Sunday 9 July 2023

What US Politics Could Learn from Mussolini

I guess the Catholics who vote Democrat and who have been severely condemned for doing so by Fr. James Altman, were not foremost in that vote to end pregnancies by other means than live births.

So, what is it that transcends Democrats and Republicans in Mussolini?

Il Duce was more of a Social Justice Warrior than most Democrats. He was more than a pro-lifer than most Republicans.

Let's take the last item first. In 1930, Italy's new penal code was named for Mussolini's minister of Justice, Alfredo Rocco.

A mother who killed her child on her own got 1 to 4 years.
If she had help from a doctor, both she and he got 2 to 5 years.
If she was forced (automatically presumed if she was under 14), the one forcing her got 6 to 12 years, and also if there was fraud involved.

I think this beats the pro-life stance of even Alabama.

Now, for the social justice part. Some would perhaps know that Bernie Sanders wants a minimum wage. In fact, a video I saw about tipping culture in US vs Germany seems to indicate, US has also had this before - it's just that the minimum wage (whether it's for all trades or just for some) was legislated very many years ago, and in such precise sums as would now seem ridiculous even for a sweat shop starving wage. In Fascist Kingdom of Italy (and for that matter Social Democrat Kingdom of Sweden), it would seem the minimum wage was rather legally defined as renegotiable, and was basically annually or with a few years apart renegotiated between trade unions and employers' unions.

By the way, in a country so huge as US, with climates as different as Florida and Alaska, it would probably be somewhat appropriate to make the minimum wage (if any) adapted not just to changing times and inflations, but also to different climate zones of the US.

So, if Father Altman would like to tell Catholic voters when he finds or helps to found a party that has a Bernie / Benito take on wages and a Donald / Benito take on banning abortions, I think that would be great.

Hans Georg Lundahl
VI Lord's Day after Pentecost

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