Thursday, 31 December 2020

Two P O S S I B L E Deaths Linked to Vaccination

  • In England one person who had an allergic reaction to the vaccine has been rumoured to have died. There is a video with her stating "no I didn't die" - if it is with her: some have detected differences between the very like faces before vaccination and on video;
  • In Sweden someone certainly did die after vaccination, but had multiple diseases beforehand and it is "not yet clear" if the death was linked to the vaccination.

First newsstory - I can not find the link.

Second newsstory, here is the link while it is around:

Kungens rädsla – efter nya vaccinbeskedet
KUNGLIGT, 30 december, 2020 17:27, Noréa Dahlskog

I am speaking of this passage:

Multisjuk person har dött dagen efter sprutan
Det är en person på ett särskilt boende i Kalmars län som dött dagen efter sprutan. Regionen har nu gjort en biverkningsrapportering till Läkemedelsverket.

– Att vi har anmält det här till Läkemedelsverket är en rutinåtgärd, säger chefläkare Mattias Alvunger i ett pressmeddelande.

Den multisjuka personen dog i ett misstänkt hjärtstopp, skriver regionen. Det är ännu oklart om dödsfallet är kopplat till vaccineringen.

Matti Sällberg, vaccinforskare på Karolinska, påpekar att personer som vaccinerats kan dö utan koppling till vaccinet.

– Men det är ändå jätteviktigt att ta reda på så fort som möjligt om det kan finnas koppling till vaccinet. Även om studier har visat att säkerhetsprofilen är bra kan man aldrig utesluta att något extremt ovanligt inträffar, säger han till Expressen.

On the former, some backstory:
U.K. to refine allergy warning on Pfizer vaccine sparked by two adverse reactions
Alistair Smout, The Associated Press, Published Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Medical practitioners out there : what do you think?

Dr Yeadon’s (former Pfizer VP) Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Petition

Le goût d'une spammeuse / the taste of a spammer

I'm Germanic ...

70 Years Ago ... (Link to NarniaWeb) & Walter Hooper, RIP

You Liked Centennial?
Since it is 5th of November ...
Art of Interpretation
Lisa Gardner's Tips for Writers
Rahan Linguistics Revisited
What Martyrology, by the way?
What's in ASCII?
 Christian Jacq et Ramses le Grand Merci Montaigne!

Une différence du dernier malentendu avec les autres & Genèse et Gilgamesh

Une licorne, montrez-moi une licorne vivante ... & BnF notre licorne? & Archéologie, selon BnF & Analysons encore une page de BnF

À Bruno Dumézil
Vous appréciez Brasillach comme critique littéraire?
Chronométrage de la liturgie
C'est quoi le capitalisme, selon Chesterton?
Other / Autre
Once Again : Austrofascist and Nazi is NOT the Same Thing.
Are Jews Hacking my Account to Delete Posts?
 Deux manières d'avoir moins d'immigrés

Les morts en avortement 2019 dépassent les morts en COVID-19 pendant 2020

Il y a quelques jours, on annonça 60 000 morts en COVID-19. Rivarol avait un peu avant donné 53 000 et encore des chiffres ...

Georges Martin, pour Droit de Naître donne la somme de 232 000 en 2019 !

Voici leur pétition, que je viens de signer:

Évidemment, je ne suis pas non plus d'accord avec un delai pour I"M"G* prolongé jusqu'à naissance, mais je ne sais pour l'instant pas les péripéties de cette horreur. Ici, la prolongation pour IVG** - en certains cas I"V"G conviendrait mieux - est en cause.

Au lieu de prolonger le délai, on devrait renverser la pseudo-législation de Veil qui conduit à l'impunité pour le crime réel d'infanticide. Pour que la République regagne sa légitimité, si elle en avait un peu après 1870.

Hans Georg Lundahl
lendemain des
Saints Innocents

* IMG veut dire "interruption médicale de grossesse". Il ne s'agit pas juste du cas classique, que la mère risque de mourir (beaucoup plus que normalement) en accouchant, il s'agit aussi des choses tellement peu médicaux que d'avorter pour éviter que la mère commette suicide ou devienne, pas folle, mais simplement empirée en maladie mentale. Chose que des psychiatres peuvent pour l'instant décider à leur guise pour empêcher qu'une patiente devienne mère et gagne en libertés vis-à-vis eux.

** IVG veut dire "interruption volontaire de grossesse". En pas mal de cas de jeunes filles qui avortent, ce n'est pas si volontaire que ça, il y a des petits amis et des parents qui font pression pour éviter que la mère choisisse de donner naissance. Une fille de 13 avait tenu bon 5 semaines en Suède, avant de cracquer et d'avorter, c'était dans ce qui correspond à CNEWS matin là-bas entre juin 2000 et mars 2004. Probablement 2002 ou 2003.

