New blog on the kid
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- Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please!
- A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien
- Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes
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Saturday, 14 March 2020
Confusion sur mon statut comme écrivain
Confusion sur mon statut comme écrivain · Number of Posts / Nombre d'Articles
Il y a eu avant-hier une offre de participer dans une stage d'écriture, plus précisément écriture créative basé sur "l'écriture automatique".
Je ne fais pas, tout d'abord, de l'écriture automatique. Ma vitesse d'écriture est un peu égale à ma vitesse de pensée dans la mesure que je ralentis la pensée pour l'accommoder à ma vitesse d'écriture.
Mais en plus, l'idée que je ne sais pas comment me prendre pour écrire un roman ou des nouvelles ...
Je trouve cette annonce:
"Ecrire son roman et vivre de sa plume"
Déjà, c'est ÉCRIRE. Mais ensuite, je ne propose pas de vivre de ma plume dans un futur quand j'aurais écrit un roman, je propose de vivre de ma plume maintenant, à propos les essais, les articles, et peut-être moyennant les autorisations des autres participants, les dialogues. J'en ai en anglais, français et d'autres langues à peu près 8000 et quelques.
C'est dérisoire de réduire mon statut d'écrivain à mon éventuel statut futur de romancier ou de raconteur.
J'ai effectivement commencé un roman. Il comprend des chapitres au nombre d'environ 80 ou un peu moins, donc 1% de mes écrits.
Mais d'un côté, il est une fan fic sur une série de romans déjà existants par un autre auteur, même en certaine mesure plus qu'un (C. S. Lewis fait la compagnie avec Enid Blyton, avec Gilbert Keith Chesterton et avec Arthur Conan Doyle). Le monétiser dépendrait donc de l'autorisation d'un et d'un autre voire un troisième ayant-droits (Chesterton et Doyle sont déjà en domaine public).
D'un autre côté, l'écrire ne demande pas davantage de connaissances ès l'écriture, je pourrais probablement donner des astuces à Emmanuelle Soulard, ça demande du bon sommeil, car on m'a privé de ça.
En plus, il est dans les chapitres déjà existants en ligne, je n'ai pas de chapitres écrits et accessibles à moi (un cahier avec quelques pages du roman a été volé) qui ne sont pas en ligne. Les gens qui détestent le contenu vont pas aimer davantage le contenu des chapitres à venir. Et les gens qui déplorent le désordre n'ont pas compris comment on écrit un roman. Dans le blog, les chapitres existants sont dans l'ordre quand ils étaient écrits. Certes, je donne un conspectus pour l'ordre de lecture envisagé, mais pour certains, c'est peine perdue, et ils préfèrent évidemment le cacher aux autres.
Donc, c'est maintenant ou à n'importe quel moment qu'un homme de bonne volonté le veut que je pourrai vivre de ma plume, c'est à dire en tant qu'essayiste. Ce que j'écris comme tel, ça capte:
New blog on the kid : Visionné et visionneurs, deux heures
New blog on the kid : An Article Broke Past 1000 Views (1084, last month)
Mais certains qui aimeraient prétendre qu'ils aimeraient que j'apprenne à écrire, ce sont les mêmes qui aimeraient que j'apprenne leurs trucs sur les sujets abordés dans les essais. Ceux qui s'osent à dialoguer avec moi n'ont pas eu l'air convaincants ...
Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Léon, évêque martyrisé
à Rome
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Visionné et visionneurs, deux heures
10 mars 2020 13:12 – 10 mars 2020 15:11
- 10 mars 2020 13:21 – 10 mars 2020 15:20
- Italie 72
- Turkménistan 64
- 17 + 2 + 3 + 37 + 2 + 3
- Ukraine 38
- 32 + 1 + 1 + 4
- Indonésie 12
- 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2
- États-Unis 5
- 3 + 1 + 1
- France 3
- 2 + 1
- Canada 2
- Royaume-Uni 2
- Total
- 72 + 64 + 38 + 12 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 198
10 mars 2020 13:54 – 10 mars 2020 15:53
- 10 mars 2020 14:32 – 10 mars 2020 16:31
Under a Creationist Video on Carbon Dating · Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post · Copyright issues on blogposts with shared copyright
Tom Trinko, Third Rounds, Broadening Discussion on Aether · If you wish to correspond with me
Does Roger Pearlman Have a Wrong Take on Göbekli Tepe? · Durupınar Alternative to Judi? Three Remarks · Survival, Not Leisure, Georgia? · Bill Nye and Space Rocks · Should we Trust Forensic Sciences? A Comparison · The other day I saw an article on "pre-human" language capacity · Trent Horn Wrong · Think Inside the Box ... 300 Cubits Long, 50 Cubits Wide, 30 Cubits High · Irreverent Vosper ... · Bill Nye Incompetent in Debate · Can we get this straight? I never said I was atheist up to becoming Catholic · Un blog a été donné à vos étudiants. · Apologetics Section · A Catholic who will go unnamed · Weakness of CMI : Church History · Where You Looking For Something Else? · Are All Responses to CMI Here? · Dixit Aquinas · Reading this on iPad?
Pseudoquote identified. What De Romano Pontifice, book IV, chapter V really says (quote) · full url : version / présentation : pleins urls · Mystagogy posts certainly false allegation on St Robert Bellarmine · Cardinal Lustiger (RIP) - vraiment "apostat"?
Susan has a bad fright.
Resurrection, Holy Eucharist, Holy Poverty (or, Why Was Wycliff Wrong) · Between Vigilantius and the Waldensians · Answers about "The Forbidden Book"
Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like. · Tarama or Caviare, Righteous Pricing Comment on Thomas Storck · Our Lady of the Rosary to today, debate between a geocentric thomist and some heliocentrics · St Luke concludes five more days of debate with same person · Oui, l'âge moyen de la puberté reste un âge mûr pour le mariage · Mes réponses à propos protestantisme · Situation of Yaqui children better again! · Being argumentative with people who dislike that (East of Schism) · Was John Wesley charitable to Catholics?
21-IX-2004, Cacabelos - Ave Fenix, Villafranca del Bierzo
Commenting, but not linking : female teachers sleeping with students · Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve · Il vous est arrivé de plier un papier? · .... Dialogue imaginé sur mon discours de carbone 14 · Do not support World Childhood Foundation! · Fatima - Bad News and Good News - the latter provided by Pope Michael · A Relevant Quote from J. R. R. Tolkien · Panthéisme ? Non. Trinité ? Oui. · Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them · Sur le concept de l'ésotérique et sur les sociétés secrètes · Hans-Georg Gadamer was of the "Frankfurter Schule"? - get Inklings for me please! [correction at the bottom of the article]
From Blog Posts or Notebook to Book : Part I, up to reproducible originals · Part II, from reproducible originals to books you can turn the pages of
Dating History (with Some Help from AronRa) · The City Lights Went Out, Did They? · Flat Earth theories - Common Sense or Solar Mythology? · Kurukshetra War and Joshua's Long Day · Sects, Historical Critical Method, Post-Confessional Christianity · Mahabharata and Pre-Flood, Revisited · Answering TheOFloinn some more · Where Orthodox Canonists disagree with Catholic ones about Soldiers in War Communicating · Clarification · "filolohika"? · Misunderstanding Begging (Some Cultural History of, Blog Theme Obliging) and This Beggar · Answering a Muslim who asked "If Jesus was [=is] GOD ..."
