Sunday 4 December 2022

Right to Happiness?

As C. S. Lewis said, we have no right to happiness. We have - and he agreed with Declaration of Independence - a right to the pursuit of happiness.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We have no right to succeed in this pursuit, but also no duty to fail. So, while I may not have a right to get someone who publishes me, I also have no duty to not get someone who publishes me - on the paper, thread and glue with printers ink known as books.

And as I have no duty to fail, I also have no duty to put up with people plotting to make me fail.

Yes, they exist. Yes, there are people who would prefer my blog posts to reach no ink and paper, at least not in quantities that masses could be instructed from. Yes, there are people who have "other plans for me" - I have no duty to put up with that.

Sure, if I were a heretic, that were another thing. But in the 20 + years that I have written, no Church authority has notified me that my writings are heretical.

Even if they were, I would still have a right to use my compositions as a means in the pursuit of happiness. But in fact, they aren't. And those who plot to keep me outside normally public fame and therefore also outside an income, are, to my mind, slavehunters. They have sold their souls to the Devil, and act like the Pirates of Algiers, those that France in 1830 hung in the masts of their ships. Their acts are illegal in French law, in the law of nations, in God's law, according to Exodus 21:16./HGL

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