1) In Answer to Mr. Obama's question from a long time ago, 2) Obama's Take on History
"Whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?"
1) If dad and mom are Catholics, they ought to either homeschool or send to an apprenticeship or send sonny to a Catholic school for boys or young Miss to a Catholic school for girls.
2) If dad and mom are Lutherans, they ought to either homeschool, or send to an apprenticeship, insofar as their Lutheran heresy would allow their conscience that, or send sonny to a Lutheran school for boys and young Miss to a Lutheran school for girls.
3) If dad and mom are - good help their poor souls! - Calvinist, they ought to either homeschool or send to an apprenticeship or send sonny to a Calvinist school for boys and young Miss to a Calvinist school for girls.
4) I think much the same principle applies to Jews, Moslims, Mormons, Baptists, Pentecostals. It even applies to Idol Worshippers, except insofar as they risk sacrificing their children to Moloch. Might even apply to Anglicans.
5) Where resources are scarce for a community of religious type to set up a separate school for its boys and a separate school for its girls, well, a secular community can also run a school. Do you know how Austria and Prussia regulates the problem? Religion class is divided after confession.
In Austria, as son of a Protestant mother - technically - I would not have had to go to Catholic religious class. I did because mother was the kind of High Church who preferred Catholicism to "Evangelisch", i e basically Calvinism. I am very thankful for that. It has contributed to make a Catholic of me.
But I am also thankful for knowing about the system and being able to give an answer to Mr Obama's stupid question.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
Day after Ascension Thursday
30 / V / 2014

New blog on the kid
Be my - local or otherwise - editor, if you like! : Soyez mon éditeur local ou plus large, si vous voulez!
Et pour tous ceux qui voient ceci sur les ordis - que Sainte Claire prie pour vous!
- Home
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- Do not support World Childhood Foundation!
- Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please!
- A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien
- Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes
- In Case Someone Thinks I am Preaching ...
- Would Gay Marriage Allow them an Authentic Life?
- Malfaisance de "Sécurité"
- Have I Done Ill Speaking Against the Real Pope a F...
- Drodzy Polacy - i Rosjanie itd.
- Vatican in Exile : Calendar and Marian Anthems
- Distinguons
- Code ASCII et James Bond
- Presentation
Friday, 30 May 2014
Monday, 26 May 2014
Honte à qui la honte est dûe! Honneur là où elle est dûe aussi!
France Gall ne va pas me faire croire que l'idée folle de la priver de vie hormis les jeudis et diman-cheus vienne du Sacré Charlema-gneu.
Ceux qu'il mettait dans l'école, c'étaient les futurs administrateurs. Il aurait certe approuvé qu'un juge ou prefet de police ne puisse pas le devenir sans avoir lu La Princesse de Clèves. Ou l'Énéide ou l'Iliade ou L'Odyssée. Ou l'épopée de sa propre cour, Waltharius, un peu un prélude a Nibelungen Lied. Mais qu'elle - la belle France Gall - doive attendre 28 ou presque 29 ans pour épouser M. Hamburger, ce n'était pas dans la tête du Sacré Charlemagne.
Non, il n'a pas initié cette idée qui a mis des centaines de filles dans un endroit bien adroit pour être séquestrées par Boko Haram.
Il n'a pas non plus eu l'idée qu'elles le doivent faire à côté de garçons (beux-gosses ou d'autres) qu'elles verront humiliés par les professeurs comme trop jeunes pour se marier. J'aurais presque envie de gronder France Gall, si elle n'avait pas l'âge de ma mère. Et si elle n'avait pas été trop sage pour se mettre en danger en dénonçant les vrais coupables. Comme Jules Ferry, Émile Combes, et autant d'autres de leur type.
Mais pour nous rafraîchir l'esprit après avoir nommé des gens comme ça, écoutons Sacré Charlemagne ... qui n'aura pas honte de l'avoir défendu d'ennuis quand elle n'osait pas inculper les vrais gangsters. Les vrais trublions des vies des jeûnes.
France Gall - Sacré Charlemagne (1964)
Monsieur Âge Tendre
D'ailleurs, ce que j'ai détesté - c'était pas le participe passé, ni le 4 et 4 font 8. Ce que j'ai détesté, c'était de la mauvaise compagnie et l'impossibilité de l'éviter.
C. S. Lewis dans son autobiographie Surprised by Joy a donné au chapître dédié à son internat de lycée le tître Belsen. Après, biensûr, le champ de concentration.
Sa libération ne fut pas une vie non scolaire - mais un tuteur chez qui il pouvait étudier le Grec d'Homère sans être distraît par des petits trublions "de la cour de recré" ... il ne croyait pas dans "l'éducation démocratique" et il faut avouer avec Chesterton que celle-ci n'est souvent même pas démocratique, mais oligarchique dans sa démarche.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
St Augustin de Cantorbéry*
26 / V / 2014
* "Good Austin" dans mon poëme sur St Grégoire le Grand ...
En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones [ok, some English too!] : And His Word Went Marching On
Une mission à laquelle Sacré Charlemagne devait la bonne latinité d'un Alcuin de York - qui allait faire la Liturgie moins vernaculaire (une demarche à laquelle nous devons la langue française comme tôt distincte de la langue latine).
Ceux qu'il mettait dans l'école, c'étaient les futurs administrateurs. Il aurait certe approuvé qu'un juge ou prefet de police ne puisse pas le devenir sans avoir lu La Princesse de Clèves. Ou l'Énéide ou l'Iliade ou L'Odyssée. Ou l'épopée de sa propre cour, Waltharius, un peu un prélude a Nibelungen Lied. Mais qu'elle - la belle France Gall - doive attendre 28 ou presque 29 ans pour épouser M. Hamburger, ce n'était pas dans la tête du Sacré Charlemagne.
Non, il n'a pas initié cette idée qui a mis des centaines de filles dans un endroit bien adroit pour être séquestrées par Boko Haram.
Il n'a pas non plus eu l'idée qu'elles le doivent faire à côté de garçons (beux-gosses ou d'autres) qu'elles verront humiliés par les professeurs comme trop jeunes pour se marier. J'aurais presque envie de gronder France Gall, si elle n'avait pas l'âge de ma mère. Et si elle n'avait pas été trop sage pour se mettre en danger en dénonçant les vrais coupables. Comme Jules Ferry, Émile Combes, et autant d'autres de leur type.
Mais pour nous rafraîchir l'esprit après avoir nommé des gens comme ça, écoutons Sacré Charlemagne ... qui n'aura pas honte de l'avoir défendu d'ennuis quand elle n'osait pas inculper les vrais gangsters. Les vrais trublions des vies des jeûnes.
France Gall - Sacré Charlemagne (1964)
Monsieur Âge Tendre
D'ailleurs, ce que j'ai détesté - c'était pas le participe passé, ni le 4 et 4 font 8. Ce que j'ai détesté, c'était de la mauvaise compagnie et l'impossibilité de l'éviter.
C. S. Lewis dans son autobiographie Surprised by Joy a donné au chapître dédié à son internat de lycée le tître Belsen. Après, biensûr, le champ de concentration.
