Tuesday 15 October 2024

Bonum Festum Sanctae Theresiae

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Albae, in Hispania, sanctae Teresiae Virginis, quae Fratrum ac Sororum Ordinis Carmelitarum arctioris observantiae mater exstitit et magistra.

Sharing on October 7

Russia goes INSANE for Putin's Birthday
NFKRZ | 15 Oct. 2024

In a Country Where "Holocaust Denial" is No Crime

There is a forum on which I was discussing guys like Leuchter and guys like Jo Wajsblat.

When someone stated that Leuchter and Faurisson had been dismissed, I reacted to the passive in order to mention why passives are used. In his case in order to take away the identity of partiality of those actively dismissing them. It so happens, I mentioned a few other instances where passive "is used" (this passive is due to the very wide number of different people using passives). One is when the active agent is unknown.

I looked up a detective story by Chesterton.

I mentioned that whenever one could have said "Leonard Quinton is murdered" it was unknown who had murdered him, who the murderer was.

When the murderer who has tried to make it seem like suicide himself actually commits suicide, he signs a farewell letter to Father Brown with the name: James Erskine Harris.

Given the propensities of a certain other Harris to promote abortion, and given that abortion (when chosen by the mother), while primarily a murder has at least some kind of reminiscence also of suicide, I wonder whether Chesterton was making a prophecy about Kamala when he wrote the detective story.

Which side I'm on in that forum discussion, well, at least some party of it would be an outlaw in France, so I refrain from telling.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Thecla of Kitzingen

In Germania sanctae Theclae, Abbatissae et Virginis, quae, monasteriis Kitzingae et Ochsenfurti praeposita, multis cumulata meritis in caelum migravit.

Monday 14 October 2024

Steven Anderson Might Merit Prison, But Not Psychiatry

Comments by Pris0nforPsychiatrists:

Many people need counselling and a listening ear not get kidnap and injected against their will and screamed at by Psych nurses all day

What he says corresponds to what I saw happen with mother, and what I experienced myself, the months I was spending there, in transfer from prison.
/Hans Georg Lundahl

Feed from:
Catholic Church DESTROYED by Israeli Missile; 8 Dead
Reason & Theology | 14.X.2024

M brother worked at the state mental hospital. Not good what he saw.

Matthew Schmidt
@Pris0nforPsychiatrists Can I ask why you think prison for pyschiatrists? Just curious 😀

Many people have no clue how Psychiatrists and mental health workers “TREAT” phobias, for example. Say a patient has claustrophobia, they will “accidentally” lock the patient in a small closet for hrs

PS, I'd disagree with Steven Anderson on 50 persons being lunatics. The women ranting would arguably have been permanently frustrated from a life ruined by psychiatry and that never leaving them alone.

As to the idea he had no place to sleep in psychiatry, reminds me of the first night I ever spent in psychiatry, the idea seems to be to overwork someone to either check what he's prone to or to get more reasons to keep one./HGL


CATHOLICS! A Black Mass Is Being Offered And WE CAN STOP IT!
Return To Tradition | 14 Oct. 2024

Petition (which I signed) is here:


24 h, 10—11.X.2024, 12—13.X.2024

10—11.X.2024 8:44—8:49,
Ce matin, je commentais sur une vidéo de Frère Paul-Adrien, OP (FR) 12 · Tyrannique et odieux (FR) 7

I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ... 8
 Well, how about Mark Isaak? Too lazy to do his homework? 14
10—11.X.2024 8:10—8:40,
12 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 11 + 7 + 16 + 1 + 326 + 13 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 15 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 8 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 72 + 6 + 45 + 63 + 5 = 688
6 + 1 + 57 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 51 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 3 = 174
Hong Kong
6 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 42 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 5 = 82
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 22 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 43
Corée du Sud
1 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 26
14 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 19
9 + 5 + 1 = 15
1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 11

2 + 5 + 3 = 10
3 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 10

Norvège = 8
6 + 1 = 7
2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5

Pays de deux vues
Autriche = 2

Pays d'une vue
Suisse, Iran, Pays-Bas, Bangladesh = 4

9 + 13 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 12 + 15 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 13 + 9 + 9 = 100

688 + 174 + 82 + 43 + 26 + 19 + 15 + 11 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 4 + 100 = 1204
48 + 63 + 41 + 10 + 26 + 2 + 3 + 10 + 28 + 3 + 23 + 1 + 21 + 16 + 24 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 21 + 21 + 30 + 6 + 22 + 21 + 4 + 24 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 27 = 536
2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 35 + 1 + 16 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 = 98
2 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 2 = 60
Hong Kong
4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 2 + 14 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 45
4 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 17

3 + 7 + 2 + 2 = 14
Brésil = 14

2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 13

Corée du Sud
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 12
1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 12

2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 10
2 + 5 = 7
1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6

Pays de quatre vues
Autriche, Suède = 8

Pays de trois vues
Israël, Pays-Bas, Norvège = 9

Pays de deux vues
Australie, Suisse, Chine = 6

Pays d'une vue
Pologne, Roumanie, Malaisie, Kazakhstan, Turquie, Italie, Iran = 7

1 + 16 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 1 = 80

536 + 98 + 45 + 60 + 17 + 14 + 14 + 13 + 12 + 12 + 10 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 6 + 7 + 80 = 954
Ce mois-ci (le 12.X) Le mois dernier
2293 + 1278 + 2937 + 137 + 222 + 82 + 209 + 472 + 634 + 97 + 137 + 638 + 25 + 280 + 639 + 128 + 512 + 23 + 17 + 64 + 66 + 67 + 63 + 62 + 56 + 82 + 93 + 74 + 211 + 410 + 557 + 74 + 429 + 230 + 861 + 545 + 90 + 472 + 36 + 41 + 66 + 1709 = 17118
17118 / 12 = 1426.5 par jour
 6301 + 54 + 65 + 53 + 759 + 62 + 617 + 1089 + 434 + 854 + 50 + 665 + 577 + 290 + 78 + 127 + 268 + 57 + 70 + 62 + 85 + 86 + 50 + 14 + 17 + 1616 + 74 + 803 + 316 + 28 + 1148 + 152 + 105 + 1420 + 799 + 189 + 55 + 324 + 271 + 10168 + 3207 + 8744 = 42203
42203 / 30 = 1406.8 par jour
Aujourd'hui (13:48–14:01) Hier
63 + 40 + 81 + 10 + 16 + 2 + 14 + 10 + 25 + 25 + 23 + 36 + 21 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 11 + 20 + 1 + 35 + 5 + 85 + 17 + 2 + 17 + 1 + 6 + 65 = 646 103 + 4 + 6 + 29 + 7 + 31 + 370 + 13 + 35 + 2 + 28 + 26 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 5 + 49 + 40 + 42 + 26 + 56 + 13 + 35 + 5 + 25 + 17 + 153 + 89 + 218 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 10 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 3 = 1525

Friday 11 October 2024

Bonum Festum Maternitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Festum Maternitatis beatae Mariae Virginis.

