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Saturday, 10 April 2021
Some People Seem to Think of Me as a Communist or an Anarchist
I self-identify as Fascist of the Catholic type.
Now, this means, I am bugged when things get stamped as "Communist" without actually being so.
TFP who self-identify as Catholic but not Fascist, have more than once now done that with Panera.
This is How Panera Found Out That Socialism Does Not Work
By Edwin Benson
Now, I have already adressed this. Here:
New blog on the kid : Are Some Conservatives Trying to Tell me "Socialism Doesn't Work"?
With a slant on how such conservatives might consider my offer (still standing) on republishing my work for voluntary royalties as equally "socialist" ... and here:
New blog on the kid : I came across Edwin Benson's lampooning of Panera Cares again
With a slant on how “[f]rom each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” while not being the goal of administration to impose on everyone in every respect is certainly in itself not un-Catholic. At least not if each part is taken separately for different (non-universal and therefore non-totalitarian) contexts.
Citing Popes for the goodness of both “[f]rom each according to his ability,” in some contexts and “to each according to his need,” in other ones.
Now, Benson says, we know the initiative of Panera Cares was wrong, because it didn't actually manage to stay sustainable. Guess what? Christ's promotion of voluntary poverty won't either.
Christ sent out disciples twice over, once with no preparations, only relying on God's providence, receiving ones needs, and the second time with wallets and extra clothes ... Patristic or Thomasic comments (but I think it was Catena Aurea, so Patristic) state, Apostolic poverty will not remain possible for all of the time up to Doomsday.
Obviously, it will in some way be ruined ... a bit like the students who agreed between them to eat at Panera's and pay nothing or paying guests to shun the establishment when loafers ate there or loafers crowding made Panera's initiative go out of business. This doesn't prove Panera wrong in the first initiative any more than end times persecutions and safety measures prove Christ wrong - mutatis mutandis, of course. One can defend someone (including self, and including other) with reference to attack logically being one on Christ too, and still not pretend the one defended (including self, and including other) is actually Christ. It's about those attacking Christ also attacking those who are His. And if Panera owner so far isn't Christian, neither was St. Eustace when he had pleased Christ, as He told him from between the horns of a stag.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Easter Saturday or
Seventh day of Easter
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