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Bonum Festum Nativitatis

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Anno a creatione mundi, quando in principio Deus creavit caelum et terram, quinquies millesimo centesimo nonagesimo nono; a diluvio autem, anno bis millesimo nongentesimo quinquagesimo septimo; a nativitate Abrahae, anno bis millesimo quintodecimo; a Moyse et egressu populi Israel de Aegypto, anno millesimo quingentesimo decimo; ab unctione David in Regem, anno millesimo trigesimo secundo; Hebdomada sexagesima quinta, juxta Danielis prophetiam; Olympiade centesima nonagesima quarta; ab urbe Roma condita, anno septingentesimo quinquagesimo secundo; anno Imperii Octaviani Augusti quadragesimo secundo, toto Orbe in pace composito, sexta mundi aetate, Jesus Christus, aeternus Deus aeternique Patris Filius, mundum volens adventu suo piissimo consecrare, de Spiritu Sancto conceptus, novemque post conceptionem decursis mensibus (Hic vox elevatur, et omnes genua flectunt), in Bethlehem Judae nascitur ex Maria Virgine factus Homo.

(Hic autem in priori voce dicitur, et in tono passionis:) Nativitas Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem.

(Si recte feci, non nunc, sed ad missas mediae noctis visibile fiet.)

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Tortues du Jurassique - ou du déluge

Un cimetière de tortue du Jurassique retrouvé en Chine

Un "cimetière" de tortues datant de l’ère du Jurassique a été mis au jour en Chine, au nord-ouest de la province du Xinjiang. Au total, plus de 1.800 squelettes ont été retrouvés empilés les uns sur les autres. Selon les paléontologues, la mort des reptiles remonte à près de 160 millions d’années. La cause de ce décès de masse serait liée principalement à une période de grosse sécheresse durant laquelle les tortues se seraient rassemblées sur les derniers points d’eau en attendant la pluie.

L’averse n’arrivant pas, la terre se serait petit à petit asséchée provoquant la mort des reptiles. C’est alors peu après leur trépas que des ondées se seraient finalement manifestées, inondant la zone et entrainant les cadavres vers un point recouvert de sédiments avec le temps.

Je suis très bien d'accord qu'il s'agit d'une inondation qui les ait couvertes en les entrainant vers ce point avec pas mal de boue.

Mais, pour moi, cette inondation étaient globale et eut lieu en 2957 avant Jésus-Christ, elle est décrite dans son contexte en Genèse 6 à 10. Elle s'appelle le Déluge de Noé./HGL

Athanasius Schneider on Abortion Tainted Vaccine (link)

Life Site News : Bishop Schneider explains why Christians must never take abortion-tainted COVID vaccine

Note, a lot of other vaccines than that one are now abortion tainted./HGL

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Reasons for an Apostasy

I am watching a youtube.

  • 1) he came to see Evolution as undisputable;
  • 2) the problem of evil "always falls back on God";
  • 3) "the Bible is not special"

    • i) text versions - Samarian, Masoretic, Septuagint, pre-Masoretic involved in Vulgate - imply errancy on part of at least some of them and on his view then all equally
    • ij) discrepancies between Kings and Chronicles, with manipulation
    • iij) Gospels supposedly contradict. Tatian and Augustine (he doesn't say which of them) failed to make a working Gospel harmony.
    • iu) Manipulation is not compatible with the revelation of an all-knowing and all-powerful God.
    • u) uncertainties in philology of original meaning.
    • uj) textual similarities between Bible and cultures around.

  • 4) "Christianity has no objective morality"

    • i) moral contradictions between OT and NT
    • ij) moral contradictions within OT, like between laws of Exodus and of Deuteronomy
    • iij) if there were an objective morality, OT contradicts it
    • iu) moralities of Joshua and of Jesus contradict
    • u) divine command theory is a horrible theory of what is right.

  • 5) No philosophical justification for the existence of God.

    • i) ditches watchmaker analogy
    • ij) ditches starter argument by its ambivalence as to who God is (including a group of fairies)

  • 6) Problem of salvation

    • i) thousands of different denominations
    • ij) each has its own view of God
    • iij) no way of proving one of them right
    • iu) if a self professed Christian is close to worshipping Quran's Allah and a self professed Muslim is close to worshipping Christianity's God ... he concludes characteristics are very important
    • u) we can't know who God is + would the Muslim go to Heaven?