Sa libération ne fut pas une vie non scolaire - mais un tuteur chez qui il pouvait étudier le Grec d'Homère sans être distraît par des petits trublions "de la cour de recré" ... il ne croyait pas dans "l'éducation démocratique" et il faut avouer avec Chesterton que celle-ci n'est souvent même pas démocratique, mais oligarchique dans sa démarche.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
St Augustin de Cantorbéry*
26 / V / 2014
* "Good Austin" dans mon poëme sur St Grégoire le Grand ...
En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones [ok, some English too!] : And His Word Went Marching On
Une mission à laquelle Sacré Charlemagne devait la bonne latinité d'un Alcuin de York - qui allait faire la Liturgie moins vernaculaire (une demarche à laquelle nous devons la langue française comme tôt distincte de la langue latine).
On ne me permet pas de rigoler longtemps, à peu près ...
Oups ! Il s'agit d'une erreur.
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Il y a une heure ou deux j'avais pu rigoler très bien d'un passant qui se rendait parfaitement ridicule en disant dans la téléphone:
"L'élection ... dû y avoir des groupes de pression douteux."
Et j'ai effectivement rigolé.
Le chagrin revient en galope quand j'essaie de publier une page pour me distancer de l'école de Frankfourt.
Il y a des gens qui ne me pardonnent pas d'avoir mes conviction ou de les exprimer comme je le fais sur les blogs ou d'avoir ça comme occupation principale. La mendicité faisant un supplément pour pouvoir vivre aussi./HGL
Après une pause: Je ne sais pas si je dois prendre ça comme un aveu de culpabilité ou juste une maladresse fortuite.
Dans la cafétéria de la bibliothèque un de leurs responsables des photocopiateurs et des communications internet (peut-être le principale) est passé à côté de moi quand j'étais en train de manger.
Il ne m'a rien dit. Il avait qqc à lire et s'est arrêté à côté de moi une minute.**
Mais de toute manière, il n'a rien dit.
Par contre, s'il était coupable, je ne serais pas étonné. Il y a des groupes de pression pour ça aussi. Autrement, je serais déjà publié et lu sur papier et payé suffisemment bien pour ne pas dépendre d'une bibliothèque à personnel en partie louche pour écrire sur internet./HGL
* Maintenant ça fait deux page que ça m'arrive a la Bpi. D'abord celle où j'ai pris mes distances d'avec Hans-Georg Gadamer, ensuite, maintenant, une page où je cite un passage des Lettres de Tolkien. ** Et moi, j'ai rien dit non plus, j'avais d'autres choses à faire que d'accuser quelqu'un qui ne s'avouait pas coupable et qui pouvait ne pas l'être. Comme par exemple de manger.
Friday, 23 May 2014
A little suspicion ...
Visiting a Swedish blog and seeing visitor stats
Jönåker 21 hours 49 min ago
SV obest/unspecified 21 hours 11 min ago
Spånga 21 hours ago
Markaryd 20 hours 27 min ago
Västerås 18 hours 23 min ago
Karlshamn 5 hours 24 min ago
Landskrona 1 hour 43 min ago
Paris 1 min ago
Palo Alto 1 min ago
Princeton 1 min ago
Palo Alto / Princeton now 4 hours 47 minutes ago
Menlo Park 3 hours 8 minutes (twice)
Princeton 3 hours 8 minutes (twice also)
Borås 2 hours 26 minutes
Paris 0 secs ago.
Rechecking, my later visit now 1 hour 5 minutes ago
Palma de Mallorca, 24 minutes ago.
Trollhättan, 7 minutes ago.
Paris, 16 seconds ago
That blog seems usually to have very Swedish visitors, but almost at once that I looked it up there are two US visits that fire off a few more.
Then a Spanish visit.
I am reminded of the Turkish visitor stats on my own blogs - visible to me but published (copy paste, simplifications, staying correct in summarising, if you will credit me with that):
HGL's F.B. writings : audience (septem dierum - for seven days - de sept jours)
As originally published Turkey viginti octo [28 bloggos] = DCCXX [720 paginas visitaverunt]
Later another separate week Turkey was only top ten on three blogs: Turkey III 89 - lxxxix.
Seems I was being surveyed for some reason? No?
Update, next day, same blog:
Paris ? (check this morning)
Bollnäs 5 hours 52 minutes ago
Paris (me rechecking) 5 hours 14 minutes ago
Linköping 5 hours 10 minutes ago
Linköping 4 hours 46 minutes ago
SV/SW undisclosed 3 hours 57 minutes ago
Upplands Väsby 3 hours 42 minutes ago
Upplands Väsby 3 hours 39 minutes ago
Vestra Frölunda 3 hours 30 minutes ago
Bålsta 3 hours 11 minutes ago
Paris (me rechecking again)
So, could the visitors from yesterday (see above) from Palo Alto and Princeton have visited it because my computer in the library was surveyed and they saw I had visited it? Technically it is no problem. And considering the small trafic from US "normally" to that blog, the one from yesterday was remarkable.
New update, Sunday
Paris (me) 21 hours, 26 mins ago
Lund 17 hours ago
Hedemora 15 hours 1 min ago
Halmstad 13 hours 10 minutes ago
Solna 5 hours 2 minutes ago
SW undisclosed 4 hours 52 minutes ago
SW undisclosed 4 hours 42 minutes ago
Paris (me again) 0 seconds ago @ 2 pm 13
2 pm = 14 am = 26 pm yesterday
26 pm - 21 = 5 pm yesterday
26 pm - 17 = 9 pm yesterday
26 pm - 15 = 11 pm yesterday
14 am - 13 = 1 am this morning
14 am - 5 = 9 am this morning
And the two undisclosed ones in Sweden soon after.
In other words, Palo Alto and Princeton and the rest was pretty untypical as visitors to that blog.
This check however, Monday, Menlo Park came before Paris:
Heberg, 15 h 24 m ago (11 pm yesterday)
Tungelsta, 15 h 11 m ago
Jokkmokk, 15 h 8 m ago
Skillinge, 13 h 34 m ago (1 am this morning)
Farsta, 13 h 24 m ago
Kumla, 13 h 10 m ago
Köping, 6 h 27 m ago (8 am this morning)
Hudiskvall, 49 m ago (1:30-ish pm today)
Menlo Park, 49 m ago
Paris (2:26 pm today)
Jönåker 21 hours 49 min ago
SV obest/unspecified 21 hours 11 min ago
Spånga 21 hours ago
Markaryd 20 hours 27 min ago
Västerås 18 hours 23 min ago
Karlshamn 5 hours 24 min ago
Landskrona 1 hour 43 min ago
Paris 1 min ago
Palo Alto 1 min ago
Princeton 1 min ago
Palo Alto / Princeton now 4 hours 47 minutes ago
Menlo Park 3 hours 8 minutes (twice)
Princeton 3 hours 8 minutes (twice also)
Borås 2 hours 26 minutes
Paris 0 secs ago.
Rechecking, my later visit now 1 hour 5 minutes ago
Palma de Mallorca, 24 minutes ago.
Trollhättan, 7 minutes ago.
Paris, 16 seconds ago
That blog seems usually to have very Swedish visitors, but almost at once that I looked it up there are two US visits that fire off a few more.
Then a Spanish visit.
