Monday, 30 May 2016

Is there a conspiracy? How about 7-Eleven?

1) Is there a conspiracy? How about 7-Eleven? · 2) Are there Republicans in an Antichristian Conspiracy?

There is a series of shops sharing a franchise, called 7-Eleven.

Perhaps this is coincidental, perhaps not.

7+11 = 18.

Double 18, you get 36. Triangular number of 36 (as in 36+35+34+ ... +1) is 666.

So, let's not add the numbers.

Let's take instead a multiplication:


So far, so good.

Double that, you get 140+14 or 154.

Nothing suspicious about that, is there?

And you double that, you get 308. Do you begin to sense some danger?

300 doubled is 600. 8 doubled is 16. Yes, we were getting at 616.

But perhaps that is just after the hours they are open.

In 1946, in an effort to continue the company's post-war recovery, the name of the franchise was changed to 7-Eleven to reflect the stores' new hours of operation, which were unprecedented at the time. In 1969, 7-Eleven experimented with a 24-hour schedule in Austin, Texas, after an Austin store stayed open all night to satisfy customer demand.

And no real thought behind them being present in 18 countries (11+7) either? No.

You see, French wikipedia is wrong, English is right, it's just 17 countries.

But still funny they are in certain scandals about "defrauding the labourer about his wages", isn't it?* Whether they are in a Satanic conspiracy or not, they seem to be in a Capitalist one.

Besides, the real bad number would be related to some other Capitalist, an USURARIO (634 in ASCII Code and add a space or make an upper case letter lower case, you are adding 32). Or one at least pretended version of Anti-Capitalist, according to others State Capitalis. Namely a KOMUNIST (same as USURARIO).

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Felix I, Pope and Martyr

* Reitan Servicehandel Sverige has held the license in Sweden since December 1997. In the mid-1990s period, 7-Eleven in Sweden received adverse publicity due to the unfavourable labour contracts offered by its then-licensee, Small Shops, an American-based company, resulting in many stores being sold and closed down. For a time, there were only 7-Elevens in Stockholm and Gothenburg. 7-Eleven returned to the south of Sweden in 2001, when a convenience store opened in Lund. Later in the 2000s, the Swedish 7-Eleven chain was involved in controversy when the Swedish TV channel TV3 exposed widespread fraud on the part of Reitan Servicehandel in its management of the 7-Eleven franchise, which Reitan Servicehandel eventually admitted to on its website. // In the United States, many 7-Eleven locations previously had filling stations with gasoline distributed by Citgo, which in 1983 was purchased by Southland Corporation (50% of Citgo was subsequently sold in 1986 to Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., with the remaining 50% acquired in 1990). Although Citgo was the predominant partner of 7-Eleven, other oil companies are also co-branded with 7-Eleven, including Fina, Exxon, Gulf, Marathon, BP, Shell, Chevron (some former TETCO convenience stores were co-branded with Chevron, and Texaco prior to the 7-Eleven purchase in late 2012), and Pennzoil. Alon USA is the largest 7-Eleven licensee in North America. On September 27, 2006, 7-Eleven announced the impending cessation of its 20-year contract with Citgo and that the contract would not be renewed. 7-Eleven signed an agreement with ExxonMobil in December 2010 for the acquisition of 183 sites in Florida. This was followed by the acquisition of 51 ExxonMobil sites in North Texas in August 2011. // Exxon Mobil Corp. (ExxonMobil) is an American multinational oil and gas corporation headquartered in Irving, Texas. It is the largest direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, and was formed on November 30, 1999 by the merger of Exxon (formerly Standard Oil Company of New Jersey) and Mobil (formerly the Standard Oil Company of New York). // In August 2015, Fairfax Media and the ABC's Four Corners program reported on the employment practices of certain 7-Eleven franchisees in Australia. The investigation found that many 7-Eleven employees were being underpaid at rates of around A$10 to A$14 per hour before tax, well under the legally-required minimum award rate of A$24.69 per hour. Franchisees underpaying their staff would typically maintain rosters and pay records that would appear to show the employee being paid the legally-required rate, however these records would in fact only include half of the hours the employee actually worked in a week. Employees would then be paid on the basis of these records, resulting in them effectively being paid half the legally-required rate. It was also reported that workers were often not paid loadings and penalty rates that they are legally entitled to, for working overtime hours, nights, weekends, and public holidays. ...

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Personne n'avait organisé une manif contre Norvège et ses DDAS à Paris?

Tant pis.

Je peux juste dire que les DDAS des pays Scandinaves sont infernales (sans prétendre qu'elles soient toujours bonnes ailleurs)./HGL

Friday, 27 May 2016


K 75 70 5
O 79 140 14
N 78 210 22
S 83 290 25
T 84 370 29
A 65 430 34
N 78 500 42
T 84 580 46
I 73 650 49
N 78 720 57


Konstantin = Deutsch, German, Allemand + Svenska, Swedish, Suédois./HGL

URL 4 blogs

Publié en ligne!

1) Publié en ligne! · 2) Publié en ligne : Le passé : Science ou Tradition

Normalement, je publie mes choses en ligne et parfois je les republie sur papier.

Quand je fais la démarche inverse, je prend un cahier, écrit mon truc à main (en dehors des bibliothèques et cybers), couple les pages 8:1, 2:7, 6:3, 4:5 ; 16:9, 10:15, 14:11, 12:13 etc et ainsi de suite jusqu'à avoir un livre imprimable. Après, c'est une question délicate de trouver un scanner pour les publier.

C'est pourtant fait.

Voici les premières 8 pages*:

Géocentrisme, pp. 1-8
sur antimodernista
May 27, 2016 ~ antimodernista

Quelques exemplaires étaient déjà envoyés.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre Agora
St Bède le Vénérable

* La suite se trouve sur les messages prochains, j'ai eu soin que chaque message (il y en a 8) comprenne les deux côtés d'un même cahier d'imprimerie./HGL

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Il y a des quiproquo qui ont la vie dure, sur le Moyen Âge et sur l'Ancien Régime.

1) New blog on the kid : Il y a des quiproquo qui ont la vie dure, sur le Moyen Âge et sur l'Ancien Régime. · 2) HGL's F.B. writings : Chrétienté, clergé, abus, cathares, vassaux - un débat

Par exemple, il y a le quiproquo que le peuple n'apprenait rien, que "l'éducation" était strictement réservé à une élite.

On connaît mal les Ursulines, qui donnaient gratuitement un enseignement scolaire aux pauvres, soutenues par Madame de Maintenon, la deuxième épouse de Louis XIV. Ou les écoles de dessin, très utiles pour des futures artisans maîtres, gratuits sur l'initiative de Louis XVI. Opposées par les intérêts des maîtres en place, dénoncées comme gaspillage royal, réalisées à seul Paris.

Ou l'âge. Je viens de lire un nécrologue pour Laon, avec 80 décès. Le plus jeune, 31 ans. La plus vieille, 99 ans. Les quartiles étants 64/65 pour le bas, 79 au milieu, 87/88 en haut. Ce que j'ai vu pour moyen âge et l'ancien régime donne l'impression qu'alors chaque quartile avait une valeur une quartile plus basse: la moyenne comme la basse quartile de Laon, la haute comme la moyenne de Laon, le maximum vacillant entre haute quartile et maximum de Laon. Sauf les royautés du Moyen Âge qui mourraient plus jeunes encore un peu, quartile moyenne 56, comme Débussy. Je viens d'entendre un prétentieux (un travailleur social qui me prenait pour l'équivalent d'un cas, ça aide à devenir prétentieux pour l'occasion) qui parlait comme si 30 ans était un âge de décès tout à fait normale au Moyen Âge, mais pas plus que ce ne l'est maintenant quand Jérémy BERKANE est noté comme décédé à 31 ans.

Quand Dante décrit une occasion quand il avait 35 ans, il la décrit comme Nel mezzo del cammin' di nostra vita. Il se considérait comme pouvoir espérer un décès à 70 ans. Optimiste? De 6 ans, environ. Mais pas de 40 ans. Lui-même, "né entre la mi-mai et la mi-juin 1265 à Florence et mort le 14 septembre 1321 à Ravenne" (merci, la wiki!) a vécu 56 ans, comme Débussy.

Mais, le plus embêtant est à peu près ceci: on prétend que le latin fut choisi comme langue du clergé et du culte parce que, prétend-on, inaccessible au peuple. Hier j'essayais à répondre à un protestant quelque peu illuminé, qui ne me laissait pas vraiment la parole.

J'allais lui dire que jusqu'à 800, le latin liturgique en France était prononcé de manière d'être intelligible par le peuple. Cet an là, environ, on change la prononciation de manière que le latin soit intelligible par le clergé d'ailleurs. Il se jeta sur le mot clergé, comme si j'avais dit "pour le clergé plutôt que pour le peuple". Ce n'est pas l'histoire.

