Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Somewhat Blocked in China

I was reading this blog post:

Dymphna's Road : saturday thoughts
Saturday, April 14, 2007


I'm so proud. My blog site is blocked in China!

To note:

This test was put in place in 2006, I will later be testing if it still works. It does.

The greatfirewall of China

From their site, before you look at my test results:

this version 1.0 may report sites as being 'blocked', while there are only technical reasons for their unavailability. It's greatfirewallofchina.org's aim to collaboratively build a community that will be able to visualize Internet censorship in an increasingly accurate way.

How it works
We?ve opened a website in China and route your url request on greatfirewallofchina.org through to our server in China. The server in China opens the url and the result is send back. Our testing is only based on one server on one location in China. We have different backup servers in different locations in China might one go down.
Other locations and other servers may give you different access to the various websites.

What about blogging?
According to state media, by the end of 2006 there were 20.8 million bloggers in China. Blogging, which implies venting your own opinions, has become immensely popular in China. In order to control the phenomenon the government wants blog users to register under their real name. A resourceful Chinese individual created this loophole: www.adoptablog.org. Adopt a Chinese blog, and help keep these bloggers online - anonymously.

Can the Great Firewall be by-passed by technical means?
Both from within and from outside of China several academics, security experts and hackers are trying to hack the great firewall.
Western academics came up with ways to circumvent the Great Firewall. Results so far are promising, but the question remains how long it will take the Chinese government to come up with counter measures. Another question is if the average person online can easily apply these methods.

Testresults for greatbishopofgeneva.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for creavsevolu.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for notontimsblogroundhere.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for hglundahlsmusik.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for hglundahlsblog.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testing the test outside my sites:

Testresults for www.nytimes.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for creation.com
Beijing OK
Shenzhen OK
Inner Mongolia OK
Heilongjiang Province OK
Yunnan Province OK
All servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site should be accessible from within mainland China.

Oh, that is news!

Back to my blogs:

Testresults for triv7quadriv.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province timeout
Yunnan Province timeout
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for nov9blogg9.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for correspondentia-ioannis-georgii.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for hglsfbwritings.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for antimodernisminmemoriam.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for filolohika.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for recipesfromhomeandabroad.blogspot.com
Beijing timeout
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for avantlafermeturedantimodernism.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for hglhaiku.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for vivlijohrafika.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for premierequintedupel.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testing other blog, where blogger prophile says Guangzhou, China:

Testresults for almostparadisse.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Also profile Guangzhou, China:

Testresults for bomanda-marriageandamove.blogspot.com
Beijing timeout
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Note that the provinces here given do not list Guangzhou, China.

Testresults for inodm.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Here the blogger is actually a Chinese person. "Hello friend, this is Avril from China."

China seems very wary of blogs in general. Perhaps meaning outside Guangzhou, China, Guangdong, China.

I must note that what I know about academic literature on "internet addiction" is a small research of references I did, and it led back to a study in China.

That study was in fact conducted about people doing gaming (Warhammer and similar things) 20 hours or more per week, and as that would normally not be possible in either a work or study week on only normal hours, that basically means they were gaming per night and sacrificing sleep to do so.

The bad effects noted from "internet addiction" were probably the bad effects of sleep privation. If you game over 20 hours per week while not being professionally involved in it and paid for it, you sacrifice sleep to do it.

But instead of even labelling the thing "gaming addiction" (which some follow up has done), one has labelled it "internet addiction", as if writing 20 hours per week on normal working hours would have same effects. Psychiatry is meanwhile dishonest and Paris region is indebted probably to Chinese psychiatry and certainly to Chinese filters. The French are so proud of being above Catholic faith, but they are not above superstitions like Chinese internet filters of that Chinese label if "internet addiction". Meaning they are acting on what could just as easily be Feng Shui as science.

Note that the investigation about "internet addiction" was made in 2009, after the words above about blogging.

Going back to my own blogs now:

Testresults for scdquintedupel.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia timeout
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for mnquintedupel.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for quartequintedupel.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province timeout
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for dernierequintedupel.blogspot.com
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for repliquesassorties.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province timeout
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for assortedretorts.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for gmb1lou.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen timeout
Inner Mongolia timeout
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for danskantimodernism.blogspot.fr
Beijing timeout
Shenzhen OK
Inner Mongolia OK
Heilongjiang Province OK
Yunnan Province OK
All servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site should be accessible from within mainland China.

So, if you are Chinese, can speak Swedish and do note reside in Beijing, at least, you may read my Swedish (and Danish) blog.

Some comfort!

Testresults for aufdeutschaufantimodernism.blogspot.com
Beijing OK
Shenzhen OK
Inner Mongolia OK
Heilongjiang Province OK
Yunnan Province OK
All servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site should be accessible from within mainland China.

Wow, even true for German! And that even in Beijing!

Testresults for enfrancaissurantimodernism.blogspot.com
Beijing OK
Shenzhen timeout
Inner Mongolia timeout
Heilongjiang Province OK
Yunnan Province OK
All servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site should be accessible from within mainland China.

If you read Spanish, Italian, Latin or are interested in my stories and poems even in English or French (except the haiku above), you can (so far) enjoy that from China.

Testresults for morphologialatina.blogspot.com
Beijing OK
Shenzhen OK
Inner Mongolia timeout
Heilongjiang Province OK
Yunnan Province OK
All servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site should be accessible from within mainland China.

My knowledge of Latin morphology (plus my preferences for compressing the space paradigms take on paper) is timeouted in Inner Mongolia, but accessible elsewhere.

Testresults for litaviskkulturhistoria.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for trogetochgratis.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Testresults for trentophilaret.blogspot.fr
Beijing FAIL
Shenzhen FAIL
Inner Mongolia FAIL
Heilongjiang Province FAIL
Yunnan Province FAIL
No servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site is most likely NOT accessible from within mainland China.

Another GOOD news, but outside my own blogs:

Testresults for redcardigan.blogspot.com
Beijing OK
Shenzhen OK
Inner Mongolia OK
Heilongjiang Province OK
Yunnan Province OK
All servers were able to reach your site. This means that your site should be accessible from within mainland China.

I thought this one might have been blocked in China, because it was earlier blocked in Georges Pompidou Library. Can China have unblocked when Georges Pompidou did? Or is their filter somewhat independent of the Chinese firewall? I don't know.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre University Library
St Vincent Ferrer

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