Friday 22 September 2023

Can One Celebrate Hobbit Day by Reflexions on Harry Potter?

1937, The Hobbit was published.
1987, Tom Felton was born.

I actually saw a video about Harry Potter this morning, or more than one, one on the cast "then and now" and that's how I know about Tom Felton, and one about Draco Malfoy among them. Also, one about the cast just back then, and it seems that offstage Tom Felton was as much a friend of Daniel Radcliffe as Draco Malfoy was onstage a foe of Harry Potter.

The thing I wanted to reflect on was the idea (not found on the Potter Wiki, at least in that linguistic shape) that Draco Malfoy was "the chosen one" — to be helping out Voldemort in his evil plans.

Now, there is a problem about this meme.

Jesus and Mary are chosen. By God. God being Jesus can be very sure He Himself will not walk away from His chosen role. He also was sure that His blessed Mother would freely chose Him.

But supposing Draco was chosen, by whom was it? Even if he was the Devil's pick, the Devil is not almighty.

In the real world (but Harry Potter is a series of fantasy books and fantasy films), Draco could not have been effectively the chosen one in such a way as to be incapable of resisting. Or - obviously as for the books - defecting.

However, could such a nightmarish chosenness have been possible in Rowling's fiction? Since she is not Catholic, she may have Calvinist views on the matter.

So, in the real world, can one be Satan's chosen one and still not fall into damnation? Obviously, Satan could have asked God, and therefore have had a share in God's foreknowledge— but only if God was willing to give it. What is pretty much more certain is, God does not seem to be willing to directly share it with men. Yes, God has revealed the gematria of Satan's ultimate chosen one (and one who will not finally resist), but that gematria is shared by more than one. In fact, by more than two, so one cannot even say that "one of them must be the Antichrist and one the false prophet" ... if two of the suspects are currently visiting France, let's recall, there are other suspects.* Let's also recall, if they should be the ones, it would be a very bad idea to dream of eliminating them (or the one who's agressing Ukraine), by murder, since it is probable from prophecy the murder would fail, and also if so, that the failed attempt could be the perfect excuse for the Antichrist to turn on believers in prophecy as against fomenters of violence, thereby starting the countdown to Armageddon. Or intensifying it, if it has (as I think) already started.

Obviously, this was more of a reflexion on Voldemort than on Draco.** Hope Tom Felton won't mind. After all, his role character was fairly centered on that other role character.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Salaberga of Laon, Abbess***

Lauduni, in Gallia, sanctae Salabergae Abbatissae.***

* Tim Cohen doesn't share this view. I speak for my view, not his, but I am not trying to withhold his.
** VOLDEMORT = 700, but VOLDEMOR = 616. Not exactly the best candidate for the right gematria, but one of the candidates. Supported by St. Caesarius of Arles, if not by St. Irenaeus.
*** Obviously there are other saints for the real celebration on Hobbit Day, but Salaberga is French and also sounds a bit like a female character at Hogwarts.

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