New blog on the kid: There are Some I'd Have Preferred Over Trump · Trump, I'm Disappointed · Seems that Some Took Issue with a Description of Lebensborn · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Something Tells Me, Peter Sonski would NOT Have Promised Mass Deportations
... keep teen marriages in the US legal! And for states where this is not the case, well, if some have compared you to Nazis, why not take one of their good ideas? Lebensborn. I don't mean the eugenics crimes or the child stealing that they also did, I simply mean, pregnant teens who under Prussian laws couldn't marry before 18, were not without support. OK, it was abused to get some teen girls act as concubines of SS, but it was not pro-abortion. ... Teen marriages are better than Lebensborn. But abortions are way worse.
Some would possibly take issue with "I don't mean the eugenics crimes" (killing of "unfit" children) "or the child stealing" (from people in occupied territories, if they looked arisch) "that they also did" ... and ask "did they even do anything else than that at all?" If you want an exploration of the darker side of Lebensborn, take a look at the article:
Hitler’s ‘master race’ children haunted by their past
by Russell Grigg | This article is from
Creation 29(4):32–34, September 2007
Yes. They did. They did do some other things as well.
Here is German wiki on the very first go to:
Der Lebensborn e. V. war in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ein von der SS getragener, staatlich geförderter Verein, dessen Ziel es war, auf der Grundlage der nationalsozialistischen Rassenhygiene und Gesundheitsideologie die Erhöhung der Geburtenziffer „arischer“ Kinder herbeizuführen. Dies sollte durch das Abhalten unverheirateter Frauen und Mädchen von einem Schwangerschaftsabbruch[1], durch das Anbieten anonymer Entbindungen und die anschließende Vermittlung der unehelichen Kinder zur Adoption – bevorzugt an Familien von SS-Angehörigen – erreicht werden.
Der Lebensborn war daneben mitverantwortlich für die Verschleppung von Kindern aus den von Deutschland besetzten Gebieten. Falls diese im Sinne der nationalsozialistischen Rassenideologie als „arisch“ galten, was akribisch untersucht wurde, wurden sie unter Verschleierung ihrer Identität in Lebensborn-Heime im Deutschen Reich oder in den besetzten Gebieten gebracht.
The Lebensborn e. V. was during the National Socialist era an association born by the SS, and promoted by the State, the goal of which it was, to, based on National Socialist Racial Hygiene and Sanitarian ideology, bring by a rise in birth rates for "aryan" children. This was to be reached by dissuading unmarried women and girls from abortion, by offering the anonymity of child birth and by thereon offering up children born out of wedlock to adoption – preferrably to families of SS members.
On the side of this, the Lebensborn was co-responsible for kidnapping of children from areas occupied by Germany. In the case these were considered as "aryan" in the sense of the National Socialist Racial ideology, which was examined thoroughly, they were brought, while hiding their identity, to Lebensborn homes in the German Reich or in the occupied territories.
I'll now cite a paragraph about the beginning of the Lebensborn. Note, the previous paragraph, referred to in "diese Fakten" / "these facts" gave socio-economic causes for low birth rates. These obviously do not contradict Himmler's assessment that the low birth rates were brought about by (then illegal) abortions. Which is why he came to found Lebensborn.
Heinrich Himmler, der „Reichsführer SS“ und Chef der Deutschen Polizei, ignorierte diese Fakten, legte nach Erhebungen des „Hauptamtes für Volksgesundheit“ andere Zahlen vor und behauptete, die damals bei Strafe verbotenen Schwangerschaftsabbrüche würden einen Geburtenrückgang verursachen. In einem Brief an OKW-Chef Wilhelm Keitel aus dem Jahr 1940 schätzte er die Zahl der jährlichen Abtreibungen auf bis zu 600.000, die dem Deutschen Reich als Nachwuchs verloren gingen. Ebenso seien „jährlich Hunderttausende wertvoller Mädchen und Frauen Opfer heimlicher, häufig steril machender Abtreibung. … Das Ziel, jedoch, deutsches Blut zu schützen, ist auf das Höchste verpflichtend.“[5]
Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsführer SS and chief of the German police, ignored these facts (!), proposed other numbers after statistics from the Head Authority of Popular Health, and claimed, that the then forbidden and punished abortions were causing a recession of births. In a letter to the chief commander of the Wehrmacht Wilhelm Keitel from 1940, he estimated the number of annual abortions to up to 600,000, which were then lost to the German Reich in terms of posterity. Likewise according to him "annually hundreds of thousands of valuable girls and women fall victims to secret abortions, often resulting in sterility. ... But the goal to protect German blood is, in the highest degree, obliging.