I am reminded of the Turkish visitor stats on my own blogs - visible to me but published (copy paste, simplifications, staying correct in summarising, if you will credit me with that):
HGL's F.B. writings : audience (septem dierum - for seven days - de sept jours)
As originally published Turkey viginti octo [28 bloggos] = DCCXX [720 paginas visitaverunt]
Later another separate week Turkey was only top ten on three blogs: Turkey III 89 - lxxxix.
Seems I was being surveyed for some reason? No?
Update, next day, same blog:
Paris ? (check this morning)
Bollnäs 5 hours 52 minutes ago
Paris (me rechecking) 5 hours 14 minutes ago
Linköping 5 hours 10 minutes ago
Linköping 4 hours 46 minutes ago
SV/SW undisclosed 3 hours 57 minutes ago
Upplands Väsby 3 hours 42 minutes ago
Upplands Väsby 3 hours 39 minutes ago
Vestra Frölunda 3 hours 30 minutes ago
Bålsta 3 hours 11 minutes ago
Paris (me rechecking again)
So, could the visitors from yesterday (see above) from Palo Alto and Princeton have visited it because my computer in the library was surveyed and they saw I had visited it? Technically it is no problem. And considering the small trafic from US "normally" to that blog, the one from yesterday was remarkable.
New update, Sunday
Paris (me) 21 hours, 26 mins ago
Lund 17 hours ago
Hedemora 15 hours 1 min ago
Halmstad 13 hours 10 minutes ago
Solna 5 hours 2 minutes ago
SW undisclosed 4 hours 52 minutes ago
SW undisclosed 4 hours 42 minutes ago
Paris (me again) 0 seconds ago @ 2 pm 13
2 pm = 14 am = 26 pm yesterday
26 pm - 21 = 5 pm yesterday
26 pm - 17 = 9 pm yesterday
26 pm - 15 = 11 pm yesterday
14 am - 13 = 1 am this morning
14 am - 5 = 9 am this morning
And the two undisclosed ones in Sweden soon after.
In other words, Palo Alto and Princeton and the rest was pretty untypical as visitors to that blog.
This check however, Monday, Menlo Park came before Paris:
Heberg, 15 h 24 m ago (11 pm yesterday)
Tungelsta, 15 h 11 m ago
Jokkmokk, 15 h 8 m ago
Skillinge, 13 h 34 m ago (1 am this morning)
Farsta, 13 h 24 m ago
Kumla, 13 h 10 m ago
Köping, 6 h 27 m ago (8 am this morning)
Hudiskvall, 49 m ago (1:30-ish pm today)
Menlo Park, 49 m ago
Paris (2:26 pm today)
Pourquoi Zlatan n'est PAS le nombre en question ...
D'abord, porquoi Zlatan plutôt que Zlatan Ibrahimovic?
Une raison est qu'Ibrahimovic est déjà trop long pour donner ce nom et ce nombre. Onze lettres - onze A majuscules donnent 650 + 65 soit 715 (un minimum théorique absolu, jamais atteint) et onze Z majuscules donnent 990 (un maximum théorique absolu, aussi jamais atteint) et on ajoute peut-être 320 pour les dix minuscules en capitalisation normale. Et en plus le c an Ibrahimovic porte un accent dont je ne connais pas la valeur en ASCII Code, je ne suis pas informaticien moi!
Zlatan suffit pour l'identifier (en dehors des contextes restreints balcaniques où c'est un nom courant) - ça c'est déjà une raison de se concentrer sur ZLATAN.
Z - 90
L - 76 - 166
A - 65 - 231
T - 84 - 315
A - 65 - 380
N - 78 - 438
Ajouter cinq fois 32 pour Zlatan (capitalisation normale) ou six fois 32 pour zlatan (tout en minuscules)?
Valeurs inverses?
Z - 65
L - 79 - 144
A - 90 - 234
T - 71 - 305
A - 90 - 395
N - 77 - 472
La valeur la plus incriminante pour Zlatan est si on ajoute six fois 32 pour six minuscules.
Et ceci n'est pas suffisemment incriminant. On peut être un proverbial "neighbour of the Beast"** sans se damner, on peut être l'autre bête (qui sera vaincu par La Bête) sans se damner.
On peut avoir le chiffre de la bête et décider de ne pas devenir la bête, aussi. Les deux personnes qui me semblent suspects ont, les deux, des possibilités orthographiques et étymologiques de changer leur noms dans l'orthographe et donc dans la chiffre mais de retenir quand même le nom. Mais surtout il faut cesser (ou ne pas commencer) des actes contraires à la moralité publique. Celle qui est correcte, biensûr. Car les deux personnes prônent une moralité incorrecte.
Quelle bonheur pour Zlatan qu'il est déjà tellement connu! Autrement il aurait pu décider de changer une lettre pour que ça donne la mauvaise chiffre. Il aurait pu considérer ça cool.
Il me rappelle une des deux personnes - celle que j'ai déjà nommé. L'autre me rappelle Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, mais avec un goût beaucoup meilleur que le sien. Sauf en théologie, peut-être.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
23 / V / 2014
* J'ai les valeurs directes en tête mais pour vérifier les valeurs inverses il me faut parfois regarder l'alphabet anglais mis dans les deux sens. Raison évidente pourquoi cette exercise ne se fait pas avec les lettres accentués, qui se trouvent en dehors de cette série. Là, juste les valeurs directes. (À, à = 192, 224)
** Parmi les anglophones qui ont un interêt accru pour voir qui se damnera une chiffre gématrique de 665 ou 667 est considéré comme "voisin de la bête". Bon, St Thomas More était assez proche du roi Henri VIII. Il reste pourtant un Saint. (Ni l'un,ni l'autre avait ce nombre, ou un nombre voisin, d'ailleurs.)
Une raison est qu'Ibrahimovic est déjà trop long pour donner ce nom et ce nombre. Onze lettres - onze A majuscules donnent 650 + 65 soit 715 (un minimum théorique absolu, jamais atteint) et onze Z majuscules donnent 990 (un maximum théorique absolu, aussi jamais atteint) et on ajoute peut-être 320 pour les dix minuscules en capitalisation normale. Et en plus le c an Ibrahimovic porte un accent dont je ne connais pas la valeur en ASCII Code, je ne suis pas informaticien moi!
Zlatan suffit pour l'identifier (en dehors des contextes restreints balcaniques où c'est un nom courant) - ça c'est déjà une raison de se concentrer sur ZLATAN.
Z - 90
L - 76 - 166
A - 65 - 231
T - 84 - 315
A - 65 - 380
N - 78 - 438
Ajouter cinq fois 32 pour Zlatan (capitalisation normale) ou six fois 32 pour zlatan (tout en minuscules)?
Valeurs inverses?
Z - 65
L - 79 - 144
A - 90 - 234
T - 71 - 305
A - 90 - 395
N - 77 - 472
La valeur la plus incriminante pour Zlatan est si on ajoute six fois 32 pour six minuscules.
Et ceci n'est pas suffisemment incriminant. On peut être un proverbial "neighbour of the Beast"** sans se damner, on peut être l'autre bête (qui sera vaincu par La Bête) sans se damner.
On peut avoir le chiffre de la bête et décider de ne pas devenir la bête, aussi. Les deux personnes qui me semblent suspects ont, les deux, des possibilités orthographiques et étymologiques de changer leur noms dans l'orthographe et donc dans la chiffre mais de retenir quand même le nom. Mais surtout il faut cesser (ou ne pas commencer) des actes contraires à la moralité publique. Celle qui est correcte, biensûr. Car les deux personnes prônent une moralité incorrecte.
