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Friday, 30 November 2018
Bonum Festum Sanct Andreae Apostoli
Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto./HGL
Apud Patras, in Achaja, natalis sancti Andreae Apostoli, qui in Thracia et Scythia sacrum Christi Evangelium praedicavit. Is, ab Aegea Proconsule comprehensus, primum in carcere clausus est, deinde gravissime caesus, ad ultimum suspensus in cruce, in ea populum docens biduo supervixit; et, rogato Domino ne eum sineret de cruce deponi, circumdatus est magno splendore de caelo, et, abscedente postmodum lumine, emisit spiritum.
Belated Congratulations to Princess Alexandra!
The news:
The 19-year-old princess is the daughter of Prince Ernst August of Hanover and Princess Caroline of Monaco. The Princess has recently become a member of the Catholic Church and this the reason why she has been removed from the British line of succession. However, she remains the 12th in the line of succession to the Monegasque throne. ... Princess Caroline, her mother, has always been a Catholic. Now, the Princess has decided to leave her Lutheran faith and become a Catholic, as her mother is.
Princess Alexandra of Hanover is removed from the British line of succession
Monégasque Princely Family 27th September 2018
As said, congratulations!
You might want to think about whether "Pope Francis" is really Pope, but on taking the right decision between Luther and the Church he was born to, congratulations!/HGL
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Quelqu'un qui voudra étouffer le lectorat?
Que fais-je pour intéresser les éditeurs ... · Des petites choses comme ça · Quelqu'un qui voudra étouffer le lectorat?
D'abord, j'en ai un :

Et les statistiques de lecteurs, déjà empilées l'une occasion en "top dix" sur l'autre par pays, se laissent additionner:

Donc, ça fait ensemble ... et d'abord un peu de top ten sommaire, fait par moi:
21 nov. 2018 18:00 – 28 nov. 2018 17:00
- 1) États-Unis 1302
- 2) Italie 953
- 3) Russie 940
- 4) région indéterminée 593
- 5) France 404
- 6) Pologne 199
- 7) Indonésie 195
- 8) Ukraine 119
- 9) Allemagne 110
- 10) Brésil 70
.... mais, ça fait : 5193 vues parmi les top dix d'une semaine. Or, ceci est un peu moins que 742 par jour.
Il se trouve, on regarde une statistique entre 25 oct. 2018 – 23 nov. 2018, un mois, si on divise les pays ajoutés des top dix 19 992 par 30, on obtient un nombre que je voudrais éviter, mais si par blog on évite les pays de top dix et prend juste les dernier mois sur le blog (un système qui manque pour dernière semaine) alors on divise la somme 21813 par 30, on obtient 727. On prend la semaine 3 nov. 2018 16:00 – 10 nov. 2018 15:00, le total est 4587 (655/jour). On prend cette autre semaine, 15 oct. 2018 18:00 – 22 oct. 2018 17:00. 7357 en total, 1051 par jour (en comptant cinq messages virales sans de contenir grand chose par moi), ou (en enlevant ces cinq messages) 5392, soit 770 par jour. Pour 24 oct. 2018 13:00 – 25 oct. 2018 12:00 on a un total de 1119 un seul jour (je n'ai pas vérifié combien sont dûes aux cinq messages). Pour 14 oct. 2018 17:00 – 15 oct. 2018 16:00 757 en total. Entre Sainte Croix et Saint Mathieu, soit 14 sept. 2018 12:00 – 21 sept. 2018 11:00 & sur d'autres 14 sept. 2018 13:00 – 21 sept. 2018 12:00 6386 / 7 = 912 et quelque par jour. 6 sept. 2018 19:00 – 13 sept. 2018 18:00 5280, 754 par jour, mais en enlevant les cinq messages 5280 - 878 = 4402, 629 par jour. 14 sept. 2018 10:00 "Pages vues hier" : 1231 14 sept. 2018 10:00, "Pages vues le mois dernier" : 25 161, ou 839 par jour. Ou, sans les cinq messages, 22 250, ou 742 par jour. Le lendamain de mon anniversaire, les "pages vues hier" étaient à 1212. 14 août 2018 13:00 – 21 août 2018 12:00 7218, ou 1031 par jour. 27 avr. 2018 14:00 – 4 mai 2018 13:00 31 pays, en 2926 pages-vues. Juste 418 par jour, et la Russie est devant les autres, suivie de prêt par les États-Unis. 8 mai 2018 11:00 – 15 mai 2018 10:00 5033 = 719 / jour, en moyenne. 25 Feb 2018 12:00 – 26 Feb 2018 11:00 1595 en 24 heures. 26 Feb 2018 20:00 – 27 Feb 2018 19:00, même davantage : 1669; 5 Feb 2018 16:00 - 12 Feb 2018 15:00, 13 913, 1988 par jour.
Donc, il semble bel et bien que mon lectorat se soit rétréci, entre les fois que j'avais 1988 par jour et ce dernier mois et davantage en ayant entre 700 et 750 par jour. Et si on regarde l'Indonésie (voir l'image), il semble aussi que la tactique est de laisser très peu de gens lire très peu de chaqu'un de mes blogs, peut-être même juste regarder le fait qu'il existe, peut-être pour plusieurs entre eux (des blogs généraux avant celui-ci ou des ouvrages finis ou encore les haïku que je n'arrive pas à faire avec les actuels pertes de sommeil) le fait qu'il reste sans être mis à jour.
Ceci semble comme si on cherchait des raison de ne pas recommander aux gens de me lire. Et ceci pose la question qui pourra être intéressé.
J'ai il y a longtemps dit que les Palestiniens sont Israëlites. Ce soir j'ai dû le répéter envers quelqu'un qui voudrait les dire Philistéens. Ils sont la partie chrétienne des Israëlites d'il y a 2000 ans, dont une certaine partie a été obligé de devenir Musulmans. Apparemment, en même temps que mon lectorat est mis sur un niveau stable de 700 à 750 par jour, inférieur à certaines occasions du passé, je me vois obligé de répéter ça.
Sur le même forum que je trouve ça, je me vois aussi obligé de défendre ces jours :
- que Mathieu 28:20 implique une église continuant visiblement chaque jour, donc aussi après Constantin
- que ceci n'est historiquement possible que pour l'église Catholique de Nicée et Constantinople, ensuite divisée des Nestoriens au concile d'Éphèse et des Monophysites au concile de Calcédoine et ensuite divisé des Orthodoxes en 1053 - 1054, les excommunications de cardinal Humbert et du patriarche Michel Cérulaire, mais que celles-ci sont ensemble en commun contre certaines thèses du Protestantisme
- que le Sabbath a été échangé pour le Dimanche par l'Église même que Jésus fonda, et ceci peu après sa mort sur la Croix, sur l'exemple qu'Il montra le jour de sa Résurraction
- que les Albigeois n'étaient pas une église chrétienne, et que le pouvoir civil en appliquant des lois contre blasphème n'ont pas signifié que l'église se soit fait gouvernement d'une manière illicite
- que ni Albigeois ni Vaudois n'étaient présents en 375 et que les Donatistes n"taient ni les uns ni les autres, ni les deux les mêmes entre eux, que donc une série comme "Montaniste, Novatien, Donatiste, Paulicien, Bogoumile, Cathar, Albigeois, Vaudois, Baptiste" ne peut en aucun cas couvrir la continuité de l'église fondée par Notre Seigneur.
Et un des Adventistes du 7 Jour m'a dit une deuxième fois "cesse de tromper, Hans Georg" comme s'il avait la certitude pas juste que j'aurait tort, mais que je le saurais en plus - ou, au moins, que j'aurais trop peu de renseignements pour pouvoir faire face à un peu de brutalité verbale comme renforcement pour ce qui manque dans les arguments.
Je viens de demander à quelqu'un où selon lui l'église fondée par Jésus était en l'an mille. Il me répond "demande à Jésus, avant qu'il envoie ton âme païenne en enfer." Je viens de l'anonymiser sous X ici:

Il faut ajouter, pourtant, qu'il s'est arrêté un peu après, quand je viens de lui dire qu'il manquait aux bonnes manières. ET qu'il manquait un argument à propos la vérité sur l'Église. Peut-être par exemple des gens comme ça voudraient étouffer mon lectorat, tant qu'ils n'ont pas réussi de me convertir?
Il convient à ajouter que mon père partagerait probablement leurs réticences vis-à-vis ce que j'écris, il a refusé de m'ajouter sur FB, il a été Adventiste de 7e Jour, comme sa mère et il a la position de médecin (en retraite? il avait une clinique privée?) que certains abusent pour tamponner qqn dont ils n'aiment pas les positions comme "malade mental" - ce qui expliquerait un lectorat assez bas en France et même très bas en Suède. Je n'ai pas dit que ça doit être lui, et je n'ai pas non plus dit que ceci soit la seule explication possible.
Il me semble qu'il peut y avoir une collusion avec d'autres dedans, par exemple avec des sorcières ou avec Church of Satan (genre un jeu de les utiliser pour mettre quelqu'un sous des envoûtements et en même temps harcèlements jusqu'à ce qu'il "donne sa vie au Christ" et se comporte comme un "chrétien rené" selon cette idéologie là, et non selon les Catholiques).
Il me semble aussi qu'il y a assez certainement une collusion voulu ou non de la part de Catholiques. À St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, y a-t-il quelqu'un qui dit aux autres d'éviter de me lire? Est-ce par intérêt commun avec ces Adventistes? Ou est-ce parce qu'un Adventiste ait abusé sa position comme médecin, ensuite le médecin ait notifié le commissariat, et la paroisse obéit à celui-ci? Je ne sais pas. Mais je sais qu'un lectorat comme demandé à cette paroisse, quand j'étais encore paroissien et plus tard quand j'ai juste fait la manche devant aurait donné un autre résultat pour mon lectorat et pour ma position.
J'ai converti à l'âge de 20 ans, j'ai 50. Ce serait temps qu'on accepte que je suis et je reste Catholique. Ce serait temps pour des paroisses de se rendre compte que, si je refuse l'antipape Wojtyla ("Jean-Paul II") et son enseignement évolutionniste et antitraditionnel des années 92, 93, 94, alors, ceci ne signifie pas que je sois redevenu Protestant et ne va pas le signifier non plus.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterre.
Veille de St. Andrée
PS Lectorat d'un blog bien coordonné:

Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Saturday, 24 November 2018
Le harcèlement sexuel - dépend-il de la filière?
À la faculté de Nanterre Paris-X, à la BU, il y a une expo sur le thème harcèlement sexuel (et apparentés).
Je botanisais ce matin pour voir qui avait dérapé, car il me semblait que je voyais un système.
Je n'ai pas compté les exemples qui ne donnaient aucune information sur la filière.
Pour plutôt lettres, j'ai vu un exemple marqué comme pertinent à un professeur de lettres, et un en probable professeur de juridique (?).
Il y a eu un prof, simplement, et un administrateur.
Il y a eu un prof de maths, un probable chercheur en paléontologie (?), un interne des urgences, un interne de la chirurgie, un chef de clinique, un chef de service à une étudiante infirmière, un médecin, un chirurgien, un responsable de laboratoire, un prof de physique-chimie, et un orthopédiste aux PACES à moins que ce dernier était deux cas différents, marqués dans mon cahier.
Et encore trois exemples en médecine, un du militaire, un professeur en biologie et un en EPS. Mémorisés après de repasser plus loin sans le cahier.
Bon, y a-t-il un certain surpoids pour un type de filière?
Il me semble que les sciences, surtout médicaux, mais aussi autres sciences dits naturels ou exactes ont un surpoids assez net. Après, militaires, administrateurs, EPS.
Et le plus clean, lettres et droit. Me trompé-je? Je ne pense pas trop./HGL
PS, ne pas oublier l'appel de Madame Assange pour son fils, s'il vous plaît!
#Unity4J : Christine Assange lance un appel d’urgence
par Admin · Publié 14 novembre 2018 · Mis à jour 16 novembre 2018
Statistics and links to well read posts
Well, usually well read - for the pilgrimage account in five blogs I have in cases omitted the most well read post since so often already given, and instead given another one.
25 oct. 2018 – 23 nov. 2018
What countries have topped the readers of that months and on how many blogs?
Indonésie V
États-Unis XX / XXI
France IIII
Italie V
région indéterminée IIII
Canada I
Pologne I
Does there seem to be some collusion among readers?