Essayons de détailler l'histoire un peu plus commodement pour les chers lecteurs. J'avais comparé l'état avant l'an 800 à celui du slavon liturgique. Mon interlocuteur ne connaissait pas. Il n'était pas un grand linguiste, parait-il, car il imaginait pouvoir se prononcer avec certitude sur le mot Hébreu traduit par "adorer" en Deutéronome 5:8-9 simplement en jetant un œil dans le lexique de Strong sur la racine. Il en avait conclu que chaque genre de culte d'images était interdit, je conclus moi-même qu'il n'était pas un grand hébraïste. Moi d'ailleurs non plus, mais j'ai confiance en les LXX qui ont traduit οὐ προσκυνήσεις αὐτοῖς οὐδὲ μὴ λατρεύσῃς αὐτοῖς. Et je sais que proskyneuein est un verbe désignant une prostration d'adoration et latreuein est le verbe retenu par le Concile de Nicée II pour désigner l'adoration, réservée à Dieu seul. Lui, il se considérait habilité à faire confiance à son non'expertise de l'Hébreu, pour conclure contre la traduction de l'église.

Or, si ceci est grave, du point de vue théologique, ce qu'il pensait sur le Moyen Âge et ce qui se passait réellement autour de 800 et 813 en France, ça représente une lacune de culture générale. Et il n'est pas le premier.

Parlons un peu du slavon. Je ne maîtrise pas cette langue. Mais je sais que le slavon est une même langue écrite à travers le monde Orthodoxe et Unié de certains pays de l'Est. Par contre, les prêtres bulgares le prononcent de manière bulgare, les prêtres serbes de manière serbe, les prêtres ukrainiens et rousines de manière ruthène, les prêtres russes de manière russe. En Roumanie avant le 16:ème Siècle (désormais ils utilisent le roumain du 16:ème Siècle, comme les Anglicanes utilisent l'anglais de 1611 et de 1549), là seulement, le slavon se prononçait d'une manière très proche des lettres, puisque la langue du peuple ne donnait pas une prononciation alternative aux mots.

Bon, tel était le cas pour le latin environ 800 aussi. Le latin en France est un latin proche de la prononciation populaire. C'est pour ça que les latinistes de nos jours ont mal à comprendre Grégoire de Tours et Frédégaire de Tours, puisque leurs chroniques font le texte quasiment à l'oreille, selon la grammaire populaire, sans de tenir trop compte de la grammaire latine.

Le premier verset de la Bible en latin s'écrit:

In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.

Entre Alcuin en 800 et St Nicolas du Chardonnet à nos jours, on le prononce à peu près:

ine prine-TCHI-pi-o cré-A-vite DÉH-ous TCHÊ-loume ette TERRE-rame

Variante, surtout en France et Allemagne TS au lieu de TCH pour le C avant voyelle palatale.

Avant Alcuin, j'exaggère peut-être un peu - j'y reviens - la prononciation était une prononciation du pays, comme pour le slavon.

hein prein-TSÎ-peu cré-A'T DIEUWS TSIEL ette TERRE-reu

Cette latinité était bien compréhensible pour le peuple. On devait peut-être demander "hein prein-TSÎ-peu, ts'ESTE KEI?" ("en principe, c'est quoi?"), mais le reste était compréhensible, on savait que dire "lou TSIEL" et "la TERRE-reu" ne se faisait pas dans la liturgie.

Or, quand du clergé d'ailleurs venait pour visiter, parfois ils avaient très mal à comprendre ce latin. Un homme se demanda si on avait baptisé en prononçant "et [de la] fille" plutôt que "et [du] Fils", puisque justement en France, Filii et "filiae" se prononçaient pareil.

Et du clergé en visite, ça existait. J'imagine que les Pentécôtistes ont leur clergé (sans ordination sacerdotale) souvent en visite des pays anglophones.

Or, à cette époque là, on demanda aussi l'aide d'un anglophone. Son latin était lettre par lettre, parce que pas contaminé par son anglais. Il s'appelait Alcuin et venait de York.

Quand il avait fait son œuvre, environ 800, le clergé d'Angleterre, d'Espagne, d'Italie et ainsi de suite pouvait encore une fois comprendre le latin du France, les seuls qui ne le pouvaient plus, c'étaient les français.

Et en l'an précis 813, on décide de les dédommager pour l'Évangile devenu incompréhensible en ajoutant un sermon en langue populaire. Après l'Évangile. À la fois traduction ou paraphrase du texte biblique et explication des choses qui pouvaient devoir être expliqués.

Cette histoire est aussi très instructive pour ceux qui imaginent que l'Église primitive avait obligatoirement un sermon en chaque culte de dimanche. On pouvait l'avoir, on pouvait ne pas l'avoir. Uniquement à partir de 813 il devient obligatoire en France - comme il avait certes été en Angleterre déjà avant.

Le latin avait été choisi environ 400 ans avant en faveur du grec, pour la compréhension du peuple, quand le grec cessait d'être compris en Occident (par contre à cette époque en Orient, le grec avait une allure carrément de langue liturgique, diverse de celle du peuple dans le quottidien), et la compréhension, pas l'occultation à été au centre des intentions en 800 et 813 aussi.

Mon interlocuteur d'hier était en plus un mauvais Bibliste.

Quand je lui avais dit que sur l'Aréopage St Paul n'avait pas dédaigné de parler de manière compréhensible pour les philosophes d'Athènes, il avait dit que là il avait dit qu'il préférait une langue intelligible.

Il me semble que mon interlocuteur avait confondu avec le texte dans les Corinthiens à propos la glossolalie : elle était restreinte à un ou deux (comme après le lecteur lit l'épître en latin et le prêtre ou diacre l'évangile en latin) et devait être traduite (comme après le prêtre traduit le latin de l'Évangile dans la langue rustique romane du sermon).

En plus, son critère, tel qu'il me le citait mal hier, n'aurait pas joué en faveur du français en 800 ou 813. Le français n'existait pas encore. Le Provençal et le français commencent à prendre existance quand le clergé commence à manier la langue rustique romane. Ce qui existait avant, c'étaient DES patois, pas UNE langue vulgaire. Un homme de Paris ne pouvait pas comprendre un homme de Marseille et à peine (ou après avoir fait la connaissance du Picard quelque temps) un homme de Beauvais. Le latin avait les mêmes avantages sur les patois en 800 et 813 que le français avait sur les patois en 1789.

D'ailleurs, la fameuse Ordonnance de Villers-Cotterêts en 1539 était précisément comme le Concile de Tours en 813 une décision d'utiliser le patois dans un contexte locale, le sermon du curé pour l'un et les procès devant le juge pour l'autre.

Ni l'une, ni l'autre exigeaient qu'il existe pour de vrai une langue française, comme à partir de l'Académie française. Mais il y avait vraiment davantage d'existance d'une langue à la fois "vulgaire" car non le latin et cultivé au delà du patois en 1539 qu'en 813.

Je viens de dire que j'exaggérais peut-être un peu sur la prononciation latine d'avant 800.

À en juger des Serments de Strasbourg, la langue populaire pouvait être un tantinnet plus proche de l'espagnol même en France, et peut-être ceci surtout dans la liturgie.

Hein prein-TSÎ-pyou cré-A-veute DIEUWS TSIEL ette TERRE-reu?

Un peu davantage de voyelle finales prononcées.

« Pro Deo amur et pro christian poblo et nostro commun salvament, d'ist di en avant, in quant Deus savir et podir me dunat, si salvarai eo cist meon fradre Karlo et in aiudha et in cadhuna cosa, si cum om per dreit son fradra salvar dift, in o quid il mi altresi fazet, et ab Ludher nul plaid nunquam prindrai, qui meon vol cist meon fradre Karle in damno sit. »

On se demande* si le réflexe du latin "damnum" était déjà "DAME-neu" ou encore peut-être "DAME-nou". Ainsi que pour "poblo".

On sait juste que ce que ces Serments écrivaient "damno" et "poblo" était ce qui était avant Alcuin, avant 800, la prononciation on ne peut plus correcte en France de l'écrit "damnum" et "populum" en accusatif ainsi que de "damno" et "populo" en ablatif et datif. La raison pourquoi Grégoire et Frédégaire de Tours utilisent les cas latins au singulier sans les bien distinguer.

Et de se dire après ceci "l'église catholique a décidé pour le latin plutôt que pour le français, pour que le peuple ne comprenne rien", c'est vraiment de montrer un maximum de barbarie et de manque de culture.

Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
Sépulture** de Pape St Grégoire VII
à Salerne

PS: j'avais presque oublié que l'homme citait les Universités où on "apprenait le latin". En fait, on devait avoir appris la latin avant d'aller à l'université. Ensuite, pas mal allaient quelques ans à l'université sans de devenir du vrai clergé. Certains devenaient des "clerici vagantes", souvent sans ordination, mais avec un savoir théologique et en culture générale. Pour ce qui est du latin liturgique, la décision était déjà prise à leur époque, car ...