  • 7) Faith is an unreliable way to truth. "Faith is belief without evidence" - > You can have faith in anything.

His video is not for arguing, which is why I am not linking right now.

Here are my answers:

  • 1) Evolution is indisputably false over more than one thing:

    • i) origin of life
    • ij) origin of human thought and language
    • iij) origin of many-celled eukaryotes and especially of new cell types
    • iu) origin of new genes by mutation and new functioning organs by genes (the genes necessary for an organ are often more than one, and they are too specific for origin by mutations

  • 2) Human freewill is an asset to God's goodness and so is angelic freewill. Combining freewill with total exclusion of all bad choices in other, created, persons is logically a contradiction, and requires the real possibility of moral evil, of which its real existence is an illustration.

  • 3) The Church is special.

    • i) text versions - Samarian, Masoretic, Septuagint, pre-Masoretic involved in Vulgate - imply errancy on part of at least some of them but not on all equally (when important the Church knows which ones to reject)
    • ij) discrepancies between Kings and Chronicles, with manipulation do not amount to contradictions.
    • iij) Tatian and Augustine each madee a working Gospel harmony.
    • iu) Manipulation on part of human authors is compatible with the revelation of an all-knowing and all-powerful God.
    • u) uncertainties in philology of original meaning - when important the Church can decide.
    • uj) textual similarities between Bible and cultures around should be expected if the Bible is factually true : no culture after Babel can have started off as completely ignorant of the Flood, for instance.

  • 4) Christianity has objective but not uniform morality

    • i) moral climbing between OT and NT
    • ij) (moral contradictions within OT, like between laws of Exodus and of Deuteronomy - I'd like to know more on this one, but he doesn't seem to have made a video about it)
    • iij) if there were an objective morality, OT fulfills some minimal requirements
    • iu) moralities of Joshua and of Jesus involve a moral climb
    • u) divine command theory is not all there is to objective Christian morality.

  • 5) Some philosophical justification for the existence of God.

    • i) He ditches watchmaker analogy - but ignores St. Thomas comparing God to an instrument both maker and player.
    • ij) He ditches starter argument by its ambivalence as to who God is - but philosophical theism is not too much decisive on that anyway.
    • iij) He ignores the five ways, including mover of the visible cosmos.
    • iu) He ignores how the existence of valid reason and valid morality points to an eternal mind not produced from scratch like each human mind is.

  • 6) Problem of salvation

    • i) thousands of different denominations
    • ij) some have their own views of God
    • iij) Matthew 28:20 proves most wrong and leaves very few options as to which one is right. Luther, Calvin, Cranmer are all out bc Reformation contradicts this passage. If it was necessary, a few days before it happened, no one was doing exactly the right Christianity, and therefore Christ would have broken His promise. Unless the right one had been going on unbroken and therefore unreformed elsewhere, but no "elsewhere" in fact coincided with these Reformers. Kyrillos Laskaris was no Calvinist and he was deposed for being too close to Calvinism for the taste of fellow Orthodox.

  • 7) "Faith is belief without evidence" = misdefined.

Faith really is belief stronger than the apparent strength of the evidence for the moment will warrant and belief for the evidence of an authority having the answer. Like, you would trust Froissart that the Hundred Years War happened - but you didn't watch it happen yourself, so you believe it by faith in his narrative. Most facts are believed by faith. All strong positions at some point in the lives of some believers face what seems to be overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Faith is sticking to an authority you have chosen for a good reason, not just for the sake of "having an authority". Though that is a good reason too, as long as it isn't a bad one. Or which others before you chose for a good reason.

I will now post this link on another youtube of his, so he can decide if he wants me to link back to his video or not, but if not, I think these reasons are so common that none of them is original with him.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Lazarus of Marseille

Massiliae, in Gallia, beati Lazari Episcopi, sanctarum Mariae Magdalenae ac Marthae fratris, quem Dominus in Evangelio appellasse amicum et a mortuis excitasse legitur.

Jacques Monod, a-t-il pu écrire un livre sur la cellule?

Je viens de lire parties d'un livre de 1972, la cellule vivante, collection que sais-je?

Monod, aurait-il été capable de l'écrire?

Je ne sais pas. J'ai été étonné que les chromosomes et les centromères (mais pas les télomères) étaient abordés dans un livre de 1972 en français. C'est quand même en 1970 que Monod écrit sa biologie philosophique dans Le Hasard et la Nécessité - sans centromères et sans chromosomes.

Or, le mystère s'éclaircit un peu : regardons Amazon pour le livre que j'ai lu:

La Cellule vivante -Que sais-je n 989 (Français) Broché – 1 janvier 1989
de Firket Henri (Auteur)

Certes, l'édition est plus nouvelle, mais l'auteur est le même.