J'avais un doute sur la date de la fête

Était-il une date moins usité pour ce que les Orthodoxes célèbrent le 26 décembre ? (Chez eux, St. Étienne proto-martyr est le 27, St. Jean le 28 et Saints Innocents le 29).

Non, Maternité de Notre Dame est une nouvelle fête, instituée en 1500e anniversaire du Concile d'Éphèse par pape Pie XI, pour rappeler que, par le fait d'être Mère de Dieu en tant qu'Homme, Elle est aussi Mère des hommes qui sont fils adoptifs de Dieu, Mère des fidèles. Plus là-dessus dans l'article de l'FSSPX :

Fête de la Maternité de Notre-Dame
11 octobre 2024 | Source: FSSPX Actualités

Est-ce qu'un francophone en France aimerait un peu de débat sur la datation ? Prenons les débuts des langues indo-européennes ...

Souvent on parle de la culture Yamnaya comme première locutrice de la première langue indo-européenne, le proto-indo-européen, qui se serait diversifié en des dialectes comme le slave, le grec, le celtique, l'italique, dont le le latin, le germanique et j'en passe. Regardons les dates pour cette culture, de manière conventionnelle et de manière créationniste. Je vais citer David Reich et mes propres tables.*

David Reich: The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans
HUN-REN Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont | 20 juin 2024

4500 - 3500 = 1000 années

2097 av. J.-Chr.
74,891 pcm, donc daté à 4497 av. J.-Chr.
1937 av. J.-Chr.
83,137 pcm, donc daté à 3487 av. J.-Chr.

2097 - 1937 = 160 années

Notons, le décret d'Anitta, premier document en hittite et à ma meilleure connaissance en langue indo-européenne tout court, est daté carboniquement à 2000 av. J.-Chr.

1610 av. J.-Chr.
95,2011 pcm, donc daté à 2020 av. J.-Chr.

1937 - 1610 = 327 années

Assez peu de temps pour le proto-indo-européen de s'être diversifié en hittite. Et si le processus débuta avant, au début des temps de Yamnaya ?

2097 - 1610 = 487

Toujours trop peu de temps, à moins que le bon modèle du proto-indo-européen soit celui de Jounu Pyysala, qui stipule une seule laryngale (comme en hittite !) et dont la reconstruction pourrait être considérée comme proche du hittite. Et le grec mycénéen ? On commence avec les archives de Knossos, des tablettes en linéaire B vers 1430 av. J.-Chr., ce qui donne 1375 av. J.-Chr.

2097 - 1375 = 722

Qu'une seule langue se puisse diversifier en deux tellement diverses que le grec mycénéen et le hittite en 722 (327) ans, ça me paraît très peu probable, quoique pas impossible. L'hypothèse d'une seule proto-langue et celle-ci parlée par la culture Yamnaya, ça colle donc un peu mal avec le créationnisme jeune terre. Et si on cherchait (avec Mario Alinei) l'origine dans l'expansion anatolienne ?

Anatolian Neolithic Farmers
Cicero's Stories | 1 mars 2024

12 000 - 4500 = 7500 années

2659 av. J.-Chr.
30,528 pcm, donc daté à 12 459 av. J.-Chr.
2633 av. J.-Chr.
36,973 pcm , donc daté à 10 883 av. J.-Chr.

(2659 + 2659 + 2659 + 2633) / 4 = 2653 av. J.-Chr.
(30,528 + 30,528 + 30,528 + 36,973) / 4 = 32,13925 pcm => 9400 années de plus
2653 + 9400 = donc daté à 12 053 av. J.-Chr.

2653 - 2097 = 556 années
2653 - 1937 = 716 années

Et avant les premières textes attestés :

2653 - 1610 = 1043
2653 - 1375 = 1278

Mais ... le proto-indo-européen éventuel n'existe qu'après Babel.

2556 - 1610 = 946
2556 - 1375 = 1181

Le proto-indo-européen, si issu directement en langue uniforme aurait donc eu environ mille ans de se diversifier entre hittite et grec mycénéen. Mieux. Peut-on encore améliorer ?

What Happened to the Last European Hunter Gatherers?
The Historical Hierophant | 17 avr. 2023

Dit que l'expansion d'Anatolie débuta vers 6200 av. J.-Chr. et on arrive à l'Atlantique vers 5500 av. J.-Chr.

6200 - 5500 = 700 années

2386 av. J.-Chr.
60,477 pcm, donc daté à 6536 av. J.-Chr.
2250 av. J.-Chr.
67,323 pcm, donc daté à 5500 av. J.-Chr.

2386 - 2250 = 136 années

2653 - 2386 = 267 années
2653 - 2250 = 403 années

Ah, expansion anatolienne => mélange de langues. Au moins, la survivance de diverses lignées des chasseurs cueilleurs occidentaux, voir (pour le sud de la France et le Nord de l'Espagne) même magdaléniens ... tout selon la vidéo du Historical Hierophant.

Pas une seule proto-langue, mais un Sprachbund ... ce que je propose déjà, et qu'on me reproche comme incoloatible avec ce qu'on sait de Yamnaya. Sauf, qu'avec la recalibration creéationniste, les dates favorisent plutôt une origine anatolienne et donc un Sprachbund. Auquel contribua sans doute l'expansion de Yamnaya, mais à mon avis pas avec tous les indo-européanismes.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Agilbert de Paris

* New blog on the kid : Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14
mercredi 1 mai 2024, posté par Hans Georg Lundahl à 09:28

Thursday 10 October 2024

Ce matin, je commentais sur une vidéo de Frère Paul-Adrien, OP

Tyrannique et odieux · Ce matin, je commentais sur une vidéo de Frère Paul-Adrien, OP

J'arrivais à mes bagages pour me coucher après ceci vers 7~8 h, et ça veut dire que s'il sort une vidéo à 10 h, il aura eu le temps de voir mes commentaires avant de sortir la vidéo (à moins qu'ils aient été censurés à son insu, hypothèse assez déconfortable).

À environ 10 h ou même 11, il sort une vidéo sur la manipulation, en citant Miviludes.

Je ne donne pas le lien vers sa vidéo assez longue, mais de sa description, je cite :

À travers une analyse détaillée des étapes de l'emprise — séduction, isolement, affaiblissement, endoctrinement et destruction — nous révélons une mécanique insidieuse qui rend difficile pour les victimes de prendre conscience de leur situation.

