Wednesday 3 April 2024

7 Day Adventists in Putin's Russia

New blog on the kid: 7 Day Adventists in Putin's Russia · There is a Certain Brand of Orthodox · Is Someone Accusing me of the Faults of the Gospel's Pharisees? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Asking Me For Patience is Stupid — and NOT Because I am Impatient, But the Patience I Have is Ill Used By Others · I'm Glad CSL Got Out of his Belsen Situation at Wyvern

Here is a link in Russian:

«Адвентистскому вестнику» — 30 лет

I don't know Russian. I use Google translate, but in order for it not to be too inaccurate, I divide the text at every full stop and even nearly every comma (except once two commas surrounding two words). The date however is in Arabic numerals. 28.03.2024 = what I write as 28.III.2024 or 28th March 2024. I was celebrting Maundy Thursday, and Russia wasn't. Not sure what Adventists do on Easter, the 7 Day type that is (I've referred to Apocalyptically minded Roman Catholics, like myself as "8 Day Adventists" ...the Day of Resurrection, the Holy Day of the New Covenant being the Octave of the First Day, and Adventist as in expecting Second Advent to be upcoming. The relation involves some mutual scorn. Muted (also on both sides) in deference to what one thinks polite limits.

But that's apparently not the case (at least so far) between Putin and 7 Day Adventists. The article says the paper and online publication is 30 years old. I have a problem with Putin. I have a problem with 7 Day Adventists. They don't have a problem with each other. Do they each have a problem with me? Do they to some extent rely on each other? At least the opportunity is available:

«Адвентистскому вестнику» — 30 лет The Adventist Messenger is 30 years old
Журнал «Адвентистский вестник» отмечает 30-летний юбилей со дня своего основания. The Adventist Messenger magazine celebrates the 30th anniversary of its founding.
История «Адвентистского вестника» — это большая летопись о становлении и развитии Евро-Азиатского дивизиона (ЕАД), The history of the Adventist Messenger is a great chronicle of the formation and development of the Euro-Asian Division (EAD),
о тех событиях, которые имели место в его истории. about the events that took place in its history.
Это застывшая на печатных страницах история Церкви на нашей огромной территории. This is the history of the Church on our vast territory, frozen on printed pages.
Многое запечатлено на страницах журнала, Much is captured on the pages of the magazine,
многое изменилось с учетом требований времени и тенденций в развитии Церкви на территории ЕАД, a lot has changed taking into account the requirements of the time and trends in the development of the Church in the territory of the EAD,
многое еще предстоит сделать, much remains to be done
чтобы продолжать выполнять свою миссию до славного дня возвращения нашего Господа. to continue to fulfill our mission until the glorious day of our Lord's return.
В нескольких предложениях невозможно описать богатую палитру ярких и значимых событий в жизни Церкви. It is impossible to describe in a few sentences the rich palette of bright and significant events in the life of the Church.
Но это стоит попробовать лично, But it's worth trying in person,
чтобы погрузиться в историю, to immerse yourself in history
прикасаясь к страницам первых номеров журнала, touching the pages of the first issues of the magazine,
перелистывая номера глянцевого журнала прошлых лет, leafing through the issues of a glossy magazine of past years,
зайдя на специальный сайт «Адвентистского вестника» (, by going to the special website of the Adventist Messenger (,
чтобы ознакомиться с самыми свежими материалами, to get acquainted with the latest materials,
ну и, конечно же, не упустить возможность подписаться на журнал, and, of course, don’t miss the opportunity to subscribe to the magazine,
потому что история Церкви, because the history of the Church,
представленная в «Адвентистском вестнике» — это твоя история. featured in the Adventist Messenger is your story.
Подписаться на регулярную email рассылку журнала «Адвентистский вестник» можно ЗДЕСЬ You can subscribe to the regular email newsletter of the Adventist Bulletin magazine HERE
Всегда будь в курсе событий о жизни Церкви в Евро-Азиатском дивизионе! Always keep abreast of events about the life of the Church in the Euro-Asian Division!

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