I think this one is real, I have read it. Not sure if exact quote, or if a few words have been added or subtracted, but here it is:
I'm going to suppose he's not speaking of language courses, for those who already did learn the foreign language they were learning at 10 and aren't interested in linguistics and language paedagogy. And I find it judicious he said "10" and not "5" ... books read by people age 10 fall into the classes of books you ought to re-read when 40, 50, and books you should not read even at age ten.
In the same passage, I think, he makes a comparison with food. Or, perhaps it's Tolkien who does that, in On Fairy-Stories. Just because a child of ten likes bread, butter, honey, doesn't mean he has to cease to like them by 40 or 50. If, however, at age 40 he doesn't like "crême de menthe" (not sure the French readers would agree), perhaps he might conclude his age ten stomach might have been healthier without it too.
There are activities that by their nature are social, and for which age restrictions may be appropriate. One does not want adult strangers playing around one's children. Reading, by its nature is solitary. Now, these days there are discussion forums, and yes, I have on one for CSL been around a girl age 12 ... who was the youngest of my friends on the forum, the rest were adults, perhaps some teen too. I was close to getting in couple with a 22 year old librarian. I fell out with her over her refusal to even try getting my blogs into print. I did offer her instructions on how to do it with a computer connected to internet and to a printer, and then a xerox machine. And the reason I couldn't do it myself is pretty simple. I'm homeless, I have no place to stock books. Back then I was on the move every day, with all my luggage, now I have a place for my luggage, but it's regularly raided. Have you considered how clever it is to get 100 books printed, on your expense, and to stock them in the entry of a place that's being rebuilt, when any day without notice some crooks may have been there while you were away? Not very clever, right? But the librarian obviously had a flat, and as a consequence she was not suffering of that disability. And if I didn't try to make it up with her, it's because I became involved with someone else.
I have a feeling that some of the French readers, especially those who were Russian friendly prior to 24 February soon three years ago, and even more those who are still Russian over Ukrainian, may classify C. S. Lewis along with Lewis Carroll in this category of books you should not read even at 10. The train of thought would go sth like "given his relation to Alice Liddell, Lewis Carroll was a groomer, given Lewis Carroll was a groomer, his children books are grooming, and so is any other children's book involving an author named Lewis" ...
The obvious fallacy here is not just the fallacy of origin. If a convicted pedo-criminal makes ice-cream, not personally sells, scooping the ice cream into cones, but just produces, and lets someone else sell it over the counter or at an ice cream stand, we are not supposed to conclude the ice cream contains a drug meant to tranquillise children to make them easier to kidnap. Not to mention that Lewis Carroll was never convicted, just obliged to accept that the acquaintance with Alice Liddell broke when she was 11, because Mrs. Liddell said so. But even more, there is a fallacy of equivocation.
All books by Lewis [Carroll] are bad.
The Chronicles of Narnia are books by [C. S.] Lewis.
Therefore the Chronicles of Narnia are bad.
But, if both of them were named Lewis, perhaps they are close kin? Let's Check Ancestry, US.
17 million record(s) for Lewis
4M Birth, Marriage, and Deaths
540K Military Records
354K Immigration Records
3M Census and Voter Lists
8M Member Trees
Lewis Surname Meaning
English: from the Middle English Old French personal name Lewis Leweis Lowis from ancient Germanic (originally West Frankish) Hludwig (itself from hlōd- ‘fame famous’ + wīg- ‘battle’). This was Latinized as Ludovicus and Chlodovisus which were gallicized as Clovis or Clouis French Louis. The name may also appear as Lawis Laweys Lawes by unrounding of the vowel of Lowis on the analogy of the variation between Low and Law as pet forms of Middle English Lourence alias Laurence. This surname is also very common among African Americans. See Laws 2 and compare Lawrence.
Welsh: adopted for the Welsh personal name Llywelyn (see Llewellyn).
Irish: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Lughaidh ‘son of Lughaidh’. This is one of the most common Old Irish personal names. It is derived from Lugh ‘brightness’ which was the name of a Celtic god.
Americanized form of French Louis.
Americanized form of various like-sounding Jewish surnames.
Chinese: variant Romanization of the surnames 廖 (see Liao) 羅 (see Luo ) 劉 (see Liu ).
So, the "Lewis" need not even be the same for Lewis Carroll and for C. S. Lewis. I used to think both shared the name of various French Kings, in its English form, but in fact in CSL's case, as his grandfather immigrated to Belfast from Wales, it could instead be Llewelyn.