Bien, je suis victime d'une tentative d'emprise. Citons les étapes qui me concernent :

isolement, affaiblissement et destruction

et les étapes qui concernent d'autres :

séduction et endoctrinement

Je ne suis ni séduit par la Miviludes, ni par ses fans parmi les prétendus Catholiques. Mais ils arrivent ensemble à m'isoler, à m'affaiblir, et peut-être encore à me détruire.

D'autres n'ont rien de tout ça à craindre d'eux. Juste la séduction et l'endoctrinement visant à faire paraître qu'il me fassent grand service en m'isolant, en m'affaiblissant, et ceci jusqu'à ce que, sans s'en rendre compte peut-être ils finissent pas me détruire.

Je me profile en tant que créationniste jeune terre. Et en tant que géocentrique. Il y a des gens qui prennent ceci comme signale qu'il faut m'abattre.

Je pourrais l'éviter si je renonçais ? Sans doute ... je l'aurais pu, il y a quelque temps. Peut-être ... je le pourrais encore. J'ai une conscience. Je ne renonce pas à la vérité pour plaire à des gens ayant des tactiques néfastes. Les seuls "prêtres, gourous, sectes" dont je suis victime dans le contexte, ce sont les gens qui par leur programme de parti ou de parti pris s'acharnent à me peindre comme la victime d'emprises sectaires totalement dans leur imaginaire, sans aucune réalité ou dont la réalité est l'inverse du supposé.

Si Frère Paul-Adrien a vu mes commentaires (donc, pas censurés à son insu), il aurait pu y répondre et prendre un peu de débat. Il a peut-être pas eu l'occasion que je lui ai donné, ou peut-être préféré de cacher mes commentaires pour "défendre" quelqu'un d'autre contre la secte imaginaire qu'il prête comme existant derrière moi. Il me dédouble (et s'il n'a pas vu mes commentaires, quelqu'un autre me dédouble) en voix publique à rendre moins publique, car manipulé, d'un côté, et de l'autre le manipulateur derrière. Il n'est pas capable d'imaginer qu'un homme à la fois intelligent et honnête puisse par sa raison ni altérée, ni manipulée, arriver à créationnisme jeune terre ou à géocentrisme, malgré le fait d'avoir eu l'occasion de constater que j'existe, malgré le fait que la position historique, par exemple de St. Thomas d'Aquin, la même que la mienne, ne peut pas lui être inconnue.

En somme, il se comporte comme ayant les préjugés d'un Communiste, les préjugés d'un homme pour qui l'Académie scientifique de la soviétique n'est même pas suspecte de sectarisme quand il sort un manuel d'athéisme. Mais surtout, en tout sauf ce manuel, aurait raison, notamment en héliocentrisme, cosmologie Grand Boum, milliards d'années pour l'existence physique, vers 2 milliards d'années pour l'existence de la vie, plusieurs centaines de millions d'années pour biologie eucaryote et pluricellulaire, vers 4 millions d'années pour les ancêtres directs de nous-mêmes en excluant les autres êtres vivants ... humanisation graduelle, cannibalisme pendant des dizaines de milliers d'années avant Abraham, et celui-ci incapable d'avoir une tradition correcte d'Adam, pas juste pour la trop grande distance en générations, mais aussi parce qu'il serait "né dans une famille" [entièrement] "païenne."

Et il ne se sont pas du tout manipulé par le Communisme, le gars !

Il aime dire, à la fin de chaque vidéo, "l'amour vaincra" ... pour ce qui me concerne, il aurait été plus honnête en disant que sa haine vaincra.

Je lui ai envoyé un courriel. Si mes commentaires étaient disparus, il l'aurait au moins répéré. Je pense que celui qui m'a censoré, c'était lui. Car, dans ma boîte à mails, je ne trouve pas de réponse.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. François Borgia, SJ

(30.IX) Romae natalis sancti Francisci Borgiae, Sacerdotis et Confessoris; qui Praepositus Generalis fuit Societatis Jesu, ac vitae asperitate, orationis dono, abdicatis saeculi et recusatis Ecclesiae dignitatibus, vir memorabilis exstitit. Ipsius autem festum sexto Idus Octobris celebratur.
(10.X) Sancti Francisci Borgiae, Sacerdotis e Societate Jesu et Confessoris, cujus dies natalis pridie Kalendas Octobris recensetur.

PS, obviement, si Miviludes et ses partenaires ont une hégémonie en France sur la perception institutionnelle de qui est victime d'une emprise sectaire, ça donne à Miviludes (et ses partenaires) une occasion qui vaut d'or d'en commettre ou tenter une telle. Si pour les lettres majuscules de Miviludes on combine les inversions Albam et Atbash, et les valeurs numériques d'ASCII, ça donne un chiffre assez déconcertant :

Tyrannique et odieux

Tyrannique et odieux · Ce matin, je commentais sur une vidéo de Frère Paul-Adrien, OP

Le fondateur du Front national, en pull rouge et main sur le coeur, assis à son domicile de Rueil-Malmaison aux côtés de Jany, son épouse, entame avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme un chant connu du répertoire néo-nazi dont les paroles hitlériennes sont explicites : « Fanchon, quoique bonne chrétienne, fut baptisée avec du vin. Un Bourguignon fut son parrain, une Bretonne sa marraine. Elle aime à rire, elle aime à boire ; elle aime à chanter comme nous ». Pire, le groupe de rock néo-nazi adressait au patriarche une chanson de sa composition où l’on peut entendre notamment cette phrase : « Je vais t’faire courir le rouquin, je vais t’rattraper, t’iras pas bien loin ». Une référence à un épisode tendu lors d’une campagne des législatives où Jean-Marie Le Pen était venu soutenir, en mai 1997 à Mantes-la-Jolie, la candidature de sa fille aînée Marie-Caroline, chahutée par l’extrême gauche.

Marine Le Pen se devait évidemment de s’indigner. Elle a annoncé porter plainte contre le groupe de musiciens pour abus de faiblesse (et contre les personnes l’ayant introduit au domicile de son père) : « Il est acté que (Jean-Marie Le Pen) n’est pas en capacité de donner son consentement de quelque acte que ce soit », a-t-elle déclaré en condamnant « un comportement scandaleux de ceux que j’irai faire condamner devant le tribunal ». Est-il possible d’être plus odieux que Marine Le Pen ? Cela semble difficile...

Rivarol n°3631, page 3, signé Robert Spieler.

À la limite ceux qui semblent me traiter en avance de ce genre d'actes "actés" comme incapable à donner mon consentement.