Or, il s'appelle Henri Firket, et il est Belge. Outrequiévrain, comme on aime dire à PRÉSENT. Belge comme Tintin, pas Français comme Spirou. Tournesol : comte de Champignac = 1:0.

Et si Firket aussi est évolutionniste, à différence de Monod, celui qui connaît mieux la cellule et ses chromosomes n'est pas celui qui a osé argumenter l'évolutionnisme./HGL

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Please do Help Life Site News

Youtube is censoring their videos and they have been removed from the platform even, though it seems they are back.

Bonnes nouvelles

J'ai pu m'expliquer devant trois Juifs. Ils ont vérifié que la mère de la mère de ma mère étant goïe, je suis goï.

Chez pas mal de Marrans, y compris les Juifs chrétiens du Nord, on compte comme d'origine juive et donc comme Marrans avec une moindre rigueur que pour les Juifs halakhiques. Chez nous, ce n'est pas essentiel, comme le crédo pour l'appartenance à le religion chrétienne, c'est accessoire.

Ce qui promet, peut-être, à me permettre davantage de rester Catholique en paix.

Autres bonnes nouvelles : le front anti-masque, Rivarol trouve un soutien en Décroissance leur numéro du décembre à janvier. Le front pro-libertés scolaires, Rivarol et Présent trouve un soutien en LaCroix. Laurence Cossé n'est pas non plus friand du discours de Mureaux.

Notons à ce propos que je dois une excuse à Jules Ferry, qui, en 1882, n'avait pas rendu la scolarité à maison illégale.

Et premier jour de jeûne de Quatre-Temps : mes yeux suffisamment dégonflés pour que je puisse filer une aiguille assez fine, et reparer un sac ... merci, l'Église!/HGL

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Rémigration partielle, s v p

  • Pour les désireux de retourner, qu'on les aide, s'il y a de difficultés.
  • Pour des gens comme ceux qui ont écrit des lettres comme celle visant la paroisse de Cairanne, s'il y a de menace plus claire que juste "Allah Akbar" ou des désaccords théologiques, on n'a pas à avoir honte d'un plan d'expulsion ... normalement rémigration forcée, à exceptions en troisième pays, si le pays d'origine s'avère inacceptable car de haut risque.

Monsieur Lalin, vous avez commis un crime contre la langue française!

Je vous cite:

Sebag de Montefiore relève le côté "incestueux" de ce petit monde des dirigeants bolchéviques.

RIVAROL a, au moins, mis "incestueux" entre guillemets. Ce que vous venez de dire après, c'est une boule d'affinités de belle-familles concentrés dans ce petit monde. Affins, mais pas, qu'on sache, impliqués en inceste. Ce qui a tendu à vous rendre un peu moins convainquant, un peu moins claire, quand dans un autre endroit vous dénoncés* des vrais incestes, selon ce qu'on vous a dit.

Pour des crimes contre la langue française**, il semble qu'on peu se retrouver dans la rue 10 ans après que St. Nicolas du Chardonnet sait que vous écrivez et souhaitez sortir de la rue comme écrivain. Donc aussi, un peu gavé de croissants, pains au chocolat, et j'en passe, avec un peu de dents en moins.

M A I S on n'est pas censé être en Fleury Mérogis pour ça.

Pour le fonds des choses, je suis encore une fois choqué par la LICRA dont l'avocate vient de vous attaquer assez perfidément.

Je me souviens d'une citation de Trotski, qu'il recrutait la Tchéka de Juifs du rayon ... imbus de haine contre le Christianisme.

J'espère qu'il y aura un second procès pour vous.

Et si vous auriez la bonté la prochaine fois (si vous ne tenez pas la promesse prononcé) de noter que les Loubavitchers n'étaient pas exactement partie prenante de tout ça, qu'un des Rebbés a été inquiété et embastillé par les bolchéviques (mais en formes plus respectueuses que ce que certains Chrétiens ont dû souffrir), ça me plaîrait.

Et, les pouvoirs publiques, jusqu'à Macron : ne tolérez pas le genre de parodie de procès que, selon RIVAROL 3450 du 9.XII.2020, Monsieur Hervé Lalin a dû subir! Si on a dissolu Jeunesses nationalistes révolutionnaires après l'affaire Méric, ce serait le temps de dissoudre la LICRA après ceci.

Le tout pue de cet esprit qui imagine pouvoir éviter la haine (mais en vraie haine) en imposant la silence. Les Juifs du rayon, n'ont-ils pas été silenciés sous les Tsars? Et pourtant, on y trouvait suffisamment de haine pour aider à Bronstein de recruter!