L’université de Paris, par métonymie la Sorbonne, était l’une des plus importantes et des plus anciennes universités médiévales. Apparue dès le milieu du XIIe siècle, elle est reconnue par le roi Philippe Auguste en 1200 et par le pape Innocent III en 1215.

En plus, l'université était beaucoup plus démocratique à ses débuts qu'après. Avant le collège de la Sorbonne qui loge et nourrit des étudiants, ils se nourrissaient souvent en faisant la quête pendant les semestres. Encore aux temps de St Ignace de Loyola, pas sur collège Sorbonne, mais cet autre collège, Sainte Barbe, quand le recrutement était beaucoup plus restreint, lui et les autres ayant fait les vœux de Montmartre doivent faire la quête entre les semestres, pour financier les études./HGL

PPS: je voulais dire que les cas datif, ablatif et accusatif, Grégoire de Tours ne les distingue pas. Le nominatif est autre chose, il le distingue nettement des autres. Comme le faisait la langue populaire encore quelques siècles après, aux débuts de la Sorbonne, mais parmi les poëtes chevaleresques plutôt que les universitaires, ceux-ci préférant le latin. Quand même, 1200 est 400 ans après 800./HGL

* Et si "adiuta" du latin presque correct se prononçait "a-YOU-dheu" presque comme en espagnol de nos jours, ou "AÏ-you-dheu", un peu plus proche du mot "aide". ** J'imagine que c'est le sens de "depositio", autrement je suis un pire latiniste que j'espérais. Salerni depositio beati Gregorii Septimi, Papae et Confessoris, ecclesiasticae libertatis propugnatoris ac defensoris acerrimi.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Are Satanists Very Moral?

HGL's F.B. writings : 1) Marital Age and Teen Abortions ; 2) Previous Continued ; Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : 3) Continuing with BG, trying to bring in history, getting a few dialogues on moral issues. ; New blog on the kid : Are Satanists Very Moral?

I read a story by Matthew Lysiak (related to Hilda Lysiak, also a reporter).

As she calmly discusses what led her to the jail cell, she is handcuffed, dressed in an orange jumpsuit and sitting on a hard plastic chair in a small high-security visitation room at the Muncy Department of Corrections in central Pennsylvania. She is 19 but seems years younger, has a warm smile and speaks in a quiet, calm voice, just above a whisper. “People think I’m a monster, but I’ve done a lot of good.” She claims her murders spared “hundreds” of young girls from abuse. “The justice system doesn’t work, so I did what I did.”

That’s why she believes LaFerrara deserved to die. The 42-year-old electrical engineer from the small town of Port Trevorton, Pa., answered a Craigslist ad Miranda posted promising “companionship” in exchange for $100. On November 11, they met for the first time in her car in the parking lot of the Susquehanna Valley Mall. Hiding under a blanket in the backseat was her husband of just three weeks, Elytte Barbour.

Their plan was simple. As soon as Miranda said the code words “Did you see the stars tonight?” Elytte would leap from the backseat with a cord, wrap it around LaFerrara’s neck and choke him to death. But first, Miranda says, she wanted to give LaFerrara an out, so she told him she had lied about her age, that she had just turned 16. If he had done the right thing at that moment, she says, he would still be alive. “Instead, he told me that it was OK.” He still wanted to have sex with her.


She says she joined a satanic cult at the age of 12: “I kind of slid into it. But they weren’t just into Satan, there were into hating minorities too.” She insists Satanism has been a positive influence in her life and helped her harness that darkness inside of her—most of the time. “I worship a dark entity,” she explains, “but just because it is dark doesn’t mean that it is bad.”

From : Newsweek, U.S. : Exclusive: Craigslist Killer Miranda Barbour Tells How and Why She Killed
By Matthew Lysiak On 4/28/14 at 5:59 AM

  • She is a Satanist or former such without really regretting that past.
  • She believed a man who wanted sex with a 16 year old girl deserved to die, because that is in her book child abuse.
  • She trapped a man, not telling him she was married.
  • Nevertheless, she is more moral than modern society, since this suspicious and hate was in her case provoked by having been molested for real : if she cannot deal with a man wanting sex with a 16 year old girl, it's not just rumours about what "pedophilia" (that useless since ambiguous word) means, it is also a trauma, she has an experience which does not quite allow her to think it all over dispassionately.
  • She is also somewhat kinder, insofar as she did not torture her victims. Shrinks and police, dealing with a man they consider pedophile (again, useless word, since ambiguous, and often misapplied even in the most innocent meaning that modern society turns into a guilt, through association with other meanings), can rob someone of years of his life. And they too can think normal justice doesn't work, they have to trap someone.

Does this mean she is a good person?


It means modern society is madder than she. She is a nearly sane parody of what society is doing these days.

To Christians who support that ideology, it should come as a warning signal that she was into Satanism. What are they into?

Some seem to think they can pacify an agressive world, angry about "pedophile priest scandals" by showing a total hysteria about anyone and anything that can be labelled "pedophile", even if not immoral in Catholic teaching.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre University Library
St Vincent Martyr

Index XII FR, Pâcques à Très Sainte Trinité, 2016

Ce message est une sous-page de mon Index Indicum.

En arrière En avant
Index XI en français : Chandeleurs à Pâques 2016 Index XIII FR, de Pentécôte à l'Octave de l'Assomption 2016

Sanctum et Felix Festum Paschale · Bonum Festum Ascensionis Domini · Bonum festum Pentecostes · Bonam Secundam Feriam Festi Pentecostes · Bonam Feriam Quartam Quattuor Temporum et Pentecostes · Bonam Quintam Feriam Pentecostes · Bonam Feriam Sextam Quattuor Temporum et Octavae Pentecostes · Bona Sabbata Quattuor Temporum et Octavae Pentecostes · Sanctum Festum Sacratissimae Trinitatis

Regalista quidam appropinquans mensae dixit


Moins drôle : me sabote-t-on mon oeuvre? · Le problème à Bibliothèque Universitaire de Nanterre est réglé · Ou, le problème était réglé (ça recommence)

Réponse une année en retard à l'homélie pascale d'un prétendu évêque de Paris

Est-ce que les Créationnistes sont une secte? · Créationnisme francophone toujours ignoré

La psychiatrie, s'arrange-t-elle pour avoir des cas?

"Abbaye du Barroux - Huile d'olive de notre moulin"

Sur Donativo, un point pratique

Si les esprits ne viennent pas aux médiums, pourquoi ça marche?

La Russie, surveille-t-elle les autres lecteurs de mes blogs?

Le Code ASCII, est-il idiot comme base de gématrie?

Il y a des gens qui imaginent que je prêche.

Index XII ENG, Easter to Holy Trinity 2016

This post is a sub-page to Index Indicum

Back On
Index XI English : Candlemass to Easter 2016 Index XIII English - Pentecost to Octave of Assumption 2016

Sanctum et Felix Festum Paschale · Bonum Festum Ascensionis Domini · Bonum festum Pentecostes · Bonam Secundam Feriam Festi Pentecostes · Bonam Feriam Quartam Quattuor Temporum et Pentecostes · Bonam Quintam Feriam Pentecostes · Bona Sabbata Quattuor Temporum et Octavae Pentecostes · Sanctum Festum Sacratissimae Trinitatis

Must one have experience, ideally collective, before publishing sth?

Time to Celebrate Atheism! · In case you didn't get it, yesterday, it was April 1:st

Someone got it wrong on Crisis Mag?

Somewhat Blocked in China

Spiritual works of mercy:

Highly Recommended Reading : OSN · Is Democracy Dying? · Recall OSN I recommended?

Did Fifty Odd Readers from Elsewhere Make a Pilgrimage to Holy Land?

What are they Saying of Amoris Laetitia?

I was Wrong about GWB's Second War

Some Say Archbishop Lefèbvre Incurred Excommunication "latae sententiae" by unauthorised Episcopal Consecrations in 1988

Tower of Babel and Moon Landing Was eating the forbidden fruit a venial sin?

Two Links from Info-Wars

Cervantes and Shakespear (Link)

A National Socialist Gave Marrano Jews the Ultimate Compliment

Abbey Roads took a stylish farewell from Prince (Link)

Could Paul Nicholson by any chance be referring to me?

I wasn't tagged, but here goes anyway (OK, perhaps I was, after all

The message is not being sufficiently preached that no one is created by God as a homosexual. - Michael Voris

On "COEXIST" (link)

On Donativo, a Practical Point

Also wishing an end to CPS, as they are

1) Creation vs. Evolution : In Today's Article on Maxwell, CMI Linked Back to an Oldie · 2) Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : What Cusa Really Said · 3) New blog on the kid : Everything a Giant Miracle? Why, Yes!

On Bergoglio and Russia, Links, With a Commented update

Can networks go after people who are NOT Presidents?