Ou ceux qui ont poussé ce genre de tyrannies envers ma mère./HGL

Bon, les propos de Mathilde sur Philippine, cités en page 9, c'est aussi ignoble, mais très. J'ai davantage de compassion pour des civilistes de gauche, et notons que je suis du même milieu* que la défunte. Peut-être pas reconnu comme tel, mais ça tient à des menteurs./HGL

* "d’un milieu trad-cath (les mêmes qu’on se tape actuellement au gouv et qui menacent l’IVG et les droits LGBT)"

Candace and Athanasius on the Christian Holocaust

Forbidden History: The Christian Holocaust | Candace Ep 81
Candace Owens | 8 Oct. 2024

Claims by Gendron

I'm skipping his intro about the upcoming 507th anniversary of Luther's theses (which he calls the one of the Reformation), and "is a new Reformation necessary", and go to his historic claims about the Reformation and went on before:

Why Was the Reformation Necessary?

He'll explain why it supposedly was, I'll explain why it wasn't.

1. The Catholic Church had departed from the apostolic faith to follow doctrines of demons and pagan traditions (1 Tim. 4:1-3; Col. 2:8; Mark 7:7-13).

A general intro to this claim. And I'll treat the Reformers partly as Mike Gendron treats them, even if it's sometimes ahistorical.

If it were true, the Catholic Church wasn't the true Church, so another one was ... all of that time. The Reformers could pick and chose between Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and a few more. Each of these had at some point split from the Catholic Church or its common trunk with some other Church, like Eastern Orthodox have at least been claimed to split from us in 1053 and 1090's (respectively Constantinople and Antioch) and the Copts over Chalcedon split from the common trunk of both Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics.

The Baptist Continuity theory claims they could already have joined a Baptist Church that split from Pope Cornelius by adhering to the alternative Roman Pope, sorry Baptist pastor on their view, Novatian, in 251 AD. I regard this possibility as entirely spurious and claim both Anabaptism and Baptism have very much later origins, precursors, competitors or follow-ups of the Reformers.

What they could NOT do is what they did. Namely:

  • claim the Roman Church was wrong
  • at least implicitly claim any other ancient Church was also wrong
  • and claim they were righting what had been wrong for centuries.

It is exactly what Charles Taze Russell did, when founding the Watchtower Sect. It's closely related to what Joseph Smith did, with the difference he claimed a revelation from God rather than the super best Bible Study to rule all Bible Studies, like Luther or Russell.

Note, the position of the Reformers was in fact more subtle and grey-zoned than this.*

But anyway, why is this impossible?

Matthew 28:16—20 involves Jesus giving a task and a promise, first a task, the teaching of all truth (which implies absence of all pernicious error), and then a promise to go with the task, remaining with the Church, with the Apostles He was adressing, and implicitly with their successors, since the promise was specified "all days, until the consummation of all time" ...

Now to Gendron's Bible quotes.

1 Tim. 4:1-3 doesn't refer to voluntary celibate, since St. Paul recommends it in 1 Corinthians 7, and also not to abstain from foods on fasting days, since Jesus says "when you fast" ... the Christian fast is typically what a Jew would refer to as "half fast" (their whole fast would be 24 hours without food, we don't do that), and part of their tradition also states that when breaking the fast in the evening, you abstain from meat and dairy, in their view for reasons of digestion. So, no, St. Paul's "doctrines of demons" doesn't at all refer to monks, celibate clergy, days of fast and abstinence.

It could refer to things done to some people, like to me:

  • to consider me mad, they go about using modern psychiatry (though I'm not institutionalised, after what I've been told) which is doctrines of demons
  • as they consider me mad, they don't allow me to marry yet
  • as they consider lack of sexual appetite part of my problem, they make sure I eat plenty, that is they forbid me to fast also.

But it cannot refer to Catholic disciplines like those Gendron had in mind.

Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy, and vain deceit; according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ
[Colossians 2:8]

St. Paul was comparing Judaisers to Epicureans. Catholics are not Judaisers, nor are we Epicureans, so the accusation is not against us.

Mark 7:7—13 refers to a Pilpul that was fashionable with Jews, i e Pharisees as they back then were known apart from other Jews, back then.

Our Lord does not say all traditions evolving past a clear revealed truth are evil, but that one was since contradicting revealed moral truth.

Very few traditions of the Catholic Church are found in the first century church described in the Book of Acts and the Epistles. The Reformers made it very clear that we are “not to go beyond what is written” (1 Cor. 4:6). Rome's apostasy was officially and dogmatically documented at the Council of Trent, with dozens of anathemas that condemn those who do not believe its heretical dogmas.

That very few traditions are explicitly found, as a Protestant would go about finding or not finding them (the kind of reading which would have led Beroeans to reject St. Paul, if they had held it!) is totally irrelevant. The NT is not all that huge a text mass. Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer (a Baptist) sums up the NT as 17 998 lines of text in Greek. This is too little to give detailed technical instruction on lots and lots and lots of subjects.

As to 1 Cor. 4:6, the Corinthians are told to be content with the hierarchy that's "written" rather than adding preferences for personal teams. Bishop Witham (whose priests were persecuted by England) considers "above that which is written" to mean "against the admonitions" in the Holy Scriptures (he's quoted in the Haydock Bible, which is like Scofield, but better, it's Young Earth Creationist, it's Catholic, it refuses to bow unambiguously down to Heliocentrism in Joshua 10) and those admonitions being about humility, about clergy being selfless and so on.

It is nothing like an instruction to Bible alone. That would contradict Old Testament precedent. We know for a fact that the injunction for brothers to marry the widow of deceased brothers who have no children was expressed as concerning siblings, but in Ruth both Booz and another guy before him were eligible to marry the widow Ruth, while neither was the sibling of Elimelech. In reference to the law, however, he speaks of "our brother Elimelech" ... sth to keep in mind before attacking the perpetual virginity.

As to the Anathemas of Trent, I've started a defense, but I'm behind schedual. Here are the already extant parts:

130 Anathemas of Trent; the 5 First of Them · 130 Anathemas, Session VI, Justification

2. The Catholic Church had distorted the Gospel of grace and was under divine condemnation (Gal. 1:6-9).

Gendron at least nominally pretends he found "the Gospel of grace" in Ephesians 2:8,9. We claim we find Catholic doctrine in Ephesians 2:8,9 and 10.

In the Reformers, this very clearly meant free grace theology. That is what Tyndale was burned for. Latomus held to Lordship salvation.

As God opened the eyes of the Reformers to see the light of the true Gospel and the glory of Christ, they began proclaiming it and calling Catholics to repent of their gospel of works and sacraments.

So, the tradition of men to cite Ephesians 2:8,9 and shut your eyes when you see the numeral 10, just so you can avoid works, is how God opens eyes? Don't think so.

3. Catholic popes had usurped the supreme authority of God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16).

Wherever Scripture is not the supreme authority, Christ will be dishonored, faith will be misplaced, people will be deceived, the church will be ineffective and men will steal glory from God.

