + 3,98 k + 2,96 k + 5,43 k + 23,5 k + 3,06 k + 2,5 k + 12 k + 1,28 k + 4,59 k + 24,8 k = 168,69 k
3,87 k + 31,7 k + 26,1 k + 16,9 k + 23,1 k + 31,7 k = 133,37 k
107 + 662 + 951 + 96 + 525 + 120 + 640 + 269 + 486 + 231 + 226 + 58 + 138 + 203 + 176 + 241 + 540 + 305 + 866 + 602 + 32 + 234 + 180 + 92 + 345 + 124 = 8449 = 8,49 k
8,49 k + 2,24 k + 1,45 k + 1,25 k + 1,14 k + 4,36 k + 1,43 k + 3,03 k + 7,03 k + 16,5 k + 1,82 k + 12,3 k + 1,12 k + 4,24 k + 12,8 k + 15,2 k + 13 k = 107,4 k
226 + 296 + 900 + 170 + 463 + 603 + 106 + 982 + 967 + 475 + 820 + 69 + 517 + 619 + 511 + 445 + 292 + 730 + 877 + 31 + 302 + 639 + 141 + 950 = 12131 = 12,13 k
12,13 k + 2 k + 4,72 k + 2,08 k + 2,07 k + 1,37 k + 3,25 k + 1 k + 4,17 k + 3,54 k + 1,33 k + 2,57 k + 6,73 k + 7,52 k + 1,93 k + 7,55 k + 3,83 k + 6,22 k + 5,18 k = 79,19 k
320 + 505 + 781 + 329 + 851 + 339 + 657 + 200 + 193 + 542 + 584 + 221 + 201 + 60 + 316 + 193 + 157 + 156 + 327 + 343 + 709 + 49 + 185 + 270 + 118 + 330 + 972 + 559 + 222 + 369 = 11058 = 11,06 k
11,06 k + 2,62 k + 3,69 k + 1,08 k + 1,13 k + 1,18 k + 1,83 k + 2,71 k + 1,46 k + 2,29 k+ 2,9 k + 7,49 k + 38,6 k = 78,04 k
36 + 706 + 355 + 47 + 224 + 59 + 783 + 272 + 167 + 313 + 187 + 200 + 311 + 84 + 153 + 449 + 21 + 179 + 184 + 22 + 419 + 468 + 445 + 411 = 6495 = 6,5 k
6,5 k + 2,48 k + 1,47 k + 11,8 k + 1,21 k + 1,41 k + 5,46 k + 2 k + 1,48 k + 1,17 k + 4,2 k + 1,49 k + 4,35 k + 1,64 k + 8,54 k + 3,84 k + 6,26 k = 65,3 k
72 + 771 + 41 + 49 + 308 + 125 + 89 + 60 + 61 + 43 + 124 + 31 + 76 + 79 + 26 + 117 + 42 + 186 + 751 + 186 + 870 + 89 + 64 = 4260 = 4,26 k
4,26 k + 1,33 k + 3,21 k + 1,62 k + 1,33 k + 1,4 k + 1,37 k + 3,65 k + 7,07 k + 1,26 k + 2,77 k = 29,27 k
102 + 919 + 98 + 526 = 1645 = 1,65 k
1,65 k + 2,33 k + 5,16 k + 3,34 k + 4,56 k + 6,68 k + 5,2 k = 28,92 k
339 + 104 + 7 + 47 + 108 + 758 + 740 + 73 + 55 + 32 + 445 + 376 + 500 + 125 + 128 + 128 + 130 + 281 + 275 + 124 + 176 + 846 + 316 + 732 + 402 + 135 + 396 + 136 + 388 = 8302 = 8,3 k
8,3 k + 3,96 k + 4,11 k + 3,16 k + 5,98 k + 1,29 k = 26,8 k
91 + 40 + 752 + 133 + 22 + 631 + 17 + 435 + 7 + 57 + 46 + 163 + 443 + 332 + 646 + 20 + 931 + 675 = 5441 = 5,44 k
5,44 k + 3,99 k + 1,5 k + 3,51 k + 2,31 k + 1,4 k + 2,98 k + 5,24 k = 26,37 k
787 + 57 + 526 + 532 + 490 + 12 + 695 + 839 + 264 + 73 + 43 + 50 + 181 + 74 + 999 + 917 + 78 + 254 + 257 + 494 = 7622 = 7,62 k
7,62 k + 2,15 k + 3,18 k + 1,7 k + 1,51 k + 5,64 k + 1,83 k + 2,14 k = 25,77 k
550 + 211 + 982 + 267 + 242 + 12 + 108 + 155 + 64 + 144 + 224 + 235 + 895 + 927 + 721 + 93 + 223 + 198 + 136 + 511 + 323 + 407 + 607 + 541 + 597 + 405 + 267 + 757 + 33 + 953 + 602 + 156 + 248 + 324 = 13118 = 13,12 k
13,12 k + 1,14 k + 2,19 k + 1,15 k + 2,86 k + 1,34 k + 3,56 k = 25,36 k
620 + 604 + 66 + 126 + 207 + 121 + 89 + 604 + 82 + 6 + 78 + 83 + 182 + 66 + 345 + 367 + 850 = 4496 = 4,5 k
4,5 k + 9,09 k = 13,59 k
239 + 247 + 267 + 177 + 355 + 328 + 284 + 224 + 235 + 269 + 232 + 516 + 246 + 597 + 558 + 322 + 209 + 66 + 249 + 7 + 516 + 292 + 326 + 374 + 453 + 626 + 179 + 221 + 288 + 446 + 366 = 9714 = 9,71 k
9,71 k + 1,12 k + 1,68 k = 12,51 k
Émirats arabes unis
778 + 35 + 431 + 752 + 376 + 446 + 19 + 664 + 130 + 42 + 54 + 51 + 45 + 212 + 65 + 14 + 701 + 963 + 528 + 675 + 77 + 7 + 292 + 259 + 21 + 644 = 8281 = 8,28 k
8,28 k + 3,3 k = 11,58 k
419 + 319 + 782 + 848 + 796 + 570 + 44 + 637 + 254 + 73 = 4742 = 4,74 k
4,74 k + 1,42 k + 4,7 k = 10,86 k
83 + 297 + 20 + 506 = 906 = 0,91 k
0,91 k + 3,71 k + 2,66 k = 7,28 k
673 + 697 + 522 + 28 = 1920 = 1,92 k
1,92 k + 2,32 k = 4,24 k
2,79 k
Sous-total B
1181,39 k + 1109,86 k + 489,98 k + 411,25 k + 242,12 k + 190,58 k + 168,69 k + 133,37 k + 107,4 k + 79,19 k + 78,04 k + 65,3 k + 29,27 k + 28,92 k + 26,8 k + 26,37 k + 25,77 k + 25,36 k + 13,59 k + 12,51 k + 11,58 k + 10,86 k + 7,28 k + 4,24 k + 2,79 k = 4 M 482,51 k
Corée du Sud
218 + 491 + 455 + 144 + 118 + 48 + 49 + 500 = 2023
160 + 63 + 26 + 433 + 42 + 233 + 21 = 978
219 + 147 + 360 = 726
190 + 145 + 64 + 46 + 49 + 64 + 45 + 57 = 660
110 + 154 + 37 + 15 + 233 = 549
225 + 7 + 44 + 7 = 283
114 + 25 + 117 + 21 = 277
Tchéquie = 249
29 + 29 + 32 = 90
34 + 28 = 62
Jamaïque = 16
Cambodge = 10
Seychelles = 10
Sous-total C
2023 + 978 + 726 + 660 + 549 + 283 + 277 + 249 + 90 + 62 + 16 + 10 + 10 = 5933 = 5,93 k

520,64 k + 4 M 482,51 k + 5,93 k = 5 M 9,08 k
Toutes les périodes, ça se compte à partir du 1er mai 2010, avant, blogger n'avait pas cette fonction de statistique.

