Saturday 25 May 2019

Bible, Abortion, Pharisees

Link to Will Maule:

What Does the Bible Actually Say About Abortion?
By Will Maule on Faithwire

First he cites Diana Hooley:

“The Bible doesn’t directly address abortion, but it does say in Matthew 23:33 to beware “vipers” like the Pharisees, the legalistic religious authorities of Jesus’ time, whom Christ saw as hypocritical,” Hooley wrote, noting that women “do not need the added burden of Pharisees legislating their behavior and threatening punishment if they don’t act in ways they deem morally responsible.”

Then he adresses her main point, saying that as per Psalm 139 "you knit me together in my mother’s womb" and as per Luke 1 "When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb," the not yet born are human. He also cites Isaiah, twice. Read him, it's well worth it.

She had another point about Pharisees.

Like many modernist Protestants, she considers the fault of Pharisees to have been legalism. On that view, they were (unlike Jews today) disciples of Shammai, Our Lord was (like Jews today) in the line with Hillel.

But when we see what Our Lord said about divorce, He seems rather Shammai on that point. Perhaps the Pharisees were rather Hillel, as Jews are today? If so, part of their ways with Our Lord would have been to "prove to him" that Shammai observance was impossible, and that therefore He should join their Hillelism.

And if so, the burdens - Luke 11:46 - would be referring to that type of paedagogics. Or to Hillelism also being a burden - to those less fortunate.

Haydock comment has no comment on verse 46, but it has one on verse 52:

Ver. 52. You have taken away the key of knowledge. A comparison of a master that locks others out. As if Christ said: you pretend, as masters and teachers, to open and expound the law and the prophets; and by your false doctrine and interpretations, you neither observe the law, nor permit others to observe it. See Matt. xxiii. 13. Wi.

The key of knowledge is faith; for by faith we come to the knowledge of truth, according to that of Isaiah, How shall they understand, if they have not believed? Cap. vii, (according to Septuagint) these doctors of the law took away the key of science, by not allowing the people to believe in Christ. S. Cyril ex D. Thoma.

Wi. = bishop Witham. He did not consider Pharisees too exacting about fulfilling the law, but "by your false doctrine and interpretations, you neither observe the law, nor permit others to observe it".

S. Cyril ex D. Thoma = Saint Cyril ex Divo Thoma = Saint Cyril of Jerusalem or Saint Cyril of Carthage from the Catena Aurea or Golden Chain by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

In other words, St. Cyril also considered them, not as legalists, but as unbelievers. As they were not straightout atheists or polytheists, he obviously means heretics.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Audoux
Deposition of Pope
St Gregory VII in Salerno

Salerni depositio beati Gregorii Septimi, Papae et Confessoris, ecclesiasticae libertatis propugnatoris ac defensoris acerrimi.

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