Quelle bonheur pour Zlatan qu'il est déjà tellement connu! Autrement il aurait pu décider de changer une lettre pour que ça donne la mauvaise chiffre. Il aurait pu considérer ça cool.
Il me rappelle une des deux personnes - celle que j'ai déjà nommé. L'autre me rappelle Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, mais avec un goût beaucoup meilleur que le sien. Sauf en théologie, peut-être.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
23 / V / 2014
* J'ai les valeurs directes en tête mais pour vérifier les valeurs inverses il me faut parfois regarder l'alphabet anglais mis dans les deux sens. Raison évidente pourquoi cette exercise ne se fait pas avec les lettres accentués, qui se trouvent en dehors de cette série. Là, juste les valeurs directes. (À, à = 192, 224)
** Parmi les anglophones qui ont un interêt accru pour voir qui se damnera une chiffre gématrique de 665 ou 667 est considéré comme "voisin de la bête". Bon, St Thomas More était assez proche du roi Henri VIII. Il reste pourtant un Saint. (Ni l'un,ni l'autre avait ce nombre, ou un nombre voisin, d'ailleurs.)
Monday, 19 May 2014
Bergoglio and Quarracino Neognostics?
: Quidlibet : Bergoglio’s Revolution: Six Key Points
I do not think Father Cekada quoted Bergoglio wrongly. This quote is ultimately from Bergoglio, via an interview in July last year, via the blog of Father Cekada.
This reminds me of a Bible passage. Protestants have often misused it to protest against celibacy. Here we have a real issue.
First Epistle Of Saint Paul To Timothy : Chapter 4 : [1] Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared, [3] Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be rejected that is received with thanksgiving: [5] For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Challoner comment:
Let us also get to Haydock Comment:
Seeing this comment, shall we say I was wrong to think of this passage in the context?
But the fullfledged Gnostic is rare. One version of it is certain versions of radical feminism, calling marriage a trap for women. It is pretty undiluted. A diluted version would be to call not all marriages wrong, but half of them. And that is what Bergoglio praised Quarracino for doing.
Is there anything Gnostic in either beyond agreeing with Gnostics, in the case of radical feminists about all marriages and in the case of Quarracino and Bergoglio about half of them?
I think there is. Either way, whether marriage is most usually a way in which men oppress women (as the feminists say at their most radical moments) or whether marriage is (as the other set clames) half of the time something one was not sufficiently consenting to, one thinks of marriage as a state for which man is inept. Or therefore as a state inept for man.
Not as something cocreated with man, and to be relinquished only for a higher calling (which may involve more suffering and for which one needs more maturity).
That is also the problem with when "the Church" raised the age of marital consent from the 14 / 12 limit to the new 16 / 14 limit. It implies the Church had in some cases been two years wrong about who was apt for marital consent or whom marriage was apt for. Which the Church - the real one of two thousand years and its predecessor in the Hebrew nation reaching back beyond Patriarchs to Adam - obviously has not been. Not on a Christian view, at any rate.
But since the old 14 / 12 limit implied that God was giving sufficient maturity if not in each case at least in cases ranging around the age of puberty of the person, so the newer age limit implies this is not so. And Quarracino / Bergoglio are even flouting what the newer age limit (16 / 14) granted God as regards confidence in His creature, especially if sanctified with the grace received through the Sacraments.
It is so much closer to agreeing with Krauss and Dawkins that if God constructed us, he did so with errors. Which is one way of being a Neognostic.
Indeed, if tomorrow Atheism as such was regarded as so untenable as it is, Krauss and Dawkins might perhaps be Neognostics rather than Christians. This does not mean that everyone would or that one must cease fire against Atheism, intellectually speaking.
But it does mean a Christian believing God created us for happiness in this life and the life to come ought not to compromise as much with Krauss and Dawkins and similar people as I think Quarracino and Bergoglio are hre doing. Perhaps these two do not believe that either.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
19 / V / 2014
* Footnote from Haydock Comment: [1] Ver. 3. St. Chrysostom, Greek: om. ib. ou koluomen, me genoioto. St. Jerome, (lib. 1. contra Jovinian. tom. 4. p. 156) Si nupserit Virgo, non peccavit....non illa Virgo, quæ se semel Dei cultui dedicavit; harum enim si qua nupserit, habebit damnationem. See St. Augustine (lib. 30. contra Faust. chap. vi.) both as to marriage and meats.
I do not think Father Cekada quoted Bergoglio wrongly. This quote is ultimately from Bergoglio, via an interview in July last year, via the blog of Father Cekada.
"The Church is taking a very close look at pastoral initiatives for marriage. My predecessor in Buenos Aires, Cardinal Quarracino always used to say: ‘I consider half of today’s marriages to be invalid because people get married without realizing it means forever. They do it out of social convenience, etc…’ The issue of invalidity needs to be looked into as well.”
This reminds me of a Bible passage. Protestants have often misused it to protest against celibacy. Here we have a real issue.
First Epistle Of Saint Paul To Timothy : Chapter 4 : [1] Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils, [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared, [3] Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be rejected that is received with thanksgiving: [5] For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Challoner comment:
[3] Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats: He speaks of the Gnostics, the Marcionites, the Eneratites, the Manicheans, and other ancient heretics, who absolutely condemned marriage, and the use of all kind of meat; because they pretended that all flesh was from an evil principle. Whereas the church of God, so far from condemning marriage, holds it a holy sacrament; and forbids it to none but such as by vow have chosen the better part: and prohibits not the use of any meats whatsoever in proper times and seasons; though she does not judge all kind of diet proper for days of fasting and penance.
Let us also get to Haydock Comment:
Haydock Comment [same book/chapter] : Ver. 3. Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, &c. Here says St. Chrysostom[1]* are foretold and denoted the heretics called Encratites, the Marcionites, Manicheans, &c. who condemned all marriages as evil, as may be seen in St. Irenæus, Epiphanius, St. Augustine, Theodoret, &c. These heretics held a god who was the author of good things, and another god who was the author or cause of all evils; among the latter they reckoned, marriages, fleshmeats, wine, &c. The doctrine of Catholics is quite different, when they condemn the marriages of priests and of such as have made a vow to God to lead always a single life; or when the Church forbids persons to eat flesh in Lent, or on fasting-days, unless their health require it. We hold that marriage in itself is not only honourable, but a sacrament of divine institution. We believe and profess that the same only true God is the author of all creatures which are good of themselves; that all eatables are to be eaten with thanksgiving, and none of them to be rejected, as coming from the author of evil. When we condemn priests for marrying, it is for breaking their vows and promises made to God of living unmarried, and of leading a more perfect life; we condemn them with the Scripture, which teaches us that vows made are to be kept; with St. Paul, who in the next chap. (ver. 12) teaches us, that they who break such vows incur their damnation. When the Church, which we are commanded to obey, enjoins abstinence from flesh, or puts a restraint as to the times of eating on days of humiliation and fasting, it is by way of self-denial and mortification: so that it is not the meats, but the transgression of the precept, that on such occasions defiles the consciences of the transgressors. "You will object, (says St. Chrysostom) that we hinder persons from marrying; God forbid," &c. St. Augustine, (lib. 30. contra Faustum. chap. vi.) "You see (says he) the great difference in abstaining from meats for mortification sake, and as if God was not the author of them." We may observe that God, in the law of Moses, prohibited swine's flesh and many other eatables; and that even the apostles, in the Council of Jerusalem, forbad the Christians, (at least about Antioch) to eat at that time blood and things strangled; not that they were bad of themselves, as the Manicheans pretended. (Witham)
St. Paul here speaks of the Gnostics and other ancient heretics, who absolutely condemned marriage and the use of all kind of meat, because they pretended that all flesh was from an evil principle: whereas the Church of God so far from condemning marriage, holds it to be a holy sacrament, and forbids it to none but such as by vow have chosen the better part: and prohibits not the use of any meats whatsoever, in proper times and seasons, though she does not judge all kinds of diet proper for days of fasting and penance. (Challoner)
We may see in the earliest ages[centuries] of Christianity, that some of the most infamous and impure heretics that ever went out of the Church, condemned all marriage as unlawful, at the same time allowing the most unheard of abominations: men without religion, without faith, without modesty, without honour. See St. Clement of Alexandria, lib. 3. Strom.