Blogs by same author · Blogs/bloggar/bloggi ... · Blogs/bloggar/bloggi ... · Huius autoris bloggi
Mise-à-jour : Quel blog avait exactement 72 vues d'Italie? Je pense, celui-ci:
5 mars 2020 10:00 – 12 mars 2020 09:00 | 11 mars 2020 10:00 – 12 mars 2020 09:00 | |
Italie 144 | États-Unis 5 | |
États-Unis 110 | Indonésie 4 | |
Turkménistan 61 | Brésil 3 | |
Brésil 17 | France 2 | |
Indonésie 14 | Turkménistan 1 | |
Ukraine 9 | ||
France 8 | ||
Irlande 6 | ||
Allemagne 2 | ||
Philippines 2 |
144 : 2 = 72
Correspondence de Hans Georg Lundahl
Donc, deux fois par semaine, dans lapse de temps de 2 heures ou moins, 72 personnes en Italie regardent le blog, et le reste de la semaine, ils ne le regardent pas. Par contre un autre blog avait de l'Italie 227 pour la dernière semaine et 76 pour les dernières 24 heures. Et des heures après, je peux encore identifier la même statistique sur le même blog:
5 mars 2020 20:00 – 12 mars 2020 19:00 | 11 mars 2020 20:00 – 12 mars 2020 19:00 | |
Turkménistan 457 | Italie 76 | |
Italie 227 | Etats-Unis 29 | |
Etats-Unis 146 | Brésil 22 | |
France 52 | Turkménistan 11 | |
Brésil 36 | Ukraine 7 | |
Indonésie 21 | France 4 | |
Allemagne 16 | Indonésie 4 | |
Ukraine 15 | Canada 3 | |
Russie 11 | Pays-Bas 3 | |
Inde 8 | Singapour 3 |
Donc, un soir donné 72 Italiens ou résidents d'Italie visionnent en même temps Correspondence de Hans Georg Lundahl, un autre 76 Italiens ou résidents d'Italie visionnent Φιλολoγικά/Philologica, et pour les deux blogs, ce soir n'est pas le seul dans la semaine qui reçoit leurs visites à un blog ou autre. 144 est 2 fois 72, 227 est presque 228, soit trois fois 76. Le visionnage de mes blogs semble assez organisé en Italie.
Aussi dans le sens que ce sont juste quelques blogs qui reçoivent quasi toute l'attention italienne ...
Voici encore une fois deux heures:
12 mars 2020 18:00 – 12 mars 2020 19:59
- 12 mars 2020 18:11 – 12 mars 2020 20:10
- Indonésie 1
- Sierra Leone 1
- France 1
- Japon 1
- États-Unis 8
- 4 + 2 + 1 + 1
- Total 12
- 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8
12 mars 2020 18:11 – 12 mars 2020 20:10
- 12 mars 2020 18:25 – 12 mars 2020 20:24
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post · ... mainly to Hemant Mehta
"maybe Zeus does exist"?
Durupınar Alternative to Judi? Three Remarks · Was St. Jerome Calling Genesis a Myth, and if so in what sense?
Explaining Holy Roman Empire in terms of comparing to US. - Pt I · La Sonate et la Sonatine
7 pages visionnées, 12 personnes dans le monde ... il me semble y avoir une certaine coordination là aussi.
12 + 198 = 210
210 / 2 = 105
Et si la moyenne de 105 pages-vues par 2 heures était la bonne, j'aurais un lectorat de 1260 par jour./HGL
Encore une mise à jour:
13 mars 2020 08:52 – 13 mars 2020 10:51
- 13 mars 2020 09:01 – 13 mars 2020 11:00
- Lituanie 19
- France 6
- 4 + 2
- États-Unis 13
- 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1
- région indéterminée 2
- Brésil 2
- Russie 1
- Indonésie 1
- Royaume-Uni 1
- Pays-Bas 3
- Vietnam 1
- Inde 1
- Total 50
- 19 + 6 + 13 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1
13 mars 2020 09:01 – 13 mars 2020 11:00
- 13 mars 2020 09:12 – 13 mars 2020 11:11
Feet and Martyrologies
Dear St George · full url : version / présentation : pleins urls
Capitulum XI
Answering a Meme About Catholic and Orthodox
Explaining Holy Roman Empire in terms of comparing to US. - Pt I · Be my Unwin or Hooper if you like.
Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them · Guest Book Back Up / Livre d'Or de Réserve · Bergoglio is Still Wrong About Marriage
... et ce débat se corse
In Answer to Rabbi Skobac · Marshall Adresses an Important Misunderstanding · Shared : Lita's defense · Bill Nye on Historic Science · Bill Nye on ... Pantheism? Hegelianism? · Puddle Analogy · Could a Community Arising a Century Later Invent ... · Starting a Video with Now Deceased Acharya Sanning · Was the Lewis trilemma unsound in form, Beversluis? · Ibn Khaldun, a Neglected Source of Antichristianity or Attacks on the Bible · Ave Verum Corpus Natum ... · Apologetics Section · Is there Creation Science on This Blog? · My other blogs
210 + 50 = 260
260 / 3 = 86 2/3 per two hours
86 2/3 * 12 = 1040
With the medium for the three occasions, I would have 1040 page views per day, still a bit high .../HGL
Sunday, 8 March 2020
I was Reading Stefan Sienkiewicz Yesterday Afternoon
Here is a review:
2019.12.01, Notre Dame University
Five Modes of Scepticism: Sextus Empiricus and the Agrippan Modes
Reviewed by Richard Bett, Johns Hopkins University
Now, I didn't get very far, but I did get to the point in the discussion of diaphonia or discord where we have a school divergence between The Conciliatory and The Steadfast.
I believe sth. I then find out that there are equal grounds (of fact and logic) against it as I already knew for it. I am not sure this case ever occurs, but for Sextus Empiricus it does, and obviously anyone in Sextus Empiricus' school would agree that in this case I should suspend my judgement.
Now, there is another case, where the Sceptic school is (not sure if under Antiquity or more recently) divided: I believe sth to be proven. I then find out someone of equal authority to myself believes the opposite is proven.
Should I suspend my judgement?
First of all, we are dealing with a discussion of the philosophy known as Scepticism, an epistemology different from Platonian and Aristotelic and even Stoic dogmatism and also different from Xenophantic or Xenophanean total agnosticism, or strong agnosticism. So, as Christianity is closer to Plato and Aristotle than to Sextus Empiricus, the Sceptic answer may not oblige me.
But in fact, there is not one sceptic answer to this one, but two. The one school is called "The Steadfast" and the other "The Conciliatory".
The Conciliatory reasons:
- i. In this question Subject 1 (in this case myself) and Subject 2 are of equal epistemic proficiency, equally familiar with the facts, equally good logicians, and come to opposed conclusions.
- ij. Whenever on whatever subject Subject 1 and Subject 2 are of equal epistemic value and they arrive at opposed conclusions, there is insufficient reasons to chose one over the other and one should suspend judgement.
- iij. In this question, I should therefore suspend judgement.
The Steadfast refutes this by claiming that ij. is an invalid principle. If he has no more proof against his position than someone his epistemic equal thinking the opposite, he should stick to it.
And if The Conciliatory were to insist, he would refute himself by - once he knows the position of The Steadfast - behaving like The Steadfast.
The Conciliatory can therefore only insist in a limited perspective, if ij. in his reasoning is not universally valid but only valid for the kind of subject he is investigating.
Which brings one to the question - here I am reasoning on after having to stop reading on - what would the principle behind a limited acceptance of ij. be?
Now, there is one category of people who seem, to me, to have behaved as if they insisted on me having a duty to behave like The Conciliatry, or perhaps even to recognise "Subject 2" as being my epistemic superior. And therefore a duty to short circuit any reasoning about the facts or the logic with a deference to an epistemic superior.