15-VII-2004, Svallerup, Kalundborg, AArhus (FR) 714 · Dimanche, 1-VIII-2004, Deutschland - Nederlande (FR) 546 · 18-VIII-2004, le pélerinage a pied recommence: Pamplune - Puente La Reina (FR) 444 · 4-IX-2004, Ledigos - Alb. Municipal La Trinidad, Sahagún (FR) 753 · 21-IX-2004, Cacabelos - Ave Fenix, Villafranca del Bierzo (FR) 600

À l'époque quand Antimodernism était un groupe MSN ... (FR) 411 · What was MSN Group Antimodernism? 910 · Ordningen här (för den som vill) (SV) 753 · Short links, repertorium 318 · Oui, oui, non, non (FR) 63

I am not sure you know Artur Sebastian Rosman 26,3 k · .... Dialogue imaginé sur mon discours de carbone 14 (FR) 20,3 k · Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity 13,4 k · Beginning to update, Scope and Nature of Theology (Part II) 9,29 k · On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists 7,31 k

Answering Steve Rudd 6,39 k · Il y a des gens, ce qui leur gâche des média populaires est la question raciale (FR) 5,38 k · Father Filippo Anfossi was right against Giuseppe Settele 5,07 k · verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus (LAT) 3,86 k · Sonata Nemetodurica (musica) 3,22 k
 Theology, Pro-life, Christ King, Saints et c 3,18 k · Chronicle of Susan Pevensie 3,05 k · Partagée, cette vidéo (FR) 3,03 k · A Catholic who will go unnamed 3,02 k · impressa in octavo (diagramma) 3,01 k

/ ... / (SV) 2,53 k · Litavens kulturhistoria, problem 2 (SV, ENG) 2,49 k · Aus Chromosome/Wiki/de (DE) 2,16 k · So, Dionysus was a Copy of Moses, may One Presume? 2,12 k · Answers about "The Forbidden Book" 1,52 k

Palaeoherpeton decorum 1,36 k · Géocentrisme, ma vers. 2 (FR) 1,22 k · Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo 996 · XXVIII Some Fairclough I did try (13+) 840 · Le Retour de Don Quichotte ([ENG]/FR) 604

Contra Lesch (DE) 487 · MAJORITETSBESLUTETS PROBLEM & LÖSNING (SV) 463 · Answering Yahya Snow 343 · Le bâtiment (FR) 316

Un - contre ennemis (FR, 13+) 209 · A Problem with Ivugi Community, as Portrayed by John Davis 171 · Intentions and Theorems, Continued 70

Thursday 12 September 2024

Bonum Festum sanctissimi Nominis beatae Mariae

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Festum sanctissimi Nominis beatae Mariae, quod Innocentius Undecimus, Pontifex Maximus, ob insignem victoriam de Turcis, ipsius Virginis praesidio, Vindobonae in Austria reportatam, celebrari jussit.

Collect of the Mass:
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God that Thy faithful people, who rejoice in the name and protection of the most holy Virgin Mary, may by her loving intercession be delivered from all evils on earth and be found worthy to come to everlasting joys in heaven.

50 questions & réponses contre l'avortement

50 questions & reponses que tout francais devrait connaitre... contre l'avortement [Broché – 1 janvier 1997]
DROIT DE NAITRE (1 janvier 1997)


Nigeria: Nearly 56,000 Dead in Four Years
September 9, 2024 | Source: FSSPX News

What's Right with Drinking? Answering Isaiah Saldivar

Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin? What if I don't get drunk?
IsaiahSaldivar | 14 July 2023

the question about drinking I don't think it should be um I don't think it should be "what's wrong with it?" I think it should be "what's right with it?" that's my argument when it comes to drinking not "what's wrong with drinking?" "what's right with drinking?"

Here are some ways, excluding drunkenness, of which I am not guilty, in which alcohol has helped this homeless person:

Scenario I.

Right now, I eat much, I eat much fats and sugars, to expel lice from my scalp. Naturally, this is an ideal scenario for anyone trying to wean me from drinking, since fat and sugary diets don't go well with drinking, if I had been doing it in high quantities, not the case, but even so, I drink less.

Equally naturally, this can lead to constipation from time to time, so ...

Taking a beer with the food tends to lighten the constipation.

Scenario II.

It has happened to me that I have had diarrhoea, like two occasions which both could have involved poisoning from inadequately boiled kidney beans.

How does diarrhoe function? It involves liquid being not separated to the bladder but rather evacuated the other way ... well, alcohol is a diuretic, so it helps cure diarrhoea. Unlike sugar and apple juice, it's more diuretic than laxative.

Two lids of whisky in the coffee means I am likely to pee within an hour, which delays the "seat" and when it comes, it's likelier to be normal.

Scenario III a

I get a pint with a light or no meal before I go to bed. I pee. I sleep to the morning.

Scenario III b

Or I eat a heavy meal, no alcohol, go to bed, have to rise several times the night, which ruins my sleep.

Or, right now, here:

Scenario III c:

Both the lack of peeing really much and the calories make me capable of sitting up in the cyber all night. This night I did that. Obviously no beer yesterday evening.

Scenario IV:

I have a dental abcess (not right now, even if the cavity remains, but I'm referring to when there is an infection in it). I drink wine or get whisky in my coffee, rince around the afflicted tooth area, as well as taking blue cheese for penicilline.

Reducing blood sugar by long walks or by staying up a night (I prefer the cyber over the bed) also helps. So, on this side too, less alcohol = more cyber nights. I think gamers (I'm not one) would refer to them as frag nights.

Cavities may remain, but bacteria die. Infections cease. Comfort and relative security resume.

Scenario V

is really Scenario III a revisited:

I could get slightly tipsy from the pint, and therefore this also helps the process of falling asleep. Obviously not a thing to try early in the morning. This is reserved for evenings. Equally, it's good to avoid overload of intestines and early wakeups by taking the calories of the evening in liquid rather than solid form (that would work with a soft drink as well, but the sugar would easily keep me up all night).

I have not gone into benefical effects on the heart, I do take walks, and I have not gone into social perks like drinking together, I tend to avoid those whom I suspect could be drunkards, and as some tend to give me a reputation, unmerited, of being one, some people of more bourgeois apparence tend to avoid me in this context. Nor have I gone into the vast benefit of coherence in agreeing with Catholic moral theology by accepting alcohol, trying not to get tipsy mostly, but not overreacting if I do, and shunning actual drunkenness about as much as certain quotes from St. Paul warrant. Because comparisons to debauchery are obviously not about slightly euphoric or slightly tipsy, I know my Roman Antiquities well enough to know people drank to actual excess, like an Austrian or Provençal would judge the matter, and I mean a typical one.