Even Zionist Leaning Catholics realise there was a Naqba, somehow (link)

Is there a Nimrod around anywhere?

Peace, and there is no peace (Ezechiel 13)?

In Case Anyone Suspects me of being a Harry Potter Fan, I am not (Link)

I thought I had written my main blog enough this day after the Pentecost Octave wishes

Is this a Catholic Practise?

Creation Ministries International and One Critic were Not Clear on Who had been Hateful

Perfidie autour des jeunes?

Hier une jeune fille et une copine d'elle m'ont aidé.

Fort bien à propos de ça.

Au moins elle-même était étudiante universitaire, pas mineure donc.

Il me semble que c'était le cas pour l'autre aussi.

Au moment qu'elle m'a donné à manger, elle allait me monter une lampe. Elle n'est pas venue.

Elle n'avait rien contre l'idée de me donner un café et qqc à manger le matin. Elle n'est pas venue le matin.

J'avais essayé d'expliquer la situation à propos l'impression de livre ... je cite un article d'avant, fait n° IV:

Un peu plus tard ce matin [c'était Sts Jacques et Philippe, Apôtres, 11.V.2016], j'essaie de faire les impressions que j'avais payé en avance, on me refuse l'entrée par rapport à mon bagage, même si c'était uniquement pour le temps de faire les impressions, même si je restais à côté de mon bagage.

Le patron d'un bureau de copy-self me renvoie là où j'avais acheté la carte prépayé, et là on me refuse aussi d'imprimer, mais m'offre de me rembourser la carte.

Bon, j'ai refusé.

Voir aussi l'image de la carte préachetée en bas du message cité.

Elle avait compris comme si mon problème était manque d'argent pour imprimer. Entre-temps que copy-self me pose ce truc contre l'utilisation de ce que j'ai acheté par propre argent, il y a, par contre, un "manque" temporaire d'argent, puisque l'argent que j'ai dépensé pour la carte est bloqué, prendre l'offerte n'aurait pas été malhonnête.

Elle n'est pas venue ce matin, comme dit. Mais en plus, elle avait mémorisé mon courriel, et elle n'a pas non plus écrit de mail.

Réconstruction possible : ses parents se sont réveillés, ils l'ont interrogée, ensuite interdite d'avoir quoi que ce soit à faire avec moi.

Motif? Un certain réseau prétend que je serais manipulateur et un danger pour les jeunes, c'est au moins une possibilité.

J'ai eu en faisant la manche de quoi remplir une autre carte photo-copies, mais les jeunes ont absenté très soigneusement de s'approcher et de noter mes url, sauf une.

On harcèle peut-être les jeunes de ne rien avoir à faire avec ce que je publie sur le web et essaie de publier aussi sur papier.

Dans ces conditions, on m'empêche quasiment à faire ma vie comme écrivain et compositeur. En pratique. On m'empêche surtout de trouver une femme plus jeune que moi-même (essentiel si je veux avoir une grande progéniture, non?). On m'empêche d'avoir une compagnie qui montre ce que je ressens comme sympathie, et on me donne, au moins sur place, une position où je dois me contenter avec des moins jeunes, moins féminins (voir pas féminins du tout) et ironiques, sans ce que je pourrais trouver comme sympathie. On me prive donc en pratique de vie amicale comme sexuelle, familiale comme professionnelle.

Il y a des gens pour qui le fait de me mettre en contact avec une fille de 24 paraîtrait aussi malhonnête comme si j'avais essayé de violer une fille d'onze ans. Je considère moi-même que si j'avais eu l'opportunité d'épouser une fille de 12, ça n'aurait pas été malhonnête, une fille de 24 n'est pas mal non plus, d'amis dans un âge quand il y a encore un peu de curiosité amicable et bien-veillante n'est pas mal en dehors de ça ... mais ce que je trouve en lieu de ça, c'est un puritanisme divorcé de la loi divine, de la loi de l'église, de l'humanité et ses traditions, et une décision de jouer chaque carte de perfidie et de se dire, mutuellement, parmi ma génération, celle qui m'a trahi en Suède quand on était jeunes, qu'on protège la jeunesse d'un prédateur et manipulateur.

Ceci est biensûr une perfidie énorme.

Et en plus de me priver de la liberté, on prive la jeunesse de liberté aussi. Audelà de l'âge de mineurs.

Va-t-elle avoir occasion à lire ce que j'allais copier avec son aide à Paris III/Sorbonne, comme elle avait offert?

Il y en a qui voudraient l'empêcher de ça.

Et il y en a qui sont plus vieux qui prétendent rien ne comprendre envers moi, qui, envers des jeunes, prétendent tout comprendre sur moi.

Et, enfin de compte, à propos l'essai qu'on m'imposait chez Les Petits Frères des Pauvres (à travers un autre sans-abri), je ne confonds pas Chostakovitch, variations sur un thème de Paganini, avec Mozart. Je pensais juste à une similitude en théorie musicale, ce thème comme Non più andrai farfallone amoroso sont basés sur une sexte descendante. Différence étant celle entre majeur et mineur. Et de tempo. Juste en cas que quelqu'un aurait voulu prendre cette conversation là comme indice que je ne pourrais pas être le compositeur dont les compositions bien licites et légitimes se trouvent sur mon blog de compositions, musicalia - où la dernière composition, une mélodie nouvelle pour Rosa rorans, pourrait donner à certains Scandinaves, plus proches des services de protection de l'enfance et de la jeunesse, notamment de Norvège, que de leurs victimes, un mobile de procéder avec une perfidie exquise contre moi. À cause du dédicace.

Si des jeunes lisent ceci, et s'indignent, je recommande de faire partie de la manif contre les services (ou sévices) de "protection" (sic!) d'enfance et de jeunesse, le 28 mai. Le 17, quand j'ai fini la composition, j'aurais voulu faire une petite manif moi-même avec mon blog suéco-phone, scandino-phone, à côté de l'ambassade de Norvège. D'autres avaient probablement eu la même idée, la police avait interdit les métro à s'arrêter à École Militaire à cause d'une manif. Je n'ai pas vérifié, mais si l'ambassade de Norvège est proche de l'École Militaire, je ne serai pas surpris.

Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre
St Manahen et Ste Jeanne la femme de Husa*

* Antiochiae natalis sancti Manahen, qui fuit Herodis Tetrarchae collactaneus, atque, Doctor et Propheta exsistens sub gratia novi Testamenti, in eadem urbe quievit.

Item beatae Joannae, uxoris Chusae, procuratoris Herodis, quam Lucas Evangelista commemorat.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Bona Sabbata Quattuor Temporum et Octavae Pentecostes

lectoribus Christi fidelibus exopto./HGL

Creation Ministries International and One Critic were Not Clear on Who had been Hateful

I saw this today:

CMI : Wagging a finger at creationists
Published: 21 May 2016

W.L. in US
I was talking about how slow the evolutionary process is compared to time scales that humans are used to dealing with on an open forum recently and you wouldn't believe the hateful replies I got from some creationists.

Keaton Halley
Since we weren’t privy to the conversation, we have no way of knowing whether your assessment of the replies is accurate. Sadly, in our culture, the “hater” charge is often recklessly leveled against those who show the slightest firmness in their response, even if they do so in love, as the Bible defines that term (1 Corinthians 13:4–13). But, if these people were genuinely “hateful”, then they were acting inconsistently with the teachings of Jesus, who told us to love not just our neighbors, but even our enemies (Matt. 5:44).

Close up:

W.L. in US
... on an open forum ...

Keaton Halley
Since we weren’t privy to the conversation, we have no way of knowing ...

Conclusion about forum conversation:
If the forum was open, W.L. could easily have linked to the thread.

Also, he could have documented by copy-pasting the arguments or posts in order, reposting on a blog of his.

That is the best way of knowing who has been hateful, unless anything is forged on his blog, and as long as forum is open and as a comment once in place cannot be edited, that is easy.

If comments can be edited, the one who has been hateful could leave the hateful words there for some time and then edit them away to a civilised comment.

If forum is not open, outsiders cannot check.

Now, there is a thing about the feedback rules of CMI.

They say they don't allow links, won't publish comments having such. Perhaps W.L. could not link or his link was edited out because of that.

Or perhaps some forum admin had deleted the thread (though W. L. doesn't say so).

These problems are one major reason why I try to copy debates I think important, and as important themes are usually not personal - at least not about others involved, or I can anonymise those who could be personally exposed - I am basically giving my adversaries in debates exposure to their ideas.

Only, I am giving it along exposure to my criticism of their ideas.

That is what blogs like these are about, in English and other languages:

HGL's F.B. writings

Correspondence de / of / van Hans Georg Lundahl

And in English alone:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

Though on this one I also simply comment on one or several aspects of a video, without first getting into debate, and when I do both on same video, usually it's for different posts.