More than one of them could be involved with shrinks, but more than one of them would also have another motive. They would be sure the Evolutionists comprise people my epistemic superiors where I am Creationist. They would be sure the Heliocentrics do so when I am Geocentric, and they would be sure some Theologian could disprove my contention that Catholicism is epistemically vastly superior to Protestantism, and that Protestantism is in fact self refuting.
I do not think people should measure each other as epistemic superiors or inferiors on a lifelong basis (a learner would in some sense be an epistemic inferior to the one he's learning under, but the goal is to reach a point of epistemic equality in mastering the subject). I also do not think who is epistemically superior to whom is more important than facts and logic. Even Catholicism and Protestantism : Richard Fangrad is epistemically inferior to Catholicism, since we know and he doesn't know on what basis Bible verses with different interpretations should in general be decided, namely on tradition and magisterial decision, but this does not leave him with a duty to abandon Young Earth Creationism as soon as he meets a would be representative of Catholicism telling him (wrongly) that Catholicism does not encourage Young Earth Creationism.
He would be perfectly right to conclude that that Catholic were epistemically his inferior if the Catholic thought he had a reason in Tradition, in Church Fathers, to treat Genesis 1 to 11 as non-historic and as having only a Sensus Allegoricus. Because that Catholic would in fact be ignorant of what Catholicism means by Sensus Litteralis and Sensus Allegoricus, and also wrong to believe Tradition assigns to Genesis 1 to 11 only a Sensus Allegoricus but no Sensus Litteralis or no factual truth in that Sensus. That Catholic would have been told and would have believed a very garbled version of what the Four Senses actually mean, and a Catholic badly instructed in Catholicism is not necessarily epistemically superior to a Protestant. Indeed, the Protestant is only Christian by being Catholic (baptised, believing in Christ) and only heretic by being badly instructed. So, the badly instructed Catholic is his epistemic equal where the instruction is bad, or even, in some cases, his epistemic inferior.
This doesn't in the least change the fact that Richard Fangrad has a god-given duty to come to terms with the Catholic sense of the Bible, to believe Seven Sacraments, to believe the Eucharist is a Sacrifice and includes the Real Presence, to believe we have free will and God's election will not simply override any use we make of it, unless he believes this last point already and already came to terms with it, to believe there is a magisterium instituted by Christ, which gained assistance from the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day, and that the consensus over past representatives of this magisterium, Popes and Bishops, or of people approved by it (St. Ephrem the Syrian was a Deacon, St. Justin Martyr a layman) in their capacity as writers is obliging as to how we interpret Scripture.
I do not therefore need to consider me as epistemic inferior to a Catholic priest. He is obliged to know Theology, but I have a right to learn it if interested, which was my case, and sometimes, in debates on Theology, it can be a layman who rebukes a priest, like the first one to call out "heresy" when Nestorius denied Theotokos, was precisely a layman in his Cathedral of Hagia Sophia where he was at the time Ecumenic Patriarch or rather Patriarch (the title "Ecumenic Patriarch" is later). My learning from interest may be superior to his learning from duty. Provided obviously I looked into the sources recommended by the Catholic Church, this not being "Bible alone" but Bible, Fathers, Scholastics and of course also infallible decrees by the Magisterium.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
II Lord's Day of Lent
Friday, 6 March 2020
An Article Broke Past 1000 Views (1084, last month)
3 mars 2020 18:46 – 3 mars 2020 20:45
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 4 views
Another Swede is Annoying on Quora
3 mars 2020 - 2 views
Quora Consulted on Matthew 6:7 Early Translations ...
27 févr. 2020 - 1 view
4 mars 2020 12:06 – 4 mars 2020 14:05
Professor Dave Explains Challenged Kent Hovind in ...
4 mars 2020 - 3 views
4 mars 2020 15:02 – 4 mars 2020 17:01
... on Grimm's Law and PIE vs IE Sprachbund - chal...