The prooftext says that Scripture is godbreathed. It does not deny that Apostles or Apostolic tradition is godbreathed. In fact, we can see that the Apostles, as personal rather than textual authorities are godbreathed in John 20, the account of Resurrection Sunday's evening:

When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost
[John 20:22]

Who breathed on them? The same person who had said:

Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am.
[John 8:58]

That makes the Apostles godbreathed personal authorities, since Jesus who breathed on them is God. Bishops and popes are their successors.

4. Catholic priests were false mediators who were continuing Christ's finished work of redemption on their altars (1 Tim. 2:5).

That Jesus is the one mediator does not mean He does not communicate with anyone His work of mediation as it applies concretely.

This was an outright rejection of the Lord's victory cry on the cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30). Jesus died once, for all sin, for all time and there are no more offerings for sin (Hebrews 10). Then "He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption" (Heb. 9:12)

Thanks, but this needs to be applied to the individual. If you say "no more sacrifice of the Mass" (contrary to Hebrews 13:10) or "no more absolution by priests" (contrary to John 20:23), it would logically also follow "no more accepting Christ as one's personal Saviour" which I'm very sure Gendron does not mean.

What Did the Reformation Accomplish?

He'll claim, salvation of a remnant or something, I'll claim rupture.

1. The Reformers made the Bible available to the people in their own language.

True for England, since several Protestant Bibles preceded the Douay Rheims and since in England translating the Bible had been a legal offense since the time the Lollards were banned.

Not true for the Germanies (to which Vilvoorde, speaking Low German, more precisely Low Franconian, Netherlands as we call it now, belonged). Luther made the first Protestant translation, but 19th translation overall to a German dialect (High or Low).

The truth was setting them free from religious bondage. This caused the pope to put a stop to this mass exodus by once again putting the Bible on their list of forbidden books.

The Bible was never on the list of forbidden books. Protestant translations of it are. And mistranslations aren't the Bible. Of the old (non-modern) English ones, only Tyndale and the Roman Catholic Douay Rheims are not repeating Calvin's mistranslation about repetions being forbidden.

2. The Reformers re-established the Word of God as the supreme authority over popes, traditions, and church councils (2 Tim. 3:15-16).

Again, the passage says nothing of the Bible needing no interpreter. St. Timothy had known the Old Testament since infancy, and needed St. Paul to tell him what it really means, so did the Beroens.

As the inspired Word of God, Scripture must be used to test and correct all other authorities.

As the godbreathed successors of the apostles, the episcopate must be used to test and correct men of the world and that would include their misconceptions about the Bible?

But the spiritual man judgeth all things; and he himself is judged of no man.
[1 Corinthians 2:15]

When Catholic clergy in Germany is called "Geistliche" (spiritual), this is in reference to this verse.

3. The Reformers re-established the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Head of His Church.


Like Jesus had left His Church and they needed to call Him back? Check Matthew 28:16—20!

How dare the pope steal this title from the One who purchased the church with His own blood (Eph. 1:22; Acts 20:28).

Given by Christ and received by Peter is not the same as stolen by Peter (or his successors).

Take heed to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood
[Acts Of Apostles 20:28]

OK, the Holy Ghost placed them to RULE the Church of God ... sounds like given, not stolen.

Mike Gendron seems incapable of even reading his own proof texts.

4. The Reformers recovered the most important doctrine of justification, which is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, all for the glory of God alone.


Like by truncating the quote Ephesians 2:8 to 10 into just Ephesians 2:8,9?

This doctrine answers man's most important question, "How can a sinner become right with God?" Watch Mike's recent message on Why the Reformation Was Necessary which highlights eight ways the Roman Catholic Church distorts the doctrine of justification.

I'll name one way in which Mike Gendron justified it. To Allie Beth Stuckey, he claimed that he came "to his senses" (as he'd see it) over reading Ephesians 2:8,9. He didn't say Ephesians 2:8 to 10, though.

This subject, I'm usually doing on Great Bishop of Geneva!

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Francis Borgia

Sancti Francisci Borgiae, Sacerdotis e Societate Jesu et Confessoris, cujus dies natalis pridie Kalendas Octobris recensetur.

* Gavin Ortlund, pretending it was a "renewal within the Church" goes on to the other extreme. He denies the overthrow of one (ecclesial) government and putting another in its place, that is however exactly what happened in Wittenberg in both the years when Luther was in Wartburg and when he returned. Mass was changed, sacraments were changed, Luther arrogated to himself powers of visitation as if he were a bishop ... when his disciples the brothers Petri returned from Wittenberg to Sweden, their deeds provoked exiles and uprisings to remain Catholic, abroad if one had the resources, at home if one was poorer and more generous in giving one's life.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Bonum Festum Sancti Dionysii

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Lutetiae Parisiorum natalis sanctorum Martyrum Dionysii Areopagitae Episcopi, Rustici Presbyteri, et Eleutherii Diaconi. Ex his Dionysius, ab Apostolo Paulo baptizatus, primus Atheniensium Episcopus ordinatus est; deinde Romam venit, atque inde a beato Clemente, Romano Pontifice, in Gallias praedicandi gratia directus est, et ad praefatam urbem devenit; ibique, cum per aliquot annos commissum sibi opus fideliter prosecutus esset, tandem, a Praefecto Fescennino, post gravissima tormentorum genera, una cum Sociis, gladio animadversus, martyrium complevit.

Bishop Tissier de Mallerais died Yesterday

It was the feast of St. Bridget of Vadstena, or as she is often called outside Sweden "of Sweden".

He was a bishop with certainly valid Apostolic Succession, certainly valid orders. I've prayed for him, even if he did not accept the true Pope, and hope you will do so too./HGL

Source for the news:

FSSPX News: The Death of Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais
October 8, 2024 (Source : Maison Générale - FSSPX.Actualités)

Netanyahu Wants to See the Holocaust as Unique

His state has not recognised the genocide on Armenians.

His nation-state has both prison punishments and psychiatry in wait for Holocaust deniers.

Is this because any idea that the camps did no worse than allow LOTS of people to die from typhoid by treating them badly would make the acts of Himmler somewhat more comparable to how Israel is treating, well before October 7, the Palestinians of certain regions?

Is this how Netanyahu intends to treat Lebanon?

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Dionysius of the Areopagus

Tuesday 8 October 2024

I don't believe in giving testimony, but here I was kind of challenged.

I saw the beginning of a video by Decrevi, and it seems a certain new soon to be cardinal (in the Church of Bergoglio) said sth to the effect of "nobody is converted by tabernacles" ...

Ennio Morricone - My Name is Nobody - Il Mio Nome è Nessuno (Album) High Quality Audio
Musica e Oltre Srl | 24 nov. 2016

Nobody? As with someone saying "nobody is geocentric these days" ... this film comes to mind. And especially the title. I think in the end times it's better to be known as "nobody" than as Polypheme (aka "one eye") ...