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Melchiades, Pape et Martyr

* Ce crime contre la langue française, "vous dénoncés", n'est pas le mien mais celui d'un moment de fatigue! Vous dénoncez, bien entendu!

** Le mien est de confondre les é et e avant la syllabe tonique : en suédois, en syllabe atone, ce sont deux phones d'un même phonème, donc deux allophones, et non pas deux phonèmes distincts. J'ai répété "besoin de début" et avant une voyelle, c'est ré et non re, mais à part ça ...?

Distributist proposal on 51 acres and 17 cows.

Since I was met with a very massive incomprehension on what Distributism is ...

If you own fields and grazing grounds of 51 acres and also 17 cows. If you sell all of it to one physical person, or to a company, you pay normal real estate transfer tax. If you sell it in 17 pieces to 17 different buyers, you pay normal real estate transfer tax divided by 17. Within a reasonable limit of time ... like if you sell half now, and start selling the rest 25 year later, you will again by paying normal real estate trasnfer tax, as what you start selling then will not be half the property, but your property.

If you own 3 acres and a cow, you also pay normal real estate transfer tax.

If you sell to someone who has more than you, from twice as much on, you pay normal real estate transfer tax multiplied by how much more he already had.

Why is the man selling 51 acres and 17 cows paying no more than the man selling, if owning only that, 3 acres and a cow? In order to encourage those owning small farms to keep them.

And inheritance duty should be abolished, so as to encourage keeping land in the family.

This is something vastly different from a Communist revolution, and also from a Monastic or Friaristic renunciation on property.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Melchiad, Pope and Martyr

Monday, 7 December 2020

Bonum Festum Conceptionis Immaculatae BVM

Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL

Conceptio Immaculata gloriosae semper Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae, quam fuisse praeservatam, singulari Dei privilegio, ab omni originalis culpae labe immunem, Pius Nonus, Pontifex Maximus, hac ipsa recurrente die, solemniter definivit.

Index XXXI, English, from Assumption to Immaculate Conception, 2020

This page is part of the Index Indicum

Back On
Index XXX, ENG, Visitation to Assumption 2020 Index XXXII, English, from Immaculate Conception 2020 to Candlemass 2021

Bonum Festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis · Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli · Bonam Memoriam Decollationis Sancti Ioannis Baptistae · Bonum Festum Nativitatis beatissimae semper Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae · Exaltationis sanctae Crucis · Sancti Matthaei · Sancti Michaelis Archangeli · Rosarii beatae Mariae Virginis · Bonam Vigiliam, Bonumque Festum Omnium Sanctorum · Bonum festum Sancti Martini · Sancti Andreae Apostoli Christifidelibus lectoribus exoptavi.

Introibo Blogger's Take on Sects · TOF Spot on Scholastics · 19 Years Ago, I Became Geocentric · Some People Think the Continuity of the Catholic Church is Purely Sociological · Calling Out Apostasy of "Rev." Roger Wolsey

Sharing About Sr. Lucy of Fatima · For Most Holy Name of Mary

How Do you Cultivate Adenovirus?

Another reason against masks · Apart from her Misusing the Word "Fascist" · Masks are not worn on the forehead, right?

David Daleiden · I was Discussing Trump with an American in Paris, Before he was Elected · I Stand with Kaczynski and the Ruling · Electoral Fraud?

In 1950, Czechoslovakia had 12.34 million people · Do Some Trads Confuse Distributism with Communism? · Some Support Capitalism to Idiocy

Link to Supremacy and Survival

No, I'm Not English - and Why Should I Care?

New blog on the kid : Bad News? · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : What's in ASCII?

Nagorno-Karabakh ... a Proposal, that Might Not Work

Blogs visible and invisible on my profile · Views on Quora

Benford's Law on My Stats · I am not into buying a bridge ...

Index XXXI, Français, de l'Assomption à l'Immaculée Conception, 2020

Cette page fait partie de l'Index Indicum

En arrière En avant
Index XXX FR, Visitation à Assomption 2020 Index XXXII, en français, de l'Immaculée Conception 2020 à Chandeleurs 2021

Bonum Festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis · Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli · Bonam Memoriam Decollationis Sancti Ioannis Baptistae · Bonum Festum Nativitatis beatissimae semper Virginis Genitricis Dei Mariae · Exaltationis sanctae Crucis · Sancti Matthaei · Sancti Michaelis Archangeli · Rosarii beatae Mariae Virginis · Bonam Vigiliam, Bonumque Festum Omnium Sanctorum · Bonum festum Sancti Martini · Sancti Andreae Apostoli Christifidelibus lectoribus exoptavi.