Ver. 5. It is sanctified by the word of God, and prayer. That is, praying that they may not, by the abuse we make of them, be an occasion to us of sinning and offending God. (Witham)
The use of all kinds of meat is in itself good; but if it were not, it would become sanctified by the prayer which we usually pronounce over it, and by the word of Christ, who has declared that not that which enters the mouth defiles a man. (Calmet)
Seeing this comment, shall we say I was wrong to think of this passage in the context?
But the fullfledged Gnostic is rare. One version of it is certain versions of radical feminism, calling marriage a trap for women. It is pretty undiluted. A diluted version would be to call not all marriages wrong, but half of them. And that is what Bergoglio praised Quarracino for doing.
Is there anything Gnostic in either beyond agreeing with Gnostics, in the case of radical feminists about all marriages and in the case of Quarracino and Bergoglio about half of them?
I think there is. Either way, whether marriage is most usually a way in which men oppress women (as the feminists say at their most radical moments) or whether marriage is (as the other set clames) half of the time something one was not sufficiently consenting to, one thinks of marriage as a state for which man is inept. Or therefore as a state inept for man.
Not as something cocreated with man, and to be relinquished only for a higher calling (which may involve more suffering and for which one needs more maturity).
That is also the problem with when "the Church" raised the age of marital consent from the 14 / 12 limit to the new 16 / 14 limit. It implies the Church had in some cases been two years wrong about who was apt for marital consent or whom marriage was apt for. Which the Church - the real one of two thousand years and its predecessor in the Hebrew nation reaching back beyond Patriarchs to Adam - obviously has not been. Not on a Christian view, at any rate.
But since the old 14 / 12 limit implied that God was giving sufficient maturity if not in each case at least in cases ranging around the age of puberty of the person, so the newer age limit implies this is not so. And Quarracino / Bergoglio are even flouting what the newer age limit (16 / 14) granted God as regards confidence in His creature, especially if sanctified with the grace received through the Sacraments.
It is so much closer to agreeing with Krauss and Dawkins that if God constructed us, he did so with errors. Which is one way of being a Neognostic.
Indeed, if tomorrow Atheism as such was regarded as so untenable as it is, Krauss and Dawkins might perhaps be Neognostics rather than Christians. This does not mean that everyone would or that one must cease fire against Atheism, intellectually speaking.
But it does mean a Christian believing God created us for happiness in this life and the life to come ought not to compromise as much with Krauss and Dawkins and similar people as I think Quarracino and Bergoglio are hre doing. Perhaps these two do not believe that either.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
19 / V / 2014
* Footnote from Haydock Comment: [1] Ver. 3. St. Chrysostom, Greek: om. ib. ou koluomen, me genoioto. St. Jerome, (lib. 1. contra Jovinian. tom. 4. p. 156) Si nupserit Virgo, non peccavit....non illa Virgo, quæ se semel Dei cultui dedicavit; harum enim si qua nupserit, habebit damnationem. See St. Augustine (lib. 30. contra Faust. chap. vi.) both as to marriage and meats.
Free Cecily McMillan
Trial Resumes Monday for Occupy Activist Cecily McMillan: Faces 7yrs in Prison After Beating by NYPD Left Her Unconscious
the sparrow project, Apr 3, ’14 10:11 AM
EXCLUSIVE: Woman Beaten & Arrested by the NYPD, Gets Charged with Felony Assault
Woman Sexually Assaulted by the NYPD, Gets Charged with Felony Assault
Even if the policeman was in uniform - but as far as I know he was not - there are things policemen in uniform cannot lawfully do and can lawfully be resisted for doing.
Hans Georg Lundahl
PS, as to context of arrest, see my previous comment (not about her, not about that arrest, but about a previous one)
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Is Wall Street Opposition "vain ritualised unconsequential protesting"?
the sparrow project, Apr 3, ’14 10:11 AM
EXCLUSIVE: Woman Beaten & Arrested by the NYPD, Gets Charged with Felony Assault
Woman Sexually Assaulted by the NYPD, Gets Charged with Felony Assault
Even if the policeman was in uniform - but as far as I know he was not - there are things policemen in uniform cannot lawfully do and can lawfully be resisted for doing.
Hans Georg Lundahl
PS, as to context of arrest, see my previous comment (not about her, not about that arrest, but about a previous one)
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Is Wall Street Opposition "vain ritualised unconsequential protesting"?
Saturday, 17 May 2014
Answering Sanidopoulos on the Apocalypse
I have met John Sanidopoulos earlier across the internet.
This time I am not seeing him on his blog Mystagogy, where he may block or delete my comments, but on an interview.
Interview with Orthodox Christian John Sanidopoulos
Godwin Delali Adadzie | July 11, 2013
One more thing. Reciting the Acathist is great. We also have the Lauretan Litany in the Catholic Church. But Our Lady at Fatima in Portugal, 97 years ago, said the Scapular and the Rosary are great spiritual weapons, our defense when other things are gone, when faithful are deprived of Sacraments, for instance, I can imagine She meant.
The Rosary is a prayer for simple people. In the Carmelite Tradition the Brown Scapular at first went with the Little Office of Our Lady. But the Little Office is in Latin, the Rosary can be recited in any language. If you know the prayers by heart.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
17 / V / 2014
This time I am not seeing him on his blog Mystagogy, where he may block or delete my comments, but on an interview.
Interview with Orthodox Christian John Sanidopoulos
Godwin Delali Adadzie | July 11, 2013
- Interview of Sanidopoulos
- [Interviewer:] Do the Orthodox Churches believe we are in the Apocalypse?
[Beginning of response:] Officially, no. - Own comment
- Officially it is believed that we are not "in the Apocalypse"? Or officially it is not positively believed we are?
Those are two different things.
Terminology matter, we have been living in the Apocalypse for 2000 years, nearly. What is referred to here is not living under a Heaven where the Souls of Martyrs intercede for the Church, as we hope on earth too, which has been going on for two thousand years. What is referred to is the final years, those that precede the Second Coming of Our Lord. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- The Church would make no such statement unless it was fully agreed by all and there was undeniable proof that the prophecies of the Book of Revelation were being fulfilled right now.