Similar blogs to this last one are there in French:

Répliques Assorties

And in German:

Antworten nach Sorte

For Swedish and Spanish (best and worst of my usuable languages) I tend to do it on the language specific blog, so far no debate specific blogs for those languages:

Débat om skolpligten
på bloggen På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism

Sostén sectario a Bergoglio en el grupo Exorcismo Católico
en el blogue En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones

And in case you wonder about morality behind this thing, some few times people mind getting quoted without permission:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : I was Given Advice …

But if someone thinks of the economic aspect, well, I have thought of being honest about that too:

Copyright issues on blogposts with shared copyright
on Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

I think my method actually makes for more honesty than the method which either W. L. or possibly even Keaton Halley is using.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Ember Sabbath
of Pentecost Octave

Friday, 20 May 2016

Is this a Catholic Practise?

I tried to access a blog I had seen on a profile. Here is what happened:

This blog is open to invited readers only

It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog. If you think that this is a mistake, you might want to contact the blog author and request an invitation.

If the URL says Father Fromageot, it might be a blog held by a priest. Such a thing should normally not be secret. We are not Jews or Freemasons, in the Catholic Church!/HGL

Bonam Feriam Sextam Quattuor Temporum et Octavae Pentecostes

lectoribus Christifidelibus exopto./HGL

Il y a des gens qui imaginent que je prêche.

Non, j'écris. Une différence est déjà le médium, parole écrite par contraste d'avec parole parlée.

Mais j'écris comme un écrivain indépendant, pas comme un prêcheur en train d'écrire pour l'instant plutôt que de le faire à l'orale.

L'église à laquelle j'appartiens, l'Église Catholique, peut me juger, mais n'est pas mon patron ou chef dans le sens professionnel.

Ça veut aussi dire que la tâche de prêcher, étant une tâche très haute et élévée, consistant à catéchiser sur toute la doctrine et à exhorter à toute la vertu, n'est pas la tâche que j'accomplis.

Je suis apologiste à mes heures, pas missionnaire à plein temps. On attaque une doctrine que je sais catholique, et j'ai les moyens, je la défends, mais je suis en train de me mettre à écrire et je ne vois pas une attaque contre l'église ou sa tradition, j'écris sur autre chose. Pas forcément religieuse.

Il y a des cultures dans lesquelles ça n'existe pas. En certains endroits du Bled ou de la steppe de Sibérie, pour l'un, si on n'est pas imam, pour l'autre si on n'est pas prêtre, moine, moniale ou fol-en-Christ, on évite de parler des choses religieuses.

Il y a une raison, et la raison est que dans ces endroits il y a historiquement eu peu de culture générale hormis le clergé. Ici on est à Paris, et la culture à la fois générale et théologique abonde. Bon, en ce moment précis je suis à Nanterre, ce n'est pas très loin. Et en ce cas, un laïc cultivé peut très bien pas juste écrire, mais aussi écrire sur des thèmes religieux sans être du clergé de sa religion.

En mon cas, j'ai dû défendre la religion chrétienne à l'école, il y a eu qui ne supportaient pas le créationnisme, et je me suis mis à devenir apologète. Et comme apologiste j'ai dû étudier les questions, c'est pour ça que je me suis converti en catholique.

Si vous voulez un catéchisme complet plutôt de vous informer sur un des thèmes où la foi et les mœurs de l'église sont beaucoup attaquées, là où je pourrais de temps en temps servir, je vous recommande d'acheter un bon catéchisme.

Genre celui de St Pie X:

éditions Clovis : Catéchisme de saint Pie X

Il y a ces parties:

- Les Premières notions pour les petits enfants en bas-âge.
- Le Petit catéchisme, pour les enfants avant leur première communion.
- Le Grand catéchisme pour les plus grands.
- L'Instruction sur les principales fêtes de l'Eglise
- Un petite histoire de la religion.

Puisque à une époque il y avait deux volumes, j'ai lu les trois derniers, seulement.

Si vous parlez le latin, surtout médiéval, je vous offre une liste de propositions condamnés avec mes notes en bas de page:

Index in stephani tempier condempnationes
sur En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones

La même liste se trouve en appendix de l'édition de David Piché, son édition en principale est la liste dans l'ordre original, pas en ordre systmétique comme ici, et il donne aussi une traduction française en parallèle, comme le font les éditions Budé pour les classiques plus connus.

La condamnation parisienne de 1277
David Piché, ‎Claude Lafleur, ‎Etienne Tempier - 1999

Notez que l'œuvre de l'évêque Tempier lui-même est du Moyen Âge, donc, elle est en soi en domaine libre.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre Université
Vendredi de Quatre-Temps
en Octave de Pentecôte

Thursday, 19 May 2016

I thought I had written my main blog enough this day after the Pentecost Octave wishes

and I did write on another blog (btw, if I write on some blog of mine nearly every day, it is not always this main one, some are other languages and some are thematic).

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Four Rivers

But, I was wrong.

The following theological fault was for this main blog:

Pope: Exploiting workers for profit is a mortal sin

The problem is not "exploiting" but over-exploiting. The problem is not making a profit, but leaving too little for worker to live on, whether in money or - apt theme for France now! - in free time.

Pope Francis

In other words, Bergoglio.

says employers who exploit their workers for their own profit are committing a mortal sin. During his morning homily Thursday, Francis said such labor exploitation is a modern-day form of slavery. He said those who exploit workers are no different than the human traffickers of the past who enslaved Africans and sold them in the Americas.

So nearly right and so utterly wrong.

For one thing, some people will take the real human traffickers of the Western World - the shrinks, the psychiatrists, and also much of the time child welfare - and compare them to "masters". You know, Bible says owning slaves or keeping servants is not enough to get damned by.* But stealing free men to make them slaves is.**

Bergoglio makes opposite error. He is comparing people who are basically "masters" - in modern terms employers - to menstealers, trafickers.

Sometimes the employers do somwhat behave that way, sometimes employers of such endorse menstealers of such others, but that is not inherent in the role as such. Nor in the fact of making a profit of someone else's work.

The problem is when the profit becomes in any way excessive - at the cost of customers, competitors or, most relevant for this case, the employees.

And that is not automatically the case every time a man who owns a company and sells 100 items of merchandise takes more for himself than for each of his employees, after taking some for new raw materials or upkeep of production equipment.

It becomes the case if, for instance, his remuneration of them is so poor they no longer have a hope of by good work becoming proprietors themselves, or that they cannot afford to use marriage in a natural way, without resorting to either "NFP" or hideous sins, or when the free time he gives them is not sufficient for religious duties, duties at home and ideally also starting a new company in some other line of business, if so wanting too. Or if they work so long hours that exhaustion makes for excessive risks of accidents.

Better to hire someone for shorter hours and if needing more hours to be done in your factory, hire someone else too. But the mere fact of making a profit, as such, is not a mortal sin.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre University Library
Thursday in Pentecost Octave

* Ephesians 6 [verses 5 to 8 adresses duties of servants - applicable to employees - and verse 9 those of masters, applicable to employers]. ** See "menstealers" in 1 Timothy 1 [verses 9 to 10].

Bonam Quintam Feriam Pentecostes

lectoribus Christi fidelibus exopto./HGL

Not an Ember Day

In Case Anyone Suspects me of being a Harry Potter Fan, I am not (Link)

See my comments, from today, under this post:

Dymphna's Road : Father Costigan has guts
Saturday, April 09, 2011 | Posted by Dymphna at 9:41 PM

There she links to:

Courageous Priest : How Harry Potter Corrupts Our Children

I haven't read that post yet, but as you can judge from my own comments (I am not an HP fan, no), I don't doubt he's right./HGL

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Bonam Feriam Quartam Quattuor Temporum et Pentecostes

Christi fidelibus exopto./HGL

Peace, and there is no peace (Ezechiel 13)?

“We expect the message of peace to be heard. That instead of creating various anti-terrorist coalitions, alienated with deep-rooted contradictions and fraught with unpredictable consequences, there would be only one such alliance,” he noted.

Metropolitan Hilarion emphasized that such coalition could not be made up only of politicians.

“Spiritual leaders and other people of good will should go into it.”

The first-ever face-to-face talk between two of the major leaders of the Christian world does not mean that the dialogue has just started, Metropolitan Hilarion stressed.

“It means the dialogue has entered a new stage of augmented intensity.”

World needs single antiterrorist coalition – Russian Orthodox Church spokesman
Published time: 25 Feb, 2016 10:17

A bill to "tackle extremism in all its forms" includes a proposal to silence extremist speakers with civil orders and to scrutinize "unregulated education settings." Details of the measures will be closely watched by free-speech groups.

Sugar tax, spaceports meet pageantry in UK Queen's Speech
May 18, 2016 on Mail dot com

The lights went out without so much as a flicker in the Moscow apartment shared by Andrei Barabanov, his mother and girlfriend one evening in late May four years ago. Thinking the fuse box must have blown, Barabanov's mother Tatyana unlocked the front door to step out into the corridor.