I was a child and I was not yet baptised.

I knew how in Catholic theology the tabernacle is where Jesus Christ Himself is kept, from school in Austria. I was to visit my sister, and I still recall the Catholic Church nearby and its tabernacle. I think it was after I left Austria, and this reminded me of the faith in the real presence.

If I tend to Mgr Lefebvre's more optimistic view of Novus Ordo, could sometimes be valid, it is because this was a Novus Ordo parish./HGL

Certains prétendent me vouloir aider à surmonter PTSD

Pour le faire, ils me retraumatisent jour par jour :

Et pour les dialogues avec les trois suécophones que j'ai dû affronter, voir:

Är Felix Englén (Englen?) helgons Riddim? · Traccasseriet fortsätter

Il y a des gens qui simplement ne sont pas bienvenus de rentrer dans ma vie, et au lieu de le respecter, ce réseau narcissique et toxique fait d'entrisme jour après jour en me retraumatisant par leur présence "no querida" pour détourner un chant sur Che./HGL

I Am Harrassed by Jews and Protestants and Muslims

This blog post was from April, and reflects a review of a Tovia Singer video I viewed in April (or perhaps late in March) and commented on.

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tovia tried to counter ...
Sunday, April 7, 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 9:14 PM

One part of dialogue which ended on my part:

Your oral torah is not the same as that of the Jews in the Second Temple period. Let alone that of Moses and Joshua.

It has now been updated by an exchange between "Karen" and myself.

She made two comments, the first of which included Bible reference, which I checked. The second included the phrase:

You speak from profound willful ignorance!

And my reply to that, in a follow up after my first comment is this second comment:

@User-x5s3x When you tell me

"You speak from profound willful ignorance!"

you are going past the conventions of polite debate, which is what I am up for, and you are entering the domain as posing as someone lecturing me, which is more like criminal harassment.

Jews have certainly done some things so that my blogs should be kept a secret among them, so that they should be able to "hope" I was going to ditch my beliefs and join them, and repent of what I have written and by keeping it a secret, they think they are doing me a favour.

The same is to a lesser degree true of Muslims and somewhere inbetween true of Protestants. With Muslims, I have few changes over the internet, but when I hold a cardboard with my blog URLs and offer them reading, they often make a point of saying "no thanks" while Protestants have been at me for:

Catholic Beliefs
Carolina Jackson Continued

Harassing quote
by Carolina Jackson
@hglundahl U know what the catholic sacraments do? Create a perpetual dependence for the faithful from a man they are said they need to be in peace with God.
That's a lie.
It happened during the Old Covenant. It does not happen in the New One. We have direct access now to God for all our spiritual needs.

Pls, don't believe those lies! Don't you see that the CC keeps people eternally captive there????

Young Earth Creationist Beliefs
Continued Debate with David C. Campbell

Harassing quote
by David C. Campbell
Think. Your arguments are not good. Unless you stop just making up claims and seriously think about the information, there is no point in discussing. Modern young-earth creationism is a dangerous legalistic heresy, substituting belief in a young earth for trust in salvation by the work of Jesus. As Paul warns extensively in Galatians, this is a serious problem. ...

Debating in the first place
Josephus on Nimrod and Babel, Vindicated · Unity, Precious AND Dangerous

Harassing non-quote
act by Brad McFadden
On the first of these, he gave a polite answer to one comment. Seven others were taken down. On the second, five comments were all taken down.

You might wonder "seven comments under one video, five under another, what's the point, why not just one?" ... well, both my comments under the video and my collection of them on my blog are together the equivalent of a "reaction video" ... a genre which has been gaining popularity. I am happy I can have the comments on my blog, I would dislike that being taken down too, but I am far from satisfied, you see, each of the comments is kind of an invitation to a debate, and Brad Mac Fadden cancelled twelve of them. No doubt, I would not have gotten twelve debates, but perhaps one to four.

Now, the cancel culture surrounding my debating and my positions and my blogs (Muslims have been pretty quiet online, where I was around, but have been pretty offline in keeping me momentarily happy, but my blogs less read), this goes hand in hand with people pretending I'm just so immature and they just have to save me from my mistakes, see Karen and Carolina Jackson, or at least try, see David C. Campbell.

The result is, I am impoverished in readers, impoverished in opportunities to get, if not my debates at least my essays into print (the debates involve someone else's copyright, and they should have the opportunity to have a say if I make money off it, but the essays are just my own), and therefore an opportunity to get an income and to marry.

Don't get me wrong. What I demand is not to be protected online from Karen, Caroline Jackson, David C. Campbell. In the debates I do just fine. What I demand is that one cease taking their word for me being just so immature and needing protection, and that one give people opportunities, and I don't mean "arranged and highly supervised opportunities" but real ones, to actually see what I'm writing. Not just people my age, who have their mind set, so have I, but also the younger people that they can't legally protect by forbidding them to read my blogs, but can very much "protect" illegally by diffaming me.

And obviously, there are Catholics who should cease to act like sluts to the above categories, and to some aspects of Communism.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Saint Bridget of Vadstena

Monday 7 October 2024

Bonum Festum Sacratissimi Rosarii Beatae Mariae Virginis

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Festum sacratissimi Rosarii beatae Mariae Virginis; itemque sanctae Mariae de Victoria commemoratio, quam sanctus Pius Quintus, Pontifex Maximus, ob insignem victoriam a Christianis bello navali, ejusdem sanctissimae Dei Genitricis auxilio, hac ipsa die de Turcis reportatam, quotannis fieri instituit.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Food for Thought for Harris

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: The Left Despise the Youth: exhibit Kamala · New blog on the kid: Food for Thought for Harris

I was starting to watch a video by Useful Charts.

Is Kamala Harris Black? | My Response to Candace Owens
UsefulCharts | 4 Oct. 2024

I doubt whether Beryl Finnegan supported abortion. But I am very sure that Patrick Finnegan Sr. and his black wife didn't.

As much as I am sure that Éamon de Valera didn't.

Same religion. Same people taking it usually seriously. So, probably same attitude to abortion as well. I think Mrs Vance would be happy to inform her that not all from India are big fans of Indira Gandhi's policies (properly speaking she was by the way a Nehru).

I think there are people in your ancestry who wouldn't like your programme, and some of them are in Heaven or Purgatory.

I mean, there are people who construe what I am doing as a writer as National Socialism, when it isn't (I prefer another Deutsches Land and another German Speaking Fascism, which never did worse to Jews than fist fights, and as I have heard on provocation, and I prefer the politicians over the fist fighters), and I think, if they told me I should respect my Jewish ancestry and quit that, and the charge were true, probably I should. The reason I don't quit is that the charge is not true. What about you respecting the Irish part of your family and ... retiring from an abortion based election programme?