Merci à St. Jacques pour un pélérinage qui me fit bien! · Édouard, je vous présente Chesterton · 10.XI.2020 - un jour spécial de deux manières · Bonne fête de l'armistice · Bonne fête de la médaille miraculeuse!

neuroleptiques : drogues viol pour femmes

Contre Castex, contre l'avortement, une pétition · J'ai signé, faites-le aussi!

On a peur de faire enfants ...

Sans masque ... · COVID-19 en entreprises · JDD et un docteur · Dictature médicale? · Masque à côté dans l'accueil? · JDD : "mort pour la liberté d'enseigner" - faux · Réaction de Macron? · Le Tchétchène ne parlait pas trop bien le français pour l'être · Si le Musulman imaginait que Notre Dame de Nice répand des caricatures de Mahomet ... · Et ma chère Vienne ...

Les Incivilités des plus civils ...

Huiles essentielles, revindiquées (lien)

Une tâche peut-être vaine ...

New blog on the kid : Pourquoi ne croient-ils pas en Dieu? · Réponses aux non-croyants athées cités · Salafistes et Charlie Hebdo et les EHPAD revisités · Réponses aux non-croyants cités, suite · Jacques Monod, le grand évolutionniste · Jacques Monod, bis · Jacques Monod, ter · Répliques Assorties : Edwin Cox de Suisse en dialogue

Pour clarification · Vivre de la plume · On pourrait me donner de problèmes de communication · J'étais en train de discuter ma situation avec mon frère

France censorise? Ou 1 à 2 septembre était un mauvais jour? · Les blogs en stats · Repenser les statistiques? · On vient de me suggérer une possibilité · Peut-être dois-je le répéter

Utøya, Mélenchon, PRÉSENT · Lalin, ce n'était pas Soral

Si quelqu'un me prétend "contre le Vatican" ...

Je viens de voir une brochure aux retraités

Saturday, 5 December 2020

How Do you Cultivate Adenovirus?

With Bacteria and Amoebae, it's easy. You put them into a solution of a nutrient, like glucose or something, and they multiply.

With Virus ... they can't multiply themselves. They need cells to multiply, and I mean non-virus cells.

Back when one started vaccinations for smallpox, 19th C. you used livers from animals, from cows in this case. Kidneys can also survive death of whatever they were kidneys in.

I am not sure if it was the Gameleya institute or some other one in Russia I read about on 4th of August in New York Times international, but it seems there was a man who, when young, cut up kidneys of green monkeys for the purpose of cultivating some virus.

Speaking of that, HIV seems to have come from green monkeys.

Now they would be using cell lines from aborted feti.

Hans Georg Lundahl
1st Vesper of
II Sunday of Advent
still 5.XII.2020

See also:

Bad Logic from Sharon Levin, Pro-Abortionist

I didn't know this was true, but here is a link from a hospital saying feti are used in vaccines

Some Support Capitalism to Idiocy

McDonalds is a big corporation.

Ergo, if you allow a customer to sue McDonalds, you are a Commie.

It seems, the case for Stella Liebeck was actually good.

I wonder whom my mother should have sued for somewhat worse burns. The main culprit was unsuable and remains so, in practise./HGL

Friday, 4 December 2020

Do Some Trads Confuse Distributism with Communism?

In a group "Chestertonian Distributism" I saw one, claiming to be a Trad, stating:

Distributism without the supra-natural charity is already mentioned in the Bible: Even if you give all your properties to the poor....

No, that is not distributism, that is voluntary communism.

Distributism is a statement on how, prudentially and justicially, productive property should be distributed among owners, namely, many small are better than a few big.

It is better in justice, since if all productive property is concentrated in the hands of very few, these few are tempted to treat the rest (who only exist as their employees) as slaves.

It is better in prudence, for instance in the perspective of social distancing, in the perspective of carbon emissions and in the perspective of avoiding many bankrupcies at the same time. Plus in the interest of having employment.

This has NOTHING to do with giving or not giving your property to the poor. That is a very different story about a vocation.

"And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."
[1 Corinthians 13:3]

Distributing all your goods is not distributism. The proper study of distributism is not St. Thomas Aquinas "contra retrahentes paupertatem" it is Leo XIII Rerum Novarum, in which he calls out both a single or few public authorities as owners and the abuses of very few private owners.