At that point, a team of eight officers of Russia's OMON riot police and a heavyset investigator stormed into their home. "It was like a scene from the movies," says Tatyana. "As if they were arresting a high-profile criminal."

Andrei Barabanov was dragged out of the apartment barefoot, then thrown into the back of a police van. An OMON officer's foot pressed his head down onto the floor. He remembers thinking to himself: "Andrei, you won't see your home for another four years." His calculation wasn't far off: It would be three years and seven months before he would return to his own bed.

His crime had been to participate in a protest rally several weeks earlier on central Moscow's Bolotnaya Ploshchad. The rally was the culmination of an anti-Kremlin protest movement that had gained momentum in late 2011 following disputed parliamentary elections. It spilled over into 2012, when Vladimir Putin secured a third term as president.

Jailed for Protesting Against the Kremlin — Life 4 Years After Bolotnaya
By Eva Hartog | May. 13 2016 20:26 | Last edited 20:26

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the annual elaborate Victory Day military parade in Red Square, says Russia wants to help build an international security system that transcends military blocs.

See more at:

Video acc. to subtitles from 0:44

We are ready to work on a modern, no-bloc system of … sorry, some buttons hid the subsequent subtitles.

Back to Indian Express:

Putin’s short speech on Monday also warned against “unacceptable double standards that shortsightedly indulge those who are nurturing new criminal plans.”

He made no specific accusations but both the accusation of double standards and the call for a “non-bloc system of international security” echo Russia’s frequent criticism of the West and the NATO alliance.

See more at:

Who do you think you are kiddin’ Mister Putin?

Theme Song from Dad's Army
(Jimmy Perry / Taverner)

Sorry, I thought the song was from back in 1930’s, when Hitler looked at Sudetenland, with perhaps more reason than Putin and Kirill are doing now.

It’s from “Dad’s army”, a TV comedy about WW-II.

At the end of which, Red Army brought freedom, even domination, to some, but abject misery and slavery to others.

That is the reason there was a NATO.

And if Putin pretends to be dreaming of a world without military blocks, perhaps he is preferring BRICS?

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

What’s the difference between blocks and bricks? Building is done with either. But Putin likes the one and detests the other. For some reason. Or other.


Monday, 16 May 2016

Bonam Secundam Feriam Festi Pentecostes

lectoribus Christi fibelibus exopto.

Is there a Nimrod around anywhere?

MrVD ... IN

Now turn the IN around in a half circle to join:


Nimrud is Arabic for Nimrod.

WLADIMIR PUTIN is the man fitting above description of name who is at present most known./HGL

PS, Nimrod was son of Kush, Putin basically means nephew of Kush. If Phuth was daughter rather than son of Cham.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Bonum festum Pentecostes

Christi fidelibus exopto./HGL

Le Code ASCII, est-il idiot comme base de gématrie?

On n'utilise pas le code ASCII pour compter, comme on fait avec les valeurs numériques des lettres de l'alphabet hébreu, ainsi grec, ainsi le slavon (basées sur les valeurs grecs) et ainsi de suite.

Pourtant, quand dans un discours l'évêque de Meaux, à propos je ne sais plus quel nom, disait que "mais ça, c'est en chiffres romains, ce qui est moins sûr puisque toutes les lettres n'ont pas de valeurs numériques" (ou quelque chose comme ça, il ne disait pas "valeurs numériques", c'est une phrase plus récente que son temps, et j'ai oublié son expression exacte).

Or, avec le Code ASCII, l'alphabet latin a enfin une valeur numérique pour chaque lettre. Ou deux, une pour le majuscule, une pour le minuscule.

D'où ça? Est-ce quelque part exact? Oui. Comme on sait, chaque opération d'un ordinateur est dirigé par des suites de nombres binaires. Y compris donc le choix exact de signe visible sur l'écran ou après l'imprimante.

A 01000001 64 et 1 font 65
B 01000010 64 et 2 font 66
C 01000011 64 et 2 et 1 font 67
a 01100001 64 et 32 et 1 font 97
b 01100010 64 et 32 et 2 font 98
c 01100011 64 et 32 et 2 et 1 font 99
d 01100100 64 et 32 et 4 font 100

Donc, non, le code ASCII n'est ni farfelu, ni ésotérique en quoi que ce soit, c'est une chose utilisée communément, chaque jour par des millions. Certes, la plupart en sont inconscients des valeurs numériques, mais celles-ci sont consultables en ligne (et certes dans des livres aussi).

Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XI
Jour de Pentécôte

Friday, 13 May 2016

Even Zionist Leaning Catholics realise there was a Naqba, somehow (link)

Help the Christians
Posted by Dymphna at 3:02 PM | Saturday, January 01, 2011
on Dymphna's Road

Can networks go after people who are NOT Presidents?

Olof Palme was not a President, but Prime Minister in a country which had a no-politics kingship, Sweden, and governments doing the actual governing. There was a police investigation which targetted a loner, without any network, and the court acquitted him. No other suspect has come up in officially known speculations since.

There have been speculations that the real killers were a network. Conspiracy theories, of course. Who'd belive such a thing? It's like saying there was a network behind assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy and the culprits named (unlike the Swedish case not acquitted) were just loners.

Anna Lind was killed by a Serbian. An Orthodox priest said "one word was not named in the court proceedings : Kosovo". The "lone killer" was a Serbian and Anna Lind (as foreign minister or sth) had supported the war in Kosova, against the Serbian side. To many, since Belgrade was bombed, that means simply against the Serbs. Though Anna Lind would have denied that, no, she is politically correct, she didn't go after any nation, she was just against atrocities.

No network behind her killer either, or so they would say. Her killer was put in mental hospital.

That fact has of course strengthened security people's suspicion of lone madmen. Though psychiatry did not prevent Anna Lind from getting killed.

Psychiatry also has a certain way of interrogating (which, as in the case of a man having spent several years in forensic psychiatry seems to have led him to false confessions ... he's now a free man, after confessing to recall and be ready to admit after psychoanalysis facts which technical investigation knew to be false. In previous cases he had presumably admitted things they knew to be accurate.

So, psychiatry could be a way of interrogating the Serbian who killed Anna Lind.

It is also a way to hush up any admissions he could make which are not welcome to the set - patients "can be incoherent", and that can be explanation for any admission or explanation he makes, however true, which does not suit them.

BUT, I have so far not answered the question.

Lincoln, Kennedy, Palme, Anna Lind, in that order, were all top politicians.

Of course they have a reason to have security. Of course they have a reason to keep an eye on ... was it networks or lone madmen, again? I think their security people are looking at both.

But if someone was not a top politician, or very rich, or very famous, he has no need to worry about attracting illwill, right?

Well ... Salman Rushdie was hardly over famous before a certain fatwa was publically pronounced.

He was a writer. He was considered to have blasphemed Islam, by claiming one occasion their prophet Mohammed (and peace is not on or in his name, but God bless some decent people who wish that!) had revelations from the devil. I recently heard, this is taken from actual official history. By Muslims themselves, among other things. Perhaps true, perhaps not, so far I have only one source.

I think he blasphemed Christianity by claiming Mohammed received revelations from God the rest of the time.

Now, he is claiming there is a network after him.

Of course, he can point to a fatwa about it. And to attempts already having been made.

I think there is a fatwa about me. Not to kill me, but to treat me as a madman. And it's not official. Now, Muslims are, most of the time, very kind to people they consider as madmen. But they stop them from doing what they want to do, in case they think it dangerous.

There can be other things involved in their decisions too.

If there is one. It could be just a false conclusion, according to what you know, and I can't force you to trust my accumulated experience of it.

There seems to be, since I sent the Mosque of Paris, a few years ago, a list of links over things I had written about Muslims - so they should not go paranoid over me being a "secret" blogger (while they are not enthusiastic over my attempts of promoting my blogs as openly as I can, either). And the Mosque of Paris did not write me back. But punctual kindnesses from Muslims increased, and so did obstacles to blogging, or a bit more recently, to printing blogs or handwritten booklets in book format.

But, they have not posed death threats to me, or at least if one or two did, apart from one occasion in prison, where they had baited me to say what I thought of Mohammed (after Swedish authorities had ignored my call of not being put among Muslims, they offered me the "sick bay" of the prison, I refused, then after some month this happened.)

On that occasion one of them conspicuously accused the others of the death threat (I am not sure they asked me if I was suicidal, the guys around the table, I am pretty sure one of them asked me if I was mad) and had me protected - but as if I had, in some "mental confusion" provoked it. Once I was put, first in "sick bay" of another prison and then in forensic psychiatry rest of my prison time, I never heard any more about the death threat, probably because I denounced it mostly as an attempt to get me into forensic psychiatry instead.

If I am not famous, perhaps Salman wasn't either before Satanic verses.