Isaiah Saldivar has the experience of being set free from drinking alcohol. He says he can live a perfectly normal life without alcohol, he's younger than I, and also not exposed to homelessness discomforts. If he's awake 3 AM, he can read or pray, and do so far hours and take a snack while doing so, because NOBODY will destroy his sleep recovery after that (as he's married there is obviously sth else he can do if awake at 3 AM). He also considers he was under some kind of bondage the time when he was drinking every day. Shall I flatter his good sense and believe he drank radically more than I, so it really was a dangerous road to alcoholism? Or shall I flatter his sobriety by supposing he overreacted, but God allowed him the perfection he was seeking? I actually don't know. It is even possible it wasn't actually God who set him free.

But he poses a kind of awkward question:

now I used to drink almost every day God delivered me God saved me from it and I I'm just confused on why God would deliver me from drinking but then allow someone else to

I think that question could answer something else. Should people who have been delivered from vice generally give advice to the public? Pretty often, no. They could very well assume everyone who is nominally or by some other verbal subterfuge "in the same category" as they used to be is in the same danger or perplexity or downfall as they used to be. When he says "every alcoholic started with one drink" ... well, every alcoholic was obviously not staying with one drink. If 20 years and more into my homelessness, I am still pretty solidly "one drink" ... or less ... I think I have avoided that.

The persons who think they could be doing me a favour by trying to get me out of it could pretty easily be harming my health far more than any marginal effects of the alcohol I drink.

They also act as a smokescreen for some other issues certain people have against me. One "dmm312"* told me I was talking too much, people wouldn't want to talk to me. This was under a comment under a Catholic channel. It could be, certain people in the Novus Ordo are getting very tired of my attacks on less than traditional, not so much liturgy, as (in the comment) pastoral, or doctrine. It could even be this extends to the U S American channels I was getting involved with. But it could also be, "dmm312" was not Catholic at all. He could be the kind of person who to the world poses as shrink of my and to me poses as "Protestant conscience" ... forgetting that when I was small, ma was not raising me a Protestant, but grandparents a Secularist, and when she was raising me a Christian, by default a Protestant, this was within an Austrian setting surrounded by Catholicism (and not any total absence of wine). It could be, such shrinks have persuaded Novus Ordo pastoral (I said I don't like it) to treat me as someone who for mental health reasons shouldn't be interacted with. Such a thing means isolating me from, either my own, or at least a reasonable proxy. After the censorship of me in comments sections began, I was offered one debate again. With a Protestant, though the subject was not alcohol, but more like (sth alcohol could be a smokescreen for) "justification by faith alone" (as in no good deeds required even after justification or to be intended as follow up of it) as a credendum sine quo non fidelis quis sit, a thing every Christian has to believe. Even if that is not a majority reading of the Church Fathers, and survives a famous Ephesians 2 quote better if it's just two verses, than if you go on to verse 10. I rebutted.** The attacker decided to leave me alone, and since that debate was left with me standing alone, I have been without other ones too.

As if, let's say, a network of Protestants believed I was not just flawed as a Catholic, but exceptionally deeply flawed. As if it was urgent to save me from Catholicism, either by talking me out of it, or, if that doesn't work, by blocking everything else for me. They want, like Ray Comfort seems to want in some videos of his, to pose as "the hound of heaven" in relation to me. If I don't convert to Protestantism when we debate, or if I even block some of them when they are ruder, they are perfectly willing to cease debating me. But very much less so to allow me to debate someone else, someone not in this kind of network. And it seems they could have the kind of connexions in mental health services (if not outright corrupt government) that they can get away with posing like that and with imposing a wall of silence around me.*** One thing is certain. Recommending Saldivar's clumsy exegesis of certain Pauline passages, basically based on the false equivalence between tipsy and St. Paul's "drunk on wine" is not convincing me that my "works salvation" is bankrupt. It is possible I would go to Hell if I died tonight, but if so, more for having gotten beyond the limit of a patience where I could forgive people like that. It is also possible that God holds me guiltless due to the very grave provocation. I'll assume that Saldivar is not part of this, even though I have more readers in the US than in France, very regularly, so I'll contact him.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Holy Name of Mary

Festum sanctissimi Nominis beatae Mariae, quod Innocentius Undecimus, Pontifex Maximus, ob insignem victoriam de Turcis, ipsius Virginis praesidio, Vindobonae in Austria reportatam, celebrari jussit.

* Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Censored Again

** Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Debate under one of the comments

*** Somewhat reminiscent of a "conspiracy of silence" ... see Pascendi. If Anthony Stine was involved in deleting my comments from his youtube, he would not be imitating the measures recommended by St. Pius X, but those denounced by him. It could also be it happened without his knowing it:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Trads Imitate Modernists?

Correction Request Sent to ABC

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Harris Spoke a Lie, Trump Spoke the Truth · New blog on the kid: Correction Request Sent to ABC

Earlier today, I sent a letter to Almin Karamehmedovic, the president of ABC News, and requested the network issue an immediate correction. I’m sharing a copy of that letter below. ...

Focus on the Family, Jim Daly. Here is the letter:

September 11, 2024

Almin Karamehmedovic
ABC News
7 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023.

Dear Mr. Karamehmedovic:

During Tuesday night's presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, debate co-moderator Linsey Davis attempted to fact-check the former president's comments concerning the death of babies following failed abortions.

Ms. Davis stated: "There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born."

We wish this was true. Sadly, it is not.

The Born-Alive Infant Protect Act of 2002 has proven inadequate in providing life-saving care for the hundreds of babies born following failed abortions. Tragically, Democrats — including Vice President Harris while serving in the United States Senate — have repeatedly blocked legislation (Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act) that would require doctors and health care professionals to "exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of a child" born alive following an attempted abortion.

For example, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed legislation in his state last year that no longer requires lifesaving measures be taken to help children born after an abortion attempt. Records indicate that eight children in 2019 faced this gruesome fate - and five of them were left to die. No medical professional did anything to help sustain their lives.

During the debate, former President Trump referred to former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's cold and callous answer during a radio interview when he described the scene of a failed abortion where the child is delivered alive. 'The infant would be delivered," Northam said. "The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

What Governor Northam was describing, and the bill that Governor Walz signed last year, constitutes infanticide.

The moderators also chose to ignore the statistical reality of the tragedy of late-term abortion. They never fact-checked Vice President Harris' claim that President Trump's suggestion that women are having late-term abortion was somehow "insulting." In truth, there are more than 50,000 abortion each year of babies after 15 weeks' gestation and more than 10,000 after 20 weeks.

ABC News and Linsey Davis owe the American people an apology and an immediate correction. As the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously observed, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts."

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Russia Still Aborting Worse than the United States ?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Anthony Stine Has a Point About Poland. Someone Hasn't About Me. · New blog on the kid: Russia Still Aborting Worse than the United States ?

For the US, it seems that post-Dobbs figures are lacking. But pre-Dobbs, US was not as blood-thirsty as Russia.

United States, pre-Dobbs:

A total of 3,613,647 births were registered in the United States in 2020.

Births : final data for 2020
2/7/2022 By Osterman, Michelle J. K.; Hamilton, Brady E.; Martin, Joyce A.