Now, to stats in summing together:
21813 overall by blogs
21813 / 30 = 727.1
33 + 904 + 388 + 22 + 51 + 652 + 2749 + 766 + 228 + 282 + 721 + 33 + 242 + 189 + 222 + 2497 + 33 + 22 + 65 + 63 + 51 + 56 + 100 + 57 + 105 + 212 + 108 + 226 + 663 + 3161 + 101 + 448 + 465 + 1039 + 569 + 76 + 548 + 40 + 29 + 93 + 3504
19992 overall by countries on top ten
(better not divide by 30, I think you can guess why)
195 + 1915 + 1601 + 2566 + 435 + 28 + 22 + 40 + 1460 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 29 + 308 + 32 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 63 + 3821 + 82 + 599 + 158 + 1 + 13 + 331 + 593 + 63 + 5249 + 362
Singapour 195 | Argentine 1 | |
Russie 1915 | Pays-Bas 1 | |
Ukraine 1601 | Tchéquie 1 | |
France 2566 | Lituanie 2 | |
Allemagne 435 | Égypte 1 | |
Chine 28 | Norvège 1 | |
Inde 22 | Philippines 3 | |
Royaume-Uni 40 | Espagne 63 | |
région indéterminée 1460 | Italie 3821 | |
Suisse 4 | Australie 82 | |
Autriche 2 | Canada 599 | |
Portugal 6 | Irlande 158 | |
Thaïlande 3 | Belgique 1 | |
Vietnam 29 | Suède 13 | |
Japon 308 | Émirats arabes unis 331 | |
Corée du Sud 32 | Indonésie 593 | |
Estonie 1 | Brésil 63 | |
États-Unis 5249 | ||
Pologne 362 |
Singapour 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 12 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 12 + 133 + 1 + 1 Russie 455 + 5 + 124 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 11 + 7 + 9 + 94 + 153 + 154 + 669 + 11 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 65 + 1 + 5 + 17 + 1 + 84 + 32 Ukraine 7 + 15 + 25 + 1 + 10 + 6 + 732 + 52 + 5 + 14 + 185 + 236 + 123 + 9 + 24 + 102 + 24 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 18 France 7 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 144 + 24 + 53 + 54 + 135 + 131 + 7 + 142 + 118 + 5 + 21 + 5 + 3 + 24 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 16 + 1 + 2 + 31 + 13 + 154 + 2 + 43 + 92 + 7 + 320 + 314 + 266 + 23 + 4 + 1 + 95 + 286 + 2 + 2 Allemagne 1 + 6 + 13 + 91 + 4 + 17 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 53 + 93 + 58 + 42 + 10 + 6 + 27 + 2 Chine 28 Inde 17 + 1 + 4 Royaume-Uni 1 + 3 + 2 + 31 + 3 région indéterminée 9 + 9 + 104 + 90 + 142 + 112 + 8 + 240 + 119 + 151 + 3 + 13 + 89 + 119 + 166 + 24 + 14 + 2 + 44 + 2 Suisse 4 Autriche 2 Portugal 6 5 + 1 Thaïlande 3 Vietnam 29 Japon 3 + 4 + 93 + 2 + 99 + 107 Corée du Sud 30 + 1 + 1 | Estonie 1 Argentine 1 Pays-Bas 1 Tchéquie 1 Lituanie 2 Égypte 1 Norvège 1 Philippines 3 Espagne 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 14 + 2 + 27 + 2 + 1 Italie 720 + 363 + 816 + 893 + 1029 Australie 82 2 + 1 + 78 + 1 Canada 190 + 106 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 9 + 102 + 173 + 6 Irlande 2 + 10 + 7 + 24 + 6 + 109 Belgique 1 Suède 13 1 + 10 + 2 Émirats arabes unis 30 + 9 + 139 + 131 + 22 Indonésie 15 + 19 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 12 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 12 + 15 + 13 + 11 + 12 + 16 + 13 + 3 + 20 + 17 + 13 + 13 + 41 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 32 + 13 + 1 + 24 + 19 + 15 + 13 + 17 + 12 + 16 + 22 + 22 + 15 + 1 + 13 Brésil 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 20 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 États-Unis 6 + 11 + 142 + 44 + 16 + 37 + 8 + 115 + 124 + 50 + 153 + 1125 + 40 + 156 + 59 + 34 + 36 + 39 + 37 + 32 + 36 + 38 + 34 + 45 + 49 + 11 + 57 + 89 + 239 + 230 + 43 + 122 + 746 + 335 + 426 + 122 + 11 + 269 + 18 + 18 + 47 Pologne 154 + 3 + 54 + 102 + 16 + 2 + 22 + 9 |
Top countries in a week : 19 nov. 2018 15:00 – 26 nov. 2018 14:00
- Indonesia XVI
- 3 3 2 0
- 5 4 4 4
- 2 7 5 5
- 3 6 4 4
- 6 10 3 5
- 2 17 208 2
- France V
- 1 9 0 18
- 47
- Russia IIII
- 131 29 66 17
- Italy IIII
- 175 98 17 13
- undisclosed region III
- 11 100 117
- Canada I
- 24
- no stats this week I
The numbers are not the total stats for any country, but the distance to next country in top ten. Where France and Indonesia have 0, it's the blog where both share first place at 6 page views, so there is zero distance to the other or second place. Third place is two below that, at 4. So, there are lots of small blogs where Indonesia will be first country most weeks, but where US will pass it by in each month.
And now for the posts:
ENGLISH Begley, 2017, My Response, 2018 · I was wrong. · I Katherine Anne, Interactive Induction (adult content : hypnosis) · Carrier carries on the obtusity on a key point ... · Weakness of CMI : Church History · Non-replies · Deinippus in Corinth ... · Ghosts? · "I will explain why geocentrism is wrong if you don't post my words elsewhere." · Answering Yahya Snow · Where Ivugi is From · clarifications à propos donativo (Eng/fr) · Newtonianly speaking, Can Earth Still Orbit Sun After 4.5 Billion Years? · I Hope This Blog will Get More Writers - it is a Salvage Blog (salvaging was here not necessary, it was not material, but short links that went down) · No, true enough Acharya, Varro did not write about Jesus ... · Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo · Father Filippo Anfossi was right against Giuseppe Settele · Le Retour de Don Quichotte · J R R Tolkien related (bibliography as in linkography) · Pope Leo X
FRANÇAIS Les langues nordiques, sont-elles germaniques, commencent-elles au Moyen Âge? (Voir Lèguest du Bois) · Un escroqueur vient de me contacter (c'est amusant en plus) · ... à propos une certaine hystérie visant les accusations de pédophilie ... · Vous avez lu 100 infos insolites sur Les Sciences? · clarifications à propos donativo (Eng/fr) · Elève oublie vite (sur le blog il y a contenu adulte) · Chevalier Brayard · Le bâtiment · Chants de Salon
Pèlerinage : 24-VII-2004, Heide et avant Hamburg · Dimanche, 1-VIII-2004, Deutschland - Nederlande · 27-VIII-2004, Tosantos - San Juan de Ortega · 10-IX-2004, Hospital de Órbigo - Base de Acampada, Astorga · 6-X-2004 L'arrivée à St Jacques
DEUTSCH Zum Kreationismus-Reportage Vanessa Meisingers · Sinngedichte
SVENSKA Fjortis' Bröllop · Ordningen här (för den som vill) · Prolog: Litavens kulturhistoria, uppsats - intro & innehåll · Tryckeri med dator, skrifvare, och copiator
LATINE Index in stephani tempier condempnationes · Index morphologiae uerbalis
MUSICA & DIAGRAMMA impressa in octavo · Sonata Nemetodurica
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Why are Russians Reading This One So Avidly?
I'll give you four blogs the stats for last 24 hours:

Someone might want to know how I did this above? I'll explain.
Step one, went to stats for each blog of these four. And to participants/by country.
Step two, I switched from week to day view.
Step three, I copied each onto a notepad document. Following steps are for each of the four.
Step four, I added a space after each country name and then clicked up viewer numbers to after that space instead of two lines below and then eliminated intervening lines.
Step five, I clicked "show blog" and copied the title from there. Following is after all four blogs were so copied.
Step six, I shift empty spaces so all four stats have a full view under the dates and times precision (common to all four), nothing hidden either scroll down or scroll up. I use full screen on the notepad for this and following.
Step seven, I make a screenshot of the notepad document.
Step eight, I paste this unto paint program.
Step nine, I use rectangular selection around the lower two stats and cut, then paste, then put them to the right of the formerly "upper two" - now left two - stats.
Step ten, I use rectangular selection around all of the text and numbers of above, cut, click for new document, paste all this onto it, narrow its edges around it and save.
Now, someone explain to me how come Russia which has a certain record of showing up with 21 and its multiples today has 63 views (3*21) on this blog, while France has only 5. Indeed, apart from US (15 views), other viewers today on this blog are under ten.
Also, when a blog has only one country today, it is often 1 or 2 views from Indonesia.
However, the now removed spam under the below is not from today, but from a week ago:
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Let us bury the equation "Indo-European = Japhetic"
Speaking of week:

Again, Russians both are highest on this blog and have a viewer stat which is a multiple of 21 (147=7*21). Italy shows up as first on two and second on a third blog. AND ... only on one of these is France highest ... I take it, Italians, Russians and Indonesians could be telling correspondents in France to dissuade from reading me?
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Felix of Valois
PS, here are the four blogs:
New blog on the kid
HGL's F.B. writings
Creation vs. Evolution
Saturday, 17 November 2018
Do we have that option?
Neill deGrasse Tyson said more than a year ago:
A disturbing trend has gripped our nation in the 21st century, a time when people need science and a rigorous method for testing truth more than ever: “People have lost the ability to judge what is true and what is not,” he said. “It’s not something to say ‘I choose not to believe E = mc^2.’ You don’t have that option.”
Source Watch: Neil deGrasse Tyson Has a Critically Important Message for Americans
Karla Lant | April 21st 2017
Is he right?
Here are some examples from wiki on the testing of the formula:
- Example
- For instance, the "Gadget"-style bomb used in the Trinity test and the bombing of Nagasaki had an explosive yield equivalent to 21 kt of TNT. About 1 kg of the approximately 6.15 kg of plutonium in each of these bombs fissioned into lighter elements totaling almost exactly one gram less, after cooling. The electromagnetic radiation and kinetic energy (thermal and blast energy) released in this explosion carried the missing one gram of mass.[35] This occurs because nuclear binding energy is released whenever elements with more than 62 nucleons fission.
- Comment
- How do you evaluate the exact energy of a bomb explosion?
- Example
- Another example is hydroelectric generation. The electrical energy produced by Grand Coulee Dam's turbines every 3.7 hours represents one gram of mass. This mass passes to electrical devices (such as lights in cities) powered by the generators, where it appears as a gram of heat and light.[36] Turbine designers look at their equations in terms of pressure, torque, and RPM. However, Einstein's equations show that all energy has mass, and thus the electrical energy produced by a dam's generators, and the resulting heat and light, all retain their mass—which is equivalent to the energy. The potential energy—and equivalent mass—represented by the waters of the Columbia River as it descends to the Pacific Ocean would be converted to heat due to viscous friction and the turbulence of white water rapids and waterfalls were it not for the dam and its generators. This heat would remain as mass on site at the water, were it not for the equipment that converted some of this potential and kinetic energy into electrical energy, which can move from place to place (taking mass with it).
- Comment
- How do you evaluate the loss of one gram of mass in so much water?
- Example
- A spring's mass increases whenever it is put into compression or tension. Its added mass arises from the added potential energy stored within it, which is bound in the stretched chemical (electron) bonds linking the atoms within the spring.
- Comment
- Has this been tested with reliable scales?
- Example
- Raising the temperature of an object (increasing its heat energy) increases its mass. For example, consider the world's primary mass standard for the kilogram, made of platinum/iridium. If its temperature is allowed to change by 1 °C, its mass changes by 1.5 picograms (1 pg = 1×10−12 g).
- Comment
- The reference given states: "A variation of ±1.5 picograms is of course, much smaller than the actual uncertainty in the mass of the international prototype, which is ±2 micrograms."
- Example
- A spinning ball weighs more than a ball that is not spinning. Its increase of mass is exactly the equivalent of the mass of energy of rotation, which is itself the sum of the kinetic energies of all the moving parts of the ball. For example, the Earth itself is more massive due to its daily rotation, than it would be with no rotation. This rotational energy (2.14×1029 J) represents 2.38 billion metric tons of added mass.
- Comment
- Which cannot be tested, since we cannot put Earth in a balance. Also, not true. Earth is not spinning.
Mass-Energy equivalence : practical examples
Neill deGrasse Tyson considers "scientific method" the ultimate test of truth. It depends itself on logic, which is therefore, with the input from senses, a more ultimate one.
His recipe is raising the status of scientists to that of saviours of our sanity, they are not.
What is really "disturbing" or (under the providence of God who can save us from any dangers, when He likes) kind of dangerous, is that Neill deGrasse Tyson is elevating "scientific method" (an alias for opinions of scientists, much of the time) to a status above both Gospel and Aristotle's Organum.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Hugh of Lincoln*
* Greater St Hugh of Lincoln, not the child martyr : In Britannia sancti Hugonis Episcopi, qui, ex Monacho Carthusiano ad Ecclesiam Lincolniensem regendam vocatus, multis claruit miraculis, et sancto fine quievit.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Stan Lee probably neither Free Mason nor Satanist
Stan Lee probably neither Free Mason nor Satanist · Kudrowophobe? Phoebephobes? You should have a talk about the term ...
Not all Jews are bad. Even if that is a surprise to some.
I saw a reference to Jack Kirby being Bohemian Grove, but this might be from a quick search on a page on Bohemian Grove that features a Jack and also a Kirby. Nothing like that on Stan Lee.

