Monday 25 June 2018

Horrible News from Japan

Here is a story which I read of in Citizen Go:

A married, 26-year-old woman from the Tokyo suburb of Mitaka who works for a cosmetics company was handed a document mapping the permitted childbirth and child-rearing schedules for her and each of her 22 female colleagues—outlining exactly when they are allowed to have children. According to the schedule, she must wait to conceive until she is approximately 35 years old.

Yet, already two years into her marriage, she is having difficultly [sic] conceiving. “How is (my work) going to take responsibility if I put off getting pregnant and lose my chances to have children altogether?” she wonders.

Her boss’s response is, “Work gets backed up if four or more people take time off at the same time. Selfish behavior will be subject to punishment.”

This means, what Government is doing in Red China, Employers are doing in Japan.

Limiting childbirth.

Malthusianism is very popular with employers (and in Red China, government is or used to be biggest employer) who have no conscience that the employees are first and foremost created in God's image, and have rights and duties to God and to the family before they have so to their employers.

This is why both Big Business Capitalism and Communism is wrong. And why small business should operate under regulations.

Normally, in a country with some social conscience - I can even take Sweden on this one - a company saying that would have to pay damages to the employees, so it would lose money on trying that evil scheme. Probably a fine to the state as well. And paying the costs for the court procedings.

Another favourite apart from Malthusianism with such people is Kantianism. To Kant, being "selfish" is the essence of sin.

To Saint Paul the phrase lovers of themselves occurs exactly once:

"Men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, haughty, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked,"
[2 Timothy 3:2]

Note, it would seem that Saint Paul is enumerating conditions of personal (or communal) morality which will be prominent in the last days. But he is not saying that each one of these is the essence of evil (if one, it is more probably covetous or haughty/proud), nor that someone can chose to stamp anyone as evil by arbitrarily assigning one of these characteristics to a certain behaviour.

And in the Douay Rheims Bible, the phrase "lovers of themselves" occurs exactly this one time.

Loving oneself has in other places a good connotation, namely about moral behaviour in general "love thy neighbour as thyself" (similar to but after "love God of all thy heart"), which implies there is such a thing as loving oneself in a right way, and also about marriage "nobody every hated his own flesh".

This last point, loving one's flesh, is certainly to the point when it comes to procreation. This is what marriage was instituted for, thousands of years before there were any Japanese employers. Yamashita Cave Man is probably post-Flood, and Pinza-Abu Cave Man, Minatogawa people, the people buried in Shiraho Saonetabaru Cave Ruins are certainly so, with very little doubt (none for Minatogawa people).

So, since Japanese don't come around till after the Flood, which is 2242 years after God said to Adam and Eve "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28), and this Flood was 4975 years ago and even Minatogawa people certainly older than 4620 years ago, how come so lately some Japanese business man imagines he can change God's plan for the family?

An employer may tell you "you need to do this to work" but he needs to remember, you work to pay for your children's upkeep, you don't get children to please your employer or to suit your work.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Prosper of Aquitaine

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