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Saturday, 29 October 2022
Stability of Readers and of Read Posts
In an upcoming statistics post, I have taken the views per post for the week up to yesterday and for the 24 hours to today.
It seems, certain posts have a fairly similar number of views per day.
15 / 1 day - Notes on Asimov, Isaac; On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists, exp. 105 in previous week
Notes on Asimov, Isaac - 122 (going down)
On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists - 105
13 / 1 day - Bon Vendredi Saint - Keep Good Friday Holy; J'avais vu un très mauvais vidéo à propos la Statue de Ste Jehanne; Trent Horn's Comment, Up to 12:45; Shanti, rescapée des attentats - victime de la psychiatrie ?; Actus de la Suède, exp. 91 in previous week
J'avais vu un très mauvais vidéo à propos la Statue de Ste Jehanne - 75
Shanti, rescapée des attentats - victime de la psychiatrie ? - 36
Bon Vendredi Saint - Keep Good Friday Holy - 30
Trent Horn's Comment, Up to 12:45 - 26
Actus de la Suède - not visible for week (all going up)
11 / 1 day Fr. Dominic shot himself in the foot, sorry, Legge, on Adam and Eve; Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture?; Stephan Borgehammar Brushing Up My Greek a Bit; Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève; Le premier chef d'état finlandais parlait le suédois (avant le finnois); L'école pour les nuls? Inexacte.; Read an Article on Musical Tastes, exp. 77 in previous week
Le premier chef d'état finlandais parlait le suédois (avant le finnois) - 57
Stephan Borgehammar Brushing Up My Greek a Bit - 56
Fr. Dominic shot himself in the foot, sorry, Legge, on Adam and Eve - 45
Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève - 44
Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture? - 42
Read an Article on Musical Tastes - 41
L'école pour les nuls? Inexacte. - 23 (all going up)
10 / day - Other Ghost Writer Eliminated : His Holiness Pope Michael; Beginning to update, Scope and Nature of Theology (Part II); Thomistic Institute Doesn't Answer?; Sonata Nemetodurica Secunda; Mariages hors l'église ? Et davantage, exp. 70 in previous week
Mariages hors l'église ? Et davantage - 74 (going down slightly or steady)
Other Ghost Writer Eliminated : His Holiness Pope Michael - 73 (going down slightly or steady)
Thomistic Institute Doesn't Answer? - 62 (going up)
Sonata Nemetodurica Secunda - 39 (going up)
Beginning to update, Scope and Nature of Theology (Part II) - not visible for the week before, so going up
What are these adding up to over time?
Beginning to update, Scope and Nature of Theology (Part II) (10 783)
Autour de Sébastien Antoni qui a nié l'individualité d'Adam et d'Ève (7636)
On the Duty of Avoiding Errorists (6366)
Notes on Asimov, Isaac (5850)
Pas réponse d'Avenir de la Culture? (5668)
Other Ghost Writer Eliminated : His Holiness Pope Michael (4924)
J'avais vu un très mauvais vidéo à propos la Statue de Ste Jehanne (4817)
L'école pour les nuls? Inexacte. (4254)
Bon Vendredi Saint - Keep Good Friday Holy (3833)
Thomistic Institute Doesn't Answer? (3654)
Le premier chef d'état finlandais parlait le suédois (avant le finnois) (2528)
Mariages hors l'église ? Et davantage (1270)
Read an Article on Musical Tastes (549)
Sonata Nemetodurica Secunda (544)
Stephan Borgehammar Brushing Up My Greek a Bit (535)
Trent Horn's Comment, Up to 12:45 (242)
Fr. Dominic shot himself in the foot, sorry, Legge, on Adam and Eve (193)
Shanti, rescapée des attentats - victime de la psychiatrie ? (150)
Actus de la Suède (96)
Let's see how varied the top one has been:
29.X.2022 - 29.X.2020 = 730 days
29.X.2020 =
59.IX.2020 =
90.VIII.2020 =
121.VII.2020 -
121 - 7 = 114 + 730 = 844
10 783 / 844 = 12.776 per day (so 10 last 24 h is somewhat going down). Pretty close to the present number of page views per day.
Have all the pageviews been very few people checking in each day on whether I was going to pull that article down?
Obviously I wasn't.
Or whether I would change the fault in "L'école pour les nuls? Inexacte." - thing is, putting a final -e because I was unsure back in 2012 whether one would pronounce -ct finally without adding -e is arguably a thing to change if it is republished on paper, but with over 10 000 posts on the blogs, I don't think hunting small faults in every one of them is a feasible pastime. Hunting faults can be done otherwise, like in view of republication. And the post in question contained no other fault, unless some count convoluted syntax as one. I don't count convoluted syntax as a fault - perhaps a thing to avoid in advance, if I can simplify, but not a thing to correct in retrospect. What I said in it remains true.
It links back to another post, which I haven't seen surging. Again one fault in French - "age" instead of "âge"* - and no fault in content, though I forgot the occasion I was describing in one of the lines:
HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : Catholique ou Kinsey, ceci?
Hans Georg Lundahl
Day after Sts. Simon and Jude
PS : And obviously, I was also not regretting Christian feast greetings!
* In fact two : "elle n'auront" for "elles n'auront" too. Btw, I just heard Jérôme Bourbon say "une presse écrit" ... just before 22:44.
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