The last year for which the CDC reported a yearly national total for abortions is 2021. It found there were 625,978 abortions in the District of Columbia and the 46 states with available data that year, up from 597,355 in those states and D.C. in 2020. The corresponding figure for 2019 was 607,720.

The last year for which Guttmacher reported a yearly national total was 2020. It said there were 930,160 abortions that year in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, compared with 916,460 in 2019.

What the data says about abortion in the U.S.
By Jeff Diamant, Besheer Mohamed and Rebecca Leppert March 25, 2024

a linea: How many abortions are there in the U.S. each year?

930,160 / 3,613,647 * 1000 = 257 abortions per 1000 live births.
597,355 / 3,613,647 * 1000 = 165 abortions per 1000 live births.


Russia's abortions 2022: 506 000

(in 2000, it was 2 138 800, more than 4 times as much)

Number of abortions in Russia from 2000 to 2022

Approximately 670,200 boys and 633,900 girls were born in Russia in 2022

(the increase after 2000 is already receding, it was highest 2014 and 2015, birth rates are now comparable to 2000)

Number of live births in Russia from 2000 to 2022, by gender

506,000 / (670,200 + 633,900) * 1000 = 388 abortions per 1000 live births.

United States, post-Dobbs:

What about very recent news?

New findings from the Monthly Abortion Provision Study show that an estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in the formal health care system in 2023, the first full calendar year after the US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade. This represents a rate of 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age,* and is a 11% increase since 2020, the last year for which comprehensive estimates are available. It is also the highest number and rate measured in the United States in over a decade.

I refuse to make the link directly clickable, they pretend one should "fight back" against Dobbs.

In 2023, 3,596,017 births were registered in the United States, down 2% from 2022 (3,667,758) and 2021 (3,664,292) (Figure 1, Table 1).

Births in the United States, 2023
NCHS Data Brief No. 507, August 2024, Joyce A. Martin, M.P.H., Brady E. Hamilton Ph.D., and Michelle J.K. Osterman, M.H.S.

1,037,000 / 3,596,017 * 1000 = 288 abortions per 1000 live births.

Worse than US was in 2020, but still not as bad as Russia was in 2022.

Meanwhile, Poland:

Only 425 legal abortions were carried out in Poland in 2023

Number of legal abortions in Poland more than doubled in 2023
Jul 26, 2024 | Notes from Poland

The number of live births in Poland reached over 272 thousand in 2023 and decreased by nearly 11 percent compared to the previous year.

Number of live births in Poland from 1950 to 2023

425 / 272 000 * 1000 = 1.5625 abortions per 1000 live births.

It's good news that this is much lower, not just than Russia, but than the United States, even. The bad news is that the number of live births is going down in Poland. In 1955 it was as high as 793 800!

So, possibly abortions outside the formal health care system were so many in the US, or possibly abortions in Russia sank so drastically during the war, that by now the US aborts more than Russia, in terms of per pregnancy, but neither of that is very probable. So, arguably, Russia is still aborting more than the US in terms of per live births. On the other hand, the US has more abortions in total. However, it is certain that both are aborting more than Poland is. Both counts.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Deposition of St. Patient
Bishop of Lyon

PS, it can be mentioned that if the US has twice as many abortions as Russia, in 2023, US had way more than twice the population of Russia. The latter is just 43.243 % of the US population, but has 50 % or more of its abortions./HGL

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Vive Claude EON !

New blog on the kid : Vive Claude EON ! · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Mais il pourrait profiter d'une histoire des idées un peu plus correcte !

Il a écrit à Rivarol pour signaler, certes que la gauche est antichrétienne et anti-loi-naturelle, ce que je savais déjà, et savais que l'on sait à Rivarol, mais aussi qu'elle ou son maître est héliocentrique (bon Satan est mieux renseigné, mais je veux dire dans les "public relations" qu'il entretient sur terre.

Bien que ce fait soit peu connu, la première grande victoire de Satan sur la volonté divine fut la substitution de l’héliocentrisme au géocentrisme sans la moindre preuve comme il le fut avéré ultérieurement. Dieu, sachant que nous n’avions aucun moyen de prouver le fonctionnement du cosmos et notamment qui tournait autour de qui, qui était immobile et qui ne l’était pas, prit, en tant que “fabricant” le soin de nous donner les précisions nécessaires dans l’Écriture Sainte (et pas uniquement dans la Genèse). Jusqu’en 1543 le monde catholique accepta cette lecture proposée par Dieu Lui-même

J'approuve la plupart.

Mais .... un bémol :

Dieu, sachant que nous n’avions aucun moyen de prouver le fonctionnement du cosmos et notamment qui tournait autour de qui

Désolé, je pose Romains chapitre 1 parmi les grands textes géocentriques.

Nous avons, en absence de preuve absolue dès les observations (comme nous avons une preuve absolue que Terre et Soleil ne sont pas en train de se déplacer en parallèle à la même vitesse en lignes droites entre les étoiles, car on voit les angles changer et on voit les mêmes étoiles revenir), un autre moyen de savoir qui tourne autour de qui : le bon sens.

Si je vois d'un train (SJ, DSB, DB, SNCF ou autre) des collines, des arbres, des bâtiments, des voitures d'un parking se déplacer vite à côté de la fenêtre, c'est possible que c'est le train avec moi-même dedans qui se déplace, mais la possibilité théorique ne suffit pas pour que je le conclue. Or, pas besoin, j'ai suffisamment d'expérience avec les collines, arbres, bâtiments et voitures en parking pour savoir qu'ils restent sur un sol immobile, et aussi suffisamment d'expérience du train pour savoir que parfois des trains bougent. Genre, un samedi 24 juin l'année passée, jour de St. Jean, je suis entré un train (que j'avais même payé en avance, certains d'autres trains cet été j'ai dû payer après), à partir d'un endroit que j'identifiais crédiblement comme Lille, et je suis sorti du train dans une gare que je connais très bien comme se situant à Paris. J'ai donc une assurance assez suffisante pour me dire :

  • le train peut bouger et il le fait parfois
  • la colline ne peut pas bouger
  • donc, si je vois la colline se déplacer d'une fenêtre de train, je sais que c'est en réalité le train qui bouge.

La parallèle serait de savoir :

  • la terre peut bouger et elle le fait parfois
  • les étoiles ne peuventt pas bouger
  • donc, si je vois les étoiles se déplacer de leurs positions, je sais que c'est en réalité la terre qui bouge.

Le truc est :

  • la terre peut bouger et elle le fait parfois — inconnu ou sujet d'interprétation contestable
  • les étoiles ne peuventt pas bouger — pas juste inconnu ou sujet d'interprétation contestable, mais même admis comme faux par les astronomes qui admettent à côté de la parallaxe et de l'aberration annulle aussi un mouvement appelé mouvement propre (dont le plus grand est celui de l'étoile de Barnard)
  • donc, si je vois les étoiles se déplacer de leurs positions, rien ne me pousse à le prendre comme autre chose que les étoiles se déplaçant de leurs positions

L'héliocentrisme est une hypothèse gratuite.