Just a thought. I could have felt the Bern, if Mr. Sanders had granted me two things, namely ditching abortion and supporting home schooling. He didn't do that, so I didn't feel the Bern.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Day after St. Francis

Friday 4 October 2024

Bonum Festum Sancti Francisci

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Assisii, in Umbria, natalis sancti Francisci, Levitae et Confessoris; qui trium Ordinum, scilicet Fratrum Minorum, Pauperum Dominarum, ac Fratrum et Sororum de Poenitentia, Fundator exstitit. Ipsius autem vitam, sanctitate ac miraculis plenam, sanctus Bonaventura conscripsit.

I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help

New blog on the kid: If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 · Where are the Homeless in Poland? · I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ...

The Narcissist Scare
Sarah Z | 30 Sept. 2024

13:55 We’ve already established that, in the vast majority of cases, when a person discusses “narcissists”, they do not mean people with an actual clinical diagnosis; they mean an asshole. 14:05 However, I do want to talk about my theoretical standpoints on the psychiatric systems at play here too, because where these diagnoses do exist, they are not neutral labels either. 14:14 Psychiatric diagnoses are not the same thing as, for example, identifying a broken bone or a measles infection, wherein these things can be observed and categorized more or less 14:24 "objectively". Rather, they are words we use to describe patterns of symptoms— we see that certain behaviours and traits tend to show up together, 14:31 and so we group them together under one name. Virtually everyone on the planet has certain traits that you’d label as symptoms of disorders— everyone has traits that autistic people have; 14:41 everyone has traits that are considered narcissistic or depressed or anxious. It’s deemed a disorder when someone has more than what we consider a “normal” amount of those traits— so 14:50 if you have enough of them to significantly impair your functioning in daily life, that warrants a diagnosis. But, of course, what we consider a “normal” amount of something 14:59 gets changed all the time.

And obviously, a thicker DSM means more people get described as some kind of thing you could pull into some kind of psychiatric treatment, in hospital or "outpatient care" ...

DSM-I (1952)
The manual was 130 pages long and listed 106 mental disorders.

DSM-5 (2013)
Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée 991 pages
Langue Anglais

Even now— we can look at Oppositional Defiant Disorder, a diagnosis that is often applied to 16:09 children who resist authority figures or display defiant behaviour. It's, even now, been criticized for being over-diagnosed and pathologizing normal childhood behaviour. It has also been found to be 16:19 disproportionately applied to children from marginalized communities, such as Black and Latino communities.

In other words, when the opposition is against someone neither the child nor his family is likely to regard as a fully legitimate "authority figure" ...

In other words, while the scarlet beast can certainly have something to do with Communists, it can also have something to do with a certain type of Republicans.

Now, Sarah Z mentioned the criterium of severity in the first quote. A quote from the article on wikipedia claimed this for DSM-5:

Severity is based on social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, with three levels:

  • requiring support
  • requiring substantial support
  • requiring very substantial support

I know for a fact some have wanted to label me as a narcissist. I know equally for a fact that some where I live as a homeless have gone to pretty extreme lengths to label me as "requiring" ... support? ... substantial support? ... perhaps very substantial support? There are simply people who hate what I write and others who might not much care, but hate THAT I write. To certain "Christians" my stance on YEC and Geocentrism is a "betrayal of the Gospel" and some kind of "legalism" and to certain proletarians, no scare quotes this time, the fact that I don't look for an employment, but hope for an editor, in a society which so little values what I have to say, well, it's plain stupid. I'm sorry to say, my relation to some immigrant groups has soured over this, since many of them have shown this proletarian attitude. There are obviously also some more like Middle Class or Upper Class people who'd like to impose it on me, since they'd hate having to mix with me. Such are my enemies.

Again, some guys have gone out to me with friendliness, rejoicing, kind of, over a partial agreement that came unexpected to them, and hoping it was my latest "change of heart" when in fact that but all the other stuff they didn't like is what I have thought for decades. When they see that their friendliness doesn't win me over as a friend when they feel bad about what I write, well, I fear pretty much very bad things, maybe even the worst, from those guys.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Francis of Assisi

Assisii, in Umbria, natalis sancti Francisci, Levitae et Confessoris; qui trium Ordinum, scilicet Fratrum Minorum, Pauperum Dominarum, ac Fratrum et Sororum de Poenitentia, Fundator exstitit. Ipsius autem vitam, sanctitate ac miraculis plenam, sanctus Bonaventura conscripsit.

PS, other piece of gold from her video:

The inconsistency reveals a deeper issue: it is not 22:45 the behaviour itself that is condemned, but rather the label attached to the person exhibiting it. 22:50 This leads to the second concern: the suggestion that these traits make someone innately evil. Clearly, this is not the case. I want to restate again that mistreating other people is never 23:01 acceptable – but here what’s being addressed is not actually mistreatment of others as an 23:06 action – rather, it is about packaging people themselves into very demeaning, subjective, and punitive categories.

So true!

A few minutes later, she speaks against "Satanic ritual abuse" and "human trafficking" scares, in her view, I would say labelling someone as mentally ill very often IS precisely both Satanic ritual abuse (if for instance it's against a hated Christian) and a kind of human trafficking, where the economic gain doesn't come from what someone does, but what is done to them on taxpayers' expenses./HGL

PPS, I am not endorsing her citation of Jackson S. et al. 1999 "Predicting ..." or Ellison and Bradshaw, 2009 "Religious belief ..." or Rodriguez and Henderson, 2010, "Who spares the rod? Religious orientation, social conformity, and child abuse potential ..." around the 35 minutes mark. Those "findings" are about as prone to abuse against parents (and against children's feelings toward their parents) in countries with strong Child Protective Services as the diagnoses drapetomania, hysteria and narcissism have been and are./HGL

PPPS, in case the previous wasn't clear, my mother was never abusive, but she has been perceived as abusive by atheists based on that ideology, and this has damaged my own life and that of at least one sister of mine./HGL

PPPPS, that is obviously not an endorsement of "To Train up the Child" ... my mother was more into Maria von Trapp (both the persona by Julie Andrews and the real actual person, whom we saw in 1977, on the Charismatic conference in Kansas City./HGL

Thursday 3 October 2024

Bonum Festum Sanctae Theresiae a Jesu Infante

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Sanctae Teresiae a Jesu Infante, ex Ordine Carmelitarum Excalceatorum, Virginis, peculiaris omnium Missionum Patronae; cujus dies natalis pridie Kalendas Octobris recensetur.

"He obviously wants to self publish, why doesn't he just go to Amazon KDP?"

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Yes, One Can Be a Writer Without Affording a Secretary · I Think I Know What I am Looking For as Income Pretty Well · A Psychologist Pretended to be Expert on Fact Checking Skills · Language · New blog on the kid: "He obviously wants to self publish, why doesn't he just go to Amazon KDP?"