Distributism is a statement saying that economy should be structured so it is more probable than at present to see you as owner of a a small shop and - somewhat - less probable than at present to see you as employee in a big corporation. Opponents of distributism are not preferences like simple egoism, wanting to keep one's property rather than giving alms or embracing a vocation, opponents of Distributism are both Manchester Capitalism and Soviet Communism.

The Trad also stated that Chesterton was "traditional like Bishop Lefèbvre" - I'd agree, but say, on some items he was a good deal more traditional. In Écône you are not banned for believing Cro-Magnon were pre-Adamites physiologically like men, but not ontologically human yet, lacking the rational soul, since that had been one of the positions accepted under Pius XII. It was not yet accepted officially as even one position under Pius XI, when Chesterton lived, and on the theme of Human Origins (if not on plant species) he was definitely anti-Evolutionist.

However, that is something different from being a Distributist.

I value both.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Barbara

Chesterton was also so traditional as not to point St. Barbara into doubt. Unlike some./HGL

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Calling Out Apostasy of "Rev." Roger Wolsey

Progressive Christianity or Progressing Spirit for December 3, with my comments, leaving the last one for the Gospel:

Many progressive Christians embrace the idea of a spiritual resurrection of Jesus instead of a physical one.

Many progressive Christians are apostates. (Wouldn't that be redundant and "all" be more appropriate? In fact, someone might be traditional at heart, but mistakenly for secondary reasons or for a single item count himself as progressive).

It was a spiritually resurrected Jesus that Saul encountered on his famed road to Damascus, and if it was good enough for Paul, it's good enough for us!

Apart from Roger Wolsey siding with apostasy, which isn't all that much my business, I'm not his bishop, it wasn't good enough for Saint Paul. See Acts 9:

[3] And as he went on his journey, it came to pass that he drew nigh to Damascus; and suddenly a light from heaven shined round about him. [4] And falling on the ground, he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? [5] Who said: Who art thou, Lord? And he: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the goad.

[6] And he trembling and astonished, said: Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? [7] And the Lord said to him: Arise, and go into the city, and there it shall be told thee what thou must do. Now the men who went in company with him, stood amazed, hearing indeed a voice, but seeing no man.

While Christ was not normally physically present there - He made His presence felt there. To one. By parts of the usual physical means of observation, namely a voice, and also, as on an extra-ordinary occasion before that, by light. Matthew 17:

[2] And he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow.

As a panentheist who embraces process theology, I would say, no - God isn't able to violate the laws of physics and "do a physical resurrection" - at least not as that's traditionally understood.

Panentheist is ... imprecise. Standard Theism states that God is somehow present in everything there is (if God were entirely absent from it, it wouldn't exist).

Process theology is a foreign word to me, I stand confuted to being ignorant.

But the rest, it is conflating two questions:

  • whether God can do miracles (as usually understood by Theism);
  • whether God can violate the laws of physics (as usually understood by Newtonianism).

First of all, as God could call the laws of physics into existence, He can also annihilate them and also suspend them.

Second, it is not clear exactly what law of physics the standard set of Christian miracles are supposed in their standard Orthodox understanding to violate. A point made by C. S. Lewis in Miracles.

Christ was dead and is alive. Did it violate Ohm's law? How? Did it violate Kepler's law on planetary motions? How? Did it violate Newton's law on cooling? I'll cite it:

Newton's law of cooling states that the rate of heat loss of a body is directly proportional to the difference in the temperatures between the body and its surroundings. The law is frequently qualified to include the condition that the temperature difference is small and the nature of heat transfer mechanism remains the same.

How did the resurrection violate that law?

My point is, "the laws of physics" is not an ideology of "no miracles ever happen" it is a precise corpus of statements, and I don't see any of the statements I learned in physics or after school on wikipedia or elsewhere:

Young–Laplace equation

In physics, the Young–Laplace equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation that describes the capillary pressure difference sustained across the interface between two static fluids, such as water and air, due to the phenomenon of surface tension or wall tension, although use of the latter is only applicable if assuming that the wall is very thin.

While Pierre Simon Laplace was non-theist, and would not have endorsed miracles occurring, his and Young's statements on capillary pressures seem to also remain in force while the Resurrection happened.

I would say, however, that God and certain humans co-creatively "resurrected" Jesus within the life of those early followers of Jesus who were grieving his death - through remembrances and epiphanies such as the one that happened on the road to Emmaus.

Ouch. He's in effect stating that Sts Paul, St. Cleopas and the other disciple were taking for physical appearances of a person present what was in effect an emanation of their mind. Hallucinations hallowed by God, but hallucinations even so.


Not only was God in control of everything they saw, not one bit being any more dependent on their states of mind than observations ordinarily are, but what they saw and heard emanated physically from a corporeally risen Christ.