Si le géocentrisme est l'interprétation préférable, ça veut dire aussi qu'on peut en tirer des conclusions. Comme :

  • si le Soleil, la Lune, les Étoiles dits fixes, les planètes bougent autour de la Terre, par quelque forme de contiguité que ce soit c'est qu'une force énorme est inépuisable les tourne autour de nous, ce que nous appelons Dieu ;
  • si le Soleil, la Lune, les Planètes bougent en relation aux Étoiles, le plus souvent sur le plan écliptique, donc frôlant les Étoiles de 12 constellations, appelées en commun le Zodiac, c'est qu'il y a des anges qui les mènent autour du Zodiac.

Maintenant la parole à St. Paul et à chanoîne Crampon, Romains 1, quelques versets débutant avec 18 :

En effet, la colère de Dieu éclate du haut du ciel contre toute impiété et toute injustice des hommes, qui, par leur injustice, retiennent la vérité captive ; car ce qui se peut connaître de Dieu, est manifeste parmi eux : Dieu le leur a manifesté. En effet ses perfections invisibles, son éternelle puissance et sa divinité sont, depuis la création du monde, rendues visibles à l’intelligence par le moyen de ses œuvres.

Ce n'est pas dit que les qualités de Dieux soient rendues visibles à l'intelligence d'un poëte ou d'un artiste, mais à l'intelligence tout court.

Et ceci, non pas depuis une récente découverte (quoi qu'il y en a, comme 1) le flagelle de la bactérie, 2) le sindone de Turin, 3) le propos récent et incongru que l'homme ait en partie hérité et en partie inventé la langue à partir d'ancêtres simiens, qui soudainement devient un postulat pour la théorie de l'évolution et donc pour l'athéisme), mais, encore "depuis la création du monde" .... sans microscope, sans télescope, sans théories scientifiques modernes, sans la photographie qui révèle un négatif plus comme une vrai figure que les tâches d'ombre originales du textile sacré, sans les investigations qui minutieusement relient le Syndone avec l'histoire de l'Évangile, et ce n'est pas non plus en première ligne une qualité immatérielle de l'homme, c'est quelque chose de très visible dans les choses matérielles. Le cosmos géocentrique convient à ces critères.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Pierre,
Évêque de Compostelle

Compostellae sancti Petri Episcopi, qui multis virtutibus et miraculis claruit.

Sometimes you learn things from reading your statistics

Statistiques de trois jours et une semaine

c. 18:15
c. 0:41—1:00
7 + 9 + 782 + 2 + 1 + 321 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 1131
88 + 20 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 44 + 4 + 58 + 8 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 278
116 + 2 + 128 = 246
22 + 1 + 50 + 8 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 97
 Bonam Diem Decollationis Sti Ioannis Baptistae (LAT) 19 Joe on Judas 18 Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve (ENG/FR) 17 Baronius is NOT Galileo 16 Howard F tries twice again ... 15 PM debate with a moderator 14

Is ICR Making a Case for Geocentrism? 12 Je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo (FR) 11 What Does "Being in Babylon" Mean? Being Invisible Only Church? No. 10
7 + 2 + 6 + 8 + 21 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 16 + 8 + 3 = 87
7 + 14 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 3 = 51
Hong Kong
2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 3 = 30
18 + 2 = 20
3 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 16
1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6

Pays de trois vues
Canada, Serbie = 6

Pays de deux vues
Tchéquie, Autriche, Pays-Bas, Ouganda, Roumanie = 10

Pays d'une vue
Corée du Sud, Nigeria, Inde, Suisse, Allemagne, Italie, Pologne = 7

25 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 25 + 2 + 10 + 3 + 2 + 21 + 11 + 1 = 115

1131 + 278 + 246 + 97 + 87 + 51 + 30 + 20 + 16 + 6 + 6 + 10 + 7 + 115 = 2100
30—31.VIII.2024 c. 13:50—14:34 29—30.VIII.2024 c. 19:00
... on Homosexualty, Definition of Marriage, Bronze Age, Progress and Middle Ages 14 Reading this on iPad? 14 Père Paul Poupard le secrétaire pour le discours de "Jean Paul II" devant la Commission Pontificale des Sciences ? (FR) 13 Grandeur 13 Suspecting Soviet Imperialism ... 12

How My View of Babel Ties in with "Defending Biblical Inerrancy" 12 Continued debate from ... on Arguing Biblical Inerrancy FROM Evolutionist Material (Third sequel) 11 Are All Responses to CMI Here? 11 Where You Looking For Something Else? 11 Why so shy about creationist pov on C14? 10
40 + 12 + 99 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 21 + 6 + 58 + 13 + 7 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 8 + 12 + 1 + 25 + 3 + 3 + 54 + 1 + 3 + 61 = 449
1 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 310 = 338
1 + 42 + 5 = 48
1 + 19 + 13 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 41
4 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 3 = 44
2 + 18 + 8 + 1 + 5 = 34
8 + 2 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 26
Hong Kong
2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 24
2 + 12 + 1 + 1 = 16
11 + 2 = 13
1 + 8 = 9
Italie = 6
1 + 2 + 2 = 5

Pays de quatre vues
Norvège = 4

Pays de trois vues
Roumanie = 3

Pays de deux vues
Azerbaïdjan, Brésil, Allemagne = 6

Pays d'une vue
Suisse, Honduras, Irak, Arabie saoudite, Maroc, Suisse, Corée du Sud, Turquie, Monaco, Irlande, Lettonie, Pakistan, Brésil = 13

1 + 14 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 11 + 24 + 2 + 4 + 30 = 96

449 + 338 + 48 + 41 + 44 + 34 + 26 + 24 + 16 + 13 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 13 + 96 = 1175
31.VIII—1.IX c. 13:11 31.VIII—1.IX c. 13:21
87 + 126 + 189 + 6 + 274 + 1 + 5 + 132 + 18 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 53 + 41 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 136 + 218 + 170 + 1 + 46 + 156 + 8 + 201 + 3 = 1884
1 + 2 + 7 + 14 + 13 + 35 + 10 + 16 + 4 + 77 + 26 + 4 = 209
 Production August 2024 22 Bad Theology Pushed, Good Theology Rejected (Noah's Drunkenness) 17 Prières pour Kamilya (FR) 15 Père Paul Poupard le secrétaire pour le discours de "Jean Paul II" devant la Commission Pontificale des Sciences ? (FR) 14 Bishop Williamson Closed by Reminding of the Rosary (Even for Non-Catholics) 10
2 + 118 = 120
3 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 33 + 1 + 2 = 50
1 + 1 + 20 + 9 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 40
9 + 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 39
Hong Kong
3 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 31
1 + 1 + 1 + 10 = 13
2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 12
2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 10
7 + 2 = 9
6 + 1 = 7
1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 5

Pays de quatre vues
Pays-Bas = 4

Pays de trois vues
Iran, Kazakhstan = 6

Pays de deux vues
Brésil, Turquie, Suisse, Belgique, Roumanie, Ouganda = 12

Pays d'une vue
Indonésie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Italie, Lettonie, Corée du Sud = 5

28 + 6 + 20 + 12 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 13 + 1 + 1 = 99

1884 + 209 + 120 + 50 + 40 + 39 + 31 + 13 + 12 + 10 + 9 + 7 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 12 + 5 + 99 = 2555

Prochaine statistiques à y ajouter, 2—9.IX, mais en attendant, une statistique de de trente jours, finissant le 3.IX:

Plusieurs autres blogs (parmi les grands) avaient un montée inégalée soit le 1.IX, soit le 31.VIII, soit un des jours entre 22.VIII et 27.VIII, surtout le 25.VIII. Un ou deux avaient deux grandes montées, et le blog hypnose en avait 3 (dont le dernier, mais aussi le plus petit était le 31.VIII).