Let me repeat. I do not say "German lives are" (more) "important" (than others), I'm saying all lives are important. (That includes, obviously, German ones). I do not think German or any other élites, SS or very anti-SS, including the most anti-SS there are, have a right to get adoption through kidnapping. Something which the German wikipedia considered as a side issue to the goal of providing an alternative to abortion. And something which CPS over much of the world is heavily promoting well outside National Socialism. I do not believe in killing children who are handicapped.
Let me repeat another thing. Getting an unwed mother, whether Himmler would have called her "girl" or "woman" married is highly preferrable over Lebensborn. That's a very good reason to lower the marital age. But unless Trump wants to federally lower the marital age, at least for girls, I think he would do well to take a cue from Himmler, much as there is to be said against that man on other accounts.
Mr. Russell Grigg in his article stated:
Instead of becoming part of the new master race, the children procreated in the Lebensborn homes suffered greatly after WWII, with the collapse of Nazi Germany. As illegitimate babies from a Nazi propagation program, many lived out their lives in confusion and ostracism.
If they were adopted, how come they were still illegitimate? Perhaps adoptive parents are sometimes not all that equally fond of adopted children as they would be of their own. But perhaps also, records were kept and abused by authorities subsequent to the National Socialist ones.
I think parts of the ostracism were simply what Communists in East Germany, and in many cases also Social Democrats, did to National Socialists with lots of collaterals. Some may know that I think the Isdal Woman was killed because she was daughter of an NS dignitary.* Somewhat less extreme cases (but with clearer documentation) would involve women having held affairs with the occupant getting stoned in France after liberation.
The eugenic ideology was not at all unique to National Socialism. Sweden and Norway acted out eugenic policies up to the 1970's (thank God and General Patton that Germany stopped this in 1945!) East Germany like Soviet Russia would have had an eugenic attitude even if they did not have an eugenic policy. This is a sufficient explanation for the suffering of these people, even with no consequence being involved from the Lebensborn as such.
I trust that the intent of Russell Grigg wasn't to suggest that pregnant teen girls should have gone to illegal abortions rather than Lebensborn? Can we hope that at least?
For others, discovering the truth was equally traumatic.2 In Norway, those born of Norwegian mothers and German soldiers—‘children of the enemy’—faced pitiless discrimination and were often harassed, beaten, and called ‘Nazi swine’.
That's not limited to Lebensborn, I'd think. Synni Lyngstad didn't depend on Lebensborn, but on her mother Arntine Lyngstad to raise Annifrid! The father was the German then soldier Alfred Haase, and when moving to Sweden in 1947 (decidedly a good year for our country, on other items too!) things were better. Again, the explanation is not the eugenics of the National Socialists, but the eugenics of their enemies, who were also Social Darwinists and also eugenicists. Lenin planned a eugenics programme, it was Stalin and Lysenko who stopped it, and Hitler could have had that idea, a very different thing as such from Lebensborn, at its core concern, from Lenin via the Munich Soviet of 1919.**
But as said, for pregnant teens, Lebensborn is second best. Best is, having laws that have the option of marrying young, and basically from as young as when you can make someone pregnant for boys or when you can get pregnant for girls.
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Albert of Cologne
Coloniae Agrippinae sancti Alberti Episcopi et Confessoris, ex Ordine Praedicatorum, cognomento Magni, sanctitate et doctrina celebris, quem Pius Papa Undecimus Doctorem universalis Ecclesiae declaravit, et Pius Duodecimus cultorum scientiarum naturalium caelestem apud Deum Patronum constituit.
Notes 1 and 5 from German wiki (S. = Seite = page) are:
1) Georg Lilienthal: Der „Lebensborn e. V.“ Ein Instrument nationalsozialistischer Rassenpolitik. Neuausgabe, Fischer-TB, Frankfurt 2003, ISBN 3-596-15711-0 (Standardwerk, zuerst 1985). S. 830.
5) Volker Koop: Dem Führer ein Kind schenken. Die SS-Organisation „Lebensborn“ e. V. Böhlau, Köln 2007, ISBN 978-3-412-21606-1, S. 28.
Note 2 from Russell Grigg's article is referring to: Hammer, J., Hitler’s children, Newsweek International, 20 March 2000
* Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Isdal Woman, Speculations and Rambles
Friday, May 3, 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 8:46 AM
** It seems that TIKhistory has taken down the relevant video, the playlist has its videos inaccessible.
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