Also, it was Marvel Comics Tomb of Dracula that taught me vampires are repelled by garlic, cruficixes and prayers in Latin.
Peter Jackson
Has made a film on World War I.
Here is a kind of trailer with short talk about production between him and whoever the other guy is.*
I have not yet seen it sound on.
Kermode Uncut: They Shall Not Grow Old
kermodeandmayo | 15.X.2018
Here is a comment I put under that post on PJ's page:
Peter Jackson, I have hated your guts over omitting Tom Bombadil and making Arwen half and half another shieldmaiden, but with this and the fact your gramp fought side by side with JRRT, you have my esteem back!/HGL
* Kermode?
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
PP Says "she deserves to be a choice"
Here is a decent Catholic (on this topic at any rate, perhaps a wee modernist and adherring to wrong Pope, but a decent Catholic on this topic) who links to their video for context:
Chilling Planned Parenthood ad for abortion: ‘The Chosen’
November 10, 2018 by Deacon Greg Kandra
News Flash for PP : She already IS a choice. God's.
At whatever act of conjugal, extramarital or even violent sex or even test tube God chose to make a living human person of the material furnished by human acts, the person is God's choice./HGL
While I am Glad Freedom from Communism ...
... I was going to add "was achieved" but then asked myself "was it?"
Anyway, some things are not quite as they should in post-Communist states.
"Education is the fundament to social cohesion, which is also the fundament of security in the country," said Anna Novosad, a senior official at Ukraine's Ministry of Education and Science. She attributed Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 partly to the disintegration and linguistic isolation of the local, mainly Russian-speaking population from the rest of Ukraine.
From mail dot com : Ukraine's Hungarian minority threatened by new education law
I am sorry, there are two problems here.
- 1) Hungarian minority and Russian minority are not the same thing. Ukraine has a border with Hungary, but it's the second smallest. Hungary is also much smaller than Russia.
While Crimea is not on the land frontier between Russia and Ukraine, there is a very small strait between Cape Fonar and Kerch on Crimea and Krasnodar and Sennoy in undisputed Russia. In practise, all of the Azov sea can be viewed as a frontier between Russia and Crimea.
Also, Hungary was not as well militarised in the East Block as Russia and is not as militarised now. "23 October until 10 November 1956" are dates that should tell you something of Russian weakness and Hungarian strength? No, the opposite. And Ukraine and Russia these days share the heritage of the military of Soviet Russia back then.
So, drawing conclusions from Russians on Crimea and applying them to Hungarians near Hungarian frontier would seem somewhat ... distrustful (I hate it when the pseudo-diagnosis "paranoid" gets into my head whenever I look for these words).
- 2) But even supposing there were a real long term I will not say threat but risk, the method is wrong.
"Education is the fundament to social cohesion, which is also the fundament of security in the country,"
19th C Prussia rehashing pre-Roman Athenian and Spartan educational totalitarianism. Also even amplified in France by Ferry-Combes (if some Bretons sided with German invaders, bad memories of Breton forbidding schools under Third Republic contributed), and by Hitler's Reichschulgesetz of 1938, which recently made the Wunderlich family refugees from a Germany reputedly heir to the free West Germany.
Rome as well as the Latin Middle Ages did not require certain educations for all citizens, nor even (until near the end one country, Scotland) of all nobles. Parents were free to educate as they wanted. In positions were the taking over was not hereditary a specified education could be required - but it was a specialist one, not one which was imposed by administrational decree on all citizens (though the clergy were in a position to impose its contents by influence - as nowadays often the teachers are).
This means, apart from heresy (Albigensians were not allowed to send Albigensian* children to Albigensian schools, they were not allowed to be Albigensians in the first place and fairly rightly so - but Jews were only allowed to send their children to Jewish schools), parents were basically free to chose their children's education, including the choice of language. And obviously, the children were raised in their religion as well.
There was no official telling any parent "no, use your language at home if you like, but your children are getting taught in my language, not yours". There was also no official telling any parent "you send your children to school, or we will take them away from you" (apart perhaps from Catholic catechism to children whose parents were officially penitents after having been Albigensians and having abjured that). I cannot guarantee that the Jews in those days had similar freedoms individually in relation** to their Jewish community, but Christian citizens in Christian countries did.
So, the problem is that Anna Novosad's solution to a probably imagined raher than also real problem is so much of a Communist solution. And, yes, the upholding of such a solution is part of why Gaudium et Spes does not strike me as a real document of the Church or the man principally signing it as either a real Pope or a real canonised Saint.
This is one reason why I try to take on Medieval details*** in my dress, by resewing. I don't have gender dysphoria, it's not cross dressing, but I definitely have chronological dysphoria. Perhaps many had in September 1968 when I was born, after Soviets marched into Prague ....
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Josaphat Kunczewic
* Since some fairly ill versed in history people are saying things like Albigensians and Waldensians are the bridge between Primitive Church and Protestant Churches, no, they only existed some centuries after year 1000, and Waldensian remnants later officially became Calvinist, for support against Catholicism. ** I rather suspect they hadn't, as a post-Christ but pre-Destruction of Temple High Priest made education compulsory. Too bad for them. Sure, they have had great teachers like Korczak, but the system is unfree, like Pagan Athens. *** I used to have a homesewn version of what below image wears on head and shoulders:

Credits to Nik Gaukroger, and if he dislikes my use of it, I guess I'll have to replace the image ...
Monday, 12 November 2018
Stats and some visited posts
First a little list of posts which got comments under them - usually thse comments were treated as spam.
Dinogorgon · Datation de Carbone 14, comment ça carre avec la Chronologie Biblique · Are Jews Hacking my Account to Delete Posts? · Verdad Hispánica (enlaces, 2 videos) · If you wish to correspond with me
The following is a bit off topic on it, but at least interesting enough (click to enlarge):