- Own comment
- "Undeniable proof" and "agreed by all" are two different things.
One of the things to be fulfilled is precisely a great apostasy. LOTS of clergy going the wrong way.
So, all agreeing is indeed not to be waited for in those times. However undeniable the proof may be in itself. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- However, there are many Orthodox that would disagree. On this issue, there are similar cases between Orthodox and Catholics. Just as there are many Catholics who proclaim “the end is nigh” or “the Antichrist has been born and lives among us”, the same rings true with Orthodox Christians.
- Own comment
- Indeed, I have remarked so.
- Interview of Sanidopoulos
- Some Orthodox like to emphasize certain “prophecies” by certain of our Saints and Holy Elders as if they are being fulfilled right now, and to them these indicate that we are right now living in the Apocalypse, ...
- Own comment
- I have heard about the prophecy of St Nilus. I am not sure it is genuine.
I am more confident about Padre Pio. Of Pietrelcina. The year I was born and he died, he said that the Antichrist is already in the world and is doing good. He did not say the Antichrist was already doing evil, but that this person was doing good. He was stigmatised. He was also given the miraculous grace of bilocation, so he could hear confession of Italians in US (but he was not given miraculous knowledge of En glish, all who saw him in US were Italians and they confessed and were given penance in Italian). Also, every Holy Mass he celebrated was a personal pain as if sharing the Cross and the Battle against Satan with the Redeemer on Calvary.
I think he is pretty likely to have been right. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- ... but I usually consider such readings to be either misreadings fueled by paranoia and the confusion of our times, ...
- Own comment
- Confusion of the times is also one of the characteristics of the End Times.
"Paranoia" is a psychological term and as such subject to great caution. Psychology and psychiatry are so akin to the worship of Apollo of Delphi. For one thing the temple of that idol had the inscription ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΕΑΥΤΟΝ - pretty much the battle cry of psychology. The demon or pythonic spirit of Delphi also ruined lives (Orestes and Oedipus come to mind) by self fulfilling prophecies. That reminds of the evil works of psychiatry. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- ... or personal observations, predictions and opinions based on folk and ecclesiastical traditions and not on a personal revelation from God.
- Own comment
- Will a personal revelation from God be needed?
Are personal observations unknowable as to truth? Are ecclesiastical traditions an insufficient criterium?
Are folk traditions to be contemned?
Is not precisely he - John Sanidopoulos - of a tradition where unlearned farmers and shepherds shouting "axios" are supposed to be listened to? - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- As one holy and wise Elder taught, whose name was Porphyrios and lived not too long ago in Athens, Orthodox Christians should not think about the Antichrist, but rather they should concentrate on Christ, and contemplate our own death, which is our own personal Apocalypse.
- Own comment
- If a man can very totally concentrate on adoring Christ and contemplating his own death, he might have a very good safeguard against apostasy to adoration of the Beast.
Are all Orthodox or Catholics in such a position? Or is it not a position that is rare even among monks these days? - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- If we spent all our time concentrating on Christ rather than the Antichrist, we would not fear the Antichrist when he comes and we would be more ready to accept suffering and martyrdom at his hands ...
- Own comment
- How many will be lost, not because they were not ready for violent martyrdom, but because they were not ready to expose themselves to utter ridicule when identifying the Antichrist?
Have you read Astrid Lindgren?
She was an atheist. But she was also a novelist. And a lover of fairy tales. And the daughter of a Lutheran clergyman.
I would consider it likely some of her novels are meditations on the Apocalypse.
Can you imagine a scenario in which Tengel or Knight Cato appears as loveable as Pippi Longstocking's father Pirate Captain Ephraim Longstocking?
That escaped her imagination. But it is a scenario not to be unaware of. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- ... rather than trying to read “the signs of the times”.
- Own comment
- Trying to read the times is one thing. Actually reading them is another thing.
- Interview of Sanidopoulos
- Another holy and simple Elder, Evmenios, who recently reposed in Crete, would say: “You know, I personally don’t believe that Christ would only give 2000 years of grace to the world. It just doesn’t seem very long to me.”
- Own comment
- Christ came "in the last times".
A prophecy in Joel was misread by the first Pentecostals who founded Pentecostalism in Asuza Street some hundred years ago.
It was fulfilled some 1900 years before their time, since St Peter refers to it being fulfilled on Pentecost Day.
So, Christ did not come in the first half but in the latter half of the history of mankind and the universe.
But he was born 5199 after Creation. If 2000 years is too short, will 5100 years do for this Elder? Or did he consider the earth so many millions of years older than thought as per Biblical Chronology that he wants millions of years?
The issue of a long or a short timespan for earth and the universe is not just burning because a short history clearly excludes atheism or a kind of god who is neutral to what happens in the universe. It is also burning because a short timeline between Adam and Christ's first coming implies an even shorter one between His first and second comings.
He did say a word of the timeline. Mark 10:6. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- Hence, Orthodox have differing opinions on the matter.
- Own comment
- On another matter too. Or even a few of them.
But before going into that, I must state that the Book of Revelation which in Greek is called Apocalypsis and which was given by a personal revelation from God to St John on Patmos does not state that people in the last times will need a personal revelation from God to identitify Antichrist.
Apocalypse of St John 13 : [18] Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.
It does not say "he that receives a revelation, let him ..", it says "he that hath understanding, let him count ..." and so on.
I do now not think Bergoglio is the Beast but rather the False Prophet. Herein, I may be wrong. Like any man who is not a prophet.
I have previously thought he might just be a warning about another Bergoglio - or about a man living up to the number of that name in another name. After all, the Pope called Aquila Rapax in a prophecy was not himself a rapacious eagle but had to deal with Napoleon Bonaparte who was. I have also thought he might be the Beast while his friend Tony Palmer was the false prophet. He too is extremely false in doctrine. I now think - it is an opinion based on earlier prophecies, and not a prophecy given to me - he is the false prophet.
He has shown himself false in doctrine as well as having six hundred and sixty six in the family name by ASCII Code. Another person alive has also that number in one wellknown name. Like Bergoglio, the other person is usually thought of as good. A third person who is now usually thought of as evil but who in his own time was thought of as good also has that number - or would have had if ASCII Code had been there in his time. In both these other cases, it is not ASCII Code forwards as for Bergoglio (A=65, Z=90 rather than a=97, z=122) but in reverse (A=90, Z=65, or more properly a=122, z=97).
The false doctrine concerns - April 21 this year of 2014 - Communion given to a woman living in public sin and - April 27 - canonisation of two men who showed too little Apostolicity of Doctrine.
Now to another matter in which the community Sanidopoulos calls Orthodox are divided. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- [Part of other response:] Regarding contraception, Orthodox clergy are encouraged to make every effort to stay out of the “undefiled mariage bed” of a married couple and how they conduct their intimate sex life. When rules are made in such intimate matters, we view this as a form of moralism, which is a heresy in Orthodoxy and only serves to stifle ones spiritual growth through rules and regulations. It reminds us of ridiculous manuals from the Medieval West that established stifling rules when the acceptable days and times for coupling were, and even what positions were acceptable.
- Own comment
- I have not seen any negative kama sutras in the Medieval West.