119 + 236 + 373 + 131 = 859
15 + 38 + 13 + 39 + 66 + 29 + 32 + 92 + 56 + 13 + 47 + 41 + 13 + 55 + 25 + 48 = 622
9 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 83
859 + 622 + 83 = 1564

Ce mois-ci, 4.IX à 16:00
3 jours et 2/3 du quatrième (3 + 2/3 = 9/3 + 2/3 = 11/3)
1206 + 2287 + 1458 + 1113 = 6064
279 + 683 + 316 + 380 + 513 + 256 + 284 + 101 + 156 + 410 + 245 = 3623
22 + 56 + 14 + 22 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 62 + 10 + 18 + 12 + 40 + 16 + 20 + 87 + 10 + 13 = 438
9 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 5 + 3 = 50
6064 + 3623 + 438 + 50 = 10 175
10 175 / (11/3) = 2775 par jour

(derniers 7 jours)
44 + 44 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 254 + 1 + 12 + 3 + 1 = 394
394 / 7 = 56 par jour

2 + 20 + 6 + 5 + 1 = 34
6—7.IX.2024, 3:03
1 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 6 = 43

(derniers sept jours, 7.IX.2024)
11 + 43 + 35 + 27 + 25 + 2 + 30 + 31 + 29 = 233
233 / 7 = 33 par jour

1 + 4 + 69 + 1 + 8 + 3 + 67 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 13 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 30 + 104 + 116 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 469

vers 15:30
164 + 41 + 12 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 29 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 30 + 2 + 1 = 314

Les plus lus par ... (8.IX.2024)
24 h
Bonum Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis
7 jours
Some People Really Can't Relate to a Catholic Convert
30 jours
Sonata Nemetodurica
3 mois
Vers un vieux post
6 mois
... commenting on Bates and Lynch, UFOs and St Patrick
12 mois
Discussion on Sedevacantism / Orthopapism, not quite the same thing
derniers 12 mois sur mon écriture
et la possibilité de se constituer en maison d'édition :
full url : version / présentation : pleins urls 602 · Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them 393 · Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like. 246 · De retour + conditions d'utilisations ultérieures + régistre français 198 · Reading this on iPad? 179

Printing Books / Imprimer des Livres 117 · impressa in octavo 105 · Copyright issues on blogposts with shared copyright 102 · Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? 45 · Correspondence with Sungenis on My Affairs 43
 Feel like tl;dr about my blogs? 40 · Ensayo, definición 34 · My Carreer Shouldn't Depend on Merriam Webster Spelling 32 · Hay diciplinas sin reservación para gente con título 30 · Non-réponse par SNE 23

booklets if you can have double sided photocopies - and aerosol stencil 22 · Instructions about Printing 19 · From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part I, up to reproducible originals 16 · Printing Books / Imprimer des Livres 13 · Herr Landwehr, ich bin auch Urheber! 13
602 + 393 + 246 + 198 + 117 + 105 + 102 + 45 + 43 + 40 + 34 + 32 + 30 + 23 + 22 + 19 + 16 + 13 + 13 = 2093
2093 / 366 = 5,719 par jour qui ont vu que je veux me nourrir de mon écriture ... et nourrir d'autres de la même manière
Conditions d’utilisations ultérieures
A little note on further use conditions

En fait, j'ai pris la prochaine statistique déjà le sit de la Nativité de Notre Dame.

derniers 7 jours, le soir du 8.IX.2024
Provisional Caveat to Previous 39 · Fr. Vigoroux on Fathers - is Day-Epoch Still an Option? 31 · Some People Really Can't Relate to a Catholic Convert 27 · Trudging on in a Quagmired Video: Five More Minutes 26 · J'ai dû d'abord me défendre et ensuite m'exiler de la Suède (FR) 23

Il y a des conservateurs nationaux qui ne soutiennent pas Poutine, grâce à Dieu (FR) 22 · Salvation and Schrödinger's Cat 21 · 1324 vs 2024 21 · Bonum Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis (LAT) 20 · Contre Korsia (FR) 20

Historic Linguistics as Viewed by a Creationist (Featuring Proto-Languages, on quora) - 8 questions + update 20 · Why is Michael II the real Pope? 19 · "Dark Ages" video reviewed 19 · Carbon Dating and Belfast Series 19 · Is Some Crook Trying to Test if I'm a Prophet? 19

Censure (FR) 19 · Emmanuel Todd sur l'Évangélisme (FR) 18 · A Federal Law Against Abortion? That Would be Good! 18 · Debate on Geology 18 · Swedish Pride 18

Apologetics Section 18 · Quick Take on Sandstone in Egypt 17 · Looking for the Pope ... (bis) 17 · Le Retour de Don Quichotte 17 · Exodus in 1685 BC? 16

There is No Reading Public? 16 · Pääbo and Habermehl 16 · ... on Negations with N 16 · Debate under one of the comments 16 · ... or Preliminary Answers on AronRa's Phylogeny Challenge (with a correction on the "Permian Otter" or "Teckel") 16

Biblical Errors - no such thing 15 · Some People Can't Relate to Catholic Decency 15 · Dates for Scandinavian Prehistory, Revisited, Most Recent Tables 15 · Longevity Charts as per LXX 15 · A Point About Certain Protestant Fundamentalists 15

Comentario carlista sobre abortamiento (enlace) (ESP) 14 · Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve (ENG/FR) 14 · Tudor Times Demographical Stats 13 · A Man from Adelaide Pretended we are Heretics 12 · full url : version / présentation : pleins urls (ENG/FR) 11

Was the Drainage System of the Rhine There in the Preflood World? 11 · For those who pretend there were several tens of thousands of years between Adam and Abraham 11 · verba praeteriti imperfecti indicativus, futuri indicativus (LAT) 11 · · An Overused Quote from St. Augustine 11 · Gavin Ortlund Pretends Apostolic Tradition Not Preserved in the Bible Does Not Oblige 11

Dr. Cooper on Manning, My Reply 10 · Bad Theology Pushed, Good Theology Rejected (Noah's Drunkenness) 10 · Inerrancy of OT: Riding in King David's Day! 10 · 4.5 Billion Years Worth of Nuclear Decay, Before the End of Day Three? 10 · I Follow Dr. Abby Johnson, Here She is Right — As Usual 10
4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 9 + 4 + 3 + 43 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 5 = 96 = 0.09 k
0,09 k + 1,11 k = 1,2 k, soit 171 par jour