But since that occasion in 1998, some more Muslims than the four in prison and the one who was involved when I got into trouble, and through whose decision to make a mental evaluation I was forced to choose between either submitting once again to psychiatry (it was becoming a stale joke!) or to defend myself, which I did, thereby occasioning the prison term from court of appeal, first court actually acquitting me "putative self defense" and in second court I would have disputed the "putative" part, as much as prosecutor disputed "self defense" part, or all of it (including "putative", the one thing they got right), but my lawyer refused me the occasion to plead my own case, I was only allowed to answer questions, not to accuse psychiatry. I was allowed to say I was afraid of psychiatry, or not even that, except in first court, where I had been acquitted, but not to say what I had to be afraid of.

So, in order to have a network after you, you do not exactly have to be even known as a writer, at least not very known.

And of course networks can take other forms than trying to kill one. Like the form of trying to push you off as a madman.

So, if day before yesterday I was stopped from printing out a few booklets, perhaps this was not due to Muslim pressure.

Perhaps some security watching "a lone madman" to protect the next Anna Lind and so on (after the murder news, I told people around, in a Muslim 'hood of Malmö, "I was here, otherwise I would have been suspect", I said it as a joke, but some seem to have taken it otherwise.)

And perhaps some security over here in Paris had some reason to do so, apart from the fact that printing booklets is not exactly like shooting ministers. You see, I am not a very big fan of the new "loi macron" and some may have felt a threat I could make demonstrations against it more violent with sth I printed , if allowed to. But this possibility which may have been operative day before yesterday, when I was refused to print what I had paid for printing in copy self, might be off today, since yesterday Parliament allowed Government to survive the no-confidence vote over the law.

mail dot com : France's government survives vote over labor reform

I'd say, perhaps the new version of the law is just bearable, provided psychiatry is not given too much power over people, but if that happens ... well, out of work people can often be described as "loners" and perhaps sometimes even as "lone madmen" unless their first priority is getting a new employ-ER as soon as possible and with almost any sacrifice to comfort or dignity. So, "loi Macron" + psychiatry + what I described about security services looking for lone madmen and therefore giving powers to psychiatry (which they tend to lap up, they would not want to get out of work by diagnosing far fewer than they do, would they!) = more oppression against the poor by the rich.

Note, I am not a socialist. I do not say rich should not be allowed to run their companies. I do say poorer ones should not be prevented either from making start ups, and should not be so watched over that they cannot make their own lives (mine has been more or less ruined since 1998, after it was in the eyes of the world, but not mine, ruined 1996 - 1998) or are less likely to make a too confusing map for security experts of all sorts.

You know, if Obama has security people, he's not paranoid. He's not a lone madman. Perhaps Stalin wasn't either. But this doesn't mean the security people cannot be making their networks out of "paranoia" over some people.

So, instead of some Muslim network being parnoid about my trying to print an appeal to cast Muslims out of France (I wasn't, and if I sympathise with Front National on that account, I don't think such appeals would be within my position, as I also am a foreigner and also am often receiving alms from them), it just possibly could be someone worried I make some kind of pronouncement which might ruin "loi Macron", since back in 2005 I had participated in denouncing CPE:

En français sur Antimodernism* : Ni CPE ni "EVA" (mars, 2006)

(If there is a pop up when you click, or when and if you try to copy text or titles, it's a bug I have not fixed, not by me.)

But perhaps that would be paranoid to think they could be paranoid about. I had of course done nothing, zilch, nada, to prevent EVA (next reform project) of taking its place.

Nor to prevent:

En français sur Antimodernism : Contrat Responsabilité Parentale

which I consider a socialist and totalitarian measure against parental autonomy in raising their children.

With so little efficieny in my writing, why would any one bother to check out my blogs in a networked and coordinated way? As I suggested they do after looking at stats day before yesterday and yesterday, in this previous post, in French, where I also tell the story of the copy self refusing to letting me do with my money exactly what I wanted, namely print on their printers:

New blog on the kid : La Russie, surveille-t-elle les autres lecteurs de mes blogs?

Title is a question whether Russian readers are coordinating a surveying readers in France, US, etc.

In US, I very probably have some independent readers, still, I hope. But in France, I think people outside a certain network or a certain number of networks (Muslims, Jews, Freemasons, Government, Communists) are being discouraged by various from actually going on and reading my blogs. Even if they do get curious.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre University Library
St Robert Bellarmine

Thursday, 12 May 2016

On Bergoglio and Russia, Links, With a Commented update

From Rome : How Bergoglio’s permanence signifies the Apostasy of the Flock
by The Editor, May 12th 2016


Wilmongton Conservative Examiner : Verified; Russia in possession of 20,000 hacked Hilary Clinton emails
by Timothy Whiteman, May 11th 2016

Update on Obama and Bergoglio:

Mail dot com : Obama to welcome Nordic leaders to the White House

"The president often says, 'Why can't all countries be like the Nordic countries?'" said Charles Kupchan, senior director for European affairs at the National Security Council. In the Nordic countries, "not only do you have a part of the world that is extremely stable and Democratic and liberal, you have a part of the world that is peaceful and that is contributing to peace and to the humanitarian agenda and to many of the interests the United States cares about."

I am sorry, but I loathe that kind of praise for Nordic countries, particularly Sweden and Norway, where the precursor of Simon Magus and of Antichrist, Oden, was ancestor to early royalty.

I like the landscape, I like the popular culture, I like the voices of common people, but some of these simply have enough of the Socialist tyranny up there, I was one of them, lucky enough to be blogging, lucky enough to speak French and German and so to have a refuge with some more Catholic traditions, lucky enough to be Catholic.

What Obama praises is partly good, but very threatened and fragile by now – free speech and fun (without blasphemy, Charlie Hebdo would have been unthinkable as a regular publication in Sweden!) is threatened by political correctness, as when one immigrant librarian took away Tintin in Congo, social security in the good sense, like old age pensions, by low natality of indigenous people, and general happiness by compulsory school, child protective services, 18-year limit for marriage both sexes, psychiatry, and of course abortion and contraception which destroy lives.

This is paid for by over high taxes. But even those (which are also meant to support better purposes, like libraries!) depend on a population with sufficient number of working age people per the aged, disabled and children.

A poor man can more easily go back and forth between social services and stray jobs than start up as, for instance, even a busker or anything independent, by now. In Norway at least, but Sweden too I think, small farms are threatened by the hard animal protection, one aberration of which is to force farmers having cows meant to graze on mountains (fjellkor) to have animal feed in cribs even over grazing season. And of course, a farmer who looses his cows is not seeing them get a better owner either, they are slaughtered, for their own supposed good.

This is a dreamland for Bernie, and I am supposed to be a « one question voter » if preferring pro-life candidates.

It’s a dreamland for Obama too, and I am apparently a racist if I don’t like his politics ?

By the way, may I remind that Queen Silvia's personal charity which is international, which does not depend on Swedish Government, which is her own choice, not the fault of the constitution, actually if not provides abortion to pregnant teens, at least has redirected such to abortion facilities.

New blog on the kid : Do not support World Childhood Foundation!

Vox Cantoris : Bishop of Rome welcomes his fellow Rotarians to the Vatican for audience — Rotary funds Planned Parenthood!

Symbol of Rotary : the cogwheel, also known as the cog (the word also in use for individual things butting out from it). Even if cog is meant by someone as individual « little horn » (quite a descriptio for cogs on a cogwheel, huh?) on the wheel, there are such on the Rotary symbol and they on cogwheel would represent the relation of individual Rotarians to Rotary clubs.

T 84 80 4
H 72 150 6
E 69 210 15
C 67 270 22
O 79 340 31
G 71 410 32

THECOG + 7 * 32 (space plus 6 minuscules) = the cog

128 (4 times 32)
096 (3 times 32)

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

La Russie, surveille-t-elle les autres lecteurs de mes blogs?

Statistiques pour quatre, y compris celui-ci:

Pageviews yesterday 159
Pageviews today 10
Pageviews by Countries
10 May 2016 13:00 – 11 May 2016 12:00

Russia 50
United States 26
France 9
Japan 8
Ukraine 2
Switzerland 1
United Kingdom 1

Pageviews yesterday 98
Pageviews today 53
Pageviews by Countries
10 May 2016 13:00 – 11 May 2016 12:00

Russia 71
Ukraine 8
United States 8
France 7
Japan 4
Brazil 1
Belarus 1
Thailand 1

Pageviews yesterday 113
Pageviews today 11
Pageviews by Countries
10 May 2016 13:00 – 11 May 2016 12:00

Russia 21
France 5
United States 4
Ukraine 2
Argentina 1
Australia 1
China 1
India 1
Japan 1
Malaysia 1

Pageviews yesterday 1
Pageviews today 2
Pageviews by Countries
10 May 2016 13:00 – 11 May 2016 12:00

Ukraine 2
France 1

Hier, quand je faisais la manche à Blanc-Mesnil, un bienfaiteur, probablement Musulman, me demandais, pour l'énième fois, pourquoi j'avais quitté la Suède. Avec celui-ci, j'ai pas l'impression d'avoir précisé que j'étais suédois, je pourrais me tromper. Mais ce qui est dérangeant, quand je précisais que mes blogs étaient mes blogs, et que j'y écris, il posais la question niaise "pourquoi?"

