Tuesday 10 May 2022

Some People Think Vikings Were Nazis

Such people fall into two categories.

  • Nazis who think I should be a Nazi because I am of Viking nationality (I'm not of Viking profession, neither trader, nor seafarer, nor warrior, nor robber, and that is what Viking refers to)
  • Nazi hunters who think I would be a Nazi, for the same reason.

I can only say, I have much more in common with Robert Lundin on this video than with the also featured Vejdeland.

Vikings vs Neo-Nazis: Battling the Far Right in Sweden
2nd Oct. 2020 | Journeyman Pictures

As to Fascisms, I can sympathise to a degree with Per Engdahl (who died in 1992, when I was 23), but not with the support he (but not Il Duce*) gave for eugenics. But Per Engdahl and Vejdeland are two different things and while not an adherent, I have much more sympathy with the New Swedes' message of Corporatism:

Nonkonform : En bön om korporatism
1 maj, 2020 Redaktionen

Retranslating from Swedish to English:

Father, thy love hath taught us that we are members of one family, grant thou that all employers and employees, conscious of their mutual duties, may avoid bitterness and mistrust in the disputes of the work life and collaborate for the best of our people and our country.

This also means, if I don't feel I'd make this kind of standard of good relations with an employer, I do well not to be an employee ...

Meanwhile, being interested in the Viking age or older past in pre-Christian paganism is a simple not just patriotic but also history geeky reflex, and if some guys love to read of Solon and Caesar, I love to read of Theoderic (while knowing his programme failed and he executed a Catholic** by unmerited mistrust, because he was a secularist), as well as of the less likeable but equally or more impressive Sigfried and Gunther (well, they were not really living up in Sweden, they lived in Worms at the Rhine and had some background in Denmark, but even so ...)

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Job in the land of Hus

In terra Hus sancti Job Prophetae, admirandae patientiae viri.

* At least up to 1937.
** Saint Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, usually called Boethius, feast day 23 October, a man very like Saint Thomas More ...

(The guy who is not clothed in modern men's clothing here is not a homo, he's heterosexual, married, father, and teacher, and he is also not a racialist: )

See also : gm b1 lou : Préfets français, superhéros, les neuf de la communauté de l'anneau, Mio et Yum Yum, Eustace et Jill en route avec Puddleglum, qu'ont-ils en commun?

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