Saturday 21 January 2023

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is less hampered than I, and neither should be

Is CCP Behind This? · This Line Should Not Be Here · Totalitarian France? · Harrassment on the Cyber · I had 3000 daily visitors · Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is less hampered than I, and neither should be

When I say that the universe contains no radioactive material that has decayed for 4.5 billion years or more, I am not suggesting that radioactive decay has changed speed.

I am not that radical. It does not sit with me. I prefer investigating more modest proposals - like initial ratios of isotopes not being in any way shape or form constants, the one of C14 in the atmosphere has been a fluctuating quasi-contstant since the Fall of Troy, perhaps even since Exodus a few centuries earlier, but it is not a constant. Its quasi-constancy the last 3 or 3 and a half millennia stems from a point of equilibrium where the current medium cosmic radiation and other factors affecting carbon 14 production more or less balance with the decay of C14 in the "atmospheric sample" ... a balance that ceases to occur within samples locked out of the atmosphere, like reeds that were harvested and used for reeed mats in the past. But where the reed mats dated to 3500 BC in the vicinity of En Geddi really harvested from growing in an atmosphere of 100 pmC, which is how they are dated to 3500 BC? Or was there a time before this balance around 100 pmC was reached and they were harvested c. 1935 BC? Because the Amorrheans evacuating En Geddi when Abraham was around 80 years old (Genesis 14 was after his vocation at 75 years, but before the birth of Isaac when he was 86), and if he was born in 2015 BC, that is around 1935 BC. If the pmC was not close to 100, but 82.73, 1935 BC will carbon date around 3485 BC. With the C14 decay still at a constant of 5730 as halflife.

If I say the Universe as high up above earth as the fix stars, I propose that is at one light day up for reasons of theological aesthetics and it is still beyond where we have verified they are not as far down as that, is circling earth every day, because that is how God makes day and night, this would mean their speed through empty space coordinates is 6.28 times or 2 π times the speed of light. Because full circle around us at one light day up is not one light day, the circumference is not the radius, it is rather one light day times two, to get diameter, and then that times π to get the circumference from the diameter. So, in one day, each star up there would circle us at 2 π light days, the speed of such stars would be 2πc, 2 π the speed of light. I am aware that there is a "speed limit" that no body may go through space at more than or even half of the speed of light ... but the proposal is not that the cosmic speed limit has another value elsewhere, it is simply that the speed of light as speed limit applies to bodies through the aether. And I think God is moving the aether around us, for as high up as fix stars (with a velocity of 2πc through the corrdinates) and for as low down as earth's surface (as shown by Foucault's pendulum, a speed which at the equator would be ...

40,075.017 km : 24 h
1,669.792375 km : 1 h or 1669.792375 km/h
1,669,792.375 m : 60 min
27,829.873 m : 1 min
27,829.873 m : 60 sec
463.831 m/s

... 464 m/s). As the aether itself is not subject to this speed limit, and as the small stellar movements through the aether are very much less fast, there is no body moving through the aether at over or even near the speed of light. So, on both issues, I am allowing constants to be constants. This is however questioned by Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, in the following video:

Exposing Scientific Dogmas - Banned TED Talk - Rupert Sheldrake
After Skool, 17 Jan. 2023

So, what would he think of the blockade of these two labels on my blog:

de refutatione evolutionnismi
de refutatione heliocentrismi

Yes, it's still ongoing ... I think I'll try to get in touch and ask him./HGL

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