They came to realize that the truth of the Way that Jesus had been teaching (the way of compassion, unconditional love, forgiveness, restorative justice, mercy and loving-kindness) really and truly does provide vital and transformative life - abundant and eternal.

He's very, but very, very, very far from the actual statements.

None of them had "doubted" the way of Christ before this. St. Paul had doubted one statement of His, as given before the Sanhedrin, and considered those believing this statement as blasphemers. St. Cleopas and his friend had doubted another strictly christological statement which also was not concerned about miracles, namely the statement of some women that He was risen.

And that it can't be killed.

Any more. Christ could very definitely get killed on Calvary, unless you are precise that as God in the Flesh, it would not have worked unless He had laid down His life. He had to make Himself weaker than He was in the Hypostatic union, for Crucifixion to kill.

Those who came to this realization are those who Jesus continues to "live in" and as such, they, collectively, are the living Body of Christ.

This both confuses the mystical with the physical body and broadens the criteria for belonging to the mystical body too widely. As Roger Wolsey does not believe the Resurrection happened as believed by the Church, he does not belong to the Church, therefore not to the mystical body.

So, in a way, that is a physical resurrection - embodied in the lives of the community of believers.

See my hands and feet, that it is I myself; handle, and see: for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see me to have. [Luke 24:39]

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Je viens de voir une brochure aux retraités

Probablement dans ma boîte aux lettres parce que pas mal d'autres sdf sont effectivement des retraités.

Dedans, il y a des prévisions que les retraites pourraient baisser, et il y est proposé la solution de prendre les retraites plus grandes de certains retraités du public : poste, il me semble, sncf, ratp - et de les ramener au niveau général des retraites, celles du secteur privé. (La moyenne était donné en chaque cas). Surtout, d'éliminer au moins les subventions publiques à ces régimes de retraite.

Là-dessus :

  • les métiers du public sont parfois pénibles (contrôleurs sncf ou ratp se font parfois très mal recevoir par les publics qu'ils doivent néanmoins fréquenter)
  • un des atouts pour choisir un métier pénible est la grandeur de la retraite - les défrauder de cette grandeur après les faits, c'est de rendre leur décision dans le passée basée (au moins en partie) sur une illusion
  • et, bien entendu, pour que les régimes de retraites aient suffisamment sans subventions pour pallier des déficits comme l'actuel, il faut que suffisamment de gens soient en train de payer suffisamment d'impôts.

La brochure a raison en un point : c'est très théorique que la retraite ait été payé par un même. C'est la raison en justice pour qu'on ait droit à une retraite, mais ce n'est pas la raison en finance qu'il y en ait cet argent à avoir comme retraites. Comme, on a payé un ticket pour aller en Amérique pendant le weekend de Pâques 2020, mais ce paiement ne suffit pas pour avoir de vol, parce que le vol se trouve interdit, en raison du Covid-19. Ici, le droit et la raison pour qu'on ait ce à quoi on a un droit, les deux sont d'argent, mais la distinction demeure. L'argent des retraites, ce ne sont pas des pièces mises à côté ou des billets mis à côté pendant qu'on côtisait et qu'on ouvre la boîte où c'était mis, c'est des valeurs produits maintenant, et touchés maintenant.

Donc, si trop peu est payé maintenant, parce qu'il y a trop peu de jeunes en travail ou qu'ils travaillent trop peu, il y a trop peu pour les retraites. Soit des vieux vont galérer parce qu'il y a des baisses, soit les jeunes vont galérer en étant poussant à travailler plus qu'on était avant, soit l'état va galérer en s'endettant et s'acquittant des dettes avec trop d'ingestion par le Fonds Monétaire International ou les autorités de l'UE.

Ce qui aurait pu être évité en faisant davantage d'enfants avant : les jeunes ensemble auraient, comme ceux qui l'étaient l'ont fait, payé suffisamment ensemble, sans de trop galérer, parce que suffisamment nombreux par rapport aux gens qu'ils soutenaient.

La première chose à aire par rapport au risque du grand remplacement, ce n'est pas de s'en prendre aux immigrés déjà arrivés, c'est peut-être à en prendre moins dans le futur, mais surtout que les indigènes fassent davantage d'enfants. Parce que, c'est la chose qui sauve les retraites aussi, ou, à défaut d'en avoir, ça sauve le plan classique : que les parents vivent chez leurs enfants.

Et en plus, ça sauve les mœurs chrétiens.

D'une manière qui n'offense en rien les mœurs judaïques, musulmans, hindous classiques etc.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Ste Viviane de Rome*

*Omise du martyrologe.