4 mai 2017 - 3 views
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 2 views
4 mars 2020 16:55 – 4 mars 2020 18:54
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 14 views
... on Grimm's Law and PIE vs IE Sprachbund - chal...
4 mai 2017 - 1 view
Professor Dave Explains Challenged Kent Hovind in ...
4 mars 2020 - 1 view
4 mars 2020 19:24 – 4 mars 2020 21:23
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 4 views
= 4 mars 2020 19:26 – 4 mars 2020 21:25
Turkménistan 6
5 mars 2020 10:50 – 5 mars 2020 12:49
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 4 views
HolyKoolaid Tries to Back Up his Attack Against Ex...
5 mars 2020 - 3 views
Professor Dave Explains Challenged Kent Hovind in ...
4 mars 2020 - 2 views
Lies or Bad Guesses about Inerrantism being Protes...
28 août 2013, 2 commentaires - 1 view
5 mars 2020 10:51 – 5 mars 2020 12:50
Turkménistan 6 · France 3 · États-Unis 3
5 mars 2020 13:12 – 5 mars 2020 15:11
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 2 views
5 mars 2020 13:13 – 5 mars 2020 15:12
Turkménistan 3
6 mars 2020 09:50 – 6 mars 2020 11:49
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 2 views
6 mars 2020 09:51 – 6 mars 2020 11:50
Turkménistan 3
On a longer perspective:
26 févr. 2020 18:00 – 4 mars 2020 17:00
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 294 this week
294 / (168/2) = 294 * 2 / 168 = 3.5 each two hours
4 févr. 2020 – 4 mars 2020
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 956 last month
30 - 7 = 23
23 - 16 = 7
956 - 294 = 662
"662 * 2 / 168 = 7.88 each two hours" - but in fact 4 each two hours seems to have prevailed a bit longer than just last 7 days.
And, again:
6 févr. 2020 – 6 mars 2020
Time to Give Charles S a Separate Post
17 févr. 2020 - 1084 views
So, much of the time, 2, 3 or 4 people have been viewing the article with my debate with Charles S for the last two hours, and much of the time, one can reasonably suspect they were from Turkmenistan. Or even some of the times, one need necessarily conclude they were so.
Are these the same people, verifying carefully day after day, hour after hour, whether and if so when I am taking it down, which I won't? Or have these been different people, but with a carefully monitored trickle?
I don't know, but by now Turkmenistan should know I am not likely to become an Evangelical or think Early Church writing the Bible books before Constantine is an adequate explanation of how Luther actually got it 12 centuries after Constantine.
Possibly the fact I am not damning Medieval Inquisition, nor damning myself by arguing for reintroducing Inquisition now, has led to these Turkmens or residents of Turkmenistan treating my post as "high risk". Or, possibly, they are, like Charles S, Evangelicals, and don't like a downright refutation of their choice of denomination or "non-denomination".
Hans Georg Lundahl
Saint-Maur des fossés
Sts Perpetua and Felicity
Readers on above blog:
5 mars 2020 15:00 – 6 mars 2020 14:00
Turkménistan 105 · États-Unis 35 · France 2 · Royaume-Uni 1 · Corée du Sud 1 · Philippines 1
On this one:
5 mars 2020 15:00 – 6 mars 2020 14:00
États-Unis 838 · Turkménistan 50 · France 35 · Ukraine 14 · Irlande 3 · Thaïlande 3 · région indéterminée 2 · Royaume-Uni 2 · Pays-Bas 2 · Pologne 2
Spammers' Choice / Choix des spammeurs
New blog on the kid
A Non-Catholic Culture Indebted to Enlightenment (Psychiatry, a link) · À propos une statuette dans les actu ... (lien) · Of those who Dislike JPHolding · Merci, Sainte Agathe! · Fulcran Vigouroux le disait déjà - nous les créationnistes avons eu le temps de le refuter · Index XXVIII Latine - de Immaculata Conceptione anno MMXIX in Purificationem anno MMXX · Index XXVIII FR - L'immaculée Conception 2019 à Chandeleurs 2020 · La notion de l'espace chez Newman · Pages vues, pays, quel nombre d'articles sur mes blogs .... · Georges Minois et le Géocentrisme et le Monde · Remaining Questions · Index XXVIII ENG - Immaculate Conception 2019 to Candlemass 2020 · Are Jews Hacking my Account to Delete Posts? · Deux manières d'avoir moins d'immigrés · Affaire Griveaux · Sabotage de fonctionnalité · Statistica : posts / messages ; countries / pays · Preparing a Response to Claims on Italian Fascism 22 - 36 · Vysehrad s'absente · Agrypnie provoquée · Sabotages de session, Citrix, spéculation sur le mobile
Comedy gold : someone took me for a woman (or homosexual) in the comment section of this one:
Tengriism allowed, JW forbidden?