But, what does French readers and Russian friendly among them have to do with the issue ? For one thing, I recall some conversations outside St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, where "Lewis Carroll" was mentioned as a taunt. But for another thing, back when lots of countries got their translations (or the originals) of the seven chronicles, France got only a translation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and of Prince Caspian, and Russia, being still a Soviet Republic, didn't get one at all. Later on, Russia has had translations of, as far as I can tell, only The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. That was some time ago, and the other books did not follow suit.
I know for a fact that CSL and JRRT are accused in the so called testimony of John Todd. It came when JRRT was dying, far from the UK, and when CSL had already died ten years earlier. It includes very absurd statements like Tolkien getting a permission from the Illuminati to publish runes, sth which had previously been their well guarded secret ... except it hadn't, runes were well known to scholars and also to even first year university students in any Old Germanic, specifically Anglo-Saxon or Old Norse studies. Or anyone having an encyclopedia, and this since back in the 1800's:
Just under the uppermost rune row, the Norse one, we see this comment, proving it is from the 19th C.:
I denna runrad hafva första ättens mynder namnen fé, úr, þurs l. þorn, óss l. áss, reið, kaun, andra ättens namnen hagall, nauð, iss, ár, sól; tredje ättens runor benämnas týr, bjarkan, logr, maðr, ýr.
In later editions, after 1906, the word "hafva" = "have" would have been spelled "hava" or even raising the contraction "ha" to standard use. The third edition is still before 1950, when the verb of a plural subject would have had the singular form, "har" (always contracted) ... Check yourself, for "hafva" and other non-modernised forms on the ...
... columns 55—56
of Nordisk Familjebok, Första Utgåfvan,
14. Ruff - Sockenstämma (1890)
So, this and therefore other facts given by John Todd about the two is absolutely not credible. If Todd was really a defector from sth that at least from the inside to a newcomer could look like Illuminati, he probably suffered some kind of extortion from the Evangelicals he then fled to, who were queezy about some things in CSL and JRRT. In 1979, John Todd was apparently 29.
Todd, 29, meanwhile has announced that he is through. He told friends in the Los Angeles area last month that he has been shot at frequently and that his house was firebombed. Therefore, he said, he will take no more speaking engagements; he, his wife, and three children will head for a secret retreat location.
The Legend(s) of John Todd
Edward E. Plowman, Christianity Today, February 2, 1979 issue
So, any claim that he was giving money to CSL on behalf of Illuminati, well, 1979 - 29 = 1950, or it could be 1949, which wikipedia says, but CSL died in 1963, one hour before President Kennedy was shot. 1963 - 1949 = 14. Is it credible that John Todd at age 14 had the kind of connections in the Illuminati as to be chosen as courier to carry money as a bribe to CSL? Not very, no ...
I think KGB or Russian Orthodox Church has been had by John Todd, unless it was KGB that planted the testimony of John Todd. And some of the KGB stuff that's not obviously anti-national or pro-Communist, is still making its tours around earth, even after the fall of Communism or apparent such fall. In another work, which was translated to French as Tactique du diable (in 1943, may have become unpopular in France due to this being under the Vichy government), C. S. Lewis as a prologue to a purported letter exchange between devils stated:
I have no intention of 2:06 explaining how the correspondence which 2:08 I now offer to the public fell into my 2:10 hands there are two equal and opposite 2:12 errors to which our race can fall about 2:14 the Devils one is to disbelieve in their 2:17 existence the other is to believe and to 2:19 feel an excessive and unhealthy interest 2:22 in them they themselves are equally 2:24 pleased by both errors and hail a 2:27 materialist or a magician with the same 2:29 delight
However, the Magician is not alone in an unhealthy interest, there is also the tendency to see the Devil (or his Illuminati) everywhere. Even when children have small sips of alcohol, which English customs at the time, as well as Swedish (perhaps) and (certainly) Austrian and French ones, later, in my upbringing, would have allowed, to some minds, this is a filthy devil wanting to seduce children to the sin of drunkenness. And then CSL becomes the accomplice of such ...
Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts. Julian and Basilissa
Antiochiae, sub Diocletiano et Maximiano, natalis sanctorum Juliani Martyris, et Basilissae Virginis, ipsius Juliani uxoris. Haec, virginitate cum viro suo servata, in pace vitam finivit; Julianus vero (postquam multitudo Sacerdotum et Ministrorum Ecclesiae Christi, quae, propter immanitatem persecutionis, ad eos confugerat, igne cremata est), Marciani Praesidis jussu, plurimis tormentis cruciatus, capitalem sententiam accepit. Cum ipso etiam Antonius Presbyter, et Anastasius, quem idem Julianus, a morte suscitatum, gratiae Christi participem fecerat, et Celsus puer cum hujus matre Marcionilla, ac septem fratres, aliique plurimi passi sunt.
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