Comme s'il avait, dans le fonds de son coeur, préféré que je n'écrive pas.

Ce matin, soudainement, un mec ne me demandait pas "novembre 98" mais disait, sans être pré-informé par moi, "novus bloggus", et en demandait l'adresse.

Il était très poli. Ceci n'a pas toujours été le cas là-bas.

Un peu plus tard ce matin, j'essaie de faire les impressions que j'avais payé en avance, on me refuse l'entrée par rapport à mon bagage, même si c'était uniquement pour le temps de faire les impressions, même si je restais à côté de mon bagage.

Le patron d'un bureau de copy-self me renvoie là où j'avais acheté la carte prépayé, et là on me refuse aussi d'imprimer, mais m'offre de me rembourser la carte.

Bon, j'ai refusé.

En regardant mon courriel, j'ai vu cet article:

Polanski producer and Holocaust survivor Gene Gutowski dies

Je ne me considère pas comme en deuil pour cet homme, et je ne considère pas que j'eusse à faire le deuil parce qu'un réseau me le voudrait imposer.

Pourtant, je considère déjà probable que cette affaire par laquelle on vient de me refuser de copier pourrait déjà avoir été imposé par un réseau de survivants des camps.

Vous savez, il y a une association de survivants dans le quartier où j'ai essayé de faire les copies. Ceci à part les autres intérêts qui ne voudraient pas m'accorder ma liberté d'expression, dont probablement des gens en Russie, voir les statistiques plus haut.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre Paris X, BU
Sts Jacques et Philippe, Apôtres

Mise à jour, encore un blog qui suit le même schéma, beaucoup hier (plus que normalement) moins aujourd'hui (moins que normalement) et le plus grand nombre de lecteurs dans la période entre les deux jours est - Russie:

Pageviews yesterday 129
Pageviews today 23
Pageviews by Countries
10 May 2016 15:00 – 11 May 2016 14:00

Russia 47
France 13
Japan 5
United States 5
Ukraine 3
China 1

Lendemain, mêmes quatre blogs:

Pageviews yesterday 105
Pageviews today 13
Pageviews by Countries
11 May 2016 15:00 – 12 May 2016 14:00

United States 25
France 16
Ukraine 6
Japan 4
Portugal 2
Antigua & Barbuda 1
Austria 1 (Grüß Gott, an gut catholische Lesern!)
Germany 1
Spain 1
Moldova 1

Pageviews yesterday 30
Pageviews today 16
Pageviews by Countries
11 May 2016 15:00 – 12 May 2016 14:00

Russia 12
France 7
United States 5
Japan 2
Ukraine 2
India 1
Italy 1
Romania 1
Sweden 1
Vietnam 1

Pageviews yesterday 95
Pageviews today 12
Pageviews by Countries
11 May 2016 15:00 – 12 May 2016 14:00

Ukraine 25
France 14
United States 13
Australia 2
Ireland 2
Japan 2
Russia 2
China 1
Germany 1

Pageviews yesterday 4
Pageviews today 12
Pageviews by Countries
11 May 2016 15:00 – 12 May 2016 14:00

Ukraine 3

Y a-t-il eu 9 entre 14:00 et 14:44? Ou y a-t-il eu des vues dont la nationalité de l'IP ne s'annonce pas? Je l'ignore.

Le nombre total d'hier n'était pas si bas que ça pouvait apparaître à 12/14 hier, probablement parce qu'un bon nombre sont en Europe.

La Russie par contre diminue brusquement, et ce n'est pas la première fois.

Voici la carte préachetée à Copy-Self:

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Everything a Giant Miracle? Why, Yes!

1) Creation vs. Evolution : In Today's Article on Maxwell, CMI Linked Back to an Oldie · 2) Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : What Cusa Really Said · 3) New blog on the kid : Everything a Giant Miracle? Why, Yes!

« Carter/Sarfati: In a geocentric universe, everything is one giant miracle with no simple explanation (see below). Certainly, a geocentrist would not expect the sun to stop or to move backward, but why not? There is no rational explanation for the way the universe operates, so why could something out of the ordinary not happen?* »

In a Geocentric universe, everything is one giant miracle with God as simple explanation. See Romans 1:20.

« Certainly, a geocentrist would not expect the sun to stop or to move backward, but why not? »

Why not indeed, if the simple explanation, namely God, so wills it ? As He willed it on two occasions, with Joshua and with Hezekiah, with the namesake of God made man and with the at least legal ancestor of God made man. The Sun also refused to shine over Calvary when Our Lord Himself was being mishnadled by His creatures.

« There is no rational explanation for the way the universe operates, so why could something out of the ordinary not happen? »

There is God as rational explanation for the way He operates the universe or lets angels operate its diverse bodies and so, the question is « why would God will it » … and the answer, apart from situations on these OT occasions, is that, unlike Agamemnon praying to Sun to stop so he could rout Trojan Army before it took refuge within city walls, Joshua and Hezekiah were not offending God (and any angel operating the sun, if such, as I think there is), by the idolatrous sin of sun worship. Also, Joshua and Jesus being same name, Joshua was a namesake of Our Lord. Hezekiah being ancestor of St Joseph most chaste Bridegroom, was a legal ancestor at least of Our Lord (he could have been in some line also ancestor to the Blessed Virgin and therefore be also ancestor simply of Our Lord). But beyond this, these miracles also give a certain light on the Heliocentric controversy in our latter days, and God may have wanted to make it clear that Heliocentrism is not how he made either universe or any « solar system » not just surrounding (Tycho) but actually including (as per Heliocentrics) Earth.

« R. Sungenis: It is apparent here that Carter/Sarfati have never thoroughly studied the scientific basis for the geocentric system, otherwise they would never make such sweeping generalizations of geocentrists (e.g., “everything is one giant miracle”). It is difficult to discuss science with someone who doesn’t even know or appreciate the scientific basis of his opponent’s position.* »

Oh boy … some people are so enamoured of their science they miss some obvious remarks.

If Geocentrism means « everything is one giant miracle », well, then Geocentric universe and all observations which most directly testify to it (observing Earth turn around itself from Moon, if Armstrong went there, would be a real parallactic observation, but such observations are extremely rare compared to observations made on Earth) are a giant miracle saying « God is there » and any smaller scaled miracles would be on the one hand minor confirmations to those who had seen the giant miracle or smaller and therefore more visible ones to those who hadn’t, those who had just watched the giant miracle without seeing it as the miracle it is.

But making Geocentrism scientifically explicable is not really a Christian defense, since Democritus and Epicure were, with their Roman disciple Lucrece, geocentrics and at the same time atheists.

And both sides pretend that Newtonian explanations work in general, Sungenis only adding « it works for Geocentrism too ».

Science off the Sphere: Dancing Droplets
Physics Central

Did you see it this time ?

Newtonian mechanics mean « a centrifugal force and a centripetal force – in case of Classic Newtonian Heoliocentrism usually Gravitation, but Electromagnetic force has been suggested – balance each other so as to produce orbit after orbit after orbit ». This is usually illustrated by the experiment of a stone with a string, where apart from the two forces (centripetal ones being tensions in string) you also have a solid object, the string. Or with the « tub of death » in which bikers ride with their bodies and bikes horizontal when riding in fast enough circles. Where apart from the two forces you also have a solid object, the tub. Take away the factor of solid object and have only two forces, I had proposed magnetic hockey pucks on ice around a larger magnet, well, the orbits cease pretty soon, because the two forces don’t continue to balance each other into the orbital movement.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque Parmentier
St Stanislas of Krakow
Bishop and Martyr

* Carter and Sarfati (1) on their own site and quoted (2) by Sungenis, Sungenis (2) on his site:


Later on in the latter, Sungenis says:

« Like a giant flywheel, the universe keeps turning at the same rate year after year, and nothing is able to slow it down. »

Sungenis, get me a film of a giant flywheel turning same rate year after year and never slowing down !

I’d like to see your parallel !

Until then, I prefer saying the Universe is turning day after day for 7000 and more years since God started to turn it around us. And it will stop turning on Doomsday when God stops turning it around us./HGL

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Also wishing an end to CPS, as they are

This girl wants to come back to her mother, but is not allowed to..

Tragedy of 15 year old girl , Separation Anxiety Disorder at highest level.

Swedish citizen forced to stay separated from her mother for 18 months, now in North Norway - Alta. Girl stays alone in private institution , no other children around, only social workers. in (Swedish private child care company in Norway making profits on child saparation from the mother)

Link to video:

FB : Stopp Barnevernet : video

Bonum Festum Ascensionis Domini

lectoribus Christi fidelibus exopto.