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Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Does Tribe of Dan Mean Tribe of Brown?
Brown as Dan Brown, obviously.
Now, I read Origin. Given a diagram in that book, I thought it pretty disposable.
But, the problem is not just Dan Brown.
The problem is not just that he will flat out lie and pretend that IRC and creation.com will say that God put the fossils there to test our faith.
The problem is not just that he will paint conservative Catholics as cursing a wayward daughter even when she's a widow with a child, obliging her to give him up for adoption, or that a monastery taking a penitent woman will push her to fast till she dies. The problem is not just that he will say this happened in the Palmarian Church, so he doesn't get sued by "run of the mill" Catholics. The problem is not just that he will say they canonised Hitler along with Franco, to my best knowledge they canonised José Antonio along with Franco, both being parts of the Crusade against the Reds in 1936 to 1939, José Antonio as a murder victim who started the uprising, because it was so obvious the murderers weren't getting punished. The problem isn't just that to verify what the Palmarians or the Institute of Creation Research or Creation Ministries International are saying, he strictly just goes to their opponents, one of them a purported Irish support group for ex-Palmarians I can't find online, and ignores going to the presentations of the concerned groups himself.
He could have avoided bloopers like "bones to test our faith" or "canonisation of Hitler" (which I believed for a while, and considered one of Hitler as a penitent after 1945, UNTIL I found material from Palmar itself, when I was on my way of becoming one).
The problem is, he seems to get on just great with modern run-of-the-mill Catholics who seem to have no problem with him painting what they consider as common opponents blacker than they are. And they also seem to be OK with Dan Brown fictionally painting a priest in Sagrada Familia as proposing to "officially" abolish Adam and Eve (in the sense that one can say run-of-the-mill CofE or CofSw have done so) as the one thing to do, and to invoke Galileo's self-promo of Heliocentrism as following from senses and reason (which it didn't and still doesn't). At least, I didn't catch any reaction from Sagrada Familia saying "actually, we do believe in Adam and Eve"*
Because, they risk being more like the tribe of Dan than like the tribe of Joseph in the Apocalypse.
I think a Catholic should take a distance from supposed Church authority which doesn't confess or even worse actually opposes a literal faith in Adam and Eve. This does not only include telling you "no, Adam and Eve never existed as you and I, they are symbols" it also includes "sure, you are free to believe in Adam and Eve if you want" and refusing to discuss a previous statement from same person as "they are symbols" ... for me, this includes, not just the Archdiocese of Paris, but even as far up as "Popes" "John Paul II", "Benedict XVI" and "Francis", and the Catechism of the Catholic Church containing § 283.
Palmar de Troya has its failings, but they haven't sunk that low. In fact, while searching, I found how Bridget Crosbie actually died in dignity thanks to being Palmarian.** The phrase "dying in dignity" is so abused, it is most often used for sth like anything but, a kind of waterboarding according to scientific analysis, consented or sham consented under pretense of despair, but dying at home and being alone with God and the angels for two months actually does seem to beat, for instance, dying in a caring home***, even if not actually suicided as in Canada.
While I think Bridet Crosbie was wrong about who the Pope was, I think some angels may be holding a roll call "Brígida Crosbie ¡presente!" in a more beautiful place than even Ireland or Austria. In case not, RIP. I mean, in St. Nicolas de Chardonnet thay say Masses even for Franco, though Palmarians have insisted that that is no longer necessary. That part is true. So, part of me being ex-Palmarian is obviously, I have been to a requiem Mass for the late Caudillo. I had a feeling of peace, like that is no longer necessary.
Meanwhile, I'd be happy to see Novus Ordo's cease to think worse of Palmar or Young Earth Creationists than necessary. I mean, there was one sexual perpetrator in Palmar, but his victims were consenting (under obedience). Perhaps a reason to not take obedience too far.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Shrove Tuesday
PS, so, no, I never found any canonisation of Hitler on their site, just to clarify./HGL
PPS, much worse, I also never found any agreement with Geocentrism on their site, I was met with a quote from their Catechism stating a belief in 8 Dimensions. Not very Patristic, if you ask me./HGL
PPPS, if Palmar seriously believe the Christmas tree is bad, that's sad. It used to be part of a play on Christmas Eve about the Genesis 3 story. Apples were hung in it. When mass was over, oblatki were hung in it (unconsecrated but blessed hosts used as a devotional and as a token of Christian friendship, like the Orthodox and Eastern Rite have blessed bread). Obviously some conifer was chosen, since leaf trees aren't green on the Northern hemisphere on December 25, usually. But if Dan Brown or Elon Musk believe in R2D2 and C3P-O, that's worse. Winston is as impossible as ET (nope, I don't mean the ampersand's etymology, that's very often possible, I mean the film by Spielberg)./HGL
* First google: sagrada familia contrary to dan brown, we believe in adam and eve
Second google: sagrada familia we believe in adam and eve
Third google: sagrada familia, creimos en adan y eva
Confesión no pictoral en Génesis 2 y 3 ... ¡AUSENTE!
** Religious cult took our sister from us, says family of Bridget Crosbie
*** Why I Regret Moving into a Nursing Home – 6 Hard Truths You Must Know! elderly wisdom
Elderly Wisdom | 2 March 2025
Any grand children who have at least a camping car, get your gramp out of there! If I could have got anything I wanted from the Kelly Family, I'd have asked them to get my mother to Paris and take her and me on a trip. They could have afforded to offer her the needed bodily treatment. But they ignored me about smaller requests ... like getting a composition to a musician (including but not limited to them) for me.
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