Saturday, 28 April 2018

Can Spirits Move Matter?

As some of my readers already know, I am a Young Earth Creationist. I believe God created Heaven and Earth 5199 BC, or possibly 5500 or 5509 BC. That is - more than seven but definitely less then eight millennia ago.

As some of my readers also know, there is a problem for specifically creation of Heaven and of Fourth Day objects so recently, coming from modern theories of cosmology, which say that some objects of the type we consider as created on Fourth Day, some Fix Stars, are 13 point something milliards or - in America - billions of light years away.

Now, if they are that far, or were when the light left them, the light should have taken 13 point something milliards or billions of years to reach us, meaning they existed some milliards or billons of years before Day Four.

My solution is obviously : Geocentrism eliminates a lot of higher rungs in cosmic distance ladder - every object beyond those which reflect sunlight on the side turned to the sun.

And Tychonian Geocentrism - the one which observations do not refute fairly directly - involves some funny planetary orbits, such they can hardly be the pure chance interplay of merely inertias and gravitations. Hence, as some of my readers know, I postulate as solution for this, something which I also believe on other grounds.

Angels move celestial objects : Sun and Moon, and among the Stars, both Fix Stars and Planets, both Exoplanets and Comets and probably Meteoroids too. As long as they don't crash down on Earth.

Now, some have argued, God doesn't allow spirits to do that, or if He did, He would only allow such movements which coincided with what astronomers predict from gravitation and such.

Not such very funny orbits as, for instance, a pentagram for Venus:

Venus Pentagram
Farsoonerite : 8.III.2014

He gives a nice description:

Look down on the plane of the Solar System from above the Earth. Track the Earth so it always appears directly below you, but don't turn along with it. With the passage of each year, you will see the Sun go around the Earth. As the Sun goes around the Earth 8 times, Venus goes around the Sun 13 times, and traces out the pretty curve shown here.

If Earth is actually in the middle and unmoving, this curve of Venus looks too deliberate, for their taste.

Well, if angels can move objects, why can't one of the angels have the task of moving Venus?

Some seem to have a problem with this. Now, here is the point, this problem interferes with other good points of apologetics too, including that aliens are most probably demons.

CMI : Can spirits manifest physically?
Published: 24 April 2018

Gary Bates in his answer quotes John Keel:

“The devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats.”

The angels don't have lesser natural capacities ... ergo, they (or rather, some of them, others are adoring God above celestial objects or guardng us from harm to soul or body) can be "manning" objects God created on Day Four as easily as demons can be "manning" a simulacrum of spaceships which they assembled themselves.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Paris XI
St Paul of the Cross

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