As to what days, two rules are to be observed. One is a preference for abstaining when infertility is to be expected (once a month when not pregnant, for nine months during pregnancy). Is that stifling? God Himself made similar rules while speaking to Moses on Sinai. Under the old law they meant lapidation if not followed. In St Thomas Aquinas, it is even only a venial sin, for the person demanding, and not a sin at all for the person consenting after getting the demand repeated despite a warning of it being inappropriate.
The other rule, usually followed by Orthodox during Great Lent at least (and even mentioned by John a bit later in the interview), is to abstain in favour of prayer on days of fasting and penance or of spiritual high feasts. Such abstinence is by common consent, not by forcing the other to abstain. As St Paul said also.
But I have seen Anglicans react to this - unless they were Atheists of formerly Anglican populations - as if this in itself were stifling rules.
I do not think they are.
I think the modern age limit of 18/18 in many states, as opposed to earlier 14/12 in Catholic countries and as opposed to a similar teen marriage friendly rule in Czarist Russia, is a stifling and unnatural rule. - Interview of Sanidopoulos
- As for homosexuality, we regard it as a sexual passion like any other and deeply complicated, though the practice of homosexuality is forbidden and requires repentance and ascetic struggle. Homosexual “marriage” is also forbidden.
- Own comment
- Such a passion is not like any other. It is contrary to nature even in intent, even before consents and compromises are made.
As to practise, sodomy and contraception are both against nature. Both require repentance.
I am not sure what Sanidopoulos means by "ascetic struggle", but I am afraid it means something other than giving it up and doing penance for sins already committed.
I think that one Mormon did the right thing. He married. Not another man, but a girl who knew he had been in love with other boys. They are still married, they have children.
He is called Josh Weed.
I am afraid that by "ascetic struggle" Sanidopoulos means anyone who had ever committed the sin of sodomy must never dream of marrying but must live like a monk. This is not the traditional teaching of the Church. At least not in the West.
No Pope earlier than Paul VI (if Montini was at all Pope, which I doubt or tend to even deny, as well as with Roncalli) said that. St Pius V had 1568 stated that clergy and monks who committed the sin must be deprived of ecclesiastical honours and forced to do penance. But there he was dealing with people who had already vowed celibacy.
One more thing. Reciting the Acathist is great. We also have the Lauretan Litany in the Catholic Church. But Our Lady at Fatima in Portugal, 97 years ago, said the Scapular and the Rosary are great spiritual weapons, our defense when other things are gone, when faithful are deprived of Sacraments, for instance, I can imagine She meant.
The Rosary is a prayer for simple people. In the Carmelite Tradition the Brown Scapular at first went with the Little Office of Our Lady. But the Little Office is in Latin, the Rosary can be recited in any language. If you know the prayers by heart.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
17 / V / 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
Did Jack Lewis or CSL have a Reason to Hate the Name Clive Staples?
C - 67
L - 76 - 143
I - 73 - 216
V - 86 - 302
E - 69 - 371
Clive - add 128 (32 for each minuscule, four minuscules)
S - 83
T - 84 - 167
A - 65 - 232
P - 80 - 312
L - 76 - 388
E - 69 - 457
S - 83 - 540
Staples - add 192 (six minuscules)
1231 : 2 = 615.5
Very close to 616, a value found in some manuscripts, among which that of or consulted by St Cesarius of Arles when he wrote his comment.
Now look at Jack Lewis, what his friends called him:
J - 74
A - 65 - 139
C - 67 - 206
K - 75 - 281
L - 76
E - 69 - 145
W - 87 - 232
I - 73 - 305
S - 83 - 388
Sum, no minuscules:
A whole three integers away from the more common value of the number in question - the one found in all printed versions of the Apocalypse, as far as I know. Phew ... no wonder he preferred that to Clive Staples!
ASCII Code was invented, as far as we know, after his démise. It is used to encode numerically diverse commands and symbols. The numbers 0-31 are not available as symbols they are commands. 32 is a space, 64 is @, the numerals 0-9 are before that and so are the common marks of punctuation. And upper case is A = 65 to Z = 90. It was I think invented in the 70's or 80's.
Still, intriguing how he - one favourite author of mine* - instinctively, before that, shied away from a name that would give a bad number. Even before the code giving it existed.
I have counselled - via his court astronomer Guy Consolmagno who may or may not have forwarded the message - one man in the Vatican to change his name to Borgoglio. As an Argentinian citizen with an Argentinian passport he can ask his country for a minor spelling rearrangement. Borgoglio is the etymology of the other version. BORGOGLIO in all upper case gives 676. The letter O is ten units higher than the letter E.
If he clearly admitted Anglican or other tenets condemned by Trent, we would also know he was not ever Pope. If he then stepped back and the canonisation - so called - of Roncalli and Wojtyla was considered as not having validly taken place, so much the better.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BpI, Georges Pompidou
9 - V - 2014
* One other, JRRTOLKIEN (or more usually J. R. R. Tolkien, I gave the spelling relevant for the ASCII code extraction, since spaces and stops would theoretically add something and minuscules do so), gives 772 for normal ASCII code and 778 for reversed values: 90 = A to 65 = Z. The mean of these is 775, and the middle around which the values revolve is between 77 and 78 (M and N or in reverse N and M). That code cracker would have had a good laugh. By the way, certain people in either Vatican or closer on Episcopal Sees might profit from reading his Letters. Certain ones do deal with his very real horror for the prospects of a one world government. A horror which I share.
Two updates:
Some may think that Greek gematria is more appropriate to determine who St John and the Holy Ghost meant in Apocalypse 13. There is a little problem or two. One is that modern Western names are often so long that it adds up to far more than a possible range.
I will give you the example of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Here it is in Greek transcription: Χόρχε Μάριο Μπεργκόλιο (thanks, wikipedia). Now, that adds up to ... 2014. As if saying, "well, Greek letters don't show who he is, but do show when he is himself." Obviously such an interpretation can only be valid for a year during someone's lifetime. In my own case 1999 and 2005 (depending on whether I transcribe ND in Lundahl as Nu, Nu+Tau (N=Nu, D=Nu+Tau) or rather as just Nu, Tau (ND=Nu+Tau). Both have been significant years for me. And one 1515 lands me with sympathies for Pope Leo X, Lateran V, defining illicitness of interest taking, except very small "such" to pay municipal low wages to clerks of Montes Pietatis - with a preference for paying even half that expense from taxation or municipal properties.
