Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Witchcraft Uses Kabbala. Freemasonry and Fraternities Use Kabbala. No, I'm Not Surprised at Witchcraft in Fraternities (Sharing on Hazing Deaths)

Fraternities are worse than you thought
Taylor Alesia | 11 March 2025

It was going to be just a share, but as I left comments, it's the kind of post I put on Assorted Retorts. Or one of the kinds, others involving dialogue. Here are my comments, anyway:

If you want to make a Greek letter association against freemasonry, how about ET Γώ 'ώμ (ET go home = Eleuthero-Tektonismos go home = back down to Hell).

Honorary membership for exorcists who regularly do send demons back to Hell.

[George Washington was a freemason]

It can be added that though George Washington long lived as a Freemason (and as such became partly a corruptor of Lafayette, who was more in awe of the father figure than in love with his wife), he [GW] actually (like Madame Lafayette) died a Catholic. Probably because she prayed for him.

[question on greatest commandment]

7:44 To love God.

The love of the brother or neighbour is like it, but it comes next after it.

11:30 A certain Swedish pastor, in the so called Faith Movement, Trosrörelsen in Swedish, who was the pastor of Carola Häggkvist when she was big, namely Ulf Ekman, made a book listing diverse peoples who were freemasons, especially among different types of pastors. Church of Sweden was more usually Freemasonry. I found one man who my mother had known. Evangelicals are more usually "Templars." Now, I don't think it was just pastors, it may have been naming other officials too (judges, I think I recall), but I missed on doctors.

Sweden is such a Masonic country.

In France, Anti-Masonry isn't the position of the state, to say the least, but the movement is far stronger and less marginal than in Sweden.

Now, back to Ulf Ekman. He and his wife converted to the Catholic Church.

In school, at a boarding school, I was offered membership in a "secret society" (probably fraternity junior version or De Molays). I felt queezy about it, phoned my mother, she very energetically said no, she respected Franco for keeping abortions illegal in Spain, and Franco also made freemasonry illegal. So, as non-Mason, as anti-Mason, as admirer of Franco, I also ended up Catholic, converting years before Ulf Ekman.

Let's be precise. I like Scottish whisky (usually diluted, for instance in water or coffee). I love Scotland the Brave (undiluted). But that is no reason for me to want to be a Scottish rite mason any more than to be a Scottish Presbyterian. Or even Free Kirk of Scotland member, though that's less offensive. I just saw a band playing Scotland the Brave. But it was like a snake sting to see Ballater Juvenile Masons marching behind them. Horrible.

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