Tuesday 25 September 2018

Wonder Why Certain Recommendations?

Look at this picture:

All of them have in common the text "récommendée pour vous". By now, I know by heart that French has feminine gender for vidéo. It's "la vidéo". But whoever recommended each was perhaps trying to teach me sth other than French grammar?

I wonder who is doing all these recommendations?

The Causes and Treatment of Male Homosexuality
I am not a homosexual. I believe homosexuality can cure itself, without the intervention of a shrink.

The Ark Encounter's Attendance SINKS AGAIN
While I believe in the Flood of Noah, I most definitely don't base that belief on the Ark Encounter since I believed so well before hearing of them and my respect for the Ark Encounter is also not proportional to their attendance. Insofar as it is a financial worry for them, it is theirs. Not mine.

Life in Nazi Germany: Part 1
I am not a Nazi. As for totalitarian régimes, not only am I fed up hearing of Nazism, but I am fed up living in situations very reminiscent of totalitarianism.

leçon de géographie Suisse
Without doubt very interesting. But I have a preference for Austria.

This is what happens when you reply to spam email
And one time, a spammer did fake how the "from" field looked, so it looked as if spam came from my email, and so probably I have been stamped as a spammer by some.

Beck & Company Fall For Perfect Atheist Trap
I am not ready with commenting on the stupidities of the first video from Secular Talk yet ...

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