456 + 690 + 112 + 33 + 56 + 4 + 18 + 60 + 309 + 127 + 9 + 17 + 61 + 1 + 45 + 161 + 12 + 3 + 6 + 9 + 14 + 9 + 4 + 5 + 13 + 17 + 22 + 38 + 35 + 75 + 3 + 80 + 23 + 85 + 62 + 3 + 78 + 1 + 11 + 6 + 325 = 3098, soit 443 par jour
12 + 6 + 1 + 16 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 46 + 1 + 8 + 55 + 274 + 1 = 435, soit 62 par jour
Hong Kong
7 + 75 + 66 + 36 + 12 + 25 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 13 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 280, soit 40 par jour
29 + 48 + 32 + 32 + 28 + 34 + 39 + 12 + 2 = 256, soit 37 par jour
3 + 2 + 40 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 1 = 58
1 + 1 + 4 + 10 + 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 53
2 + 4 + 4 + 23 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 51
7 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 16 = 46

2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 36
31 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 36

3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 34

1 + 15 + 1 + 1 = 18
3 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 18

2 + 14 + 1 = 17
1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 16
1 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 7
1 + 3 + 3 = 7

2 + 4 = 6
4 + 1 + 1 = 6
Viêt Nam
2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6
Italie = 6

Pays de quatre vues
Brésil, Suède, Norvège = 12

Pays de trois vues
Corée du Sud, Serbie, Turquie = 9

Pays de deux vues
Bulgarie, Danemark, Japon, Arabie saoudite, Argentine, Thaïlande = 12

Pays d'une vue
Ouganda, Tchéquie, Cambodge, Lettonie, Portugal, MarocAfrique du Sud, Costa Rica, Malaisie, Kenya = 10

6 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 176 + 33 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 13 + 2 + 34 + 59 + 6 + 55 + 76 + 124 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 625

3098 + 435 + 280 + 256 + 58 + 53 + 51 + 46 + 36 + 36 + 34 + 18 + 18 + 17 + 16 + 12 + 12 + 10 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 625 = 5158 = 5,16 k
1,2 k + 5,16 k = 6,36 k, soit 909 par jour
8—9.IX.2024 (v. 20:00)
Truth Censored 19
8 + 25 + 84 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 12 + 10 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 12 + 17 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 16 = 253
Hong Kong
3 + 127 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 141
15 + 1 + 5 + 13 + 12 + 21 = 67
4 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 34
2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 12
Russie = 7
5 + 1 = 6
3 + 1 + 1 = 5
Pays de quatre vues
Autriche = 4
Pays de trois vues
Roumanie = 3
Pays de deux vues
Suède, République dominicaine, Maroc, Allemagne, Corée du Sud = 10
 Pays d'une vue
Canada, Inde, Taïwan, Turquie, Viêt Nam = 5
1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 35 + 1 = 70
253 + 141 + 67 + 34 + 12 + 10 + 70 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 5 = 617


79 + 290 + 39 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 11 + 21 + 2 + 3 + 17 + 9 + 19 + 38 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 13 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 48 + 8 + 5 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 46 = 723

Monday 9 September 2024

Les Évangélistes ont bon dos (pour les "défauts" des Catholiques)

Emmanuel Todd sur l'Évangélisme · Les Évangélistes ont bon dos (pour les "défauts" des Catholiques)

Est-ce que vous êtes le genre de Catholique qui attend les "trois jours sombres" et qui considère que l'État Israël est quelque part antichristique ? Est-ce que vous considérez déjà que la ville où "leur seigneur fut crucifié" est spirituellement Sodome et Égypte ?

Il y a des gens qui vous compare à ou même charactéristique comme un Évangéliste.

Sauf que les Évangélistes détestent (depuis le 7 Octobre, paraît-il) que vous êtes pro-Palestinien. Et les Palestiniens qui sont à côté de vous redoutent que vous n'êtes pas Musulman.

Est-ce que vous considérez que l'avortement est meurtre et que les avortements devraient être interdits par la loi ?

Le Patriarche Kirill peut avoir changé d'avis depuis, mais il a dit "interdire l'avortement, c'est de la Shariah chrétienne" ... et ceci est souvent associé à des Évangélistes.

Est-ce que vous valorisez la scolarité à maison ? Les Wunderlich et les Romeike sont Évangélistes, donc forcément vous aussi.

Est-ce que vous considérez que les couples mariés devraient faire beaucoup d'enfants ?

Les Duggars, Évangélistes, sont plus connus que les Cukierski, famille catholique polypédique.

Vous êtes contre le rock'n'roll (sinon toute version, au moins les plus dures), vous êtes contre les idéologies LGBTQ+ ?

Alors vous êtes forcément Évangéliste.

Vous considérez qu'il est comme il faut d'argumenter pour convertir quelqu'un ou, à défaut d'avoir d'amis suffisamment proches, pour convertir du monde ? Parce que c'est Jésus de Nazareth qui sauve et non la bonté naturelle, blessée par le péché originel ? Vous considérez que le premier couple, Adam et Ève étaient des personnes réelles ?

Peu importe si Session V du Concile de Trente vous donne raison. Peu importe si vous vous distancez réellement des Évangélistes par le fait de faire baptiser vos enfants, pour qu'ils soient libérés du péché mortel. Pour quelqu'un, vous êtes un Évangéliste.

Vous vous considérez obligé d'attendre avec certaines choses jusqu'au mariage et de vous abstenir de certains succédanés ?

Rebelote, pour quelqu'un, vous vous êtes documenté comme un Évangéliste.

Les Évangélistes peuvent être plus radicaux comme Protestants dans les choses liturgiques ou sacrementaux. Ils peuvent en certains cas être les plus radicalement pro-Zionistes ou anti-Catholiques. Par contre, en doctrine de foi ou en doctrine de morale, ils sont souvent (au moins après Billy Graham) davantage Catholiques que les Protestantismes plus "traditionnels" (Calvinisme, Luthéranisme, Anglicanisme). Et parfois que les Néo-Catholiques modernistes.

Ne vous faites pas gâcher la joie catholique d'avoir raison par quelqu'un qui vous traite d'Évangéliste.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Omer de Thérouanne

In territorio Tarvanensi, in Gallia, sancti Audomari Episcopi.

PS, encore des causes communes. Bien connu que des Évangélistes les défendent, voici des réponses de Catholiques dans ce sens :

L'omnipotence de Dieu.

La défense de violence dans l'Ancien Testament. (Challoner, Sanctius, Calmet, St. Augustin et Du Hamel cités, pour IV Rois, ch. 2, v. 24 — item par un probable Évangéliste américain).

Apologetics Related, English

All time views
Great Bishop of Geneva! 81,301 + somewhere else 136,310 + Creation vs. Evolution 483,996 + Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere 730,661 + HGL's F.B. writings 338,796 + Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl 347,463 = 2,118,527

PS, I tried to share this link on FB, this is what happened:

Sunday 8 September 2024

Bonum Festum Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Nativitas beatissimae semper Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae.

Truth Censored

I tried to leave a comment on this video:

Why Can Demons Break the Laws of Physics If We Can't? | Ask Me Anything
Jimmy Akin | 8 sept. 2024
Catholic Answers Live | September 6, 2024 Hour 2

I then briefly left for another video, to see if the comment would disappear when it was only one. It did.