The other one is about Tolkien. I was checking I had not added up wrongly, so I added each letter in sequence with writing out of middle sums. Yes, it was after all 772. But the weird thing was the first four letters - JRRT - added up to 322. The number of Skull and Bones. Obviously these may have arranged ASCII Code so as to make these four letters add up to that. Others have tried to inculpate him too. But this brings me to the problem with using Greek Gematria for the relevant identification. For a man born after Apocalypse was written - not applicable to Nimrod Ben Kush in person, obviously - such a sum would imply an intention on part of the parents. An Antichristian and, except for very prejudiced and blinded parents, a clearly evil one. A man having that on his mind has every right and duty to save his soul ignoring that value. Or - as I suggested to Bergoglio - to change the value by changing the spelling. How could the prophecy come true without such ghastly bad parents, which would constitute an excuse which the real culprit will have lacked? Well, if ASCII Code was invented after he was born, if he was a nobody in another country whom the inventors could not calculate anything on the name of, that could be a very real fulfilment of such a prophecy. Isaiah named Cyrus in advance, but his parents had no idea he had done so. And whether St Joseph understood or not that Ieshua implies all of Immanuel and a bit more on top of it, before asking for that name on January 1 (presumably), at least he had not chosen the name himself, but obeyed an angel. Not as if picking a name to fulfil a prophecy in one's son. Or in this case foster son./HGL
J A + 9
R A + 17
R A + 17
T A + 19
4*A + 62
322 - 62 = 260
260/4 = 65 (arbitrary value for A, which could have been chosen so four A=260 which is 322 - 62)
L - 76 - 143
I - 73 - 216
V - 86 - 302
E - 69 - 371
Clive - add 128 (32 for each minuscule, four minuscules)
S - 83
T - 84 - 167
A - 65 - 232
P - 80 - 312
L - 76 - 388
E - 69 - 457
S - 83 - 540
Staples - add 192 (six minuscules)
1231 : 2 = 615.5
Very close to 616, a value found in some manuscripts, among which that of or consulted by St Cesarius of Arles when he wrote his comment.
Now look at Jack Lewis, what his friends called him:
J - 74
A - 65 - 139
C - 67 - 206
K - 75 - 281
L - 76
E - 69 - 145
W - 87 - 232
I - 73 - 305
S - 83 - 388
Sum, no minuscules:
A whole three integers away from the more common value of the number in question - the one found in all printed versions of the Apocalypse, as far as I know. Phew ... no wonder he preferred that to Clive Staples!
ASCII Code was invented, as far as we know, after his démise. It is used to encode numerically diverse commands and symbols. The numbers 0-31 are not available as symbols they are commands. 32 is a space, 64 is @, the numerals 0-9 are before that and so are the common marks of punctuation. And upper case is A = 65 to Z = 90. It was I think invented in the 70's or 80's.
Still, intriguing how he - one favourite author of mine* - instinctively, before that, shied away from a name that would give a bad number. Even before the code giving it existed.
I have counselled - via his court astronomer Guy Consolmagno who may or may not have forwarded the message - one man in the Vatican to change his name to Borgoglio. As an Argentinian citizen with an Argentinian passport he can ask his country for a minor spelling rearrangement. Borgoglio is the etymology of the other version. BORGOGLIO in all upper case gives 676. The letter O is ten units higher than the letter E.
If he clearly admitted Anglican or other tenets condemned by Trent, we would also know he was not ever Pope. If he then stepped back and the canonisation - so called - of Roncalli and Wojtyla was considered as not having validly taken place, so much the better.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BpI, Georges Pompidou
9 - V - 2014
* One other, JRRTOLKIEN (or more usually J. R. R. Tolkien, I gave the spelling relevant for the ASCII code extraction, since spaces and stops would theoretically add something and minuscules do so), gives 772 for normal ASCII code and 778 for reversed values: 90 = A to 65 = Z. The mean of these is 775, and the middle around which the values revolve is between 77 and 78 (M and N or in reverse N and M). That code cracker would have had a good laugh. By the way, certain people in either Vatican or closer on Episcopal Sees might profit from reading his Letters. Certain ones do deal with his very real horror for the prospects of a one world government. A horror which I share.
Two updates:
Some may think that Greek gematria is more appropriate to determine who St John and the Holy Ghost meant in Apocalypse 13. There is a little problem or two. One is that modern Western names are often so long that it adds up to far more than a possible range.
I will give you the example of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Here it is in Greek transcription: Χόρχε Μάριο Μπεργκόλιο (thanks, wikipedia). Now, that adds up to ... 2014. As if saying, "well, Greek letters don't show who he is, but do show when he is himself." Obviously such an interpretation can only be valid for a year during someone's lifetime. In my own case 1999 and 2005 (depending on whether I transcribe ND in Lundahl as Nu, Nu+Tau (N=Nu, D=Nu+Tau) or rather as just Nu, Tau (ND=Nu+Tau). Both have been significant years for me. And one 1515 lands me with sympathies for Pope Leo X, Lateran V, defining illicitness of interest taking, except very small "such" to pay municipal low wages to clerks of Montes Pietatis - with a preference for paying even half that expense from taxation or municipal properties.
The other one is about Tolkien. I was checking I had not added up wrongly, so I added each letter in sequence with writing out of middle sums. Yes, it was after all 772. But the weird thing was the first four letters - JRRT - added up to 322. The number of Skull and Bones. Obviously these may have arranged ASCII Code so as to make these four letters add up to that. Others have tried to inculpate him too. But this brings me to the problem with using Greek Gematria for the relevant identification. For a man born after Apocalypse was written - not applicable to Nimrod Ben Kush in person, obviously - such a sum would imply an intention on part of the parents. An Antichristian and, except for very prejudiced and blinded parents, a clearly evil one. A man having that on his mind has every right and duty to save his soul ignoring that value. Or - as I suggested to Bergoglio - to change the value by changing the spelling. How could the prophecy come true without such ghastly bad parents, which would constitute an excuse which the real culprit will have lacked? Well, if ASCII Code was invented after he was born, if he was a nobody in another country whom the inventors could not calculate anything on the name of, that could be a very real fulfilment of such a prophecy. Isaiah named Cyrus in advance, but his parents had no idea he had done so. And whether St Joseph understood or not that Ieshua implies all of Immanuel and a bit more on top of it, before asking for that name on January 1 (presumably), at least he had not chosen the name himself, but obeyed an angel. Not as if picking a name to fulfil a prophecy in one's son. Or in this case foster son./HGL
J A + 9
R A + 17
R A + 17
T A + 19
4*A + 62
322 - 62 = 260
260/4 = 65 (arbitrary value for A, which could have been chosen so four A=260 which is 322 - 62)
Monday, 5 May 2014
"Et en plus ils se foutent de nos gueules en toute impunité !"
L’image – dans une lettre par un aryaniste donc quelqu’un qui prend le menace pour l’Occident surtout comme une menace pour “la race aryenne” - montre des gens très aryens (rappelons pour les non-linguistes: arya = soit indien - mais non pas népalais ni tamile - ou soit iranien, donc par exemple hindoustani, bengali, farsi, pachtoune - oui, ce peuple qui a eu à faire avec les armées de l’Occident depuis peu après “le 11 septembre” - ou … tzigan) dont le panneau montre un texte un peu provocateur mais pas injuste:
En effet, ceux qui sont contre la mendicité ne sont pas en position morale de se plaindre des impôts qui remplacent la mendicité avec les allocs – avec ce gaspillage supplémentaire que les impôts font un budget social non seulement pour les allocs en soi, mais aussi pour toute l’administration autour des allocs.
Non je n'appelle pas ça de se foutre de votre gueule. J'appelle ça vous faire une bonne morale, dont vous avez besoin.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
BU Nanterre
= + D’ALLOCS POUR Nous |
En effet, ceux qui sont contre la mendicité ne sont pas en position morale de se plaindre des impôts qui remplacent la mendicité avec les allocs – avec ce gaspillage supplémentaire que les impôts font un budget social non seulement pour les allocs en soi, mais aussi pour toute l’administration autour des allocs.
Non je n'appelle pas ça de se foutre de votre gueule. J'appelle ça vous faire une bonne morale, dont vous avez besoin.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
BU Nanterre
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