I think "Unknown" is hazy on what constitutes a real private conversation.
Also, the page is for people who reading this page start a correspondence basically knowing it will get published, this is why I think the comment is somewhat off topic.
I think I know who it is, and the discussions I published were all on fairly public topics.
Also, I usually do make substitite names from FB, usually acronyms, unless someone's competence or power ("in society" or on internet as admin) is relevant for correctly following discussion or appreciate what kind of person I have debunked.
I mean, suppose Matthew Hunt got this request granted, would it not be kind of missing part of the point to hide he was a physicist from academia? For instance where our debates are cited in response to Sam Harris saying "physicists are not offended" (part I on link)?
Following also has an undeleted comment:
Collagen and C-14 in Dinosaur Bones
I suppose it means the visit on their site a few weeks ago? I never actually went there physically.
Following had what I took as clear spam:
Challenging Chuck Missler on Geocentrism Issue · I Like "Miacis Cognitus" · If you read old texts - did people really do things like that back then? · Göbekli Tepe, se trouve-t-il en "Mésopotamie"? Oui
Let's go on to top ten:
5 nov. 2018 14:00 – 12 nov. 2018 13:00
5 nov. 2018 15:00 – 12 nov. 2018 14:00
... über üble Nachsager der katholischen Frömmigkeit · First Quarter of an Hour of Four Horsemen - My Comments · Sinngedichte · Katherine Anne, Interactive Induction (I of Blog 37, on Auto Hypnosis Experience - adult content) · Debating Manners and Priorities with a Psychology Minded Person · CMI Promoting Heliocentrism Again · Science vs Science, Exegesis vs Exegesis · Ordo Missae of Paul VI per se valid, probably (or may have been) · "Ce site n’est pas consultable sur le poste public que vous utilisez." · Children physically cannot have children (links, quote, comment) · Géocentrisme, ma vers. 2 (il s'agit d'une co-rédaction sur wiki, juste partie est par moi, c'est "ma version" parce que je l'ai sauvegardé en état après mon édition dessus, avant qu'un autre fasse une autre) · A los Colombianos que encontré ayer en la lavadora · Le bâtiment · Chevalier Brayard · Deinippus in Corinth ... · Scientific methods, layers of fossils, and Matthew Hunt showing he has no Classic culture · XV to XXI (from 91 answers to "40 Questions") · Fjortis' Bröllop
Pèlerinage: 19-VII-2004, Départ de la hutte et arrivée à Grenaa · 27-VIII-2004, Tosantos - San Juan de Ortega · 4-IX-2004, Ledigos - Alb. Municipal La Trinidad, Sahagún (certes, début du blog, mais ici on a pris "au lendemain" sous chaque post) · 6-X-2004 L'arrivée à St Jacques · Pour les posts en tête des cinq blogs du pel
Let's continue other stuff: Index morphologiae uerbalis · Prolog: Litavens kulturhistoria, uppsats - intro & innehåll · clarifications à propos donativo (Eng/fr) · Sola Scriptura or Tota Scriptura? · Dúnadan's Vigil · Schenker and Couperin in Hypodoris (new scan) · When Debating · I Hope This Blog will Get More Writers - it is a Salvage Blog (no longer necessary) · Längre svar till Yvonne, Bengt och Per · till #2 fortsättn. än längre · Om LVU i Sverige · Débat om LVU/skolpligt/hemskolning · Använder du dator får du väl tro på vetenskapen? · Hvad index intet var till för ... · impressa in octavo · ... à propos une certaine hystérie visant les accusations de pédophilie ... · What a blooper, Dan Barker from Atheist League! · Variation on the Scriptoria Game · The Gospel Truth, by William P. Lazarus, part 1 · Is God THE Necessary Being? Part III · Faith and Evidence · Un escroqueur vient de me contacter (c'est amusant en plus) · J R R Tolkien related (it's a bibliography) · Is this valid in your English? It is in mine. · When it Comes to Inquisitions and Witches
Now, for stats by country:
3 nov. 2018 16:00 – 10 nov. 2018 15:00
Total : 4587 (655/day)
Russie 136
Italie 135
Ukraine 133
Top three of top ten on one blog, shows a very concerted reading. Somewhat less so here:
Russie 239
États-Unis 200
Both cases next country came with less than hundred.
These three are under the top one (that being Italy):
France 148
Russie 143
États-Unis 139
Other example of very coordinated reading, here on posts rather than countries:

Is someone looking for an accusation? Is someone looking for dangerous stuff? Or is someone concerned that I am successful in debunking their ideas?
Top three:
- Russia 1443
- US 859
- Italy 831
Stats per all countries (in French names):
Allemagne 109
1 + 17 + 4 + 3 + 26 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 12 + 15 + 4 + 1 + 15
Australie 10
Autriche 1
Azerbaïdjan 1
Bénin 1
Brésil 18
9 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 2
Cambodge 3
2 + 1
Canada 163
106 + 51 + 2 + 4
Chine 18
7 + 10 + 1
Émirats arabes unis 22
Équateur 2
Espagne 5
2 + 1 + 2
Estonie 2
1 + 1
États-Unis 859
5 + 5 + 13 + 4 + 4 + 7 + 11 + 200 + 19 + 50 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 23 + 139 + 15 + 52 + 24 + 50 + 5 + 4 + 40 + 6 + 10 + 109 + 1 + 3
France 250
4 + 10 + 1 + 6 + 16 + 1 + 2 + 148 + 5 + 23 + 6 + 3 + 14 + 10 + 1
Hong Kong 2
Inde 7
2 + 1 + 4
Indonésie 118
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 3
Irlande 34
28 + 6
Italie 831
203 + 71 + 135 + 218 + 204
Japon 43
4 + 2 + 12 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 5 + 12
Lituanie 3
1 + 2
Moldavie 1
Pays-Bas 16
2 + 1 + 1 + 12
Pérou 1
Philippines 3
2 + 1
Pologne 16
1 + 14 + 1
Portugal 3
1 + 2
région indéterminée 243
3 + 3 + 102 + 24 + 4 + 5 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 61 + 16 + 10
Royaume-Uni 13
12 + 1
Russie 1443
2 + 1 + 59 + 239 + 12 + 25 + 1 + 7 + 136 + 30 + 143 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 646 + 81 + 45 + 1
Singapour 46
1 + 6 + 28 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 4
Suède 2
Suisse 2
1 + 1
Thaïlande 11
2 + 2 + 7
Turquie 1
Ukraine 278
3 + 88 + 1 + 4 + 21 + 5 + 133 + 1 + 3 + 12 + 1 + 6
Vietnam 6
14 nov. 2018 18:00 – 15 nov. 2018 17:00
Total 531 - per country, starting with the lowest one on the final setup of combined stats:
Pays-Bas 1
États-Unis 90
2 + 2 + 2 + 16 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 22 + 1 + 16 + 2
Royaume-Uni 5
2 + 1 + 2
Ukraine 5
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
Brésil 1
Russie 67
1 + 2 + 1 + 54 + 6 + 3
Portugal 5
1 + 1 + 3
Allemagne 9
2 + 6 + 1
Chine 2
1 + 1
Bulgarie 2
1 + 1
Corée du Sud 3
1 + 2
Israël 2
Équateur 9
7 + 2
France 119
1 + 3 + 2 + 92 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 1 + 3
Inde 8
1 + 7
Belgique 1
Philippines 2
Honduras 2
Pologne 13
5 + 1 + 1 + 6
région indéterminée 16
2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 7
Autriche 1
Suède 4
3 + 1
Indonésie 4
Australie 12
1 + 11
Italie 137
1 + 66 + 70
Irlande 3
1 + 2
Roumanie 3
Espagne 1
Japon 2
Thaïlande 2
Since visitor stats without posts are boring:
15 nov. 2018 20:00 – 16 nov. 2018 19:00
With Crawford on Nature of Language Groups · Pfirti' oder B'förd' di'? · Me and Damien Mackey on Historicity of Iliad and Odyssey · Sandwalk blogger does not get what "observed" means? · a connexion? · protestons contre le blasphème · Réflections sur Dominique Resch, son livre, un extrait ... · And How was Mental Hospital? (from Chronicle of Susan Pevensie, a fan fic) · Verdad Hispánica (enlaces, 2 videos) (y una tercera con un poco más de discusión) · Whom did Christ call "that fox"? · g-b-g / Great Bishop of Geneva! · (trois d'un même blog de haïku, le blog a du contenun adulte, ces trois haïku ne le sont pas:) Elève oublie vite · Wabi et sabi · Faut pas croire que seul · Last Days, Kent Hovind Group, Defining "Paedophilia" I · Galileo and Hexenhammer · "C'est trop facile. Il faut serrer .." · Seven word conquest · "Antigone's flaw" · Stan Lee probably neither Free Mason nor Satanist · Tryckeri med dator, skrifvare, och copiator · Marion Sigaut, à propos Wikipédie et Calas, mes réponses · Carrier on a Moral World · 25-XI-1922 - Italie totalitaire? Non ... pas encore au moins. Italie premier état totalitaire? Non, on avait la Soviétique déjà! · Filioque far older than III Council of Toledo · Mone hagne, mone eulogemene / Moni agni, moni evloyimeni · Is this valid in your English? It is in mine.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
When Debating
Explaining first version of my answer on paint document from two screen shots below : when using "paste" I first got nothing and then a triple repetition.
Then I try to blue and delete them and back button does not work.
Second version, with answer inserted, but not yet posted, is after I try several times to use "enter" to post comment and get only the pointer one step lower.
This happened at Nanterre University Library. Date and time inserted from the two screen shots.

At 18:19, still impossible to post by pushing "enter".
Dito at 18:20.
Oh, by the way, Michael Snoeck is a Dutchman living in Gothenburg, not for from my father who is similarily prejudiced against Catholicism, and he is group admin.
I am not saying he directly caused problems with that comment, not saying he didn't, but I am saying that he could have an interest contacting some who would, and Nanterre University has both a more Protestant than Catholic bias, and a more Communist than Conservative one (though Bruno Gollnisch is from here) and has a corps of security guards with not too few Muslims. Especially since those shootings in France.
But he may have contacted them, and if not, they may have sympathised./HGL
18:24, same story.

18:33, interesting twist. Same group, same FB, from same Nanterre University LIbrary, I just succeeded in posting another comment on another thread.
Could Nanterre UL be innocent and Michel Snoeck the guy who muted? Or is someone at Nanterre UL being selective so as to sow suspicions?
Here is anyway the other response which I did succeed in posting:

And when I tried previously to copy the comment I couldn't post and then paste to other document, I succeeded first, but had to copy sth else, and now I can't copy. I think, after all, it would be some computer admin at Nanterre UL, who can watch what I try to do with blueing and copying./HGL
I happened to glitch by watching updates in the tab with that comment, and when reconsidering to watch in other tab, and left the key up.
The updates didn't go away:

Ah, wait - it could simply be one tab going into a bug.
Here are same comment posted (after manual copying to notepad) in another tab, and the one with the bug still in a bug:

So, yes, theoretically both sides could be innocent./HGL
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Bonum Festum Omnium Sanctorum
et bonum diem animarum defunctorum, Christifidelibus lectoribus exopto/HGL
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