Here is approximately what he had been saying when I commented:

34:45 — 36:12
Why can’t people break the law of physics when demons can? physics so I'm wondering why humans can't also break the laws of physics for example why can't like a human bend light okay um so I don't know that I would say the standard understanding is that demons can't break the laws of physics the concept of the laws of physics is something that um is post Scientific Revolution it's it's a fairly modern concept and how to ex how to discuss Supernatural events is something that people still debate in non-catholic circles particularly among atheists and stuff it's common to describe Miracles as occasions where the laws of nature are broken but competent theologians philosophers and apologists who have thought carefully about this don't tend to look at it that way um instead uh demons use abilities that humans don't have but that doesn't mean that they are breaking the laws of nature anymore than the fact birds can fly and humans can't fly means that birds are breaking the laws of nature birds are using the laws of nature they just have abilities to use those laws that humans don't ...

And I don't agree with my comments being deleted, especially on a video that was recorded on my birthday and then released on youtube the Nativity of Our Lady.

Jimmy Akin never goes into what those abilities are.

Why the hush hush?

The human soul has a direct rule of the own body, but it is not absolute. The soul cannot decide to cease breathing more than very little at a time. Any decision to move a limb and any thought that's rational affect the positions of either particles in the brain or of visible masses of tissue outside the brain or both. Yet, the electro-chemical processes go on without breaking the laws of electricity or chemistry.

An angelic being (demons being fallen angels) has similar rule over any body, having no body of his own (according to standard views of Scholastic philosophy). This involves the capacity of moving from one place to another, in either case. I can move my hand. An angel can move a bullet or the target of the bullet. For instance how Trump's head was moved the particular direction that led to a bullet hitting his ear, but not his brain. An angel could have done it either with the bullet or with Trump's head (in the latter case the one who would have the authority would be the guardian angel).

It is no harder for angels or demons to interfere in results by acts of their will affecting some movement of some body than for a human observer to do so by an act of his body, affecting the movements of a body not too heavy and not too fast moving. If I drop a pen, I can catch it before it hits the ground, and even if this leads it elsewhere than where gravitation and inertia would have otherwise led it, this doesn't affect the laws of gravitation and inertia. Gravitation presumably still is c. 10 m/s2 towards the centre of the earth, it's just that the interference of a hand interrupts the acceleration. It changes the result, but not the law.

It's incidental that the factor directly interfering with the fall of the pen is another physical force, wielded by the human soul, it's still not the laws of inertia and gravitation that make the pen stop.

Similarily, an angelic being moving the Sun around the Zodiac one circle each year, or another one that moves Venus in spirograph patterns around Earth, or yet another one performing the "annual aberration of starlight, annual parallax, and proper movements" (all being really a proper movement) of any given fix star, would be breaking no laws of gravitation or inertia, just helping to interfere with and finetune the results of these forces.

And God holding Earth in place and moving all stars of the Zodiac and of any constellation North or South of it around Earth and down to Oceanic currents, yes, that is certainly big time interference in the results, but it is still not breaking any of the physical laws, like objects on normal height (6.37 km above the centre) falling (when they fall) at an acceleration of c. 10 m/s2.

One might consider it as breaking such laws if "matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed" were a true law. I would say it is a postulate of Atheism. Clausius was the son of a Protestant clergyman, and in Germany at this time, this would typically imply theological liberalism (i e bordering on Atheism), and of his teachers, one was Jewish, most were Protestant, one of these was Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg who was a Kantian. And Kant had famously stated that while Theism holds in "the thing in itself" it doesn't appear in the world of phenomena. Indeed, even for "the thing in itself" it had to be more postulated than deduced. For the world of phenomena, Kant denied freewill. One could of course state that no material entity can change the quantity of matter and energy available, depending on them itself. But this does not imply similar limitations for immaterial entities. In the body, the human soul could only in microquantities do so, and therefore undetectably, but over reality as a whole, even detectable phenomena can directly relate to the act of will of a spiritual being, like God or an angel.

I would say my view is standard "modern scholasticism" (somewhere between Chesterton, his Jesuit mentors, his disciples C. S. Lewis and Tolkien, probably somewhere in Garrigou-Lagrange, probably somewhere in Sheed and Ward) when it comes to the causality. That Geocentrism, which beautifully applies this, has been, widely but not universally, abandoned is not a conclusion of scholastic principles, it's an influx of alien philosophy. Like the Kantian one. Here is St. Thomas:

I Pars. Question 110. How angels act on bodies
Article 3. Whether bodies obey the angels as regards local motion?

Objection 1. It would seem that bodies do not obey the angels in local motion. For the local motion of natural bodies follows on their forms. But the angels do not cause the forms of natural bodies, as stated above (Article 2). Therefore neither can they cause in them local motion.

Objection 2. Further, the Philosopher (Phys. viii, 7) proves that local motion is the first of all movements. But the angels cannot cause other movements by a formal change of the matter. Therefore neither can they cause local motion.

Objection 3. Further, the corporeal members obey the concept of the soul as regards local movement, as having in themselves some principle of life. In natural bodies, however, there is not vital principle. Therefore they do not obey the angels in local motion.

On the contrary, Augustine says (De Trin. iii, 8,9) that the angels use corporeal seed to produce certain effects. But they cannot do this without causing local movement. Therefore bodies obey them in local motion.

I answer that, As Dionysius says (Div. Nom. vii): "Divine wisdom has joined the ends of the first to the principles of the second." Hence it is clear that the inferior nature at its highest point is in conjunction with superior nature. Now corporeal nature is below the spiritual nature. But among all corporeal movements the most perfect is local motion, as the Philosopher proves (Phys. viii, 7). The reason of this is that what is moved locally is not as such in potentiality to anything intrinsic, but only to something extrinsic—that is, to place. Therefore the corporeal nature has a natural aptitude to be moved immediately by the spiritual nature as regards place. Hence also the philosophers asserted that the supreme bodies are moved locally by the spiritual substances; whence we see that the soul moves the body first and chiefly by a local motion.

Reply to Objection 1. There are in bodies other local movements besides those which result from the forms; for instance, the ebb and flow of the sea does not follow from the substantial form of the water, but from the influence of the moon; and much more can local movements result from the power of spiritual substances.

Reply to Objection 2. The angels, by causing local motion, as the first motion, can thereby cause other movements; that is, by employing corporeal agents to produce these effects, as a workman employs fire to soften iron.

Reply to Objection 3. The power of an angel is not so limited as is the power of the soul. Hence the motive power of the soul is limited to the body united to it, which is vivified by it, and by which it can move other things. But an angel's power is not limited to any body; hence it can move locally bodies not joined to it.

Pretty obviously, that's not how Kant or presumably Clausius viewed things. And due to them, and to their near Atheist views within a basically merely ritual Protestantism, the modern world has an élite which thinks it can and should dispense with understanding St. Thomas Aquinas or believing their eyes, and which is likely, as Jimmy Akin mentioned, to dismiss what we consider demons (or good angels) can do as "breaking laws of nature" when in fact it is no such thing.

It would be sad if Jimmy Akin had decided to, or agreed with others deciding to, censor my views as somehow uncatholic.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Our Lady's Navity

Nativitas beatissimae semper Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae.

PS, a comment was similarily taken away after I posted it under a video by Joe Heschmeyer. My one comment was about the Bible translation he was using, granting Protestants too much. Acts 4 vv. 27,28 doesn't have "had predestined" in either the Vulgate or the Douay Rheims.

On the wider theme of theodicy, I think I made a comment in Spanish somewhere. I'm not sure if Joe dealt with it properly or the last commenter was making a just remark. Joe's video is way longer than my essay .../HGL