Rare gold nugget : a good writer advertising where she writes:
What Readers Should Expect from my Blogs
Here are two others by her:
Science Proven: This Lifestyle Boosts Business Creativity · The 7 Deadly Sins: 7 Mistakes You Should Not Do In Marketing · How To Make A Great First Impression As A Musician
Oh, that was a third one? I think she's worth it!
Assorted Retorts
Bible and Greek Myth (Own Answer on Quora) · Latin Linguistics on Quora
Creation vs. Evolution
I Like "Miacis Cognitus" · Babel, also to Georgia Purdom · Bill Nye and Space Rocks · Disagreed Mr. Greenblatt! · Bill Nye Incompetent in Debate · Survival, Not Leisure, Georgia? · Does Magic Work (Sometimes), and Was Gregory of Nyssa Uninterested in Factual Accounts?
Quelqu'un qui me trouve ésotérique, ou quoi?
HGL's FB Writings
Guest Post and Comment on Medieval Bible, Catholicism and Heresy
Palaeocritti back up blog
Dinogorgon · Mission failed · Good News! · Carcharodontosaurus saharicus + iguidensis · Kaprosuchus saharicus
På svenska (og på dansk) på Antimodernism
Ibland göra s. k. "nazister" godt · Ingen som läser mina bloggar? Ingen idé att drömma om bokpublication? Se hit ett slag · Kära Liselotte Nilsson! · Hjelp gerna till att samla till Stelas sista resa
somewhere else
Bill Nye on Historic Science · Starting a Video with Now Deceased Acharya Sanning · Shared : Lita's defense · In Answer to Rabbi Skobac · Do you believe the Draper-White thesis? · Could a Community Arising a Century Later Invent ... · Was the Lewis trilemma unsound in form, Beversluis? · Puddle Analogy · Ibn Khaldun, a Neglected Source of Antichristianity or Attacks on the Bible · Answering 11 QQ for Christians · Bill Nye on ... Pantheism? Hegelianism?
Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera
Un escroqueur vient de me contacter (c'est amusant en plus)
(Je cautionne contre le conseil donné ... pour aller porter plainte contre un escroqueur, vaut mieux aller chez les adresses de la police.)
Histoires de singeries · Male calculavi prius de nomine Jorge Mario Bergoglio · Were the German Voters in the Thirties Guilty of the Holocaust by Voting in Favour of it? · J'avais oublié · Il y a des cas, le Caudillo - mémoire éternelle - aurait été dur · Selon les Cardinaux Turrecremata et Newman, et selon Vatican I, peut un pape juger un passage de l'Écriture erronnée en faveur d'une découverte scientifique des derniers 2000 ans? · 25-XI-1922 - Italie totalitaire? Non ... pas encore au moins. Italie premier état totalitaire? Non, on avait la Soviétique déjà! · I am very happy the Martyrologium is functioning again! · Chère Mme Parmentier, il y a des idées erronnées dans votre article sur les chevaux.
Thursday, 5 March 2020
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