Tuesday 26 December 2023

A Fundamentalist Takes Distance from Christian Zionism, Hagee and Laurie in particular

I started my life as a non-believer or very occasional believer when it suited certain occasions. I became a Christian in Evangelical Fundamentalist setting. I became a Lutheran without ceasing to be Fundamentalist, I became a Catholic without ceasing to be Fundamentalist.

This video has sth to say about a certain type of Fundies:

How Evangelicals Betray Christians In The Holy Land [Pt. 2]
AJ+ | 12 Dec. 2022

Here is to show, another type exists:

1:17 Hagee would hardly pretend this title depended on rejecting Jesus Christ, or that anyone accepting Christ forfeits it.

But Palestinians are of the Israelite people those who have accepted Christ and remained Christians, or those who later accepted Omar's invasion.

So, on his reasoning, he should respect Palestinians.

3:39 One can read the Bible in a very literal and simple way, and even so not lie about the origins of the Palestinians.

If you admit the origins of the Palestinians, the literal and simple way is for Palestine, not for IDF (incidentally probably not for Hamas either).

4:28 I think the Bible itself says that this point was c. 1915 years before 1948. The first Pentecost in AD 33. Check St. Peter's Pentecost sermon in Acts chapter 2.

5:02 Jesus also said about certain Jews rejecting Christians (rejecting ancestors of Christian Palestinians), Apocalypse 2:9, Apocalypse 3:9.

5:59 And you look at Jerusalem ... yes, Mr. Zionist. I do look at the plight of Palestinians in East Jerusalem.

Bt those who rule the city overall now, could they be approaching or already have reached what in a very simple reading of Apocalypse 11 is called "spiritually Sodom and Egypt" (i e perversion and oppression)?

Gay parade in Jerusalem. Check.
Berlin wall or worse around Bethlehem. Check.

6:09 To believers ... it's going to be tribulations before the joy.

Messianic Jews are ridiculed in school, forbidden homeschooling, forbidden aliya if already such before arriving, forbidden help from other Christians if converting after arrival.
The oldest Messianic Jews, like the guys who lived in Bethlehem, Nazareth, Capharnaum 100 years ago suffer even worse.

I mean of course Palestinians.

6:18 Greg Laurie just lied about Christian prophecy.

Nothing in the prophecies about the end times says that all Christians will be raptured before Antichrist starts persecuting.

And there is a very specific prophecy about all times in Matthew 28:20 which clearly prevents such an event.

Greg Laurie is saying Christ is not keeping His promise.

6:39 I think Netanyahu who has rejected Christ for so long, and who is allowing Christians to suffer along Muslims in excessive revenge, should take heed here.

And Palestinians should take hope. Especially Christian ones.

[time stamp features a reference to Harmageddon]

8:51 If Netanyahu wanted to thank me, he could take my advice.

My tip for ending Hamas was to cease fire quick, then take (expendable) Jews for Jesus to take the risks along with him of approaching Hamas dominated Gaza with massive loads of humanitarian aid.

Plus screens to show pictures of Hamas leaders in foreign countries.

He did not take my advice ... as can be seen.

9:53 If there is one way to prolong someone's wrath or hatred, it's to prolong the humiliations you make him go through for other peoples' supposed safety.

And if Palestinians after the Naqba had been told, "you misunderstood us, come back to your houses if you want" that would also have given some occasions for peace and safety which were missed.

10:53 She didn't believe Zionists were oppressing them ...

As for her advice, after what I have seen on Munther Isaac's site, they have been taking it very seriously without waiting for her to speak.

11:13 Young are more supportive of Palestinians than older generations.

Yes, indeed. I was asked by a German Zionist (who is also a basically Marxist Atheist) why people didn't care about the Palestinians when they were targetted by Jordanians in Black September, 1970 — 71. I told him, I was a toddler.

11:20 "the hope for justice remains elusive"

Read the prophecies. Check if Palestinians historically descend from Israelites and qualify. Draw your conclusions.

Yes, they do.

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