I have actually (probably more than a year ago) been tipped about Amazon KDP.

I concluded back then it would be a trap, for other reasons. Here is how M. K. Williams describes a trap I hadn't even completely reckoned with:

now it's 5:52 been a year and Amy's book is selling 5:55 well on Amazon she has great reviews ...

when she goes to take those same 6:18 files and the same ISBN and upload them 6:21 elsewhere she can't because Amazon owns 6:23 [that] ISBN and the other platforms won't 6:25 accept it so she could fib and cheat the 6:28 system and use a new free ISBN but when 6:31 the bookstores who want to stock the 6:33 book or the libraries search for that 6:34 book it comes up as a totally new book 6:36 with no reviews

NEVER use the "free" ISBN from Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, or any other platform! | Self-Publishing Tip
M.K. Williams | 27 March 2024

The one self publishing I am in fact doing is, for free, on my blogs.

The re-publishing, which would be read by people paying to read, should be:

  • in physical books on paper;
  • by editors (myself in principle not excluded, but that can't happen as long as I have no appartment, and I prefer to have no appartment from the social system, since that precludes giving your flat as adress of a company including obviously a publishing company) and not on the Amazon KDP market
  • possible exception for a local self publishing company where I can negotiate conditions.

It should definitely NOT be a question of push-button publishing. For the reason stated above, but also:

  • I have by my conditions given a right to every reader to become my (traditional!) publisher (already extant traditional publishers not excluded), and self publishing by Amazon KDP or any similar platform for pushbutton publishing would automatically deprive them of that right, since I would enter a contractual obligation to have given no previous copyright related obligations;
  • I know that Pope Michael I used Amazon KDP to republish old books not by him, apart from the copyright implication in pretending a booklet of Nine Papal Condemnations of Heliocentrism (with pre-Conciliar Imprimatur!) was a book by himself, he also fared ill in the sales, and if he concluded "that's how things are" I'm not with him: I think the processing of feeds on Amazon, including Amazon KDP gets some manual input, and I think that those inputs did not favour the visibility of his republishing. I told him he ought to make a publishing company, with paper editions. Apparently he didn't (or at least he didn't extend to me to republish things of mine, despote having vetted lots of posts as doctrinally sane).

So, anyone who pretends that I'm simply too lazy to do the proper initiatives to get my things going, or incoherent, is wrong. I am simply not volunteering for walking into booby traps that do not serve my purpose, and that could hinder it a lot later on.

Now, a French publishing company did publish a French translation of Revd. Victor P. Warkulwiz.* A Catholic (and Novus Ordo, or just possibly Extraordinary Form, so, to Novus Ordos, a priest). They were selling through Chiré. And I contacted Chiré to ask whether they were reprinting it. That's when I discovered Chiré themselves were not that publisher, and the publisher was a no longer extant company. I tried to get hold of them and the new company who had bought their rights was not answering me. So, the French translation for his book is for copyright reasons tied up with "épuisé chez l'éditeur" / "out of stock with the publisher" ...

This is one of the things I try to avoid by my conditions. "Everyone who wants" = no exclusivity on the copyright. You want to publish my Geocentric stuff and go broke tomorrow? As long as you comply with the conditions I've expressed as applying for most of my blogs (three from 42 are no monetary remuneration sought for, all three of them are small), that's not a problem. Because the day after tomorrow, someone else could want to publish them, and you had no exclusivity but just a general licence. Which equally applies to the other guy. When he wants to take up the cause you forsook (by choice or by weakness), he's not hampered by the rights I gave you, because those rights did not exclude him.

Now, some guys in traditional publishing, but ALL platforms for push-button publishing would not see it this way. "If I don't get exclusivity, why should I send you royalty" ... well, a general licence, if you take action and profit from it, is worth something. I even leave it up to you to decide how much it is worth and how much you can afford (intended mainly as a bonus to young aspiring publishers). That's why voluntary royalties are also part of my conditions.

I know perfectly well why I am making the conditions I make, and I also know that I am NOT in a very clumsy and naive way expressing a wish to actually go e-book through the process of push-button publishing. Now you should know that too.

There are other ways in which people have pretended to "question" my ambition to be a writer. Am I a megalomaniac gambler who thinks I can become as famous as Tolkien? Whether I can or not is not the issue. This time of history is not so measly against authors that only the very, very, very best and most known can survive. 5000 authors and translators were having that as their insurance policy for old age in France, back in 2016. I am very certain that you don't know 5000 contemporary people in France who strike you as equally famous as Tolkien. Probably not even 5, certainly you don't know 5000, and that alone makes them less known than Tolkien. Even so, they gain a livelihood from writing and translating books.

Or other way, a writer needs to write every day, could this homeless man really keep up a writing routine? Stephen King writes 2000 words per day, Neil Gaiman 1500. For September I published over 4300 words per day.**

But I think the main pretense for "not taking me seriously" in my project to get my blog posts republished breaks down to three. The one closest to this post is already dealt with, I have conditions that exclude pushg-button publishing, and I have conditions that are probably not attractive to most big traditional publishers.

The other two would be:
  • who'd be interested in reading what a homeless person has to say?
  • why should YEC and Geocentrism be published?

To the first, I'd answer it should by now be a very interesting thing, since I could have been off the street 14 years ago, if certain other people (at St. Nicolas du Chardonnet) hadn't totally blocked all my attempts at getting a publisher through the parish. So, if fourteen years on a row I remain homeless because of a refusal to publish me (not just that one, but several since then), I think this puts the question on its head. Except to some Hindoos who'd think being homeless shows a bad karma incompatible with the good karma necessary to be a writer. Is that the real rationale for that parish?

To the second, I'd answer, because it's true. It's Evolutionism and Heliocentrism that deserve to find no publisher. If lies find too many publishers and truth finds none, how is that not being in the last days, when those refusing to take a mark cannot buy or sell? But the form of the objection boils down to a left wing "holy war" on "disinformation" ...

So, the perfect excuse for the enemies I have, those who think homelessness should inspire more modesty than shown by writing, and those who think Christianity should not be accessible, is to point to some fatal flaw or omission in what I did myself. There isn't that. There is just a huge amount of people keeping watch and blocking around the very correct initiative I took.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus

Sanctae Teresiae a Jesu Infante, ex Ordine Carmelitarum Excalceatorum, Virginis, peculiaris omnium Missionum Patronae; cujus dies natalis pridie Kalendas Octobris recensetur.

* I partly cover the story, for those who read French, in this blog post:

New blog on the kid : "Sola Scriptura" ... erreur réelle mais moins grave de Luther, accusation fictice contre Catholiques fidèles
Sunday 16 June 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 16:46

** New blog on the kid: Production September 2024
Monday 30 September 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 16:30